• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,293 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Dark Nightmare

The night was serene and peaceful all across Ponyville. Now that Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten had been put in jail, Scootaloo didn't feel nervous or on edge when she went to bed with Rainbow Dash. She could sleep easy knowing that her former parents wouldn't be able to harm her again. As she and Rainbow fell asleep that night, Scootaloo began to dream of the future she longed for.

It was herself, Rainbow Dash, Indominus and Tyrannosaurus together and racing alongside each other in the glorious sunlight. The four of them were so happy together, no worries, no troubles, just themselves and the bond they shared. It was just what Scootaloo wanted in her life: a family that would be there for her and give her true love and attention.

The four of them had just crossed a finish line right in front of Ponyville. Scootaloo wanted to get a good look at her new found family so she could remember the joyful moment. It was amazing seeing Rainbow Dash bonding with her saviors. Scootaloo only wished that these grand moments could last forever.

Suddenly a massive column of fire rained down from the sky on Scootaloo's family. The filly could only watch in horror as her idol and saviors burned until they were nothing but ashes. She felt her sanity become shredded at the haunting sight. Then a demonic voice bellowed from the sky itself.

"You will never find happiness. You will always be alone."

Scootaloo looked up and was greeted with a horrifying sight. In the sky above Ponyville was a giant pitch black dragon like shape, baring his teeth at Scootaloo. He was intimidating alright, but what scared Scootaloo were his eyes. The dragon had eyes that glowed bright red like pure blood lust, and they drove pure terror right into Scootaloo's heart. The filly watched in fear as the dragon spoke again.

"No one in this world ever wanted you. Everywhere you go, ponies always suffer."

The black dragon dove straight for Ponyville and unleashed a torrent of fire on the town. Scootaloo was frozen over in fear as she watched homes ignite and burn to the ground. Ponies tried running from the blaze, but the dragon caught them and tore them all apart. Poor Scootaloo watched ponies being ripped in half or crunched and eaten by the dragon. Blood flowing out of the beast's mouth and filling the streets.

Scootaloo struggled to break away from the carnage, but the dragon blew a wall of flame towards her and cut off anywhere she could run to.

"You're not going anywhere, you're going to watch and witness what happens to everypony because of you." The dragon bellowed as he clamped down on two ponies and tore their front halves away from their bodies. Scootaloo could hear the screams and bones being crushed in the beast's jaws.

The pure carnage was so traumatizing that Scootaloo could only think of one thing: fly. Scootaloo burst from the ground and went skyward trying to put as much distance between herself and the devastation as possible. As she continued to climb, Scootaloo could hear the flaps of giant wings closing the distance on her. When she burst through the last layer of clouds, Scootaloo felt something gigantic fly past her. She looked ahead to find the most horrific dragon flying just a few feet in front of her.

The dragon in front of Scootaloo was at least twice the size of a regular dragon. His scales were pure black, darker than even Nightmare Moon. Like he had been made out of pure darkness and hatred, Fresh blood was oozing from his mouth because of all the ponies he had killed, and his eyes gave off a terrifying red glow. It was like Scootaloo was face to face with the most horrid demon born from the deepest depths of Tartarus.

"So, you think you have what it takes to get away from me?" He spoke in a voice that sent true, gut wrenching dread through Scootaloo's heart. "Don't make me laugh you aren't even a true pegasus. Just some pathetic runt that got lucky and was shown pity."

The monster's insults cut through Scootaloo more that anything her parents or Diamond Tiara had said. It was like they had been thrown into the mix to create the demonic monster. She didn't have the willpower to talk back, not after everything that had happened. Her idol and saviors had been burned to cinders, Ponyville was destroyed and in ruins. Scootaloo's only hope was to try and lose the dragon.

Scootaloo zoomed away from the dragon while trying to block out his taunts. The monster unleashed torrents of fire at her, but Scootaloo was able to evade all of them. His flames did strike everything else, and the fire worked its way into the sky itself. The sky began to turn blood red from the blaze engulfing the area. The dragon shot blast upon blast all over the sky, and before Scootaloo knew it she was trapped.

The monster had her trapped in a raging inferno that was enveloping the sky like a flame hurricane. Equestria had become a wasteland being destroyed by unrelenting fire, and Scootaloo was witnessing the madness unfold. With flames spiraling all around her, Scootaloo was helpless when the dragon burst through the fire and smacked her towards the ground.

She was hurt bad from the impact and looked up to see the dragon standing in front of her.

"Look around you pathetic rat, this is what happens when a worthless pony like you is brought into this world." All around her Scootaloo saw the charred and bloody remains of the ponies that had perished against the dragon. The death and destruction overwhelmed her, and all she could do was cry.

"You bring nothing but misery to this world. You should do everypony a favor and just die." Scootaloo didn't even bother to acknowledge what the dragon had said. She just buried her face in her front legs and wept. The dragon began to close in on her with his mouth open and blood still pouring from his teeth. Scootaloo just braced herself for death as the dragon prepared to crush her body.

