• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,293 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Tyrannosaurus Rex and Indominus were about to learn that every heroic action can stir up its own consequences. The moment Diamond Tiara arrived home she went rambling to her parents about being attacked by monsters. Upon seeing the marks and scratches on their daughter, both Filthy and Spoiled Rich called in photographers, investigators and guards to get to the bottom of the attack. Once school had ended and the students had gone home, all the ponies that were hired began scouring the school yard for any clues. Indominus and T-Rex had made it back to their cave long before the investigation happened, but their footprints were left for the ponies to observe and photograph.

By the next morning, Ponyville was in a near state of panic from the pictures of both dinosaurs' footprints in the paper. Nopony had ever heard of creatures that could make such massive footprints or wander into Ponyville without being spotted. Canterlot guards were patrolling every inch of Ponyville that was close to the Everfree Forest, in case the creatures came back. Some even went into the forest itself to try and spot the animals responsible. Unfortunately, they would never find the dinosaurs for they proved to be too smart for the guards.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had to leave their cave since the guards were searching so deep into the forest. They were forced to travel deeper into the Everfree to avoid being spotted. Tyrannosaurus had to stay hidden within the thick foliage to avoid detection, but for Indominus it was much easier. Since Indominus could camouflage, he blended in perfectly with the forest so nopony would even see him. He had to use it to pass by the guards in order to go out and hunt for Tyrannosaurus and himself.

It was tough for both dinosaurs, being driven into more hiding all because they defended Scootaloo. Their existence was becoming harder to keep secret with so many ponies snooping around the forest. If they kept pushing into the forest looking for more clues, it would only be a matter of time before the dinosaurs would be found. Then all of Ponyville would want their heads on a platter for the damage they had caused. It was even worse for Indominus because he overheard everything the guards talked about during their search.

Indominus had left to go find food for T-Rex and himself when he overheard a couple of guards talking. They were gathered around one of the dinosaurs' footprints and were talking to themselves. They didn't notice Indominus because of his camouflaged skin.

"What do you think could've left behind footprints like this?"

"Not a clue, I haven't seen footprints this massive since the dragons and they don't normally walk around this much."

"Well whatever they are, they can't find their way back into Ponyville again. Because we'll blast them away if we have to."

Indominus wanted to lunge at the guards and kill them on the spot, but instead he chose to ignore them and continued on his way. All the time he and Tyrannosaurus had spent with Scootaloo had really changed his view on life. Indominus no longer thought about killing everything that moved, he had Scootaloo to think about and didn't want her to see him as a monster. He decided to check up on Scootaloo to see how she was doing since the incident with Diamond Tiara. When Indominus got to the edge of the schoolyard, he found that he wasn't the only one who had come to check on her.

It was lunchtime at the school, and the Crusaders were sitting down to lunch. Scootaloo was still slightly bruised, but she was doing alright and was still proud of her saviors for what they did. Since none of the fillies broke their promise to Scootaloo, the investigators had nothing to go on and therefore couldn't search around the school. Scootaloo was enjoying a nice ripe apple when she heard fast trotting and before she knew it, she was swept into a sea of cyan fur.

"Rainbow Dash, what're you doing here this early?" Scootaloo managed to say after getting her head free from Rainbow's hug. Then she noticed the worried look on her idol's face.

"I was scared something happened to you when I saw the paper this morning, I thought you had been hurt by-" Rainbow stopped and released her hug when she got a good look at the bruises on Scootaloo's body. If Rainbow Dash was worried before, now she seemed like a panic stricken mother.

"Scootaloo what happened? Did those monsters hurt you?"

Indominus felt hurt hearing Rainbow Dash say such a word from his hiding spot, but hearing Scootaloo speak up calmed him.

"No Rainbow, Diamond Tiara did this to me," Scootaloo said in a cold tone. "She and Silver Spoon decided to pick on me and my friends yesterday. They took it too far and started beating me up."

Rainbow looked over towards Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle for confirmation. When the fillies nodded their heads, Rainbow became so teary eyed that she pulled Scootaloo towards her with both wings.

"I'm so sorry Scootaloo, I can't believe that tiara wearing punk got away with something this cruel." Scootaloo could see the sadness ready to flow from her idol at any moment, so she tried to calm her down.

"Oh, they didn't get away with it sister. They got dealt the ultimate punishment for their actions." Rainbow Dash went from sad to slightly curious at what 'ultimate punishment' meant.

"Did they get detention for three weeks or something," Rainbow said with a little sarcasm.

"Nope, my new friends beat those two all over the schoolyard until I stopped them." Scootaloo watched as Rainbow's eyes went saucer pan wide.

"Hold on Scootaloo, you mean to tell me that the same friends who saved you from Timberwolves, and have been looking after you, beat that bully to a pulp?"

