• Published 1st Nov 2015
  • 1,336 Views, 75 Comments

A Look Back - Bluecatcinema

  • ...

Standing Apart?

There was a lot of activity around Canterlot recently. Preparations were under way for the wedding of Princess Constell and her long-time coltfriend, Luxury. As such, the two were going all around town, hiring a band, arranging the catering, and lots of other things necessary for a wedding to get underway. The last few days were a whirlwind of activity for the pair, something that didn't go unnoticed to those around them, particularly by Blue and Mist.

"Boy, who knew planning a wedding was such hard work?" Constell sighed one afternoon, as she sat in a gazebo with Mist in the royal gardens.

"Well, me, for starters." Mist chuckled, as she rocked the drowsy Tempest to sleep in her hooves.

"How did you do it?" Constell asked. "All the organising and planning, so much detail to go through... not to mention you were pregnant at the time!"

"Well, I guess I just have a knack planning and organisation." Mist shrugged. "That, and I did have a lot of support from Blue."

"Well, I've got support too." Constell pointed out. "Luxury's been behind me all the way. But it's still been tough for both of us."

"What can I say?" Mist smiled. "Some ponies are just better at this kind of thing than others."

"Gee, thanks." Constell pouted.

"Seriously, though, I'm sure you'll do just fine." Mist declared.

"I hope so." Constell sighed. "I want this wedding to be just perfect. We both do."

"Sounds like you two are on the same page." Mist smiled. "You shouldn't have a problem."

"Yeah, I guess..." Constell grinned. "We are pretty in synch, aren't we?"

Over at Blazin' Blue's, Luxury was enjoying a drink.

"Boy, these have been a rough few days." He told Blue.

"You're preaching to the choir, pal." Blue chuckled. "Even with planning help from royalty, a wedding isn't the easiest thing to put together." He smiled warmly. "But it's all worth it in the end."

"No question." Luxury sighed. "Soon, Constell and I will be married. Husband and wife. Together forever."

"That's the general idea." Blue joked. "Feeling nervous, pal?"

"A little." Luxury downed his drink. "But mostly excited. Despite all the hard work we've been doing, it just feels so good to have Constell by my side throughout all of it. With her help, everything's been going great."

"Marriage is a partnership." Blue smiled. "And it looks like you two are already a great team."

"You got that right." Luxury chuckled. "We're totally in synch."

That evening, Mist, having just put Tempest down for the night, joined her husband in bed.

"Well, Constell and Luxury's wedding plans seem to be coming along nicely." She remarked.

"That's what I hear." Blue agreed. "You know, it's still kinda hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday Luxury and I were competing for your affections, and now he's getting hitched to Constell."

"Yeah, those days weren't that long ago." Mist admitted. "But I'm happy for the both of them. They're so good together."

"Just like you and me." Blue embraced her.

"Yeah." Mist smiled. "Though maybe we're a little better."

"Well, that goes without saying." Blue chuckled. "We have had a lot more practice at it than they have."

"Give them time." Mist chuckled. "They'll be as good at the whole marital game as we are."

"Speaking of 'maritals', what do you say we... have a little fun?" Blue smirked.

"Why, Mr Blazes." Mist blurred. "You read my mind."

"Here's something else we've got plenty of practice in." Blue grinned, as he pulled the covers over them.

The happily married couple embraced each other under the sheets. Their night was only just beginning...

The next day, Constell and Luxury were in Canterlot park, where they were planning on holding the wedding. Their wedding planner, a mare named Beauty Bouquet, was with them. She was a powder blue mare with a rose-colored mane, brown eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a bride's bouquet.

"So, where shall we hold the actual ceremony?" Beauty asked.

"I was thinking just by the pond would be good." Constell pointed.

"My thoughts exactly." Luxury nodded. "The light coming off the water will really boost the overall beauty of the altar."

"Good to see you're on the same page." Beauty beamed. "These things always go so much more smoothly when the husband and bride-to-be are on the same wavelength."

"That's us, alright." Luxury wrapped a hoof around Constell.

"Oh, yeah." Constell beamed. "Like the same mind in two bodies."

"Wonderful." Beauty nodded. "Now, let's move on to the next matter. The decorations. How extravagant should they be?"

"As extravagant as possible." Luxury declared.

"Seriously?" Constell frowned. "I know I'm royalty and you're stinking rich, but that doesn't mean we should go spend-crazy on a ton of gaudy, yet expensive, decorations."