"YOU SHALL NOT HARM SCOOTALOO!!!" The loud voice caught the dragon and Scootaloo by surprise.

An enormous magic blast came out of nowhere and struck the dragon. At first it didn't do much, but then the blast began to envelop the beast in a massive explosion that was growing in size. Scootaloo watched the dragon disintegrate from the intensity of the attack. His bellowing roars dying off as his body was blown to pieces. The explosion then engulfed all the damage and carnage the dragon had caused, then there was a blinding flash of light.

When the light faded Scootaloo found herself in a different place. It was a calm forest in the middle of the night, and no signs of the dragon. She also realized that she was not alone as she could hear heavy breathing. She turned around to find Princess Luna behind her, sweating bullets as if she had fought off an army.

"Princess Luna? Are you alright?"

"Yes...I will be," Luna said through her heavy breathing. "I've never...had to use...so much strength before...that was the strongest nightmare..I've ever seen."

Luna found herself taken by surprise when Scootaloo ran up to her and hugged her leg. The princess then saw that the poor filly was crying her heart out.

"Thank goodness this is only a dream, I thought I had lost Rainbow Dash!"

"It's alright Scootaloo, that monster is gone. Though I never thought the beast could appear in your dreams like this," Scootaloo gradually calmed down so she could ask Luna some really important questions.

"Princess Luna, what was that?"

"That Scootaloo, was Black Death manifesting itself in your dreams. It was so powerful that I had to use a lot of strength to banish the beast." Scootaloo was frozen with shock, if that was the dragon her parents had threatened her with, she was afraid the world would be done for. Not even T-Rex and Indominus would have what it would take to deal with that kind of monster.

"What can this mean Princess?"

"It means, that the dragon is close to being summoned again. Your parents are going to bring it out Scootaloo, it's just a matter of when they get the remote control." Scootaloo was becoming more panic stricken with terror. Her nightmare might just become a reality.

"But don't worry Scootaloo, I'm confident that your friends can stop that monster." Scootaloo's terror was taken over by curiosity. There was no way Luna could be talking about her saviors. So she decided to press further on the matter.

"Princess, there's no way the Crusaders have a chance of stopping a monster like that."

"Oh Scootaloo, I'm referring to the ones who saved your life a few months ago." Scootaloo was beyond perplexed, Luna couldn't possibly know about them. Then Luna dismissed any doubt Scootaloo had with her next sentence.

"Their names wouldn't happen to be Indominus Rex and Tyrannosaurus Rex, would they?" The filly's mouth just hung open from what she had heard. Princess Luna had known about Tyrannosaurus and Indominus the entire time.

"Princess Luna, how did you-"

"Actually Scootaloo, I was the one who brought them here in the first place. Let me show you how it all went down."

Luna took Scootaloo to a strange hallway lined with doors. It looked like a dimensional gap in space as Luna guided the young pegasus down the hallway. Luna stopped at a door that was far different from the others. The door in front of them was black and had what looked like fangs engraved on it.

"This is where it began Scootaloo, all your questions will be answered," Luna said as she took Scootaloo through the door. When Scootaloo passed through the door she found herself within her home again.

She and Luna were in the living room and she was watching her parents berating her and giving her ridiculous lectures. It was painful to see those pegasi treating her in such a harsh way. Hearing their hateful words once again tore at Scootaloo's heart. Luna spoke softly to ease Scootaloo's heart.

"I had been keeping an eye on your living situation for years, and it pained me to see you living with those pegasi. I wanted to get you away from there, but I couldn't do anything that wouldn't provoke them. That's why I made it my personal mission to find somepony to be your guardian."

The living room vanished and Scootaloo found herself back in the space hallway. Only instead of doors, there were countless dreams that were taking place. She continued to listen and follow Luna as they walked down the hallway.

"I spent countless nights searching the dream realm for anypony that could be there for you. I visited so many dreams but none of them had a pony that could look after you and stop you parents too. I even visited Rainbow's dream, but the threat of your parents was something even she couldn't beat. There was a point where I feared that I would never be able to help you. Until the night when I stumbled upon their world."

They stopped at a dream that overlooked a world far different from Equestria. Tall metal structures were everywhere, creatures on two legs walked all over the place, and there were creatures like T-Rex and Indominus. But their world was anything but peaceful, they were kept in caged areas, and put on display for those strange creatures.

"I had no idea that they lived in another world entirely, nor did I think I could reach them. I scoured that world searching for the right creatures that could help you. As luck would have it, I stumbled upon both of them."

Luna pulled up a second dream alongside the one she and Scootaloo were looking at. The first one focused on Tyrannosaurus, the second one focused on a heavily forested enclosure. Among the thick foliage, they could see Indominus pacing about while growling to himself. They were merely used for the amusement of others, and never saw anything outside of the walls that surrounded them.

"Oh Princess Luna, this is awful. I never thought they were kept as prisoners."

