• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,293 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Changing a bully, and a surprise twist

"Diamond Tiara! Why are you making that face? That is not the face of a winner."

The Crusaders were appalled by the pony that was berating Diamond Tiara. She was an earth pony with a gray pinkish coat, a magenta mane, and a stuck up nose that really suited her personality. From behind a building, the Crusaders and Indominus could hear everything that the stuck up pony was saying.

"I trust that you taught those monsters a lesson."

"No I didn't Mother," Diamond Tiara said in a weak tone. "They got the better of me again."

"What? You mean after all the trouble your father and I went through to get those creatures caught, they get to roam about untouched?"

"Sorry Mother."

Mother? That pony was Diamond Tiara's mother!?

"Well I kind of see where she gets it from," Scootaloo whispered.

"It's bad enough you got beaten by a bunch of abominations, but imagine if one of those blank flanks had managed to get the better of you. You are a diamond, that means you never break against anything, you are part of the higher social standing in Equestria. To be bested by a bunch of freakish low-lives is insulting. Start developing a tougher way of life Diamond Tiara, and don't make me catch you in this pathetic state, EVER AGAIN!"

As Spoiled Rich walked away, the Crusaders were shocked that Diamond Tiara looked so sad and defeated. It was so bizarre to see the bully that had harassed them for years, so utterly defeated and destroyed. The Crusaders couldn't help but see Diamond Tiara in a completely different light. There was no way that this was the same pony that had insulted them for years. To see her so torn up and sad was something none of the Crusaders had ever expected.

"Is it weird that I feel bad for her?"

"If it is then, I'm weird too."

"She wants to change, but she doesn't know how."

"Seems like she could use a friend or two to help her figure it out."

Applebloom looked back at Indominus before she spoke next. The hybrid seemed to be dealing with a great inner conflict. Seeing Diamond Tiara filled with sorrow and grief had caused a rift in the dinosaur's feelings and judgement.

"Indominus, would it be alright with you if Diamond Tiara joined us tomorrow after school?" He looked unsure about having the pony that had attacked Scootaloo tag along. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle could see it in his eyes.

"Look, I understand you have mixed feelings about this, considering what she did to Scootaloo, but this could help her."

"If we show her a better way, then it might change her for the better and put an end to her bullying once and for all."

Indominus still looked unsure, until Scootaloo spoke to him.

"Indominus, I know you don't like Diamond Tiara, but could you go along with it, for me?"

The hybrid struggled to ignore the puppy dog eyes that Scootaloo was giving him. It was one thing for Scootaloo to ask him to put up with Diamond Tiara for an afternoon, but using sappy, cute eyes to get him to agree was almost too much. Indominus begrudgingly agreed so that Scootaloo would let up on the eyes.

"Alright, it's settled then. Starting tomorrow, we are going to change Diamond Tiara and show her the better side of life," said Scootaloo.

The Crusaders agreed and did their classic hoof bump before making their way back towards school.

The next day, the Crusaders put their plan into action as school ended. The dinosaurs had just arrived and Tyrannosaurus and Blue were appalled to see the Crusaders talking with Diamond Tiara. Scootaloo noticed the angry expressions that the dinosaurs were giving Diamond Tiara, so she tried to ease the tension.

"It's ok T-Rex, she's hanging out with us at our clubhouse today."

"Uh, do they have to tag along every time you go someplace?" T-Rex growled at Diamond Tiara's snide remark.

"Yes they do, because they are part of my family, and they agreed to help us in getting our cutie marks."

"Oh, fine. As long as they don't try to attack me again."

"They just need some time to get used to you, that's all."

So the group made their way towards the clubhouse, with T-Rex eyeing Diamond Tiara angrily. Indominus tried calming him and Blue with the knowledge he had gained from yesterday. Tyrannosaurus wasn't too keen on having a bully in their group, but part of him wanted to see if Diamond Tiara really could change. The dinosaurs waited outside as the Crusaders guided their enemy into the clubhouse. Once they were inside, the dinosaurs could hear plenty of talking going on.