"Why not?" Luxury asked. "It's our wedding, after all. The biggest day of our lives. We oughta make it as flashy as possible!"

"Not necessarily." Constell shook her head. "Ever heard of the saying 'less is more'?"

"Not in my social circles." Luxury declared. "My parents and all their friends will be coming. Not to mention your family, and all the other royals... a big, lavish ceremony is pretty much expected."

"Expected, but not demanded." Constell retorted. "Besides, won't all that overblown grandeur take the focus off the actual purpose of the ceremony? Namely, us getting married?"

"Of course not." Luxury snorted. "It just sweetens the deal. Besides, what's wrong with a little gussying up?"

"You mean 'showing off'." Constell snorted. "Just because we're royal and rich doesn't mean we have a big deal out of things. Honestly, I'd prefer something a little more low-key."

"Low-key?" Luxury frowned. "A wedding's not supposed to be 'low-key'! Heck, if that's the way you want it, why don't we have the reception at all-you-can restaurant on the west side?"

"Oh, now you're just being ridiculous." Constell declared.

"Maybe we should move on to another subject." Beauty said nervously. "How many guests will we be including?"

"Well, there's my parents, their friends, my co-workers at the solicitor's office, my old school chums..." Luxury listed off.

"Why don't you just invite the milkmare too." Constell scoffed. "What happened to wedding guests being immediate friends and family?"

"What's wrong with sharing our big day with as many ponies as possible?" Luxury asked.

"Well, for starters, I'll barely even know half the guests." Constell declared. "Not to mention the reception will be totally crowded."

"Better too many guests than too few." Luxury insisted. "That's my parents' golden rule for their parties."

"But this isn't a party." Constell growled.

"Let's put a pin in that for now." Beauty tried to diffuse the tension. "Now, how about the music as the bride walks down the aisle?"

"We'll go with the classic wedding march." Luxury smiled.

"That old horse chestnut?" Constell rolled her eyes. "Why don't we try something more modern? How about that Coloratura song, Beating Hearts and Hooves?"

"Now who's treating this like a party?" Luxury smirked.

"Okay..." Beauty cringed, as Constell glared. "Can we at least agree on the food at the reception?"

"Of course." Luxury nodded. "We'll have the finest of foods; Begneits, endives..."

"Not a chance." Constell snorted. "I'm not having that overpriced fancy stuff at my wedding."

"And again, you shoot down my idea." Luxury growled. "Insisting we do things your way."

"You mean the right way." Constell retorted.

"That's debatable." Luxury scoffed.

"Excuse me?!" Constell snarled. "Are you calling me wrong?"

"Of course not." Luxury shrugged. "Just... an incorrect point of view."

"Oh sure, like it's me who's the problem." Constell spat. "Not you, and all your fancy wants and needs..."

"I'm only thinking of what's best for the wedding." Luxury insisted.

"More like what's best for your ego, I think." Constell jeered.

"Well, you know what I think?" Luxury shot back. "It seems to me like you don't even care about the wedding!"

"Don't you dare say that!" Constell yelled.

"Why not?" Luxury snarled. "It sure sounds like it!"

"Umm... excuse me?" Beauty said meekly.

"Well, you know what it sounds like to me?" Constell glared, ignoring Beauty. "It sounds like you just want to flaunt our ceremony over everypony! Like becoming my husband is just an afterthought!"

"Now who's being ridiculous?" Luxury declared. "The ceremony is an expression of our union. Our guests deserve to see as grand a ceremony as possible!"

"In other words, you just want to show off in front of all of Equestria." Constell sneered. "'Look at me, I'm marrying a Princess!' Is that all this wedding really means to you?"

"If we could just-" Beauty spoke up again.

"How could you even say something like that?" Luxury asked, wounded. "All I want is to have a ceremony worthy of a Princess, not a pauper!"

"Would it make a difference if it was the latter?" Constell asked. "I may be a Princess, but I've never been the type to go out and brag about it!"

"You think this about bragging?" Luxury shot back. "That I'm just stroking my ego? I'm doing this for you!"

"If that were true, then you'd actually listen to me!" Constell roared. "Honestly, you're being impossible!"

"I'm being impossible?!" Luxury yelled. "You're the one who won't back down!"

"Excuse me?" Beauty squeaked.

"Because this is my wedding too, pal!" Constell yelled. "I should have a say in how it goes!"

"And I shouldn't?" Luxury prompted. "This isn't a one-pony deal, you know!"

