• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 850 Views, 28 Comments

Phone Guy UnderFNadventureF in Equestria - mikele_11

A man named Dan repleaced to Equestria as Phone Guy. He has powers to summon animatronics, which obey him. With the strength and knack for getting into trouble survive various adventures.

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Pizza, party and crash... contrariwise.

Nearby Sweet apple acres 1:30 pm

"Halooo! Haloooo! I'm calling 13 hours! Someone know Undertale?" I cried. Everywhere it was dark and cold. "Nobody? Nobody cares about an old man who has a broken leg and is chilled?" I asked, but nothing happened. "Okay! I can handle it myself!" I shouted. Then head dialed animatronic. Next to me there was Mangle and looked at me. "Set my legs. But do it ..."


"... Carefully." I said shrilly. Mangle canceled and I used my power to heal legs. When I was sure that I am well, I got up and went home.

Phone guy home, 2:00 pm

"I hate Everfree forest, but at least I am ... Who the fuck are you ?!" I asked looking at something that looks like a pony, but it's like an insect ... bugpony. It immediately popped into me. "Nice try. But I'm immune to such tricks." I said proudly, then added. "Barry and Tom." And then I fell asleep. But before that happened, I summoned Nightmare.

Everfree forest ... ??: ?? ??

"I don’t Sophie. I like Mrs. booby boobs. I know this is fetish, but I can’t help."

* BOOM *

"What the ..." I had to ask, but I saw that I was in a cocoon. "Jokes?" I asked nobody. Suddenly, I noticed that the cocoon in front of me is a Nightmare, but not FNaF, only FNaF world. "Stupid cocoon and stupid, speed dial." I told angry. Then I used my powers and left the cocoon. I brushed myself down and canceled Nightmare. "What is this place?" I asked myself. Then I heard the buzz on each side. “You don’t get my number alive!" I cried, and then I used the power to recall, something big. Specifically, pirate cove. I hide inside and waited. Nothing happened. I decided to leave, but I regretted. My head was pierced through. "It gets unbearable." I said. I canceled pirate cove, and then I summoned the sword with a blade made of magic that I use. "Come on. Who wants to fight?" I asked. Suddenly all bugpony jumped on me. I took a swing, causing a circular blast, which pushed the enemy. "I like this sword." I said. Then I quickly dialed in my head and I summoned Phantom Freddy. "Get me out of here." I commanded. He put his hand on my shoulder and teleported.

"Better?" Asked phantom Freddy.

"Yes thanks." I said, and then he recalled. "Okay. Time for a little fun." I said. I decided to go to the sweet apple acres to see Applejack.

"Why are you doing this?" Asked Fredbear. I looked at him.

"The fact that you appear when you want it doesn’t mean that I want to listen you." I said. "And to answer, I will say that I need some power mane 6. With the crystals, which I took Celestia, I have the power of ponies. In this way, I will gather the energies mane 6. As a result, I will be able to use elements of harmony. The last thing is to destroy this who stand in my way. " I said, pleased with himself. Fredbear rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. I'm out." He said, and then disappeared. I just continued my way. After an hour's march, I was on the spot. I started sneaking, hiding behind trees. At one point, I heard footsteps. I jumped quickly behind a tree, which was small and thin. But I managed to hide, like cartoons. Literally. When the Red Stallion went, I came out from behind a tree and slowly walked forward. But I saw the little mare with ribbon and no stamp. I did the best I could. Cardboard with my likeness fell to the ground and I wasn’t there.

"These skipping, a cool thing." I said to myself. Suddenly I saw this, I was looking for. As it was there?
Apple ...
jack ...
Applejack. Exactly. Applejack. I went closer and rubbed my hands. "Chekaboo" I said with a French accent.

"Gha" She jumped, and I have created around her bullets.

"You have something I need. Now it'll take!" I said. then I fired, but she avoided them. "What's up?" I told angry.

"Leave alone ma'h monster!" She screamed, kicking me below the belt. I was laughed.

"I was prepared for it." I said, revealing protector kernel. But only now I noticed that she escapes. "Where are you running away?" I asked to form around her door from FNaF 1. I stepped into the circle and slowly decreasing its surface. When I was close to Applejack, I touched her head and began to absorb her power. When thought is enough, I left her alone and ran away. "2: 0 for Phone guy." I said cheerfully. "I 2/6". I added. "You're right Tractron. A long time that I didn’t use." I answered, and then I took the phone from my head and did the same thing in first chapter. I flew up, leaving a rainbow trail. "Now nothing can stop me!" I cried, but I ran into a cloud, stretching it and it made me bounced up in a tree, which in turn bent and fired me like a shot in the direction of my house. "Suckers!" I shouted in the direction of Ponyville. But after a while I drove into the wall cuisine is. "We had to buy insurance." I said to myself.

"No comment." Said Fredbear walking next to me.

"Nevermind." I said, leaving the hole. Then I went to the refrigerator and took out a muffin. "Yumy." I commented, but suddenly rock fell and crushed muffin. I screamed in despair. "Why, why?" I cried.

"You don’t exaggerate?" Asked Fredbear. I looked at him with reflectors.

