• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,266 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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After Scootaloo's dreadful nightmare, the next day started out rather calm and relaxing. The two siblings went about their morning like always, but they were eager for the meeting that was going to take place very soon. It had been put off by too many unfortunate circumstances for far too long. Now with things calm in Ponyville and Scootaloo's former parents in jail, all that remained was for Rainbow Dash to meet Indominus and Tyrannosaurus.

The pegasus mare found it hard to contain her excitement that morning. Scootaloo could see the eagerness written on her face when they sat down to breakfast. She knew Rainbow was becoming more anxious with just two days to go. After all that had happened, Scootaloo was finally going to introduce her idol to her saviors. With all that Rainbow had heard about them, one could hardly blame her for being so anxious.

When it was time for Scootaloo to get to school, she and Rainbow raced out of the cloud mansion at break neck speeds. It gave Rainbow Dash a chance to see how much Scootaloo had improved since her first flight. The filly was able to keep pace with Rainbow Dash the entire way to the school and the cyan mare found her heart filling with pride. Scootaloo had progressed so much that she was matching Rainbow Dash, and becoming as awesome as her idol. The pegasus hoped that one day the two of them could tryout for the Wonderbolts together, then they would never be apart.

When they touched down in front of the school. Rainbow and Scootaloo shared a tight hug.

"Have a good day Scootaloo," said Rainbow Dash.

"I will Rainbow Dash, you know, that's the first time anypony's wished me a good day."

"Well things are different now squirt. No more neglect or ignorance, I'll be the pony your 'parents' never were." It warmed Scootaloo's heart when Rainbow gave her little reminders like these.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said as she and Rainbow parted ways for the day.

Ever since Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had smacked Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon all over the playground, Scootaloo's time at school had become more enjoyable. Her classmates and Miss Cheerilee looked forward to any news regarding her and her dinosaur saviors. Miss Cheerilee had recently heard how Scootaloo's parents had been arrested, and wanted to hear Scootaloo's side of the story. That's why she chose to ask Scootaloo before she began the lesson for the day.

"Scootaloo, is it true that your parents are in jail?" Miss Cheerilee had expected it to be hard for Scootaloo, but the filly had no problem talking about her DNA doners.

"Yes it's true, they were plotting to kill me, Rainbow Dash and all of Equestria." Scootaloo had to cover her ears as the whole classroom gasped at the response. Miss Cheerilee had a terrified look on her face that matched the same ones Rainbow and her friends had.

"That's horrible Scootaloo. I'm so sorry I didn't know they were so cruel. How did they get caught in the first place?" Scootaloo had a very pleasing smile on her face when she gave her answer.

"I owe it to Celestia, Rainbow Dash and especially my saviors. They all played a part in putting my former parents behind bars." Seeing her teacher and classmates hanging onto every word of hers encouraged Scootaloo to continue. "Rainbow and Indominus beat them into the dirt when they spied on us a few nights ago. Rainbow informed Celestia of the events, and she had them arrested the same day."

Miss Cheerilee's horrified expression relaxed after she heard how Scootaloo's parents had been caught. "Oh Scootaloo, it seems that there are guardian angels looking out for you."

"Yeah, but the best part is that I get to live with Rainbow Dash!" It brought joy into Cheerilee's heart to see Scootaloo so happy and to find out she was in proper care. Rainbow Dash would do a far better job of caring for her than those wretched excuses for ponies. Now Miss Cheerilee could begin her lesson, finally relieved that Scootaloo was in good hooves.

Rainbow Dash had flown off to take care of her weather duties after she dropped off Scootaloo. During the flight she found herself thinking about the animal that had helped her. Somehow he still lingered in her mind like nopony ever had before. Her adoration for his heroics was becoming apparent and Rainbow could feel her temperature rising. Rainbow wasn't aware of it, but she was slowly falling in love with the creature that saved her life.

Before she knew it, Rainbow Dash was imagining racing alongside the great scaly creature. Only she was near his size and they were on an open field. She imagined tackling him and rolling about in the fields. Then he would pin her and Rainbow could see the amazing look in his eyes. Her fantasy ended with a rather intimate moment. It ended with Indominus and Rainbow Dash kissing each other in the fields. She was so lost in her daze that she failed to notice a certain pegasus trying to get her attention.

"Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash? You in there Rainbow Dash?" The mare was shaken out of her daydream from hearing the voice of an old friend.

"Oh Derpy, that was you. What was I doing?"

"You looked like you were fantasizing about spending quality time with a special somepony." The blush hit Rainbow's cheeks hard.

"No I wasn't."

"That dreamy look you had spoke for itself. Besides, shouldn't you be busting some clouds today? The weather factory isn't gonna like you slacking on the job."

In an instant, Rainbow had gone from blushing to busting every cloud in sight. In just under twenty seconds she had cleared the entire sky. It left Derpy with her jaw hanging open.

"How's that for getting the job done? Thanks for reminding me Derpy."

"No problem. See ya later Rainbow Dash."