"You could've fooled me." Constell snorted.

"Is this how it's going to be once we're married?" Luxury snarled. "You countermanding every decision I make?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Constell said condescendingly. "Would you prefer if I was just some vapid little trophy wife, blindly agreeing with everything you say?"

"I didn't say that." Luxury said through gritted teeth.

"You didn't have to." Constell glared. "Maybe you feel like since I'm royalty, you need to 'assert your dominance', or some nonsense like that. Well, too bad. I'm not spending our whole marriage saying 'yes, dear', you hear me?"

"That's not... I... You're twisting my words!" Luxury snarled.

"Or am I just reading between the lines?" Constell asked.

"That's just crazy talk!" Luxury yelled.

"Oh, so now I'm crazy?" Constell spat. "If this is how you react when I don't agree with you, I'm not sure being married to you would be a pleasant experience after all!"

"Well, if that's the way you feel, then maybe we should postpone things until you see sense!" Luxury ranted.

"Now, let's not be too hasty..." Beauty started.

"Or you!" Constell growled.

"Fine!" Luxury yelled.

"Fine!" Constell shot back.

The two left the park in opposite directions.

"Oh, my..." Beauty sighed.

Constell stormed back to the castle. Mist and Tempest in the foyer, having just visited Shine and Celestia.

"You're back early." Mist noted. "How'd it go?"

"It didn't." Constell growled.

"What do you mean?" Mist asked.

"I mean, Luxury was being a total pig-headed jerk!" Constell yelled.

"Waa!" Tempest cried, scared by Constell's sudden outburst.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tempest." Constell cooed, as Mist tried to soothe him. "I didn't mean to scare you."

After a few moments of comforting, Tempest calmed down.

"Okay, what's going on?" Mist asked. "What happened between you and Luxury?"

"We had a little disagreement about the ceremony." Constell answered. "At least, it was little at first. Then he totally lost it, all because I didn't go along with one idea of his. I had no idea he could be so stubborn, so full of himself..."

"Come on." Mist shook her head. "We both know Luxury. You've gotta be exaggerating."

"Not even a little." Constell scowled.

"But still, you shouldn't let a little spat like that ruin the wedding." Mist urged.

"There's not going to be a wedding." Constell declared. "Not until I get an apology out of that jerk."

Meanwhile, Luxury stomped angrily into Blazin' Blue's.

"Uh... hi?" Blue frowned, taking note of Luxury's sour disposition.

"Apple cider." Luxury said bluntly. "And make it a double."

"Comin' right up." Blue filled the glass. "So... why the scowl, pal?"

"Constell." Luxury growled.

"Constell?" Blue asked.

"Constell." Luxury nodded. "We were planning the ceremony, when suddenly, she became totally unreasonable. All I wanted was to make the wedding a spectacle to remember. But she wouldn't have any of it. She just lost it. Started calling me a 'show-off' of all things. Then she accused me of only wanting her to be a trophy wife. Can you believe that? I don't know where all that crazy talk came from. I had no idea she could be so stubborn, so overreactive..."

"Neither did I." Blue declared. "You sure it really happened like that?"

"Oh, I'm sure, alright." Luxury snorted. "And I've got the ringing ears to prove it."

"Okay, that sounds pretty rough." Blue noted. "But you guys'll make up in the end. You've got to, after all, with the whole wedding thing."

"I'm not marrying that mare until she admits she went too far." Luxury scowled. "And that's final."

That evening, Mist and Blue compared stories.

"They both feel like the other is completely in the wrong." Mist declared.

"And they're both too stubborn to apologise." Blue shook his head. "So much for being in synch..."

"We can't let the wedding just fall apart." Mist sighed. "We've got to do something."

"Yeah, but what?" Blue asked.

"We've got to get them together somehow." Mist declared. "I'm sure if they just sat down and talked this out, they'd work through this silly little spat."

"I hope you're right." Blue nodded. "It'd be a shame for things between them to end like this. Not after they've been together for so long..."

"So, how are we going to do it?" Mist asked.

"That's the question, isn't it?" Blue frowned. "I doubt we can just invite them to talk things over."

"We've got to be more subtle than that." Mist declared. "But at the same time, we can't really force anything. We need them to solve this without us making them."

"Easier said than done." Blue noted. "I guess we could just get them both in the bar at the same time. That at least would get them face-to-face again. Lux always drops by around lunch for an apple juice or a spring water, so he'll be right there."

