• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,283 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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New World, Old Rules

The sun had begun to rise the next morning and it's light was slowly piercing through the thickness of the Everfree Forest. As the light reached the cave where Scootaloo and her saviors were sleeping, the little filly was the first to stir and awaken. It took her a moment to remember where she was, then she noticed the massive arm draped over her. That's when everything clicked and she realized that T-Rex and Indominus had stuck with her throughout the night and hadn't left her. With the light shining down on the two dinosaurs, Scootaloo could see just how much more amazing they looked in the daytime.

Their bodies looked more muscular in the light, but what really took Scootaloo off guard was their color. While Tyrannosaurus had a more brown color to his skin, Indominus's skin was almost completely white. Scootaloo could also make out the bony spikes that ran along Indominus's back and most of his upper body in the light. It baffled Scootaloo how two different predators like them had been dumped in Equestria and were working together instead of fighting each other. She wanted to ask them one day on how they got to her world in the first place, but knew that kind of question would be impossible for them to answer.

Suddenly she noticed that their eyes had wet streaks down their faces as if they had been crying the whole night. Scootaloo didn't think dinosaurs were capable of showing emotion, but the proof was written and plain on their faces. It was their way of showing that they had heard her wish for a family, and it touched Scootaloo's heart.

Unfortunately Scootaloo couldn't think on the matter for too long; she still had school and needed to run by her home to get her school bags. So she wriggled out of the comforting arm and nuzzled T-Rex's head to try and wake him, the movement actually caused him to stir. The great dinosaur began waking up and realized that morning had come, so he made his way out of the cave to take in the forest in the light. The day offered so many possibilities and a chance to find new prey. He and Indominus could explore their new environment after they dropped Scootaloo off.

After seeing that Indominus was still sleeping, T-Rex let out a low growl into the cave and let the vibrating echo wake up his partner. The growl startled Indominus awake and made him knock his scaly head into the ceiling. Scootaloo couldn't help but snicker at the little prank and saw that even predators could play pranks on each other. Indominus gave T-Rex an annoyed look as he walked outside, but decided to let it slide since they had a whole day ahead of them.

"Guys, I'm going to need your help so I can get a few things from my home for school," Scootaloo said after following the dinosaurs out of the cave. "I can show you both where to go once we get back to Ponyville."

Both dinosaurs nodded in agreement and T-Rex lowered his head so Scootaloo could climb on. Though this time, Indominus let her climb onto his clawed hand so he could position her on T-Rex's head so she wouldn't have to scale the whole body again. Indominus decided to sniff Scootaloo first so he could pick up the scent of other ponies and know which direction to head. Once both dinosaurs got a lock on the scent of ponies, the trio made their way through the forest towards Ponyville.

With their immense size and fast pace, both dinosaurs made it to the outskirts of Ponyville easily. However, they wouldn't budge beyond the last layer of trees with the streets bustling with ponies, it would be too easy to spot them and cause panic. Scootaloo guided them along the trees, moving slowly so their footsteps would be muffled and not make noise. She was scanning the houses from her perch, trying to spot her pitiful excuse for a home. Once she spotted her house, she had the dinosaurs wait while she got down, trotted out of the forest and walked up to the door. As she reached for the door knob, Scootaloo prayed that her parents wouldn't be home to scold her for not even showing up last night.

As she peeked her head around the door, Scootaloo listened for any sign that they were home. Luckily, both pegasi had left for work and there wasn't a soul in the house. Since her parents were so full of themselves, they didn't even feel the need to lock up the house when they left. They were so arrogant they thought that nopony would dare break into their home. With nopony in the home, Scootaloo allowed herself a breath of relief and went to get her bags from her room. Before she left, she made sure to grab a real lunch this time with enough food to last her through the day.

Once she was certain that nopony was following her, Scootaloo made her way back to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Since her house didn't feel like a real home, she didn't bother to correct her parents' mistakes and lock the door. She saw that T-Rex and Indominus were still waiting for her and it caused her to admire their dedication to looking after her.

"Ok boys, I have what I need now it's time for school!" Scootaloo said beaming with great enthusiasm.

Getting to the school house was far easier since Scootaloo knew the route by heart. She simply had the dinosaurs continue through the edge of the forest until they could see the school and a small trail that led right to it. All Scootaloo would have to do was just walk out of the forest and she would be at school in five minutes. Before she left for the day, she did have a couple of things to tell her saviors.

"I truly can't thank the both of you enough for saving me and looking after me last night," as Scootaloo expressed her gratitude to them, both dinosaurs knelt down and nuzzled her face in affection. "You both are more of a family to me than my filthy parents, and I'm glad you heard my wish for one, but we need Rainbow Dash before that wish can come true. As soon as she approves of you guys, I will be the happiest filly in the world." Scootaloo couldn't contain her excitement at the thought of having her idol and saviors together as one family of awesomeness. "However there's something I need to tell you guys before I head off, and I need you both to promise that you won't go against me on it."

T-Rex and Indominus listened intensely as Scootaloo chose her next words carefully.

"I know that you both are predators and that you will need to hunt, but whatever you do, please don't hunt my friends or any ponies anywhere." Scootaloo's voice was filled with concern over what she had just said, she wasn't sure if they could follow through with that kind of promise. The predators looked at each other and thought about what they had heard. They decided that as long as they could find enough prey within the Everfree Forest, there wouldn't be any reason for them to venture into Ponyville. The dinosaurs turned back to Scootaloo and nodded in understanding what she was asking of them.

Scootaloo was so overcome with joy and happiness that she just flung herself at the dinosaurs and nuzzled right in-between their faces. She hadn't been this overjoyed since the night Rainbow Dash agreed to be her sister.

