• Published 1st Nov 2015
  • 1,335 Views, 75 Comments

A Look Back - Bluecatcinema

  • ...

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

In the Crystal Empire, Anthem was scouring the local stores for something special, something fabulous, something unbelievably incredible. The anniversary of the day he had first met his wife, Winter Beach, was approaching, and he was having quite a hard time coming up with a perfect gift to celebrate the occasion. He scoured through all the top jewellery stores, the best boutiques... Nothing seemed special enough to him.

'None of this is good enough.' He thought. 'It's got to be something extra-special... But what?'

After another failed search, Anthem returned to the castle. He knew that Winter was at the spa with Cadance today, which meant he would be able to return with the hypothetical gift without her being any the wiser. That was the plan, at least... At the moment, he had nothing to hide, so his intricate plan was all for naught.

'Another round of big fat, nothing...' He thought, as he trudged down the halls. 'I've got to find something soon... I can't expect Winter to like some second-rate gift.'

So wrapped up in his musing was Anthem that he failed to notice a pink little ball of energy sneaking up on him.

"BOO!" A shriek rang out from right behind him.

"AHHH!" Anthem yelped, leaping off the ground in fright. Catching himself with his wing, he heard the sound of giggling below.

"Silly Ant!" Anthem's little sister, Twyla, squealed. "I got you!"

"Yeah, real funny, sis." Anthem pouted, as he returned to the ground.

"Back already, son?" Shining Armor came over.

"Yep." Anthem nodded.

"Your anniversary gift search not go so well?" Shining asked.

"Ye- Hey, how'd you know?" Anthem frowned.

"You're just like your old stallion, kid." Shining chuckled. "I had the same kind of trouble getting your mother a gift on our first anniversary."

"So what did you do?" Anthem asked.

"Oh, that's a rough story, kiddo." Shining sighed. "I was so unsure of what to get her that I wound up buying this cheesy snowglobe."

"Whoa, really?" Anthem cringed. "I doubt mom was happy about that."

"Actually, she was." Shining smiled. "She absolutely loved it."

"Huh?" Anthem gaped. "But you said it was cheesy."

"It was." Shining nodded. "But Cadance knew I'd had a hard time picking out a gift. Just the fact that I'd tried mattered more than anything to her. She's held on to that tacky little snowglobe ever since." He patted Anthem on the back. "Remember, son. It's the thought that counts."

"Thanks, dad." Anthem smiled. "But all the same, I think I'm going to aim a little higher... mostly because I already got Winter a snowglobe during her first trip here."

"Well, to each his own." Shining shrugged. "Come on, Twyla. It's almost time for dinner. We're having your favorite: pyrite parsnips!"

"Yum!" Twyla licked her lips.

"Yay..." Anthem cringed. He was not a particularly big fan of pyrite parsnips, which Twyla loved for some reason.

Not long after, Cadance and Winter returned from the spa, both refreshed and rejuvenated from their visit. Cadance had had her mane styled into elaborate curls, while Winter's was in an elegant braid.

"Hey, Ant." Winter smiled. "What do you think?"

"You look great, Wint." Anthem smiled. "Always do."

"Makes me wonder why I even bother with the spa..." Winter joked.

"You deserve to be pampered every now and then." Anthem declared. His failure came to mind again. "You really do..."

"Are you okay, Ant?" Winter asked.

"Sure, why do you ask?" Anthem smiled.

"Well, you looked a little down just then." Winter observed. "Some kind of problem on your mind?"

"Oh, nothing major." Anthem lied. "Just one of life's little annoyances..."

"Maybe I can help." Winter offered.

"No!" Anthem yelled. Catching himself, he added "It's okay. I can take care of it myself. Besides, you don't want to trouble yourself after spending all that time relaxing at the spa."

"I guess so." Winter admitted. "But I am your wife, remember? If you need help, just ask."

"I will." Anthem nodded.

Shining and Twyla joined them, eager to greet Cadance.

"Mama!" Twyla squealed, leaping into her mother's hooves.

"There's my darling little filly." Cadance cuddled her. "Did you miss me?"

"Uh-huh!" Twyla nodded.

"She wasn't the only one." Shining joined in on the hug. "You look gorgeous, by the way."

"Mama pretty!" Twyla agreed.

"Oh, thanks, you two." Cadance beamed.

"And your timing couldn't be better." Shining added. "Dinner's just about ready."

"Sounds good." Winter beamed. "All that relaxation made me hungry."

"Parsnips! Parsnips!" Twyla cheered.

