• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,283 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Author's Note:

This chapter is gonna focus on Rainbow Dash for a while. Just to show what she's going through on this whole ordeal and what she thinks of Scootaloo's parents. Think of it as a side chapter that will connect with the story again.

While Scootaloo and the dinosaurs were having a swell time during the weeks until the final introduction, Rainbow Dash was worrying herself to death.

Ever since she saw how sad Scootaloo had been and heard part of what her family life was like, the cyan mare couldn't keep her mind from conjuring so many worst case scenarios. The tormenting thoughts kept her up at night and left her worrying what her surrogate sister could be going through. It also brought dread into her heart imagining how anypony could be cruel to a filly as awesome as Scootaloo. Rainbow hadn't fully realized that all the worry and stress was proving just how much the filly had grown on her. She was concerned for Scootaloo like a real sister should, and hoped that Scootaloo would get relief from her horrid parents.

Once she heard about Scootaloo's brave and awesome new friends, Rainbow knew that things were looking up for the little filly. When the promise was made that she would get to meet them in person, Rainbow was eager to meet the ones that the little pegasus looked up to and ranked alongside her idol. Knowing that there were ponies looking out for Scootaloo helped ease some of Rainbow's worries. Unfortunately, it didn't ease Rainbow's thoughts on what Scootaloo's parents were like. She was determined to get answers on the matter.

One day Rainbow couldn't take the worry any longer and decided to visit one of her friends in hope they might have some answers. She went right to the Golden Oak library and instead of going through the window, she actually knocked on the door.

"Be right there," was the response Rainbow heard from within the library. After a while, the door opened and Rainbow was greeted by a lavender alicorn.

"Rainbow Dash, I'm surprised to see you here," Twilight said after seeing who was at the door. "Did you come by for another book on Daring Do?"

"Not this time Twilight, I actually need some information on two particular ponies."

Twilight was surprised, not from Rainbow needing a different book, but from how serious she sounded. Twilight allowed Rainbow Dash into the library and was curious as to why she needed information.

"So Rainbow, who is it that you need information on?"

Rainbow took a calm breath and then proceeded to tell Twilight.

"I need to know if you have any information on Scootaloo's parents." Twilight hadn't expected that kind of answer, nor was she prepared for it.

"Why are you suddenly interested in Scootaloo's parents? Have they done anything wrong?"

"Actually Twilight, it would probably be best if everypony was here so I only have to say it once. I think this is something everypony has to hear," Rainbow said in a rather worried mood. Twilight noticed the unusual mood in her usually brash and confident friend.

"What's wrong Rainbow, why is this so important to you?" Rainbow looked like she was trying to hold back a waterfall of emotion.

"I'm just so worried about Scootaloo!" Rainbow slipped out while trying to contain most of her emotions. "I think that she's being tormented in her house and I want to get her out of there."

Seeing her confident friend being so emotional, Twilight walked over and draped her wing over Rainbow Dash.

"You really love her, don't you?" Twilight said gently. Rainbow Dash looked at her friend with her eyes glazed.

"Yes I do. I didn't realize how much she meant to me, until I saw her so upset and coming to me for comfort."

"It's alright Rainbow, we're gonna get this sorted out." Twilight continued to speak gently, trying to calm her friend and restore her confidence. "Now can you tell me the names of her parents so I can see what there is on them?"

Rainbow Dash thankfully remembered their names being brought up around town a few times.

"Their names are Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten." Once Twilight heard the names, she called for her number one assistant.

"Spike, I need you to help me find info on a few ponies."

Her little dragon assistant came down the stairs and into the foyer. He looked a little sleepy like he had been woken up from a nap.

"Never fails, ya fall asleep for a nap then get woken up ten minutes later. Ok Twilight, who do we need to look up?"

"I need to find any info we have on two ponies named Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten."

"Ugh, what weird names, I wonder what their parents were named after."

With that the alicorn and dragon began scouring the library for any sign of the names that Rainbow had mentioned. They searched through book after book, but couldn't find any of the names mentioned. Rainbow remained still and patient while Twilight was flipping through so many pages looking over every detail. It was as if the ponies were ghosts, there wasn't a shred of their names mentioned anywhere. Then Spike stumbled across something in a book about Cloudsdale pegasi.

"Twilight, Rainbow, I think I've found something."

