• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 569 Views, 7 Comments

Wayward Wanderers - Maverick Huntress

Having overpowered her sister, Nightmare Moon is now ruler of Equestria. However, a creature not of this world and a mare whose power rivals her own threaten to disrupt her rule and way of life, although far more is now at stake.

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Chapter One: The Haze of War - Princess Nightmare Moon's Perspective

As I gaze upon the windows and banners that bear symbols of my rule, I could not help but let a minute smirk of amusement adorn my muzzle. My rise to power had come at a great cost but one I was willing to pay, the rewards far greater than I could have imagined. I had spent a millennium planning my revenge, using every scrap of knowledge I could recall to devise a plan and bring it to fruition, thinking of every possible scenario and how to counter it for a millennium.

Oh, what a delectable sight it was to see her realize that without the Elements, there was no way she could beat me. She had grown soft during my imprisonment while I had become stronger then ever, powerful enough to use the stars themselves to aid in my escape. The battle had been over before it even begun, cumulating in me taking my rightful place as Equestria's sole ruler while she watches helplessly from above. None of her subjects had even been able to oppose me, barring those of the former Royal Guard though I swiftly took out those who attempted to avenge their fallen ruler.

“My deepest apologies, Princess," I hear a gruff voice interrupt my rumination, bringing me back to the present. "but I have just received word that something strange was spotted within the Everfree Forest. Corporal Snapshot said it was light-blue and spherical in shape, expanding rapidly before vanishing. Immediately afterwards, she heard a something akin to a cannon being fired. A scout has already been sent to investigate and the castle guards alerted as per protocol.”

I let out a disgruntled whinny at the news as it most likely yet another pathetic attempt to oppose my rule, several tries having been made in the past months. "I applaud your swiftness, Captain Spellsword. I want any and all news regarding this occurrence reported to me immediately. For it to happen so close means it is unlikely to be something trivial."

I glance up at the Moon, my former prison and now hers, smirking as I see that the telltale sign of my dear sister still entombed within it present. If the strange blue orb had been an attempt to free her, it had quite obviously failed. However, something seemed off now that I looked closer. The Moon seemed to be wavering, warping as if something was influencing its form. Standing up, I prepare to cast a spell to see what was influencing my symbol of power when a flicker of light dances in front of it. My alarm begins to grow as more appear, a sporadic swam appearing within moments which causes me to grit my teeth while my horn charges up. "No, it cannot be. You shall not-"

“We need to tame that fire before it spreads!” The bellowing voice of Spellsword rings out in vast halls of the court, causing my attention to switch to the thestral as the others in the hall are spurred into action; the hall growing dark as I glance up to see a massive plume of smoke obscure the sky. “Dash, I’m putting you in charge! Lead Thunderlane, Storm Fly, and Whirl Wind out to the Everfree and get things under control!”

I dissipate the energy that I had been building up in case she had actually managed to somehow escape, straightening my form and regaining my normal calm. Though the fire was indeed a danger, it was hardly one compared to the threat that had fortunately not occurred. Facing my underlings, I address those who had not yet departed. “Once the flames have been tamed, seek out those who made them. The Everfree is part of my domain and I will not have it razed to the ground by foals who dare defy me. Honor Guards, to my side. I wish to make an example.”

As I step down from my throne, royal regalia vanishing in an instant, enchanted steel taking its place as my guards do the same, the starry skies continue to darken; the intensity of the far fire apparently far greater than I had initially thought it to be as it ravaged the Everfree, no doubt incinerating acres of it to ash. The punishment for this would beyond something so meager as imprisonment.

“T-this is Sergeant Glave reporting a potential hostage situation! T-two dragon-like creatures with an injured pony, mare, purple, unicorn, possible head injury as well! Requesting backup! Requesti-” A masculine voice calls out before a grunt interrupts, mixing with the sound of something striking metal and flesh. I halt my movements as does everypony else present, the hall going instantly quiet as we listen. Labored breathing fills our ears, weak but present. “S-severely injured, t-two intruders, one hostage… O-outside the main entrance… Plea-”

A sickening crunching sound echoes through the halls as Sergeant Glave's talisman continues to transmit, though all that follows afterwards is a series of loud steps, growing fainter yet stronger as I focused on their location. It did not puzzle me as to why.

"Prepare for battle."

Those three words is all it took for my forces to organize themselves as the rumbling of our unseen foe grows louder with each passing moment, communication between myself and my guards done purely via wingsignals now. Those who I have deemed worthy of being my personal guards receive several spells casted upon them by my own horn, the Warlocks absent for the time being and unable to do the task themselves. As I cast, the hall itself is reinforced by layers upon layers of spellwork, woven by the most talented magic users in the kingdom; the various doors and windows throughout the vast room bestowed with the same treatment as to prevent unwanted entry from them. The main entrance is now exception, the most fortified of all despite the fact they were carved out of a hoof-thick of oak. They were remarkably durable on their own, but, alas, wood was still wood. Rarity had assured me that it completed the look, though I shall have them changed immediately after things are taken care of.