The family entered the dining room, and started eating their dinner. Twyla wolfed down her parsnips, and was hungry for more. Using her magic, she levitated Anthem's over to her plate. Anthem wouldn't have complained even if he didn't hate those gleaming vegetables, for he was still lost in thought over what to get Winter for their anniversary.

'Time's running out.' He thought. 'Even if it's not something super-fancy, I've got to get Winter something... but what?'

The next morning, Anthem and Winter were walking through the streets of the Empire's shopping district. Anthem snuck glances into the store windows whenever Winter wasn't looking, hoping to spot a decent gift.

As they passed another store, Winter stopped. She gazed into the window, admiring a crystal sculpture of a family of dolphins.

"Aww, look at that." She cooed. "Isn't it just precious?"

"Yeah, it is." Anthem smiled, struck by inspiration. "These crystal sculptures are beautiful, aren't they?"

"Gorgeous." Winter sighed. "But that's enough sightseeing. Let's get some lunch."

"Right behind you." Anthem grinned.

As they continued down the street, Anthem made a point of remembering the store's name.

The next day, while Winter took Twyla to the park, Anthem returned to the store.

"Good morning." He smiled as he entered.

"Good morning, your highness." The store owner bowed. "My. It's not often I see the Crystal Prince enter my store..."

"Don't think of me as a Prince." Anthem declared. "Just as another customer. And I'd like to do some business with you..."

A short while later, Anthem returned to the castle with a package wrapped tightly inside a box. He snuck into the room he shared with Winter, and hid it where he knew his wife wouldn't look.

'Now I'm all set.' He thought. 'I can't wait to see the look on Winter's face...'

Anthem slipped out of the room, quite pleased with himself. He greeted Winter and Twyla with a big smile when they returned.

"And how are my two favorite gals today?" He grinned, hugging Twyla and kissing Winter on the cheek.

"Hee!" Twyla giggled.

"Well, well. Somepony's pretty chipper." Winter chuckled. "Is it safe to say you've finally dealt with that little problem of yours?"

"Oh, yeah." Anthem nodded. "I've dealt with it with a very effective way, if I do say so myself."

"And will you be telling about any of it?" Winter asked.

"I wouldn't want to bore you." Anthem declared. "It's really nothing important."

"If you say so." Winter shrugged. "I'm just glad you're out of that funk at last. When you're not happy, I'm not happy. Besides, I always love to see that smile of yours." She nuzzled against him. "You're so cute when you smile..."

"You're not so bad yourself." Anthem grinned, returning the nuzzle.

"Awww!" Twyla jumped up and hugged them both. "Twyla says you're both great!"

"Thanks, sis." Anthem chuckled.

"You're great too, Twyla." Winter smiled. "Now, let's get you cleaned up for dinner, okay?"

"Okay." Twyla nodded.

For the next few day, Anthem could barely contain himself. Not so long ago, he felt as if there wasn't enough time before the anniversary. But now, he felt it couldn't come fast enough. He couldn't wait to surprise Winter with his gift. He just knew she was going to love it.

On the morning of their anniversary, Anthem woke up before Winter. First, he took his present out of its hiding place and into a picnic basket, planning to take Winter to their favorite picnic spot and surprise her there. Next, he made his way down to the kitchens. Despite having servants to do the job for him, he made Winter breakfast himself. While no gourmet chef, he did quite a decent job of it.

Carrying the meal on a crystal tray, he returned to their room to find his wife stirring.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." He cooed.

"Mornin'." Winter yawned. "You're always up before me, aren't you? Must be the time difference between here and Mihaymi. You'd think I'd be used to it by now..."

"Happy anniversary, darling." Anthem declared. "Breakfast in bed?"

"You shouldn't have." Winter sat up as Anthem brought the food over. "But I'm so glad you did."

"On this special day, you deserve only the best." Anthem lowered the tray onto her lap. "Meeting you was one of the best moments of my life."

"So I keep hearing." Winter chuckled. She looked down at the meal before her. "All my favorites. Thanks, Ant."

"And that's just the beginning." Anthem grinned. "For lunch, I thought we'd have a picnic on our favorite hill."

"Sounds great." Winter smiled. "I'm starving today."

Winter went about her breakfast with a little more gusto than usual, but Anthem didn't mind. He loved her so much, he wouldn't have cared if she was eating it out of a trough. In a matter of minutes, she was done.

"Mmm, so good..." She patted her stomach.

"You really think so? I couldn't tell." Anthem joked.