"And I'm sure it'll only take a little prompting to get them to talk things over." Mist said positively. "We both know how much they care about each over."

"Okay, we got us a plan." Blue nodded. "Here's hoping we can pull it off."

"We've got to." Mist said firmly. "We can't let them throw everything away over some argument. After all, they did the same for us when we fought over the mess in your apartment."

"Yeah." Blue nodded solemnly. "Time to return the favor..."

The next morning, Mist went over to the castle with Tempest, whom she was going to drop off with Celestia (both so she could put the plan into action, and also because she knew how much Tempest loved his aunt). After dropping Tempest off for the afternoon, she found Constell, still sulking in the garden.

"Hey, Connie!" Mist said, in a faux-cheery voice. "How's everything going?"

"Just great." Constell pouted. "Everything's dandy."

"Really?" Mist asked. "Because you look a little down. Call me crazy, but I think you're missing Luxury."

"Who?" Constell scowled.

"Come on." Mist urged. "You can't fool me. I know you miss him."

"No, I don't." Constell insisted. "I'd be perfectly happy never seeing that jerk ever again. Or hearing about him, for that matter."

"You know what you need?" Mist grinned. "A nice, cool drink to take your mind off things. Let's go to Blazin' Blue's."

"I don't feel much like going anywhere." Constell snorted.

"It'd be better than sitting around here, wallowing in misery." Mist pointed out. "And I'll be with you every step of the way."

"Okay, fine." Constell huffed. "As long as it gets you off my back."

"That's the spirit." Mist smiled.

Meanwhile, at the Blazin' Blue's, Luxury was sitting at the bar, looking glumly at a half-full glass of club soda.

'Don't worry, pal.' Blue thought. 'Help is on the way.'

Luxury downed the rest of the soda.

"I should probably get going." He sighed.

"So soon?" Blue asked, knowing that Luxury staying was crucial. "You should stick around. After going through what you've gone through, a stallion needs his friends with him!"

"I'm not really in the mood for company right now." Luxury said darkly.

"Come on, pal." Blue urged. "Next one's on the house!"

"...Okay, maybe one more." Luxury shrugged.

"Great." Blue lined up another club soda. 'Come on, Mist...'

Luxury downed his drink in moments, making to leave once again. Just as Blue was racking his brains for a reason for him to stay, the door opened, and Mist and Constell entered.

Both Luxury and Constell froze as they saw each other.

"Oh." Constell said flatly. "It's you."

"Yeah. Me." Luxury nodded.

"Oh, what a coincidence!" Mist gasped. "I had no idea Luxury would be here at this exact time!"

"But since you're both here, why you talk things over?" Blue suggested.

"There's nothing to talk about." Constell scowled. "Unless it involves him saying the words 'I'm sorry'."

"Me?!" Luxury spat. "You should be the one giving out an apology!"

"In your dreams!" Constell sneered.

"Okay, that's enough!" Mist yelled.

"Seriously, guys." Blue declared. "You're supposed to love each each other. Heck, you were about to get married before this little spat."

"Well, maybe we were making a mistake." Luxury declared.

"Finally, you're making sense." Mist scoffed.

"Don't talk like that." Mist shook her head. "You two are meant to be together."

"That's what I thought. Once..." Constell snorted.

"Look, we can't force you guys to make up." Blue declared. "But we can remind you how good the two of you are together."

"We all know relationships have their ups and downs." Mist stated. "In fact, I seem to recall Blue and I having quite a nasty spat not long ago."

"And a certain helped us get through it." Blue smiled. "You guys."

"You helped us see that we couldn't lose each other because of some silly disagreement." Mist smiled. "And now we're doing the same for you."

"But... that's not the same thing..." Luxury mumbled.

"Yeah." Constell sneered. "It's totally different."

"Is it?" Mist asked. "Because it sure sounds like you're letting one little disagreement tear you apart."

"Just like we almost did." Blue added. "Until you helped us see sense."

"I don't need to 'see sense'." Luxury pouted.

"Me neither." Constell shook her head.

"To quote something a friend once told me, do you really want to throw all that away because you're too stubborn to apologize?" Blue smirked at Luxury.

"And as a certain cousin once said to me: You guys were perfect together. You really want to throw all that away from some dumb little argument?" Mist looked at Constell.

"Using our own words against us?" Constell growled. "That's low."

"Doesn't stop it from making sense." Mist grinned.

"Come on, guys." Blue urged. "Take a good hard look at each other, and ask yourselves: Is it really worth staying mad at each other?"