Both ponies rushed over to Spike and saw where he had his claw pointed at. It was two pages that had the names of both pegasi and their entire biography. Apparently they were both high society pegasi and no one crossed them. But what puzzled Twilight was that the book showed that Cloudsdale was their former residence. Their current residence was simply marked "unknown." This left Twilight and Rainbow Dash puzzled and beyond perplexed.

"They used to live in Cloudsdale? What caused them to leave and drag Scootaloo with them? If I had known, I could've met Scootaloo sooner." Rainbow couldn't understand why two pegasi would take their daughter away from such an amazing city.

"Uh Rainbow, I don't think they left Cloudsdale." Twilight had a grim expression on her face once she turned the page. "I think Cloudsdale kicked them out for the safety of all pegasi."

The next page was an article on both pegasi. The title read "Rich Pegasi Connected To Catastrophic Disaster," and it made a chill run down Rainbow's spine. The article talked about how both Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten had been linked to a disaster that wreaked havoc upon Equestria and accounted for the deaths of so many ponies. Their house had been investigated and once evidence had been gathered, both pegasi were banished from Cloudsdale and to never return. Nopony knew they had Scootaloo as their daughter, but the rumors of their connection to the disaster followed them to Ponyville.

"They caused a disaster that killed ponies all over Equestria!?" Rainbow Dash was shocked that Scootaloo's parents were responsible for a worldwide disaster. She scanned the rest of the article for more details, but there weren't any on what the disaster was.

Twilight was beyond stunned, she had never heard of any ponies that could be so cruel. "How could they do this? They've been living in Ponyville this whole time and nopony ever crossed them because they caused so many deaths?"

Twilight put down the book and slowly looked over at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, I think we need to hold that meeting you wanted tonight. Everypony needs to know whats been going on in Scootaloo's life, and once it's done I'll send a letter to the Princess to see if she knows anything on the matter."

Twilight decided to hold the meeting at five thirty so her friends would have time to be informed on the situation. Rainbow Dash thanked Twilight and left to inform the others on the meeting. She didn't have to bust any clouds so she could focus on the task at hand. She sped to Fluttershy and Rarity's homes first then zoomed over to Sugar cube corner and Sweet Apple Acres to tell Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Once all her friends had been informed about the meeting, Rainbow still had two and a half hours to kill.

She tried to ease her mind by laying on a cloud, but she couldn't relax after everything she had heard. It just tormented her mind that ponies could be cruel to their filly, cause a worldwide disaster, and be allowed to get away with everything. She was tossing and turning on the cloud when she heard the school bell ring.

Rainbow peaked over her cloud and watched Scootaloo walk out with her friends. She wondered how Scootaloo managed to deal with those awful parents despite how they were treating her. Those new friends she mentioned must have been doing a good job at looking after her. Seeing the little filly enjoying her time with the Crusaders, Rainbow couldn't help but think to herself.

"Don't worry squirt, I'll make sure you get the family you deserve."

After two hours of trying to ease her stressed mind, Rainbow flew back towards the Golden Oaks Library to tell her friends. When she arrived, she found all her friends waiting in a circle. All of them were a little puzzled why they had been asked to have a meeting, except for Twilight.

"So Rainbow, any particular reason why ya asked us to come here," Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I was in the middle of designing my next collection," said Rarity.

"Ok, but you all have to promise that what I tell you tonight doesn't leave this room," Rainbow said in a serious tone.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," everypony said in unison. With everypony having made their promise, Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and began slowly.

"I'm worried that Scootaloo is being tormented by her parents, and I want to get her away from them." With the exception of Twilight, everypony started giving puzzled, worried and concerned looks.

"Whatever makes you think that her parents are causing her trouble darling," Rarity asked out of worry.

"Would this have anything to do with how she acted when I asked her about her family?" Pinkie Pie also asked after she remembered how Scootaloo had reacted at Sugar Cube Corner.

"I'm afraid so Pinkie, I believe there's more going on in that house than what Scootaloo is willing to tell me. The last few times I've been with her, she was in such a sad and depressed mood. When I asked her about it, she said that her parents were ridiculing her over everything she did. Not even acknowledging her, and not treating her like a real family should. I've never seen her so upset before, it has me worried."

Applejack was appalled over what Rainbow had said. She couldn't believe that anypony would be so hard on their children. Then she remembered that Apple Bloom had told her about Scootaloo's behavior.

