• Published 27th Oct 2015
  • 435 Views, 1 Comments

Fallout Equestria: The Strange Case of 77 - Ebony Gryphon

An experiment in dark mana is loosed upon the Crystal Empire

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1. Wake up to the jive of the bell! No sweat and I'm feeling swell

The sparkling floors of the labs of echoed with the clip clop of hooves across it as the equally sparkling mare trotted to her work station, a clip board floating in her magics aura, her voice soft as she spoke, the words recorded into black crystals scattered "Returning to new subject, named seventy seven due to the odd scarring found across his upper chest..."

Lowering the clipboard, the unicorn grabbed the sheet in her aura, and folding it back, regarding the figure underneath. Brows raised, she continued "Subject appears to be of mammalian order, resembling a lesser troll, gene structure and limbs suggesting the subject is of possible primate ancestry, class great apes. Reproductive make up suggests male, with light brown fur cover said area, and darker brown mane coveringfur the head. Muscle and organ structure appears to give subject superior stamina and flexibility..."

Leaning forward, the mare hummed softly.

"As for the dark magic infusion to subject... cellular structure remains nominal. No mana burn or burst so far... Subject sent from Miniscribe with numerous broken bones and abrasions, blood loss massive. Wonder he was alive to start, dark mana only means to save him. It appears to grant a advanced healing factor to subject. Theory: mana infusion could also increase muscles ability to expand and contract, allowing in subjects strength, flexibility, and said muscles to work beyond the norm for his species. Of course, we do not know what that is, but judging from past tests on others..."

The mare folded the sheet back over the body, letting out a soft sigh.

"...We may have found it. Due to our peoples natural affinity towards the lighter side of the mana spectrum, most ponies are ill adept at handling dark mana. Exposure has resulted in immediate agonizing pain to subject in first stage, and would often inflict tumors on weaker subjects. For the stronger... they would often suffer mental breaks and addiction to the aura. It appears our King has been the most successful at its use... sadly, use of it now since his abstinence has rendered only pain with none of the previous benefits."

Walking to her desk, the mare continued "But if our theory is correct... proper application can indeed increase ones personal attributes without the side effects of chemicals, and even remove the taint of the war. It could, in theory, even reverse of those who suffer as ghouls..."

Smiling, she tapped a hoof to a crystal, and after a moment, a gravelly voice sounded "My love... its been days..."

"My love... Sombra... you were right. it can be done."

The stallion voice hitched, then said softly "Thank heavens... I couldn't even hope... so, the subject is stable?"

The mare wiped her eye a moment, sniffling, then nodded.

"Yes love... We still need to do tests to make sure how much is needed... but our little colt... he can have a life Sombra. Leave that room! And now... all we've done is worth it."

The crystal sounded with the stallions relief.

"My mare, my love... We'll make it up to him, to everypony. And then to all of Equestria..."

"How is he Sombra... like, really?"

"Why not ask him yourself?"

A bit of shuffling and mumbling sounded, then a tired voice "Mommy? Mommy, hi."

The sound of the voice made the mare choke back a sob, and now weeping openly, the unicorn replied "Baby... my brave colt. How are you?"

"I'm 'kay. Tired and bored. Dad's being s grouch and won't let out of bed, and gets angry when I won't eat my soup..."

Silent as a wraith, the human sat up on the bench, the sheet still over him. Rubbing her eyes, the mare chided gently "Now son... You know you need to eat to grow up big and strong like daddy right? Have you been taking your medicine like the doctor says too?"

"Uh huh... Its icky and burns my throat though..,"

Giggling, the mare shook her head.

"Now none of that..." the human slid his legs of the table and placed his feet on the floor.

"How do you expect to get well..." the human stood, and let the sheet fall to the floor. Regarding the mare, his finger clenched into a fist. He remembered the time in their care, the beatings, the experiments, and here was the bitch at its head... "...If you never take your medicine?"