With her task complete, Rainbow decided it would be a good time to inform Twilight about getting to meet Scootaloo's saviors. It would also take her mind off the daydream she just imagined.

Rather than knocking on the door this time, Rainbow went back to her old ways of crashing through the window. She was met with a rather unfazed Twilight. The alicorn had been expecting Rainbow to go back to her old habits now that Scootaloo's parents were in jail.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, what are we going to do with you?" Twilight asked as she used her magic to reorganize the books. Rainbow dusted herself off from the impact.

"Heh heh, I don't know Twilight. I just helped put two awful ponies behind bars, and I'm caring for a filly that I'm proud to call my sister. I think I'm entitled to have a fun moment or two."

"Yeah I guess you're right. So what brings you by the library this time Rainbow?"

"This time Twilight, I was wondering if you and the girls would be up for meeting Scootaloo's new friends in a few days?" Twilight found her curiosity being aroused.

"New friends? I didn't know Scootaloo had made any new friends."

"Neither did I until she told me during one of our afternoons of bonding. From what I was told, they're strong, dependable and they've been looking after Scootaloo when I wasn't around."

"Sounds to me like she's made some pretty loyal friends," said Twilight.

"Tell me about it. We've been trying to arrange a meeting for awhile now, but certain circumstances kept putting it off. Now that her former parents are in jail, she told me that I can meet them in two more days. It would mean a lot to me and Scootaloo if you and the girls could join us on that day. I want her friends to feel welcome in Ponyville and get to know all of us."

Upon hearing this little bit of info, Twilight became more curious.

"Haven't they made any friends besides Scootaloo? Why would they need to feel welcome in our peaceful town?"

"She told me that she's the only friend they have. They've apparently never set foot in Ponyville." With everything Rainbow was telling her, Twilight was becoming more intrigued about Scootaloo's new friends. She found it too bizarre that they had never encountered anypony besides Scootaloo, or seen Ponyville. The alicorn princess decided that she had to see these mysterious friends for herself.

"Alright Rainbow, count me in," Twilight said eagerly. Rainbow Dash felt her heart jump for joy.

"Thanks Twilight, now we need to inform everypony else tonight. Man, these meetings are almost becoming a regular thing. Me and Scootaloo will get Pinkie and Fluttershy while Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom inform Rarity and Applejack. We'll see you later tonight around seven, ok Twilight?"

"Yeah, except this time we won't have any bad news, just a meeting with some loyal new ponies that have come to Ponyville."

Rainbow chuckled at the irony in Twilight's statement. She then took off and waited for Scootaloo to be done with school.

Despite trying to preoccupy herself, Rainbow still couldn't get Indominus out of head. The whole time she was flying about waiting for Scootaloo her thoughts kept drifting back to the camouflaged dinosaur. It felt unnatural for Rainbow to be so drawn to a creature that was nearly a thousand times her size. She never imagined that love would ever be a part of her life. Yet she was falling for a creature that was already as awesome as she was.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the bell ring. She flew down and greeted the Crusaders in a grand fashion. Seeing the adoring look in Scootaloo's eyes shook away her distracting thoughts.

"Evening Crusaders, how was school?"

"Same ol' same ol', Diamond Tiara still ain't back yet. It's been very peaceful fer all of us," said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, Scootaloo's friends really did a number on her," Sweetie Belle added.

"Speaking of your new friends Scootaloo, Twilight and I decided to hold a get together tonight in regards to how we're all going to meet them in the next few days."

"Excellent, though I should arrange the details with them first, and then I can relay the details to everypony tonight."

"That sounds like a good idea. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, can you two inform your sisters about tonight? I'm sure they want to hear about this as well." Both fillies were happy to inform their sisters about the meeting. They were secretly eager to see how Applejack and Rarity would react to hearing about Scootaloo's saviors.

"Great, have them meet us at the library by seven o'clock."

With everything set the ponies split off into different directions. Rainbow flew off to inform Pinkie and Fluttershy, while Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom went to tell their older siblings. Scootaloo went into the forest to discuss the introductions with the dinosaurs. She wanted them to be sure that no creatures would interrupt this introduction like the one with the Crusaders.

"Now boys, we need to make sure this introduction goes smoothly. The last thing we need is another Timberwolf encounter that will make everypony terrified of you." Both dinosaurs nodded in agreement. "Also make sure you guys don't have any kills lying around, that'll give the wrong impression immediately. Make sure to have your fill before Rainbow and her friends show up."

The dinosaurs again nodded their heads in agreement. They were just as eager as Scootaloo, especially Indominus given the fight he and Rainbow had fought in.

"Me and the Crusaders will bring them to this spot after school gets out. That'll be enough time for you guys to be ready right?" The dinosaurs once more nodded their heads. "Sweet! I can't wait for you guys to truly meet Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo shared a group nuzzle with the carnivores before she headed out of the forest to find Rainbow Dash.

The predators decided they would patrol the area before Scootaloo brought everypony to the forest. Clearing it of any pests that might wander in. They only hoped that there wouldn't be any dangerous interruptions that would be beyond their control.