"Their living situation was very similar to yours Scootaloo, except they never got a break from their imprisonment. I could see the hunger for freedom in their eyes so I decided to look into their dreams that night. When I merged their dreams together, they were alarmed at first. Indominus even tried to attack me on the spot, but I used my power to show them that I wasn't a threat. By using my magic on them, I made it so they could understand me when I spoke to them."

That answered the mystery of how the dinosaurs had understood Scootaloo when she spoke to them the first time.

"So what happened next?"

"Well, I gave them an offer to think about. I could take them away from the world they lived in and give them both the freedom they desired."

"In exchange for what Princess Luna?"

"Looking after you of course. They could be free as long as they looked after you as your protectors. I showed them the tormented life you lived, it must've stirred something in them because they unanimously agreed to take on the task. They became determined to meet you and look after you. I was thrilled that they agreed to take on such a heavy responsibility, but getting them to Equestria proved to be a far more interesting challenge."

Scootaloo continued to listen to Princess Luna while looking at the dreams hat showed Tyrannosaurus and Indominus. It truly did pain her to see them living in such a cruel environment where they were nothing but entertainment.

"I had to search the archives to find a spell that could create a gap between our world and theirs. Once I found the spell and learned how to use it, I contacted the dinosaurs the next night and told them it was time. I created the gap between both worlds and the dinosaurs began the crossover into Equestria. I decided to create the gap in the Everfree Forest so they wouldn't be spotted. As luck would have it, you had wondered into the forest that same night."

Scootaloo could never forget the circumstances that had put her in the forest in the first place. She nodded in response to Luna's statement.

"Well once the dinosaurs stepped into Equestria, they were drawn to where you were by the scent of Timberwolves. From there I've been observing them ever since, watching how they've grown so close to you. Along with the experiences that you three have shared."

Hearing that last statement made Scootaloo a little nervous.

"Does that mean you've seen every experience we've shared?"

"Yes, I watched them save your friends from Timberwolves, kill a Hydra and among others. Though I didn't expect them to eavesdrop on an argument or train for the dragon's return."

"Yeah I put that responsibility on their shoulders," Scootaloo said sheepishly as she turned away from the dreams. "But it was only to prepare them for what the project might be."

"Yes and I'm proud of the decision. I don't particularly like that they beat up those bullies in broad daylight, but it was noble how they cared for you so much."

"I was touched by how concerned they were, and they gained the approval of the entire school as well."

"That explains why I had to cover the area so their excited roars wouldn't reach all of Ponyville." Scootaloo chuckled slightly from remembering the experience, then asked Luna a good question.

"Did you perchance happen to watch Indominus pound my former parents?"

"Oh that was quite an awesome show to watch. Seeing Rainbow Dash and Indominus work together so well and just destroying those ponies was so worth watching. It appears that Indominus has even grown fond of Rainbow Dash, is this true Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo gave Luna a rather sly look. "It appears they have worked their way into each other's hearts. Rainbow Dash was blushing when she spoke about him and Indominus has had a serene look in his eyes ever since. I can't wait to see what it'll be like when Rainbow meets him for real."

"Scootaloo, there's one last thing you need to know before you wake."

"What do you-" Scootaloo stopped mid-sentence as she saw the dream realm warping around them. It was a sign that she was stirring in her sleep. Whatever Luna had to say she had to be quick.

"Scootaloo, I think your saviors are destined to be something far more than just your friends. I think that they are meant to be the Guardians of Equestria."

"What are you talking about Princess Luna?" Scootaloo shouted as Luna flew away into the realm. Luna said one last thing before she disappeared from Scootaloo's dream.

"WE'LL FIND OUT WHEN THE FINAL BATTLE HAPPENS!!" Those were the last words Luna said before a bright light engulfed the dream realm.

Scootaloo jolted awake and found herself back in Rainbow's cloud mansion. She could feel sweat on her head that had been caused by the intensity of her dream. Then she felt a pair of hooves wrap themselves around her.

"Scootaloo are you ok? You were tossing and turning in your sleep."

The little pegasus turned around and just held Rainbow Dash tightly, relieved that her idol was still alive.

"Sorry Rainbow Dash, I had a really bad nightmare."

"What was it about?" Scootaloo knew it would be tough, but she had to let her idol know.

"I watched you and my friends being burned alive by that dragon." Rainbow stroked Scootaloo's mane gently and held her tight after hearing about the nightmare.

"Don't worry Scootaloo, I'm not about to leave you. We'll beat that dragon when the time comes, together. But for now, let's get you back to sleep."

Scootaloo laid back down and snuggled close to Rainbow Dash, glad that Luna had helped ease her worries. She had no nightmares for the rest of the night.

Author's Note:

Pretty dark nightmare if I do say so. Luna was responsible for the dinosaurs being in Equestria all along. It's thanks to her that Scootaloo's life has turned around for the better, and that she has two saviors looking out for her. A few more chapters and the battle can begin.