"I know..." the small voice said as the human walked silently to the mare.

"But I don't like it... And the foods icky too. Nanny Gilda wount let me hae no sweets..."

Rolling her eyes, the mare clicked her tongued.

"Now you know that its not good to have that on your potions."

The human drew closer, darker smoke wisps coming from his eyes as he drew nearer, face cold and expressionless.

"...Tell you what... first day I'm back and if your good, you and me can go to the park with your little filly friend..."

"Mommy! She's just a friend... and girls are icky even if they do like ball and soldier!"

The human drew closer still, eyes locked on the mare. Giggling again, the mare said "Say that in a few winters colt... Be a brave little stallion, and maybe you can meet the new experiment I've got..."

"Really?" the voice squeaked.

"Really really. Now, mommy has to go."


"...And be sure to look handsome for dinner, cause I'm coming home tonight."

The voice squeeled in delight, the sound of eager hoof stomps sounding "Yay! I love you mommy!"

"I love you too hun. See you tonight..." the stone went dark, and sighing, the mare stood again, and turning, stopped short, eyes wide with shock as she found her vision fillEd with the chiseled upper body of the human. Eyes traveling up slowly, her body locked as she locked gazes with the human, his expression unreadable. Raising his hand, the mare clenched her eyes... and flinched as the hand stroked the top of her head. Opening one eye, she shivered as the human spoke, his voice warm and smile gentle.

"Mother is the name of God in the lips and hearts of children..."

Eyes now both open, the mare whispered "I... I'm sorry for this... But..."

Tweaking her ear gently, 77 pulled his hand away, and pointed at the door.

"Your son and stallion wait for your worthless and amoral ass. Go to him."

Turning towards the door, the unicorn walked to it, then paused, looking over her shoulder.

"This place... don't be fooled monster. The Empire is a poisonous place with horrors beyond even you... be quick and search for security station twelve and use console three. The password is Perdition."

The human regarded the mare a moment, then rubbed the back of his neck.

"What's there?"

"All that is needed to see this farse must be ended."

As she began walking, the human said "When I find you again... I'll try to help your son. After that, this whole place burns. Be ready to leave."

The unicorn nodded, then looked up.

"Shining Armor."

A click sounded, and with a hiss, a hidden panel opened. Nodding towards the room, the mare said softly "A gift from our consort King. It served him none, but can do you well. Use it for good when you can, and may it serve no ill."

With that, his tormentor left. and 77 looked down at his hand, the past echoing.

King... your the king...

He's dead.... the king is dead!

We did it... together... We have to leave, go away forever! Tonight before they find us!

Clenching his fingers, the man scowled.

"I don't need you anymore... I never did..."

Laughter echoed through his mind.

We survived because of me boy! But go on, see how far we get with your sorry self!

Walking to the room, 77 scowl deepened.

"Get this now fucker... You hurt any kids again, you try any shit like with that whore once more... I'll kill us both."

Eyes widening, he paused in the door, letting out a low whistle.

"And I got just he thing to do it..."

Walking to the display case, 77 placed a hand on the clear crystal. Seemingly floating, a grey finished desert eagle gleamed in the soft light, several magazines under the weapon stacked up in the case, a flak jacket underneath. It was a thing of beauty, seemingly crafted with care and with nary a scratch or ding.


The glass slid down as the top folded back, exposing the gun to the world for the first time in centuries. Wrapping a hand over the grip, 77 gently hefted the side arm in it, taking grim thrill in its weight. Across the gun, silver script read...

"To my light and love... Sombra."

Picking up the holster and belt, 77 put it across his waist, then began loading the clips into the belt pouches.

"Well consort King... I may not use this token of his love to kill the fucker, but don't hold it against if I give the faggot a swift kick to the ass as I leave."

Unzipping the jacket, 77 pulled it on, and whistled.

"That stallion was blinking huge if this fits me..."

"He was beautiful..."

