• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 803 Views, 7 Comments

All in a Day's Job - RiverBankNut

As Derpy was delivering mail, she came across the grandfather of a very special pony

  • ...

A New Friend Met, An Old Friend Missing

All in a Day's Job - Chapter 1
By PGbrony

It was a warm summer morning when Derpy exited her front doorstep ready to start her day.

'Start with the A's and then the L's and then... oh wait...' trying to plan out her schedule, she flew up into the sky, holding a half-eaten blueberry muffin in her mouth.

'Huh, first time this person gets a letter, too bad the reciver name is wiped-out' she thought to herself as she flew towards the reciver adress. She arrived at a large and mysterious looking house, one that she had never been close to.

'First i open the little door, then put the little flag down! right?' having a hard time trying to remember how to do her everyday job, she decided to tell the resident he has mail in person, talking never hurts.

"Excuse me? you have mail sir!" she yelled, expecting an oh thanks or maybe a small tip, but nopony responded. 'Maybe he didn't hear me' she figured it was best to go in, it is her job to make sure that everypony gets their mail after-all.

knock-knock-knock "Anypony home?" she asked. After about ten seconds of silence she noticed the door wasn't locked at all. Still trying to complete her job, she went inside. The house was dark, the curtains and windows were closed shut, and the only sound that the place emitted was the door cracking. 'Spooky' she thought, looking for a window or a light switch to get better lighting. "Hello? I've got mail! anypony here?" she yelled, trying to find her way around the darker area.

"I'm upstai-" a loud cough was heard, and Derpy flew towards it.

"In here!" yelled the unknown voice agian as Derpy searched for the right room. She enterd the only light source she found, and gasped at what she saw, a sick old-looking blue unicorn, with an electric guitar for a cutie mark and a mane of yellow shades, sitting up on the bed that was in the room

"Oh Celestia, are you ok old-man?" she asked the old unicorn, "and what happend to your voice?".

"I'm slightly ill my dear, but I'm fine. Now I wonder who would send me a lett-" he was interrupted by his own cough. The blonde pegasus took out his letter and read the name of the sender out loud. "Who the hay is Ms. Terrious?" he questioned.

"I dunno, maybe an anon sender" she replied.

"An ano-say what now?" he asked still perplexed by the unknown sender.

"You know, an anon sender, like when you want to share your thoughts somewhere but don't want other ponies to know that it's you who shared them, works the same way for letters" she explained, proud of her memory not failing her. The letter glew with a baby-blue aura and the old unicorn levitated it by him as he exited the room. Derpy followed him down to the living room. The blue unicorn turned on the lights and sat the curtains apart, making the place more welcoming.

The blue unicorn came close to the couch and sat down. The couch squeaked when Derpy sat down, nearly failing to hold both of them. As the unicorn read the letter, she looked around the room, given the fact that she was able to see it now. 'A lamp, a picture of the beach, a closet, a turntable, a vase, a... wait' a confused expression came up on her face. "Why do you have a turntable old-man?" gasp, "are you a DJ?" she asked wide-(and cross)-eyed.

"Oh no my dear, that's my granddaughter's, you must've heard of her, Vinyl Scratch" he replied.

"Omigosh, your Vinyl's grandfather? That's so cool!" she stated, still wide-eyed.

"Speaking of which, i think she's the pony who sent this letter to me, kind of-" he coughed agian, "reminds me of her horn-writing".

"But wait, why would she send you a letter if she can come talk to you? She lives right next to Twilight's doesn't she? And why under a mysterious name?" questioned Derpy agian.

"I don't know, but maybe she knew i would recognize her and, like you said, didn't want anypony else to know it's her letter" he answerd, "it says: 'I can't stay in Ponyville anymore, I'm going away to live elsewhere, in a place where my wubs are appreciated. Follow me as you will, I"ll even give you a clue, but be careful, I'm not going to make it easy on you'; I'm still trying to make sense of this" claimed the old unicorn.

"What are wubs?" questioned Derpy a third time.

"Something that you do on a turntable from my understanding, but i have a better question, why would she run away? i thought she was a well-known and loved DJ" he said.

"Oh yeah, everypony loves her music" answerd Derpy.

"Well then why would she run away?" he asked.

"I dunno" said Derpy and shrugged, "hey, what's this?" she asked and pulled out another sheet of paper from inside the envelope. She opened up the paper and the old unicorn came closer to get a better view.

"Looks like some sort-of map to me" said the old unicorn. On the paper was a drawing of the south-west end of Equestria, complete with Ponyville, the Everfree forest, and the vast fields that inhabit it. Though it wasn't just any old map, it had a weird tag on it that was suddenly... moving?

"Vie-nel-scraa-tch, Vinyl Scratch?" read Derpy out-loud, gasp "does this map know where Vinyl is every moment? that's amazing!" said Derpy awe-struck. "But wait, why is she next to 'Hydra's Lair'?" she asked.

"Hydra's Lair!? Oh no! What is she doing there?" shouted the old unicon in panic.

"I don't know!" panicked Derpy as-well.

"We have to get her out of there! Come on!" the blue unicorn colt got up. He started trotting and ordered Derpy to follow.

"But...I still have mail to deliver..." said Derpy, attempting to be loyal to her job, but to no avail; by the time she finished talking, he was already rushing outside. Derpy knew that somepony had to get Vinyl out of there, so she left her saddle-mailbags behind and flew to him. She slammed the door in a hurry to catch up.

"Hey wait for me!" yelled Derpy trying to reach him by flying.

"No time, my dear! we have to get to her!" he shouted back.

"But I don't even know your name!" she exclaimed.

"Call me Izzy!".