• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,283 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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With her filthy DNA doners gone, Scootaloo had finally found peace in her life. Rainbow Dash had been given custody over her until it could be made official at the Gala. The dinosaurs had been given permission to destroy Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's house, after Scootaloo had moved her belongings into Rainbow's mansion. They enjoyed every minute of dismantling the last reminder of those wretched pegasi. With the house destroyed and Black Death gone, the nightmare had become nothing more than a memory.

Living with Rainbow Dash was everything Scootaloo had dreamed it would be. Now that she could fly, she and Rainbow would constantly test their speed and endurance against each other. It warmed Rainbow's heart to see how much Scootaloo had improved since their first flight. After seeing her perform both the Sonic Rainboom and the Buccaneer Blaze, Rainbow Dash knew without a doubt that Scootaloo was just as awesome as her. Both pegasi were glad to finally be with each other after all they had gone through.

The best part was that Scootaloo no longer had to keep her saviors a secret. Since everypony had watched their battle against Black Death, the dinosaurs didn't have to hide out in the Everfree Forest. Blue and her sisters were always nervous whenever they walked through Ponyville, luckily T-Rex, Indominus and Scootaloo were always around to make things easier. It wasn't easy for the raptors adjusting to life in a new world, but the kind attention eventually grew on them. Blue wouldn't admit it to her sisters or Indominus, but their new world gave her pack more freedom they she could've dreamed of.

T-Rex and Indominus took the time to show the raptors what they could hunt within the forest. They were warned to never hunt any of the ponies, Tyrannosaurus had made it clear when Blue looked at just one pony the wrong way. A bite that got too close to the neck made the message perfectly clear and Blue promised she wouldn't go after any ponies. The Manticores were more than enough between the four raptors, and they had grown fond of the apple fritters too. It was a plentiful, peaceful life that Blue could appreciate.

Scootaloo especially loved it when the dinosaurs accompanied her to school each morning. They remembered when school started, and always knew when Scootaloo left with Rainbow Dash. The eight of them would always make a beeline for the building and it would turn into a real race. Ponies in the streets always made way when they heard the rumbling heading their way. When they reached the entrance to the school, all eight of them would roar to the sky in unison, then go into laughing fits afterwards.

The dinosaurs however, couldn't spend all their time with Scootaloo. They had to bond with the Mane six at Celestia's request so the ponies could get to know their saviors more. The ponies planned out how each of them would get to spend quality time with the carnivores. Each day of the week, one of them would get to spend the day with the dinosaurs, then write about their time together in their journal. The last day would be a free day for the dinosaurs to do as they pleased, and Indominus knew exactly who he wanted to spend that day with.

A week after the dinosaurs had put Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten in stone, their first day of bonding was to be spent with Fluttershy. When they dropped Scootaloo off at school that morning, Indominus asked Rainbow Dash for directions. She told them to go through the Everfree until they found her cottage at the edge of the forest. Before they left, Indominus gave Rainbow Dash one kiss and her whole face turned a bright shade of red. The other dinosaurs nuzzled Scootaloo and softly rumbled to her before they went on their way.

Before they went into the forest, Indominus gave a sly look at Rainbow Dash as she tried to get rid of the blush. Even if he couldn't talk to her, the hybrid could still tease the pony he cared about. He knew that one day some power in their new world would help give him the ability to actually talk with her and tell Rainbow his complete feelings. But that could wait for later, Indominus and the other carnivores had a new friend to bond with.

The thick trees started to give way as the dinosaurs made their way to the end of the forest. The forest gave way to an open field that led to a cottage surrounded by plants and plenty of little animals. The dinosaurs took one step out of the forest before they heard a voice in the distance. It sounded so melodic that they felt drawn to it. Even Blue's fierce attitude mellowed down at the sound of the angelic voice.

The dinosaurs slowly made their way in the direction of the great voice. They spotted Fluttershy singing to her animal friends in the most amazing tone they had ever heard. The dinosaurs silently crept forward while listening to Fluttershy's song.

The rexes and raptors were simply in awe at the fantastic singing. They felt their spirits being lifted from the harmony in Fluttershy's voice. When she was done singing her melody, the dinosaurs rumbled, crooned and chirped to congratulate her. The other animals scattered when they heard the dinosaurs. Fluttershy was surprised at first when she heard them, but relaxed when she saw the dinosaurs congratulating her.

"Oh, you guys are too kind. Glad all of you could make it today. I'm eager to know all about you guys and, what you think of Rainbow Dash, Indominus Rex?"