"So, do you three just sit around here plotting out different ways to get your cutie marks?"

"Actually, yeah," said Applebloom.

"You three are, really lucky."

"WE ARE!?"

"Yeah, you get to go out on all these adventures, figuring out who you are and getting to discover what your talent truly is. On top of that, all of you have families that actually care about you, especially you Scootaloo."

"Yeah, even if they can be overprotective at times, they're still looking out for me. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus just love me more than I thought, not like that uncaring mother of yours." Scootaloo put her hoof to her mouth, immediately regretting what she had said.

"You three were spying on me yesterday?"

"Only because we were worried about you," said Sweetie Belle. "We saw how your mother was acting and we just want to know, has she always been like that?"

Diamond Tiara took a deep breath and began confessing to the Crusaders.

"My mother is part of a very high social standing in Equestria. She believes that everypony in her family should think of themselves as the best and all others as low life scoundrels. For years, she's been drilling into my head that I had to have control and believe myself to be better than everypony. I thought that was the only way to move ahead in life, I never thought there would be a different way."

"Is that why you've been picking on so many ponies over the years," Applebloom asked. Diamond Tiara wiped away a stray tear before she continued.

"She told me that my talent was getting other ponies to obey my commands and get them to do what I want. I never got the chance to be anything else. Besides, what does it matter to you three anyway."

"We're trying to show you that better way you've been denied for so many years."

"Just how do you plan on doing that? Get me to go on your silly adventures with you?"

"For starters, you could apologize to the pony you probably hurt the most," said Sweetie Belle.

"Just who would that be? I've hurt so many ponies over the years, how could any of them forgive me?"

"Ah think Sweetie Belle is referring to the one pony that's been with you throughout everything: Silver Spoon."

"She won't forgive me, she said that I was weak and no friend of hers."

"I think she only said that because of how you were acting and disregarding what she had to say. If you gave her a heartfelt apology, I'm sure she'd forgive you."

"How will that help make me a better pony?"

"It'll show you that by being kind and sincere to others, you can gain their respect without having to bully them for it." Diamond Tiara still looked doubtful, she wasn't sure if Silver Spoon would forgive her.

"I don't know, after everything I did I'm not sure she will want to forgive me."

"Would ya rather just mope about it all day or give a shot and see how it goes? Trust us Diamond Tiara, this will be good for you. It'll put you on the path to be the pony you wanna be."

The pink filly took a deep breath and reluctantly agreed to the Crusaders' plan. They made their way out of the clubhouse and headed back to the school grounds where the plan would be put in motion. The plan was simple: Diamond Tiara would give her utmost best apology to Silver Spoon, for everything she had done. In order for it to work, Diamond Tiara would have to muster up the courage to talk with her friend again.

The dinosaurs were surprised by how calm Diamond Tiara was all the way to the school house. She wasn't harassing them or belittling them, she was just talking with the Crusaders like they were close with her. Maybe their little plan was going to change her for the better. When they arrived at the school however, things had taken a bad turn.

All the fillies were gathered by the entrance, along with the very same investigators that Diamond Tiara's parents had assigned to capture the dinosaurs. When they saw the dinosaurs. the investigators pulled out capturing equipment and were ready to strike. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus took on defensive stances in front of the Crusaders.

"You called those investigators again!?" Scootaloo was shocked, she didn't think Diamond Tiara would try to bring down her saviors again.

"No, I didn't call them." Applebloom was about to ask who, when the answer came in that same demanding voice the Crusaders had hears yesterday.

"Diamond Tiara!" Spoiled Rich was walking out of the building with her husband and Miss Cheerliee right behind. "I just happened to be here discussing the safety of this school and this is what I see? My daughter associating with the very monsters and lowlifes that have caused so much trouble?"

All of the dinosaurs growled viciously at the stuck up pony, yet Spoiled Rich didn't even seem fazed by their bared teeth.