Quick as a cobra, 77 drew the weapon and pointed it towards the voice, a snarl on his lips. Before him a crystal glowed, a figure flickering like a bad movie. The pon.y before him was taller then the mare, his horn curved up. A slight smirk crossed his muzzle, and over his bottom lip two fangs poked over. The room echoed with the guns report, the round traveling harmlessly through the being. Lowering the weapond, 77 scowl lessened to awe.

"A ghost..."

The stallion shook his head.

"A hologram... No time for that though. Long story short, I'm Sombra. Son, your in it deep. The inmates are running this asylum, and aside from letting me and my wife work, they don't heed me anymore. The Empire is the plaything of the Council of seven, each of whom have a piece of the code needed to activate the nuke."

"You have a bomb here?"

Sombra lips grew thin.

"Balefire and megaspells are to easy to trace. Your humans mechanations are a better alternative, and they leave building standing. Furthermore, much of this place is warded against it. Our own home aside, nothing should be left once your work is done."

Holstering the weapon, 77 snorted.

"And why should I help you?"

"Because I'm your only way to Equestria. I have enough mana in reserve for one long range teleport."

"And you and your herd..."

"There... are others. Below, sleeping. We'll go into stasis, wait with them... Maybe one day come to Equestria and atone..."

"And I should care because..."

Sombra smirk returned "The bird of Sol is thy name..."

77 mouth replied, "... eating my wings to keep me tame..."

"Remove the gun from its holster..."

Hand shaking, 77 pulled the Eagle out, mouth clenched and eyes bulged.

"Point the gun at your temple..."

Shakily, as though he struggled to stop, the human raised the gun to his head, eyes now twitching.

"Gently press the trigger, not enough to fire, but just before..."

The finger tensed...

"Tenser said the tenser."

The arm dropped, and the human slumped. Glaring at the unicorn, 77 spat "Figures."

Sombra sighed, and shook his head sadly.

"Colt... we need you. And I'll be damned if I don't keep my dogs on a leash. The only reason I let you have any control is one, I find its better to leave such things to ones own discretion, and b, for sparing my wife."

Putting the weapon away again, 77 spar on the floor.

"Bitch deserved a lead in her dome... but no kid that little should have to ask "why isn't mommy or daddy coming home."

"Thank you..."

Clearing his throat, Sombra's voice grew stern.

"As she said, you have dark mana infused in you. It works by increasing physical attributes to the nth degree, increasing strength, stamina, and endurance. Your flexibility and reflexes are also increased, and since you seem adept at its presence, no ill effects should arise. However, the problem is the healing factor. While it will renew, your mana is still weak, and its use is erratic at present. Your wounds will heal, but both exhaaustion and mana burn can occur should conscious effort into healing speed it to quickly, and the process is painful when used. Make sure if your bones break they are properly aligned before healing, and know a direct shot to ones heart severely will kill you, and to the head... well, goodbye."

As the human zipped up the jacket, Sombra continued "The duality of your mental state renders many psychosis of the mana nill, but should you fail to keep your other half in line... This mana affects ponies and others as a stimulant, and many grew addicted. It grants feelings of euphoria, hinders inhibition, and makes you think your Celestia in stallion form. Its at its best fueled with anger of you and fear of others, and can take you down a path should you fail to master it. And if you go to far... To use your earlier quote, I'll end you."

Eyes softening, Sombra scuffed a hoof.

"I shame myself to control another like this again monster. I truly am sorry for this."

Picking up the spare magazines, 77 softly replied "You ain't the only man with regrets buddy. And if I do this, I want something else..."

Sombra tilted his head "And that is..."

"Your mare is with foal... I want the kid named after me."

"Its a filly... you know that, right?"

"Just do it..."

Snorting, Sombra nodded "Then may I ask the name of my childs name sake?"

Grinning, the human holstered the weapon.

"Its Marshal."

Smirking, Sombra nodded towards a console, which flicked on.

