• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 580 Views, 8 Comments

Who will mourn - EnviousOfSin

the final days of a murderer.

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Prologue: Grave News

Hoof steps. The sound softly reached my ears as I laid quietly in my cell. The damp, musky air seemed to reverberate with the sound. It was annoying really, the noise from guards and their armor all day, and now this. Here I thought I might get some rest tonight. Just as I was wondering when the hoof steps would stop, they did, right outside my cell. There was a pause from whoever was standing there, and then the door’s lock clicked softly. I sat up on my cot as the door creaked open. There standing in the door way was none other than the Warden himself. He was a rather large stallion, with a coat of pure white. His dark red mane looked slightly frazzled, a clear sign that he had had a busy day. His head turned slightly as he spoke to what I could only assume was a guard.

“Stand watch. I’ll knock when I’m done.” As the door closed, the Warden faced me. His dark sea green eyes seemed to sparkle in some sort of delight as he gazed upon me. Whatever his reasons were for coming, they were not good. I looked at him in turn and smiled my most sarcastic smile.

“Ah, warden. How nice of you to come visit me! You sir have brightened my ever so bleak day!”

“Quiet the act, prisoner 26. I’m not here to buck around” he growled through his dark mustache. Faking a look of innocence, I leaned my head to the side.

“I don’t know what you mean my dear warden, and I’m sure you’re not here to buck anything sir, you have a wife for that.” I could not help but grin as the warden’s cheeks grew red in anger. I did so love egging him. Soon the color faded from his white pelt as he forced himself to calm down.

“I’m here to inform you that the courts have found you guilty of murder in the highest degree, and that in two days you will be executed.” My grin slowly fades as I looked down at the floor. I knew they would find me guilty, how could they not? However, I had hoped I would at least get life in prison. Oh well….

“How will- “

“We’re not sure. Many believe you should be hanged, others call for a more… saver punishment.” I nodded, knowing full well how all of Equestria hated and feared me.

“Well. Nothing I can do to stop it, so why worry.” I chuckled half-heartedly, leaning back against the wall. The warden looked at me skeptically.

“You know… I’ll never understand the way you think. Sometimes it is hard to believe you’re a serial killer” he said as he turned towards the door. With a soft knock, the door was open. I watched him leave in silence. Two days… just two days. With a sigh, I laid back down on the cot. Two days…. Two days and I’ll be executed. In a way, I had to agree with them. I was guilty of over six murders. I deserve to be killed in turn. Well, there wasn’t anything I could really do about it anyway. Sighing again, I closed my eyes. Sweet thoughts of her danced in my head as I slowly slipped into sleep. If only I had known her before all this, my life could have been so much different….