Protected for the time being, I use the opportunity to gain a glimpse of those who had not only dared to set my forest on fire but extinguish the life of one of my guards; the world around me turning largely transparent as I tap into the arcane network that all living things are bound to regardless if they can cast magic or not. My surroundings becomes nothing more than shades of blue, my Honor Guards and the hall being the prominent color as they posses the most arcane energy aside from myself; their forms vaguely equine as magic seeps from their bodies like an ineffective sponge trying to withhold more water than it actually can. Their armor is brighter but only to a minor degree, boasting several additional spells in conjunction with those I had casted myself.

Further out are the Thestrals of lower ranking but are nonetheless among the best in the entire Royal Guard, their own armor enchanted for increased effectiveness in combat and enhanced endurance. Beyond them, are four figures, the furthest two varying distances from those closest to the castle.

The smallest and most distance was small, their glow nothing notable though is wasn't equine in form; apparently one of the dragons Sergeant Glave reported pre-mortem. The second-furthest was between the former and the other two, presumably the fallen guard himself as the armor signature matched those of the other thestrals but the body it was intended to protect was dark now, nearly devoid of magic at this point.

I felt something raw building up within me. I could tell that my normal calm had been compromised. I was now something beyond furious as I set my sights upon the forms of the remaining two outside the castle's walls.

Both were bright shades of blue, almost pale even, signaling that they possessed reserves of magic far greater than even the confines of the castle in its current state. Their forms were even more alarming, one of them indeed being the second aforementioned dragon while the other was distinctly smaller, equine if shape of their arcane signature was truly accurate. The only individuals to ever have to posses so much energy at their disposal was the Lord of Dragons and her, though I had the latter banished to the Moon and the former I had not seen for over a millennium. Since Sergeant Glave had mentioned a unicorn hostage, it is safe to assume that it was not her but instead some mare who had somehow acquired such power without my knowing.

Turning my attention back to the larger of the two, it was clear that it was something I had not yet encountered before. No dragon, neigh, no creature I know of, has an arcane network so precise, so finely-woven and controlled that it creates such a distinct shape. However, I did notice that it was experiencing bleed-off; the excess magic being dispelled creating a rather startling image in the process.

Its eyes were represented by pale balls of light, its jaw and teeth outlined in the same way, revealing large, pointed teeth undoubtedly used for the consumption of flesh. I could make out a set of large horns as well, the ridges signaling growth allowing me to do so. Notably, the right horn had been broken off from what I could tell; perhaps a potential reason for its rampage as the loss of a horn was one of the worst and most shameful occurrences to happen in many cultures and species. Its forearms were also notably outlined, thick and large like a tree trunk though I could not make out the appendages attached to them. Given its draconic appearance, however, I do not think claws equal to its size would be an inaccurate assumption.

Its chest is more vague in its shape, as is the rest of its lower body. A swaying, elongated mass of light blue signals a tail behind the creature, supporting the notion it might very well be a dragon or something similar to it. However, I was confident that it was something else entirely different altogether. Something far more powerful than any of my guards, honor or not, could handle without heavy casualties.

“Captain Spellsword…” I begin in a calm and even tone as the spell dissipates, my silent rage intensifying with each passing moment. “Evacuate the premise immediately and tell all Lunar Guards to fall back to Ponyville or aid in containing the fire if possible. The foe beyond those doors is not one you or anypony else would be able to last against. I can tolerate attempts on my own life because I know none will succeed, though I will not lose another to the likes of this creature. However, should I call for aid, I expect it to receive it swiftly."

“Understood, your highness. I wish you luck.” Captain Spellsword salutes me as do the rest of the guards, those personally serving me being the last and most hesitant to depart. I send them off with a brief nod, which they promptly return before evacuating the hall and follow those who left before them.

Standing at the base of my throne, I begin to cast a number of spells on myself, enhancing my already-considerable abilities in addition to making my body and armor more durable as well. As a last precaution, I summon Eclipse to my side; the dual-sided warhammer a new addition to my arsenal that I have yet to test in combat. I chuckled in amusement as give the large weapon an experimental twirl in my magical grasp, a metallic thud echoing through the hall as one of the spike-adorned heads comes to rest atop the stone floor. Focusing on the main entrance, I ready several combat spells; not my most powerful ones but nonetheless strong enough to take down most with no more than a few hits.

The time had come to assert my dominance once more and I will not hesitate to show my foes what happens they dare to challenge me.

Author's Note:

A raging inferno ravages the Everfree as a ferocious creature emerges from it, death and destruction following in its wake as a self-imposed ruler prepares to fight for the kingdom she stole.

The tides of fate grow violent, the water now murky with uncertainty as two forces prepare to collide with one another.