"Oh don't even think about trying to do anything you horrid abominations. You scoundrels are going to be put away forever, then all that's left will be dealing with these heathens. Come Diamond Tiara."

At that point the investigators were moving in on the dinosaurs, when a voice stopped them.

"Don't any of you touch Scootaloo's saviors!" Everypony was stunned as Diamond Tiara stood in front of the dinosaurs. "Drop your equipment and leave them alone!"

The investigators backed away and dropped their equipment. Nopony knew what to say, except for Spoiled Rich who was moving towards Diamond Tiara with a look of disgust.

"Diamond Tiara, how dare you go against my wishes. I told those ponies to capture those beasts, those monsters are a menace to this world, they need to be locked up and left to-"

"Shut your selfish mouth you self-centered excuse of a mother!" Now even the dinosaurs' jaws had hit the floor. Diamond Tiara was not only standing up to her mother, but she was even defending the dinosaurs. Perhaps she had finally found the inner confidence to voice her opinion at last. Nopony uttered a word as the heated debate between mother and daughter raged on.

"What did you say?" The voice Spoiled Rich was giving threatened to break Diamond Tiara's confidence. But after so many years of listening to her mother, the young filly was not giving in this time.

"I told you to leave them alone. Don't ever send any investigators after them, and stop causing problems for these creatures."

"I will not stand for this, come Diamond Tiara."

"No mother."

"Excuse me?"

"I will not listen to your twisted way of thinking anymore. You have been living like a selfish high-horse, and tried to shape me in your image. I thought this was alright, until I finally got some decent sense knocked into me. I now realize that I want something you will never have in your life: FRIENDS!"

Everypony was gasping and talking amongst themselves at what they had heard. Diamond Tiara, the bully of every colt and filly for so many years, was finally turning over a new leaf.

"That's enough Diamond Tiara, step away from those blank flanks and their abominations."

"These are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and their friends are the Guardians of Equestria. They are also my friends, they helped me see the brighter side of life, one that you have been denying me for years. I owe it them for helping me change my outlook on life and turning over a new leaf. Now I will not say this again, leave. them. ALONE!!"

For the first time, Spoiled Rich did not have a comeback. With as much dignity as she could muster, the stuck up pony left the schoolhouse and went back to her mansion. Diamond Tiara walked over to her father, who had a look that said "I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself."

"Father, could you do me one little favor?"

"After how you finally told your mother, anything daughter."

"Thank you, I would like statues of these dinosaurs to be put up along the entrance to the schoolhouse. I want everypony to know about their greatness and the contribution they made to saving Equestria."

"Of course," Filthy Rich said before hugging his daughter. He left with the investigators and that left Diamond Tiara with one last matter to take care of. She walked towards the Crusaders, after the dinosaurs had parted for her.

"I have to thank you Crusaders, you finally showed me the better side of life. I especially have to thank you Scootaloo, if it weren't for your saviors this wouldn't be possible."

"Aw thanks Diamond Tiara, but don't thank just me." Scootaloo gestured to the carnivores, who were watching with anticipation.

"I know, can I please have their names?" Scootaloo whispered the names of the dinosaurs into her ear and Diamond Tiara turned to face them. They leaned in to hear what she had to say.

"Indominus, Tyrannosaurus, Blue, Charlie, Echo and Delta, thank you all for giving me the wake up call I needed. I'm sorry for all the things I said, and for causing Scootaloo so much pain. Would it be possible to put everything that happened behind us? I don't want there to be anymore conflict."

The dinosaurs looked at each other for a while. They were having an inner debate amongst themselves, and it made Diamond Tiara nervous. When they reached a decision, they gathered around Diamond Tiara, and began nuzzling her as a sign of forgiveness.

"You're forgiven Diamond Tiara," Scootaloo said as the pink filly giggled from the nuzzling.

"I was wrong about them Scootaloo and you were right, they really are gentle souls." The dinosaurs moved aside so Diamond Tiara could give the one apology that she needed to do.