"Well, heh heh, lets just say that they won't be back for two months." Rainbow Dash released her wing hug on Scootaloo and used a hoof to wipe away a few tears.

"Scootaloo, these friends of yours are continuing to surprise and impress me. They're already doing a better job of looking after you than I ever could. Some big sister I turned out to be."

Now it was Scootaloo's turn to be comforting. She went right up to Rainbow Dash and snuggled against her chest. Indominus witnessed the heart warming spectacle taking place and saw for the first time, the one pony that Scootaloo praised and ranked alongside him and T-Rex.

"Rainbow Dash, you do a great job looking after me too. You came here because you thought I got hurt, you've been so concerned about my life. Heck, you're the reason that I'm flying in the first place. My friends may be cool, but they could never take your place. Nopony can ever take your place in my heart, sister."

Rainbow Dash became so emotional that she draped her wing around Scootaloo and buried her face in the filly's magenta mane. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gave a synchronized "awwww" at the touching sight before them. Even Indominus was touched by the beautiful bonding moment between the surrogate sisters and found himself shedding a few tears. For the first time in his life, the hybrid had his heart touched by such an amazing display.

"Thanks for cheering me up Scootaloo, but next time I get to be the comforting one, deal?"

"Consider it a deal Rainbow Dash." After a few more minutes, the surrogate sisters separated from their bonding hug.

"Now that I know you're doing alright, I've got to be on my way. Oh and Scootaloo," Rainbow said while looking back at Scootaloo before she got ready to take off. "If those grouches for parents give you any trouble, don't hesitate to come find me."

"Rainbow, you'll be the first pony I ever go to if something like that happens." With that Rainbow Dash gave Scootaloo a wink before she took off into the sky. Her mind free of the worries she had that morning.

Scootaloo watched Rainbow Dash take off until she heard low growls coming from the trees near the edge of the schoolyard. The Crusaders went to investigate and sure enough, they spotted Indominus hiding within the trees.

"Indominus what are you doing here? There are guards searching all over the place for you guys." Scootaloo was about to protest further when she noticed a few things.

For one, Indominus was by himself. He and Tyrannosaurus seemed inseparable since they came to Equestria, but with guards searching the forest and Indominus being the one that could camouflage it made sense. The other thing was that Indominus's eyes looked misty, like he had been shedding tears. The Crusaders were baffled at why Indominus looked so upset. That's when a huge realization sank into Scootaloo's mind.

"Indominus, did you see everything that just happened?" The great hybrid gave one nod and Scootaloo ran up to him. He got down on all fours as Scootaloo began nuzzling and running her hoof across his face.

"I think seein' you and Rainbow bonding like that really touched his heart Scootaloo," Apple Bloom said while watching her friend comfort the dinosaur.

"I didn't think that dinosaurs were capable of expressing their emotions," said Sweetie Belle.

"Well, we didn't think they'd ever show up in Equestria did we? There's still a lot we don't know about em," said Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo was too curious to find out just how much Indominus had heard to listen.

"So, did you hear what Rainbow really thinks of you?" Indominus nodded his head in response, with a little concern in his eyes. Scootaloo noticed the way the hybrid's eyes looked and continued.

"Remember, she still hasn't met you or Tyrannosaurus so she doesn't know what you guys look like. But she still thinks you guys are awesome and impressive." Hearing such praise brought a smile on Indominus's face and took away the concern in his eyes. Now that he knew what Scootaloo's idol truly thought about him and T-Rex, Indominus decided to resume his hunt. But not before he gave Scootaloo a nuzzle of his own for her kindness and went back into the forest.

"He must really love ya to constantly be showin' such affection," Apple Bloom said to Scootaloo after Indominus went back to his hunt. Scootaloo was blushing a little from the nuzzle and had a serene look on her face.

"Yeah, I knew they loved me when they stayed with me after beating the Timberwolves."

The Crusaders went back to enjoying their lunches with the time they had left before class resumed.

When Rainbow Dash had left the school, she was making her way towards the Golden Oak Library. Her worries regarding the attack at the school were put to rest for the moment, but she still had other concerns. She needed to find out if Twilight had received a letter back from Princess Celestia regarding the disaster Scootaloo's parents were connected to. She once again chose to knock when she arrived at the library. When the door opened, it wasn't Twilight that greeted her, but Applejack.

"AJ, what are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash noticed that Applejack looked nervous and worried.

"Uh, Rainbow, you're gonna need to come in and read the letter that Twilight got from the Princess." From the sound of Applejack's tone, it sounded serious.

Rainbow Dash found that all her friends were in the library and they had the same worried look as Applejack, even Pinkie Pie. It was kind of spooky to see everypony having the same worried look. Rainbow walked over to Twilight who was staring at a scroll, presumably the one she got back from Celestia.