"Now that ya mention it, Apple Bloom told me how Scootaloo looked really down and chose not to crusade with her a few weeks ago."

"Yes, as I recall, Sweetie Belle told me she was shocked that Scootaloo would turn down crusading. From what I was told, it sounded like the poor thing had her spirits crushed that morning," Rarity added.

"Oh Rainbow, I'm so sorry to hear that," Fluttershy was hurt almost as bad as her friend. She had never heard of anypony that would disregard a filly's happiness and treat them so poorly. Rainbow was struggling to hold back her emotions again, but she had to remain strong.

"That's why I came to Twilight to see if I could find some answers, and there's more to those parents of Scootaloo's than I thought."

Twilight levitated the book toward the middle of the circle so everypony could read it. When they got to the article on the disaster, their eyes bulged out of their sockets.


Applejack was overcome with shock, she couldn't understand how those ponies could get away with a crime so horrid. Rarity was spouting ranting gibberish that nopony could understand because she was so baffled. Fluttershy was trying to hold back tears after reading the article, but Pinkie Pie's reaction was the most bizarre. She just stood there with her eyes wide and her mane and tail had deflated. Everypony paused their reactions as they watched Pinkie get up and walk right over to Rainbow Dash with a dead serious look in her eyes.

"Rainbow Dash, you have to get Scootaloo away from those filthy bucking excuses for parents." To hear Pinkie Pie speak in such a serious and deadly tone frightened everypony. Except Rainbow Dash, who had a look of determination on her face.

"Pinkie I intend to do everything I can to get her out of there and give her the family she deserves."

"Good, because I really don't want to have to whip out my tools and make cupcakes out of those ponies. Oh, and just who did you have in mind for a family?"

"I want to take her into my home and become her family." Upon hearing Rainbow's answer, Pinkie's mane and tail inflated again and her smile returned.

"Oh Rainbow that's such a kind thing to do!" She pulled Rainbow Dash into a very tight hug and only let go when Applejack spoke next.

"Rainbow Dash, if you have any problems in the future with Scootaloo, you can always come to us for advice." Rainbow Dash was so surprised that she didn't know how to respond.

"You mean you guys are all ok with me taking care of Scootaloo?"

Twilight was the next pony to speak, "Rainbow you've always been there for her when she needed somepony. You've definitely been a better parent and sister than those horrible ponies. We know that you have what it takes to look after Scootaloo and be the family she deserves. You have our utmost faith and trust."

Fluttershy had her own piece to tell Rainbow, "I think what you're doing for Scootaloo, is the most incredible act of kindness I've ever seen."

Rainbow Dash became so teary eyed that everypony came in for a group hug to show they trusted her.

"Thank you girls," Rainbow Dash said amidst the group hug. After a few minutes, the hug was broken up and Twilight went to Spike for the letter to send to Princess Celestia.

"Alright Spike, time for that letter to Princess Celestia." Spike already had a scroll and pen ready by the time Twilight was finished. He had overheard everything and wanted to do his part.

"Ready when you are Twilight."

Dear Princess Celestia,

It has been brought to my attention and the Elements of Harmony that Scootaloo is being harassed by her parents. We tried to find information on them, and we discovered that they have been connected to a disaster that caused havoc and deaths all over Equestria. If you have any additional knowledge on this disaster, please let us know so we can get Scootaloo out of that home and with a true family.


Princess Twilight Sparkle

With that Spike sent the letter to Canterlot, now they just had to wait for Celestia to respond. Rainbow thanked everypony for agreeing to support her decision and decided that it was time they headed home for the night. Rainbow Dash managed to fall into a somewhat peaceful sleep, glad that the process of bringing Scootaloo into her life was underway.

Rainbow Dash woke the next morning wondering if Celestia had responded back to Twilight's letter. On the way down the spiral staircase she remembered that in one week she would be meeting Scootaloo's saviors. She had just begun to make breakfast when she heard a knock on her door. She opened it to find her old friend and current mail pony waiting outside.

"Morning Derpy."

"Morning Rainbow Dash, have you seen the paper yet? Apparently something awful went down at the school house yesterday." Derpy handed Rainbow Dash the latest edition of the Foal Free Press and took off to complete her rounds.

A wave of terror ran through Rainbow Dash as she saw the title "Monsters rampage through school yard," and saw a picture of two sets of monstrous footprints.