Scootaloo easily found Rainbow Dash in the clear sky and they flew back home to relax until it was time for the get together. Since Rainbow had told everypony seven o'clock was the time they would meet up, she and Scootaloo had a few hours to kill. They spent their free time relaxing, having dinner and chilling. It was a much more peaceful afternoon for Scootaloo than one being spent in her former home. When seven o'clock rolled around, the surrogate siblings took off towards the library.

As they got close, they spotted Applejack and Apple Bloom. Rainbow decided to catch up with Applejack on the rest of the way to the library. Applejack was surprised to see Scootaloo flying alongside Rainbow Dash when the two touched down alongside her and Apple Bloom.

"Well I'll be Rainbow, ya got Scootaloo flyin' alongside ya already."

"Yeah, I knew she had it in her. She just needed some training and now she's becoming a great flyer," Rainbow said while giving Scootaloo a look of approval. "I certainly am proud of her, she's definitely the little sister I never had." She pulled Scootaloo close as they continued toward the library.

Applejack watched with a proud look of her own in her eyes. It brought such happiness to her heart to see Rainbow and Scootaloo so happy together.

"Ya have to admit, they make great sisters don't they Applejack?" Apple Bloom whispered while trying to not disturb the moment.

"Yeah they do. Ah'm just proud of Rainbow for making a filly so happy."

After a while, Rainbow and Scootaloo separated so Rainbow could bring Applejack up to speed on what had happened while she was in Canterlot. From Scootaloo's parents threatening her, to the assistance she received from her giant camouflaged hero. Applejack's mouth just hung open when she heard Rainbow describe the animal that helped her that night. She had never heard of a creature with such unique abilities. Before she could question Rainbow Dash, they arrived at the library.

Unlike the last time, there wasn't any stress or worry in the air. Everypony was curious as to what the meeting was about.

"Everypony I'm glad you could be here tonight. Rest assured there isn't anything horrible going down this time. Scootaloo has something she'd like to tell all of you." Rainbow stood by Scootaloo as she prepared to tell everypony her request. All of them had their eyes glued to her, waiting for her to speak.

"Hi everypony, the reason I've asked you all to be here, is because I'd like all of you to join Rainbow Dash when she meets my new friends." Everypony was a jumble of questions after Scootaloo spoke. All except Pinkie Pie, who had a look that was a combination of happiness and curiosity.

"Scootaloo, are these the same friends that you requested those bags of fritters for?" Scootaloo was glad that Pinkie Pie had such an incredible memory.

"That's right Pinkie Pie, they really loved those fritters by the way." Pinkie had a huge smile creeping on her face. Anypony that loved her food was always worth meeting.

"You can count me in Scootaloo. I'll throw them a huge "Welcome to Ponyville" party after we meet them.

"Well that is nice, but Scootaloo darling, what is it about these friends of yours that make them so special?" Rarity's curiosity had been aroused and she wanted to know more.

"Well Rarity, in order to answer that question I'll have to start from the beginning."

Scootaloo told them about how she had met her saviors after getting lost in the Everfree Forest. How they had saved her from a pack of Timberwolves and stayed by her side through the rest of the night. She was met with a variety of reactions, from Fluttershy being worried about her getting lost, to Rarity and Twilight's shocked looks. Applejack had a look of wonder upon hearing how they demolished the Timberwolves, but Scootaloo didn't know what to make of Pinkie's unreadable reaction. The filly had never seen a mix of so many different reactions at once.

"They've been looking after me these past few months, and I want to introduce all of you to them. To make them feel more at peace in their new home." Scootaloo was given a unison answer from the other three ponies.

"We'd love to meet them!"

"Anypony that looks after a filly in need is worth meeting in my book," said Fluttershy.

"Tarnation, they sound carin' and strong enough to be just fine with me," said Applejack.

"Oh heavens yes, I must meet these two as well to express my thanks for looking after you through all this trouble," Rarity added.

Scootaloo was overwhelmed at the positive responses she was getting. The Mane six were all eager to meet her saviors. The Crusaders passed a sly look amongst themselves, for they would be setting up an introduction to remember.

"Splendid, alright everypony now for the details regarding the introduction." The room went silent as the Mane Six awaited the details. "I talked to them earlier today, and the day after tomorrow is when you all will get to meet them. They've agreed to meet us at the Everfree Forest and I can take everypony there after school."

The Mane Six all felt uneasy about going into the Everfree Forest, especially poor Fluttershy.

"Uh Scootaloo, any reason why the Everfree Forest and not somewhere in Ponyville?"

"Because the forest is their home, they've never set foot outside of it." Scootaloo chose to keep them leaving the forest to save her from Diamond Tiara out of the conversation. "Once the introductions are over, maybe I can convince them to give Ponyville a chance."

"Alright Scootaloo, I trust your judgement since you are the one arranging this meeting in the first place."

With the plans set and everything ready to go with one day left, the ponies hung out with each other and chatted for the rest of the night.

Author's Note:

The battle is getting close. After the next chapter, events will fall into place and the battle that will determine the fate of Equestria will begin.