Diamond Tiara nervously made her way towards Silver Spoon, who turned her back on the pony. Everypony in the area could feel the tension between them, it was hard to see them at odds with each other. Diamond Tiara bowed her head, tears slowly rolling down her face as she confessed her apologies.

"Silver Spoon, I know you have mixed feelings about me, but I want you to know, I am so so sorry. I am so sorry and ashamed of what I did. I don't know how I can make it up to you, but I-"

Diamond Tiara was cut off as Silver Spoon took her front hooves and embraced her friend in a heartfelt hug. Tears were rolling down her face too, but she was glad to hear the apology.

"How can you forgive me so easily after everything I did? I thought you were furious with me and hated me."

"I was never angry with you, I was sad because I feared you would never change."

"I never thought I would change either, I didn't think I could change."

"But you did, and you did it with the help of your new friends, I am so happy to be your friend again."

"Oh Silver Spoon."

Cheers were heard Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon rekindled their friendship. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had done the impossible: they had reformed Diamond Tiara and made her into a better pony.

"We did good today Crusaders, we helped a pony figure out what her true talent was," Applebloom said.

"Yeah, and that's more of an achievement than trying to get our cutie marks, don't you think so," asked Sweetie Belle.

"Absolutely. I don't care if I ever get my cutie mark, as long as I get to hang out with my best friends." The trio shared a group hug with the dinosaurs before Applebloom spoke up.

"So what do ya say Crusaders? Wanna just focus on helping others find their cutie marks?" The group brought their hooves together for another group hoof bump.

What happened next, took the dinosaurs by surprise.

A strange energy began forming around the combined hooves, and went around the CMC's bodies. The energy went into their bodies and caused the ponies to levitate off the ground. A white shining light enveloped the Crusaders and blinded the dinosaurs. The other ponies noticed the light enveloping the Crusaders and rushed over to see what was happening. As the light died down and the Crusaders went back to the ground, they were greeted with surprised and amazed expressions.

The dinosaurs had wide eyes and the fillies were all astonished. None of the Crusaders could figure out what everypony was looking at.

"What happened?"

"What's going on?"

"It's your cutie marks," Diamond Tiara said. "They're amazing."

Immediately the Crusaders looked down at their flanks. They were so surprised and excited by what they were seeing.

On each of their flanks was a shield that had the colors of their manes. Applebloom had a purple apple and a light pink heart inside it. Sweetie Belle had a purple star with a light pink musical note inside. Scootaloo had a purple wing with a light pink lightning bolt inside. All three ponies were ecstatic: their life-long dream had finally come true.


Instinctively, the dinosaurs split off in separate directions, sprinting to alert Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The raptors went to get Rarity, Tyrannosaurus stampeded through the forest to get to Sweet Apple Acres and Indominus headed right for Rainbow's cloudominium. Each of the dinosaurs came sprinting back towards the school, with each of the ponies on their backs. The ponies looked on with proud expressions as their sisters came walking towards them with the school behind them.

Charlie and Blue were waiting with Applejack and her family, while Echo and Delta waited with Rarity. Indominus and Tyrannosaurus had a special place with Rainbow Dash, who was so happy to see her surrogate sister with her cutie mark. Ponies all around gathered to witness the greatest cutcenera ever, Pinkie was gonna have a blast with this one.

Charlie and Blue nuzzled Applebloom while Applejack gave her incredible praise and her family had happy tears in their eyes.

"Oh sugarcube, if Mom and Dad were here, they'd be so proud of you."

"Oh, thanks Applejack."

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus nuzzled Scootaloo as Rainbow Dash came to praise her.

"I'm so proud of you, Scootaloo."

Delta and Echo comforted Sweetie Belle as Rarity hugged her. As the Crusaders partied with their saviors, sisters and everypony that came to see them, they thought back to all the adventures they had gone through. Quite a few of them involved their bonding with the dinosaurs. Before the party ended, Photo Finish got a group picture for everypony to remember. Each of the Crusaders was given a copy. so they would never forget one of the greatest moments of their lives.