The hybrid tried to hide a nervous look on his face as T-Rex and the raptors eyed him with sly looks. They had seen him kiss Rainbow Dash so they were all curious about when the hybrid had developed such feelings for her.

Fluttershy led the dinosaurs to a field of flowers where she asked them to get comfortable. She set up a picnic and then went to get her animal friends. They all felt incredibly afraid of the dinosaurs, but Fluttershy asked them to give Scootaloo's saviors a chance. Even Angel felt intimidated from staring at Indominus's mouth of daggers. They slowly followed Fluttershy over to where the dinosaurs were gathered and tried to make themselves comfy.

Fluttershy broke the ice by talking with the raptors first. Since she could understand all of them, she could hold a conversation with each of the raptors. She asked Blue about what their old world had been like. Blue told Fluttershy that they had some limited freedom and had someone they followed, they called that person their Alpha. Although the raptors looked up to their Alpha, their freedom was always cut short by people that wanted to use them for fights.

"That sounds like an awful life," Fluttershy said to the raptors.

"Indeed it was Fluttershy. We despised that old world so much," Blue chirped.

"Those people never did treat us well," Charlie added.

"There was even a fat bozo who was so obsessed with using us for combat," Delta chirped in response.

"We owe Luna a great deal for giving us our freedom and a better family," Echo chirped.

"Yeah, Luna did quite a lot for Scootaloo. I can imagine she's taking it easy after everything that's happened. So, how do you girls like Equestria?"

"It is quite an amazing place Fluttershy."

"It is far better than our old way of life," Tyrannosaurus added. "Plenty of prey to hunt, freedom like never before, and we get to be with a filly that showed us what is means to be a family."

The more Fluttershy talked with the dinosaurs, the more relaxed her animal friends became. Until they sat around the raptors or rested on the rexes heads. It warmed Fluttershy's heart to see her animals trusting the dinosaurs, relaxing with them. She noticed that Indominus seemed the most serene and peaceful out of all the others. So she decided to ask what had happened to make the hybrid so calm.

"So Indominus, what happened to make you so comfortable and at ease?" The hybrid thought for a while about what to say while the animals and dinosaurs watched him with anticipation. When he had a good answer, Indominus spoke to Fluttershy. To the animals and dinosaurs it sounded like a bunch of fierce growls, but Fluttershy heard a different tone. When she heard Indominus, his voice sounded so great and soothing at the same time. Like a strong and kind soul lurked behind those scales.

"The love of a young filly's heart." Fluttershy was simply touched by the amazing choice of words. She didn't utter a word, cause she was curious about what else Indominus had to say.

"Scootaloo gave me the kindness and love that I never got back in that accursed world. I spent twenty long years in isolation, convinced that I would never know what freedom or anything felt like. Until the day we met her, and she showed me that there are others that look out for you. That's why I was moved when I saw Rainbow Dash comforting Scootaloo at the school."

"That was beautiful Indominus. I wish Rainbow Dash could hear you right now, she would be all over you. Oh, and is that the reason why you developed such strong feelings for her?"

"From the moment I saw her being so concerned for Scootaloo. I felt emotions I never even knew I had. When she and I fought those wretched scoundrels, we were like two synchronized warriors. I felt different around her, and saw her in a new light. So yes Fluttershy, that was why I became so fond of her."

Fluttershy was beyond moved at how much Indominus loved Rainbow Dash. Now she knew how much love and sincerity was behind that kiss the two of them had shared after the battle with Black Death. She had a new respect for the hybrid dinosaur, he had captured Rainbow's heart and gave her somepony to truly love. Scootaloo had shown him the brighter side of life and had made Indominus into a protector. Fluttershy could only imagine how great a family they would all be after the gala.

For the rest of their afternoon together, the raptors played around with Fluttershy's animals while she continued to chat with Tyrannosaurus and Indominus. She learned everything about them from the time they arrived in Equestria to all the time they had spent bonding with Scootaloo and the Crusaders. It was a nice afternoon of bonding, but it came to an end when the dinosaurs heard the school bell in the distance. They knew that Scootaloo was getting out of school and had to get to the schoolhouse to greet her.

"Thanks for having us over Fluttershy, we'll see you again next week."

"You're quite welcome dinosaurs, take good care of Scootaloo," Fluttershy said as the dinosaurs went back into the forest.

She decided that the next time they came over, she would help Indominus so he could woo Rainbow Dash at the Gala. Fluttershy wanted to help the hybrid show his feelings to Rainbow Dash in a great romantic fashion.