Constell and Luxury looked at each other. As they locked eyes, their anger slowly dissipated, as the wisdom of their own words filtered through the rage, reminding them of the depth of their feelings for each other.

"They're right." Luxury sighed. "I'm sorry, Constell."

"I... I'm sorry too." Constell admitted. "I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you."

"Neither should I." Luxury replied. "You know, the real reason I wanted to make the wedding as grand as possible was because I thought it was the best way of showing my appreciation for you agreeing to be my wife."

"Oh, really?" Constell smiled. "Lux..."

"Guess I should have mentioned that earlier, huh?" Luxury shrugged.

"To be fair, I probably wouldn't have let you get a word in edgewise." Constell joked.

"But if you want it simple, I guess I can work with that." Luxury admitted. "Nothing's worth losing you."

"I missed you so much." Constell kissed him.

"I missed you too, Connie." Luxury kissed her back.

The reconciled couple continued kissing each other. Mist and Blue watched the loving scene.

"Mission accomplished." Blue grinned.

"I knew it would work." Mist said smugly.

With the betrothed pair back together, the wedding preparations began anew (much to Beauty Bouquet's relief); Before long, the day of the wedding had come. After agreeing to a compromise, the decorations were semi-extravagant; Not too cheap, but not too fancy. Following suit, the catering included both fancy food, and more pedestrian fare. It was an even balance, suiting both Constell and Luxury's desires.

Blue was the best stallion, and Mist was the mare of honor. Tempest was in the hooves of Spitfire, bemused by the whole thing. Constell, looking resplendent in a midnight blue wedding dress, was lead down the aisle by her father, Gothic, accompanied by a jazzy version of the wedding march (in the style of one of Coloratura's old hits, Married Mare).

"Gorgeous..." Luxury sighed.

"Bet you're glad the wedding went ahead now, huh?" Blue nudged him.

"And then some." Luxury smiled.

As Gothic let Constell join Luxury, he whispered "Take care of her... or else."

"Yes, sir." Luxury nodded solemnly. "You have my word."

Luna acted as the officiator, having been asked by Constell, and delighted to help her daughter tie the knot.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to join these two ponies in holy matrimony." She announced. "Theirs is a love that can overcome any obstacle."

"With a little help from their friends..." Mist whispered, passing the rings over.

"Do you, Luxury, take Constell to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, 'til death do you part?" Luna inquired.

"I do." Luxury nodded.

"And do you, Constell, take Luxury to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, 'til death do you part?" Luna asked.

"I do." Constell beamed.

"Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you stallion and wife." Luna smiled. "You may now kiss the bride."

Luxury and Constell kissed deeply, bring cheers from the crowd.

After the reception, the newlyweds caught up with Blue and Mist.

"Thanks for everything, guys." Constell smiled. "Without you, this day might never have come."

"Happy to help." Mist beamed.

"You two have fun on your honeymoon." Blue grinned.

"Oh, we will." Luxury chuckled.

Blue and Mist watched as the couple got into their carriage, and drove off into the night.

"Looks like they're on the way to being as good a couple as we are." Mist declared.

"Yeah... though maybe we're a little better." Blue echoed her earlier words.

"That goes without saying." Mist chuckled. "Case in point..."

The two embraced and kissed each other deeply, their own love as strong as ever.

Author's Note:

Behind The Scenes:

* "Stand By Me" was the first time we actually based a story on events that had already occurred, such as Mist's pregnancy. We just felt there was more to tell there.

* Blue's anniversary gift of blue-striped socks in "Month Zero: Mis-Conception" played on the popular meme of ponies wearing socks.

* "Month Six: Rodeo Romance" was sort of a throw-it-in chapter, capitalising on the recent debut of Troubleshoes, and using it to pair him up with Derpy.

* The scene in "Month Seven: Bar On The Rocks" where Blue and Vinny engage in a drunken conversation (with subtitles) was based on the Family Guy episode "Peter's Two Dads". Furthermore, the chapter itself was originally going to have a much darker tone to it, and harsher scenes between Blue and Mist. The only thing that remained the same is Vinny's being in the chaper.

* "Month Nine: A Glimpse Of The Sun" and "Month Ten: Showers And Weddings" allowed us to portray events from "House Of The Crystal Sun" and "Home On The Range" from a different point of view.

* The entire delivery scene from "Month Eleven: Special Guests, New Arrival" is lifted from the Family Guy episode "Emission Impossible".