"It was my favorite muffin!" I screamed, then dropped leftovers and wiped my hands. "Maybe a little carried away." I added. Fredbear rolled his eyes and vanished. "Ha. Ha. I am incredibly lonely." I said cheerfully. Suddenly I got a great idea. I took a fishing rod, balloons and little stones. I'm going to get the element of laughter on the same day as the element of honesty. I took my things and left. My intentions are simple. With the power of vector elements, I can defeat Discord. Finally, I'll be the strongest. In the meantime, when I told you about my plan, I decided to humming the song. But then I took a kazoo, and I played it all the way. After an hour's march, I stood in front of the building looks like a gingerbread house. I went through the upper window and saw the pink mare. "Look me in the phone." I said with the voice of Darth Vader. Pinkie Pie woke up and looked at me.

"Oh hey!" She said happily, waving the hoof last to. I only have recalled something that I made up on the spot. Nightmare-spider. But before that happened, I caused the ladder with cobwebs, and in the floor created a hole. Music start playing. The mare caught the cobwebs and came out of the hole Nightmare-spider and began to absorb the ladder. Pinkie climbed faster than I thought. I added a few obstacles, and when I was sure that Pinkie had enough, I fixed everything, I ran to her and downloaded her power. Yes. Downloaded. Pinkie fainted, and I jumped out the window and ran to home.

"3: 0 for Phone guy." I said happy. I am very close and nothing will stop me.


My head was punctured through. I turned and saw Twilight and Applejack. – I forgot about them.- thought.

"Don’t move!" Ordered Twilight. I'm just laughed. "What are you laughed?" She asked indignantly.

"I'm sorry, but you're the last on my list." I said cheerfully, leading mares in error. "If I'm going to be invincible, I have to have a measure of certainty. As a result, I will be sure that they will use." I told them. They were uncertain and frightened. "I'm sorry, but I have to disappear." I added. Suddenly behind me appeared screen. I chose MERCY, then flee. When I did it, I was back at home. "Howdy. It‘s good to remember Undertale. It was my favorite game." I said to myself. Then I picked up a few boards. "Time to do the front door." I said walking toward the entrance to the cave.

* Ringing phone *

I woke up when the alarm clock in my head started ringing. I shut it and stood up. "Today will be a good day." I thought aloud, but suddenly struck by lightning. "Spent at home." I added. I decided to come up with a way to combat Rarity. After an hour I had a whole plan to fight. I will fight as Mettaton EX. I know that Rarity is a fashion designer, and Mettaton EX had music under the title 'Death By Glamour'. It must match. Bonatroulse chose to Fluttershy, and Twilight, megalovania. In addition, I will use the powers to do it more fun. When I looked out the window (which I made) I've seen, it isn’t raining. I got up and went for a walk. "Tum tum di di du. I'm the guy Phone. Tum Tum di di dum du. I have a great power. This Tum tum tum can. I'm not afraid of my head." I am humming. At one point, I heard murmurs from behind the bushes. I looked between the bushes and saw the eye of a core from Portal 2. I put them into my gear and went on. "I hope anything don’t attack me." I said to myself. I looked up and watched the clouds. "Nice day to da ..." I stopped because I fell. I got up, brushed myself down and looked around. Suddenly I saw the caves from which comes out the light. I went inside and saw a tree made of crystal. I felt a tingling in the spine, but not by a tree. I sensed the magic of Discord. I used power and I summoned it to me. It turned out that it was some seeds and there were a lot of them. I decided to burn it and I did. Then I looked at the tree and saw that the tree has a place on the jewels. Elements of harmony. So this tree is tree of harmony. "goody , goody. That will help me a lot in the future. I took a sample of the tree and went home." I don’t know much about the tree, but with this piece I will be more ready for the 'obstacles'. "I said ominously.


I was struck by lightning. I'm going to be instantly at home.

\ /

? "> # @! $) #_ (% _! _ #" ": $ & (@} [5] '.?,. 295 & $ #) _- = + | \ /';}. 1 ~. I always have to hit the worst. I'm in my house, and more specifically in the wall. I called Marionette from FNaF world and told her to use a specific attack. ESC key. And everythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii#%!$^!^$^($&)!*^)^*!)*^)!$^)!*^!*^^)*^$))!$#)#*!)*)$*^$)!)$*!$)^_______________
_ _ _
_ _ _
_ _ _
# # #
# # #
* * *
. . .
Everything was back to normal. But I don’t like when the whole world is interrupted. Marionette wasn’t here. Looks like Equestria has been reset. Useful, but dangerous. This is the final destruction weapons, which I don’t use. "Upon reflection, I know what I'll do." I took some sticks and made ...

- Time is up. -

Wait. What? You can’t. The chapters don’t have a limit.

- I have no idea how to end it. -

I'll skip to the next chapter.

- But it's for the week. You can’t do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa% ^ $ ^! %% & $% @ ^% & -_-

{The whole world was destruct.}


" I deceived you. Right?" I asked. Rabbits simply fled. "I don’t like such things." I added. I'm not going to give up and I get the power remaining mares from a mane 6.

Author's Note:

Think like { WUT?! }.