"A fine handle. Heres the dossiers. Now, don't you have someponies to kill?"


The drab tone of the of the Miniguv echoed through the street "Remember citizens. Sombra gaze watches. This is for your protection, but there are blind spots everywhere."

Stepping out into the sidewalk, 77 kneeled next to the newly made corpse of the empires guard, and fishing in his pockets, pulled out a pack of cigarretes. Wiping the blade of his bowie against the stallions neck first, 77 rose up again as screams sounded from the citizenry, the clop of panicking hooves sounding. Soon the street was empty, and pulling a cigarrete out with his teeth, the human snorted then put the pack into a pocket on his vest. The voice of the mare cut off, and a siren wailed. Over the sound of the alarm, orders were shouted and hooves stamped, and 77 drew a drag from the cigarrete.

"Well mate... I guess some things stay the same anywhere huh?"

No shit sherlock... War never changes... so let's kick these pussy wanna be's mongrel asses all the way back to hell.

In moments the bully ponies of the council of seven, mares and stallions used to dealing with intimidated citizens and lording their badges over impotent heads, surrounded the subject, weapons drawn and pointed at the human. Behind the line, a pegasus stood, the very same pony that headed the humans hit list, wings flared in agression.

"On your knees maggot!"

Faster then their eyes could follow, 77 drew his weapon and fired, one eyes with a dark red iris with smoke rising from the edges, the other blue with a crazed gleam, and as the one of the guards head jerked back, the insides of its gushing back at the rounds exit, the human gleefully shouted "I'm not your mother last night!"

Within moments, the air filled with the sounds of gunfire. The little monsters of the Empire came across a great monster and as is the way of things they were killed. Their greatest mistake was not running, but there was some solace in the fact it was going to be their last.

The Guard Commander limped through the streets, one wing dragging behind him as the screams of a mare echoed. Looking over his shoulder, his eyes dialated as he watched the demon push the barrel of his weapon into her mouth, the same mad smirk of the brute in place as he shouted "The Lord our God calls thee to thy home!"

The mares eyes clenched shut... click. Pulling the weapon away, 77 barked out a laugh.

"Whoops, busy signal!"

Letting the mare drop, 77 said "Your a good woman. I can feel it... Husband laid up, kid a retard right."

The mare nodded slowly. Shrugging, 77 stood again and stepped over the mare.

"Word of advice honey... neither them will make it if your wasteland is anything like mine. Best make the end quick and get out of dodge as fast as you can."

Eyes forward again, the Commander began to limp faster, tears streaming down his cheek as piss dribbled down his leg.

"Don't! No, no, nonoo..." the pony stumbled over a stone, and screamed as his wing slammed on the ground. Curling up into a ball, he began bawling "Please! Come on colt, I got connections, codes to the food vendors, weapons! Whatever you want, just don't kille me, please!"

Rolling his eyes, 77 stuck his tongue out.

"Come on mate, no one likes a crybaby! At least take it like a man for God's sake!"

"I got the main hubs code man! Control the whole empire from there!"

Kneeling down, 77 grinned.

"I know... but only the first part. Tell me where the others are..."

Looking up, the colt stammered "I got two parts! My dad gave me one, Sunset Glimmer of the financial quarter has three, and Jelly bean has the last! Mine are 67AH and JI90!"

Pinching the stallions cheek, 77 cooed "There's a good pony! Now was that so hard?"

Standing, he motioned for the stallion.

"You got a 30 second head start."

The stallion struggled up, but stopped short as the barrel of the gun pressed to his head.

"I lied, sorry bout that."

And with that the life of the Empires finest met his end. And blowing the smoke from the weapons end, 77 muttered "And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell... six fathoms deep..."

Holstering his weapon, he turned back to the carnage and sighed.

"...On my road to hell."

Author's Note:

A side story to Five Card Draw. 77 is showing up and I thought an origin story was in order