• Published 23rd Dec 2015
  • 251 Views, 0 Comments

A Different Kind of Romeo and Juliet - Godmutt

Noteshade is a mare living in the Crystal Empire who just happens to fall in love with a strange stallion named Soma.

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Chapter 1- The First Day


Damn alarm..


Shuddup already..


Noteshade rolled over on her sleeping mat to look at her alarm clock. The glowing numbers showed her that it was 8:45. Her alarm glowed with the neon green lights, shrieking about time.



Noteshade brought her grey hoof down on her clock, causing it to shatter and splinter into tinier pieces. She looked at the shards of plastic and wires and realized that she would have to buy an new clock. For the second time this week. She sat up in her dark apartment, shaking her head groggily to shake away the remaining daze from sleep. Her pitch black mane fell into place along with her tail, each cut short. The grey mare slowly rose from the pile of blankets and pillows that was her sleeping area. In the catastrophe lay her drawing book, her laptop, headphones, pencils, and loads of other things in the large pile of clothes and miscellaneous objects. She was a messy mare, but she could handle it fine.
She walked to her small kitchen and fetched an apple from the basket on her marble counter. She had first bought the apartment a few years ago in order to get out of college and get her own home. The place was small, but it had a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen, along with a great view over the Crystal Empire. The place had no limits on pets, so long as they're smaller that the average pony. While the mare didn't currently own any pets, she planned on adopting a small dog to keep her company on lonely nights.

*Pitter patter pitter patter*

The rain pelted her windowpane. It sounded like never-ending maracas. She loved the rain. It was a soothing noise that often meant a thunderstorm would come. The pegasi in the Empire were supposed to allow plenty of storms, since they help the prince and princess relax. For Note, it meant she could focus on her songwriting, or her drawing. Sometimes, she would take her umbrella and sit out in the rain and sing. There was never any specific song she would sing, but she would always voice her music. Sometimes she would bring her notebook and write in it if she came up with an idea for a song. It wasn't very often that she did, though. So she often left her notebook sitting on her grey marble counter top.
There was a flash of light from her window and a rumbling crash following suit. Her ears perked up at the sound of thunder. It was a sound that meant she would be able to nap easily, or focus a bit better. That is, if she wasn't called in to the studio to record.
Noteshade worked at Rising Hoof, a music studio that produced many of the biggest stars in Equestria. The appraised DJ PON3 had come from Rising Hoof. Along with the DJ's partner, Octavia Melody. While Note had a small chance at fame, she wasn't as good as the rest, so she wasn't top priority. So she only went in a few days a week, and worked at a small cafe as a waitress. She managed to gain enough tips each week to get her apartment, along with all of her art and singing supplies. The cafe was small, but colorful and bright, and brought in plenty of joyous patrons. They were all happy with her treatment of them, and she gained plenty of bits and tips. She pooled up her tips, and used those for the vanities such as art supplies. Her real paycheck was used for bills only, and if she needed more, she would take it out of her extra money. It wasn't very often that she would have to pull bits out of her spare money, but it was still something that happened. So she kept some money around, and didn't spend it all at once.

"..If I lay here.. If I just lay here..

Her cell phone was ringing, and it was her boss. She had everyone with a ringtone by Snow Patrol. And now, her music agent was calling, probably to have her come in that day. She didn't particularly feel like walking in the storm unless it was an emergency.

...Will you lie with me.. And just forget the world..

She hesitated, then picked up the phone and said hello.

"Noteshade, do you have any songs that are ready to show to a big producer?! Cos I got a phone call from a mare who wants to let out your demo! She said if you have any good songs to bring them to the building right now. "

She stuttered for a moment. A chance for her songs to be released?? Buck yeah she'd run in the rain for that!
"Y-Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes! Just let me grab the notebook and an umbrella!"

"Hurry, she wants to meet you soon!"

She hung up.
Noteshade danced around her apartment in celebration, and grabbed her neon blue and green scarf, along with an umbrella and her notebook. She sang out her joy, a ringing melody of happiness. She grabbed her light blue saddlebag and tossed her notebook and music player into it. She stepped outside and opened her umbrella; it was a bright contrast to her grey coat and black mane. She didn't mind it, though. It was ten bits at the store down the block, which was ten bits less than normal.
She began to walk to Rising Hoof, which was twenty minutes away from her apartment complex unless you ran. She hummed to one of her favorite songs, titled Youth. The rain poured harder, with the lightning and thunder in the background. Her umbrella held up very good against the shower. There were very few ponies outside in the thunderstorm. She seemed to be the only one. She slowly picked her pace up to a light trot. She began to sing her songs aloud, not caring who heard. She sang loudly.
She passed her cafe job, and waved to her boss through the window, and he waved back. She turned a corner, only to bump into a tall, strong stallion and fall down onto her flank. He backed away, his mane and coat soaking wet from the rain. Her saddlebag was wide open, and pages from her notebook were flowing out, and getting wet. Her scarf had come off and fallen into a puddle on the street. She didn't notice it, as she was busy picking up the notebook songs. The stallion hurried to help her pick up the blurred lyrics that Note had written on papers. He shook as much water off of them as possible. Note was frantic in putting them into her manilla folder that was kept in her bags. She took her other papers from the cream-colored stallion.
He spluttered out a nervous apology, which she dismissed with a wave of her hoof. She stuck her folder and notebook into her saddle bag, and the green maned stallion pulled her up from the sopping wet sidewalk. He handed her the brightly striped umbrella, which she took with a nod. She looked closer at the taller pony in front of her. His coat was a nice shade of cream, and his mane was not unlike Soarin of the Wonderbolts. His eyes were a bright hazel, and he seemed to be very shy until he go to know a pony. His muscles were toned, showing that he was very strong. His figure was amazing, with each move of his body moving another muscle. She found it very pleasuring to watch him move. His coat and mane were well kept and actually sorta cute.

"I'm v-very sorry, ma'am!.. "

"No no, it's alright sir. No harm done." She replied.

"I heard somepony s-singing, and followed it.. Was that you?.." He asked with a quiet whisper.

She merely nodded.

"You have a beautiful voice, miss.." He said with a slight tint of red to his cheeks.

She smiled. "Thank you! But really, I have to go. It was nice meeting you, uhh.. What was your name?" She asked him.

" I-I'm Soma.." He said in his deep voice. She smiled.

"I'm Noteshade! It was nice meeting you, Soma!"

He seemed shocked for a moment. Then he whispered, "You too, Noteshade.."

And Note began to run. She thought about the stallion, and how nice he was, but also about how he had blindly followed her voice. She had been singing a love song that wasn't particularly fabulous, but she'd thought it was decent. Yet he had found it beautiful. She felt herself blush at that. She remained at a gallop until she got to Rising Hoof. All the while, she thought of the stallion. She walked into the building, and realized she had lost her scarf.

Author's Note:

First chapter up!