"Oh, one last thing before I get too caught up in all this," Scootaloo said looking up from in between the massive heads. "I'm spending the afternoon with Rainbow Dash after school, and I was curious if you guys would like to hear how my day went later tonight?" The request caught both Indominus and Tyrannosaurus by surprise, but for the right reasons. It had never occurred to them that Scootaloo would want to see them again, and on top of that, tell them of her time spent with the pony she truly idolized. They happily nodded with eagerness and anticipation.

"Splendid, meet me here when the moon is directly above your heads," since neither dinosaur could tell time, Scootaloo thought it would be the easiest way for them to know when to be back. "I'll have Rainbow Dash drop me off and then I can tell you guys everything." With that, the trio shared one last loving group nuzzle before Scootaloo finally began making her way towards the school house.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus kept their eyes on her through the trees until they saw Scootaloo enter the building. Now that Scootaloo was safe, the dinosaurs headed deep into the forest to take care of their own business: claiming new territory and finding new prey. It may have been a new world for the dinosaurs, but the same old rules from their last world still applied: to hunt and above all else, survive.

With the forest being so massive and not knowing what animals lurked within, neither dinosaur knew what they expected to find while searching for prey. Traveling in search of food, both carnivores kept track of where they had been so they could get back to Scootaloo later. They had to venture deeper into the forest after finding nothing in the portion closer to Ponyville. As the environment and terrain became different the further they progressed, so did the many different scents. That's when they finally picked up on something: the scent of prey.

Both carnivores followed the scent further into the forest and split up so they could launch their own surprise attack if needed. The smell of prey led them near an area where they found a group of unusual creatures. The creatures in front of them had the body of a lion, with dragon wings and strangely, a scorpion tail. T-Rex and Indominus had stumbled upon a group of four Manticores, who unfortunately were not aware that they were being watched. With the predators hidden amongst the trees, the Manticores were at the mercy of the greatest hunters of all time.

Tyrannosaurus wandered into a thick patch of trees on the left of the Manticores, the thick foliage masking his skin with the environment. Only his low vicious growls could be heard, the growl of a predator on the hunt and it began to alarm the Manticores. Indominus had the unique ability of camouflaging his skin to match the environment, and it made him seem almost invisible against the trees on the right. His own growls only added to the tension in the area and the Manticores were in full panic mode, with the predators hidden so well they didn't know where the attack would come from. With their prey confused, the carnivores burst from their hiding spots baring their teeth and bellowing their massive roars.

The surprise attack caught the Manticores off guard and left one of them completely helpless against T-Rex. Tyrannosaurus closed in on the Manticore who was frozen over in fear and clamped his jaws shut over the poor creature's head. The force of the bite crushed the Manticore's skull, instantly killing him and causing blood to leak out like a running river. Tyrannosaurus used incredible force to tear the head right off the Manticore's limp body, crunched the head in his mouth and swallowed it whole. With fresh blood oozing from his maw, Tyrannosaurus bellowed a vicious predatory roar into the forest.

Now it was Indominus's turn to make his kill on one of the three remaining Manticores. Two of them had begun to run, but the third was too slow and was caught by the tail in Indominus's claws. The hybrid used his massive foot to pin the Manticore down, then used brute strength to rip the tail right out of its socket, with blood flowing out of the gaping wound. With the Manticore in agonizing pain, Indominus bit down, tore off and ate one of the creature's paws. Indominus then turned the Manticore onto his back and lunged forward, savagely crushing the creature's head in his own powerful jaws, and his bite force caused blood and bits of fur to burst forth in between his teeth. With deep red blood flowing down their mouths and both dinosaurs roaring into the forest, they looked more like blood crazed monsters than saviors.

With the taste of flesh coursing through their veins, both predators gave chase to the two fleeing Manticores. Both beasts were going at speeds of at least thirty two miles per hour, so it was remarkable how they easily caught up with the remaining Manticores and grabbed them by the tails with their teeth. The predators employed the same tactic as before; pin the prey and rip the tail off. However, instead of crushing the heads in their jaws, Tyrannosaurus and Indominus dealt paralyzing bites to the spinal cords, severing the bone and nerves within and rendering the Manticores helpless. Both dinosaurs picked up their prey and carried them back to where they killed the first pair of Manticores, where the devouring was about to commence.

The helpless Manticores were dumped next to the bodies of the headless ones that had been slain first. Both were still alive, but left immobilized by the bites that the dinosaurs had dealt to their necks. They could only look up at the beasts looming over them, whose mouths were drooling blood from the attacks. The poor creatures were helpless victims, and were about to become part of a gruesome feeding frenzy.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus towered over their own prey, they leaned forward and pinned the animals with their feet, bit down on the stomachs and then pulled back exposing everything inside the Manticores. Both predators shoved their mouths inside the stomachs, biting and grabbing everything that their teeth could reach. Once they pulled their blood covered mouths away from the bodies, in their jaws were the intestines, liver, stomach and vital organs, just dangling in their grip. With one swift crunch, T-Rex and Indominus swallowed the guts, organs and flesh whole. The dinosaur kings continued to feast on their kills, until their appetites were satisfied. The only remains of the four Manticores were torn up wings, pools of blood where the bodies had been and four severed tails, all left as a message to any creature that dared to challenge Indominus or Tyrannosaurus. With their guts full of meat, both predators went back into the denser part of the Everfree Forest to claim their territory.

They chose a large amount of land near the cave where they had saved Scootaloo, and laid out scent marks as boundaries for other animals to keep out. Satisfied with their first successful hunt and claiming territory for themselves, both dinosaurs decided to lay down and rest for awhile so they could be ready when Scootaloo came back. With one unified yawn, the great carnivores closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Gone from cute to gory in one chapter. Surely you didn't think I was going to leave out their first kills in Equestria. Hopefully the details of the hunt aren't too gruesome for some readers.