"Twilight can you tell me why everypony looks like they've seen the worst ghost in history?" Twilight just simply looked up from the scroll and said in a nervous tone of her own.

"Rainbow, I think it'd be easier for you to read the letter than to try and tell you."

Rainbow Dash picked up the letter from Celestia and began to read it.

Dear Princess Twilight,

Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I did my own research on those ponies, and it appears that Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten are linked to something far worse than just a disaster. It turns out those two are linked to a rare legend that caused all the destruction and death in the article you found. I need you and your friends to come to Canterlot at once, because the only information on this monster is in my castle. I will send for Princess Cadence as well, because if my hunch is correct we might need all the alicorns in hopes of stopping this creature. Be warned Twilight, if my suspicions are correct this creature might be too much for even you and the Elements of Harmony to handle.


Princess Celestia of Equestria

Rainbow Dash was left speechless after reading the letter, now she knew how her friends felt. Scootaloo's parents were part of something bigger and more deadly than anything they had encountered before.

"So we're all going to Canterlot to find out what this creature is?" Everypony glanced at each other and back to Rainbow Dash, Twilight was the only one who spoke up.

"Actually Rainbow, WE are going to Canterlot while you are staying here." Rainbow was perplexed and a little frustrated.

"Why do I have to stay behind while you guys get to find the answers?"

"Because Rainbow," Applejack responded. "If anything happens to Scootaloo, you need to be there for her in case her parents do anything dangerous. This is part of the responsibility of looking after somepony you care about. If you want Scootaloo to be part of your family, you need to show her that she can count and depend on you when it matters."

Rainbow Dash took a moment to realize that Applejack was right, she had to put Scootaloo before herself if she wanted to have the filly in her life. With everything settled and Rainbow promising to keep an eye on Scootaloo throughout the day, the Mane six began making preparations. Twilight would drop by the school with Rarity to inform Cheerilee of what was happening and so Sweetie Belle would have a place to stay while Rarity was gone. Applejack decided that having Sweetie Belle stay at Sweet Apple Acres was the best decision. Unfortunately nothing could be done to get Scootaloo out of her house.

If Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten got wind that ponies were onto them, they might find a way to recreate the catastrophe they unleashed before. Rainbow Dash vowed she would act the moment Scootaloo was in trouble or if those filthy pegasi tried to do anything to her. The ponies all left the library with their plan in motion

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack made their way to the train station while Twilight and Rarity dropped by the school. Rainbow Dash had to bust only a few clouds so she made short work of her task for the day. She was finished in just a minute and chose to relax on a cloud that overlooked the school. She had just landed when she saw Twilight and Rarity enter the schoolhouse, and began wondering what would happen to Scootaloo in the middle of the chain of events that was beginning to unfold. She didn't get to think long, because Twilight and Rarity were out of the schoolhouse in just a few minutes.

Twilight flew up to the cloud Rainbow was sitting on while Rarity made her way towards the train station to join the others.

"So Twilight, is everything set?"

"Yes, Sweetie Belle will be staying at Sweet Apple Acres until we get back from Canterlot."

"Good, and Twilight, if you do find out anything regarding this disaster you'll let me know right?" Twilight draped one wing around Rainbow Dash.

"Of course I'll let you know Rainbow Dash, you'll need to be prepared if the monster happens to cross Ponyville." Twilight then took off from the cloud towards the train station herself. Even though she had wings, she wasn't about to go ahead of her friends and leave them behind.

Rainbow Dash couldn't think of anything to do so she flew back to her cloud mansion, got a bite to eat and tried to relax until the school bell rang. The whole time she kept thinking to herself "I hope nothing happens to you squirt, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."

A few hours passed and then finally Rainbow heard the school bell in the distance. She zoomed out of her cloud home and went back to the cloud over the schoolhouse. When she spotted Scootaloo, she kept her eyes on her determined to make sure nothing bad happened.

Unfortunately for Scootaloo, her saviors' actions had one other troubling consequence. The guards had to escort each filly back to their homes as a security measure. That meant there wouldn't be any time for crusading until the investigation was brought to a close. Sweetie Belle was allowed to go with Apple Bloom because Twilight and Rarity had discussed with Miss Cheerilee beforehand. Scootaloo on the other hand, had to go back to her dreadful home where the rancid pieces of filth were waiting for her.

When she arrived at the house, she wasn't sure what to expect now that her parents had seen the paper. She was also unaware that her idol was watching her from behind a cloud, ready to take action if she needed to. Scootaloo quietly walked into the house, unaware that she was in for the most horrid news ever.

Author's Note:

Now things are going to get intense. The secrets of the project will be revealed next chapter, actions will be taken and the fights are gonna erupt in the next few chapters.