"Thanks, Ant." Winter hugged him tightly. "This is a wonderful gift."

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm so hungry today." Winter shrugged. "Maybe our cuddle session last night burnt more calories than usual."

"Maybe." Anthem smirked.

After Winter washed up and brushed her mane, she and Anthem went down into the study, falling into another cuddling session. Ten minutes or so in, Twyla dropped in on them.

"Aww!" She giggled. "Ant and Wint are getting all lovey-dovey!"

"They sure are." Shining chuckled, as he retrieved his daughter.

"Let's give them some alone time." Cadance declared. "It's a special day for them, after all, and they shouldn't be disturbed."

"Exactly." Shine nodded. "Come on, Twyla. Time for your bath."

"No fair..." Twyla pouted. "Ant doesn't have to take a bath..."

Anthem and Winter kept on cuddling, seemingly unaware of the interruption.

As noon approached, they prepared for their picnic. Anthem retrieved the basket, which contained the precious gift, along with a few other surprises.

"Ready?" He asked.

"You know it." Winter chuckled.

They departed from the castle and made their way through the Crystal Empire. Several of the Crystal Ponies waved in greeting as they passed by.

"Happy anniversary, you two!" Shiny Cents the merchant called.

"Thanks, Shiny." Anthem grinned.

"Congrats on another year!" First Class the mailpony waved.

"Thanks, First." Winter nodded.

Before long, Anthem and Winter reached the hill where they had all their best picnics.

"Race ya!" Winter said suddenly, rushing up the slope.

"No fair!" Anthem said playfully. "I'm carrying all this extra weight!" He waved the picnic basket.

"Maybe you need to log in more time at the royal gym." Winter teased as she reached the top.

"Ooh, low blow." Anthem cringed.

"Oh, you know I'm just kidding." Winter giggled. "I love you just the way you are. I wouldn't want you to change a thing about yourself."

"Same here." Anthem admitted. "I'd actually miss the teasing if it was gone. Can't imagine why..."

"You say the sweetest things." Winter joked.

"Not as sweet as these." Anthem pulled a bouquet of amethyst orchids from within the basket.

"Aw, thanks, Ant." Winter took the bouquet and sniffed the flowers. "What else do you have in there?"

"You're about to find out." Anthem grinned.

Anthem started removing the basket's contents with his magic. First, the blanket, which he spread over the grass, than some amber ale and diamond daisy sandwiches to start them off.

"More of my favorites." Winter smiled. "I hope you've got some of your own favorites in there. This day is about both of us, remember?"

"Oh, don't worry." Anthem nodded, bringing one of his favorites, a crystal celery panini. "I've got everything we need, right here."

"Then let's get to snacking." Winter grinned. "Running up that hill worked up another appetite..."

They started eating their way through the basket's contents. Anthem pulled out one item after another, making sure his gift lay hidden in the rear. Eventually, there was no more food left.

"Ooh, that was good." Winter sighed.

"I know." Anthem nodded. "I'll have to ask my parents to give the kitchen staff a raise. They really do great work."

"Guess we'd better start moving on." Winter declared. "Can't wait to see where we're going next."

"Actually, there's one last thing in the basket." Anthem announced.

"What is it?" Winter asked. "A beryl bagel? Some crystalberry jam?"

"Not exactly." Anthem brought out the gift, which was wrapped in silvery paper. "For you, my love."

"Oh, Ant." Winter smiled. "You're just full of surprises today, aren't you?"

"Yep." Anthem nodded.

Winter unwrapped the paper, and opened the gift. Inside was a crystal statue of two ponies, joined at the lips in a kiss. On the base was engraved the words "Winter, may our love be as unbreakable and as forever as diamond".

"Wow." Winter gasped. "Is this from-?"

"Sure is." Anthem nodded. "I saw how much you liked that dolphin statue, so I decided to get you this. What do you think?"

"Oh, Ant." Winter held the statue against her chest. "I love it!"

"Really?" Anthem asked.

"Really." Winter embraced and kissed him. "This is a really great gift."

"I'm so glad you think so." Anthem smiled.

"That said, I think I have an even better one for you." Winter grinned mischievously.

"You don't say?" Anthem looked around. "Where is it?"

Winter grasped Anthem's hoof, guiding it downwards. At the same time, she leaned against his head, whispering in his ear.

"It's right... here." She placed her husband's hoof on her stomach.

Anthem froze in shock.

"You... you're..." He gulped.

"Yep." Winter whispered, smiling widely. "I'm pregnant. That's why I've been so hungry lately. You're gonna be a daddy, Ant!"

"...Okay, wow." Anthem said, still stunned. "That... that is a way better gift than the one I got you."

"Do you... like it?" Winter asked, worried by Anthem's apparent lack of emotion.

"Like it? Like it? I love it!" Anthem declared. He embraced Winter and kissed her deeply. "I'm gonna be a dad! We're gonna be parents! Yeah!"

"Oh, thank Faust." Winter sighed with relief. "For a second there, I was worried you didn't want a foal."

"I don't blame you." Anthem said fairly. "I didn't even think about the possibility of having a foal with you until just now. But now that it's right here in front of me... I want this more than anything."

"So do I." Winter smiled. "We'll give our little one the best upbringing ever."

"You got that right." Anthem nodded. He pulled her in for another kiss. "We've got plenty of love to spare."

"Yeah. As forever as diamond." Winter quoted the inscription.

"And here I thought I had the best anniversary present ready to go." Anthem mused. "You beat me again."

"Can I help it if I'm just that good?" Winter joked.

"I sure hope not." Anthem chuckled. He stroked his wife's stomach. "To think, there's a foal inside you right now. We gave it life, together."

"Quite a team, aren't we?" Winter grinned.

"Nopony better." Anthem agreed.

After lying on the blanket for a while long, blissfully content, the couple returned to the castle, and broke the news to Shining, Cadance and Twyla.

"That's my boy!" Shining hugged Anthem.

"Thanks, dad." Anthem wheezed, his father's hug a little tight.

"Congratulations, both of you." Cadance beamed. "I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother."

"Did you hear that, Twyla?" Winter asked. "You're going to be an aunt!"

"Silly Winter." Twyla chuckled. "That's Ant, there." She pointed to Anthem. "I'm Twyla."

"Not quite what I meant." Winter rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I think she'll get it soon enough." Cadance grinned.

"Speaking of 'getting it', I'd better send my parents a letter about what's happening." Winter noted. "Here's hoping they love the idea of being grandparents as much as you do."

"I'm sure they will." Shining ruffled Anthem's mane. "Right, son?"

"Sure, dad." Anthem grinned. "Almost as much as we love the idea of being parents."

"So true..." Winter sighed.

That evening, Anthem and Winter snuggled in bed together.

"Well, that was an anniversary to remember." Anthem noted.

"No kidding." Winter chuckled, before turning serious. "...You really think we're ready for this?"

"Sure we are." Anthem nodded. "We'll be the best parents ever, just wait and see."

"Oh, we'll be waiting, already." Winter agreed. "T-minus eleven months and counting..."

"Here's to parenthood." Anthem kissed Winter deeply.

"Hear, hear." Winter kissed him back. "Love you, Ant."

"Love you too, Wint." Anthem whispered.

The two fell asleep in each others' hooves, dreams of parenthood running through both of their minds.

Author's Note:

Behind The Scenes:

* The basic set-up of "Summer Love" was a story request by Karts Of Sugar Rush. It allowed for some focus on Anthem, my OC son of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, who I will confess had been a little underused until this point.

* (Ebony Stallion) I admit, I had a bit of trouble on helping with this one. I usually struggle with stories I had little to do in making. But I persevere.

* Mihaymi was modeled after the city of Miami. Some of Miami's own landmarks were adapted for the story.

* Caboose's mention of a singing "Uncle Chef" in "Guess Who's Coming To Dinners" was a nod to the character Chef from South Park.

* Blueblood's father, Prince Nobleblood, was first introduced here, in flashback form. He was basically written to be like his son at his worst, but to the power of a hundred.

* Caboose calling Anthem "Valiant Heart" in "A Family Thing" was a nod to another fanmade Shining/Cadance foal. And Winter 'Red June', who is Valiant Heart's love interest... both made by kilala97 (check her out).

* The same chapter also alluded to a future story, "Home On The Range", with a reference to Big Red having to deal with "three little somethings".

* The side story involved Shining and Cadance regaining the "spark" in their marriage, leading to the birth of Twyla Crystal, Anthem's little sister.

* We also introduced Sparkling Night, Dusk Glow and Dazzle's son. Ebony pointed out that Dusk and Dazzle would have been married for quite a while by this point in the timeline, so we gave them a child of their own.

* This was the first story of ours that ran concurrently with others, taking place at similar times as "Sunset Shimmer Returns", "Home On The Range", and even (later on) "Stand By You".