• Published 31st May 2012
  • 2,781 Views, 21 Comments

A Blackrose in Equestria - Roran Dreamon

They said that when you die you see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. That is the perfect lie.

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Chapter 3: Teacher and Student

Ponyville, Late Midnight

While everyone in Ponyville was asleep, busy catching up on much needed rest after Discord has decieded to flip everyponies house upside down and make it rain chocolate milk with dancing buffalo, and after attending the ceremony for the heros of Equestria for sealing him back into stone. Near the center of Ponyville, the library where Twilight Sparkle and Spike staying, their additional guest is sleeping once again on the couch, well I was sleeping on the couch face first into a pillow with my butt in the air and my robe bunched up around my chest revealing the tattered pants that I was wearing, still blood stained from my prison sentence and from my landing when I first got here. In my mind I was busy talking to myself since no one else Is is capable of telepathy...well nopony else is capable of telepathy.

{Gods....why does it feel like I haven't eaten in years...alright maybe I haven't eaten in years but now it feels like its kicking in.....hmm maybe I should ask Twilight if I can get some food....and why is that in this world their is magic...talking ponies and other strange beings, two godesses that control the sun and the moon, and yet not a single pony can talk to another with their mind? Am I the only person in this world capable of such a feat? Like come on this is freaking ridiculous, why must the one place that has hopefully accepted me be the one place that is so freaking strange? First the town is floating upside down with dancing buffalo and chocolate milk rain...but no one can talk with their mind! Am I really the only person with a problem with this!!!}...I have quite litterally almost gone insane when I first saw the floating houses and rain. Even more of my sanity went out the bloody window when I saw Discord, a bit of it also left when he was turned to stone by a bunch of magical trinkets.

{Okay...plans...plans....well...maybe eat some food for breakfast....maybe read a book or two on these....'Equestrians' and learn about their history, customs and other nonsense that would help me in a viable situation that would leave me royally screwed incase I somehow fuck up to a certain degree, such as say something that would mean something else or some gesture or act that might provoke anger or some sort of sexual act....hopefully neither because I do not want to be on the recieving end of it.....hehe....sex joke.}

Ponyville, Early Morning

As the sun slowly rose over the horizon, not a single pony was out and about, being the crack of dawn and nopony in their right mind would rise that early unless they ran the newspaper route or some other early morning job which would suck if I had that kind of job. I was actually the first person to wake up in the tree house/library since I usually woke up early due to my tortures and also from my early morning magic training back at the academy, also because I needed to do a quick research on pony customs and laws and find if these two have anything I can eat, hell even an apple or some salad will do.

Twilight woke up three hours later, looking over at Spike seeing that he is still asleep in his basket, rolling over once just to get wrapped up like a burrito. She giggled a bit before trotting out of the bedroom, going down the stairs just to see me sitting down on the floor, my legs crossed reading three different books at the same time, and she can tell that I was using magic because all three books were glowing a very vivid purple aura around each book, each one gently moving up and down barely moving an inch.

"Twilight....you know it is not polite to be staring that hard at me for prolonged periods of time...otherwise other ponies might get the wrong idea about you and me." I said nonchalantly to her, not even moving my head to look at her, to busy reading three books at the same time.

After I told her to stop staring she shook her head rapidly and I can tell their was a very...very faint hint of blush to her face, and I just laughed to myself after I turned a page, thinking I just read a joke from one of the books, she decided to come closer to me, trying to see what I was reading only to get a small magic wall impeding her path to me.

"You know Twilight...you have so many books on your people...their knowledge...how everything works, even a book on local customs and proper ways on how to....what was that again...oh yea...your...mating practices....you really should have left that book in the mature section of the library. Seeing how if a child takes that particular book and reads it, it would most likely scar them for life...would scar me for life if I was underage reading a certain book that I was not meant to read." I said with a smug grin, laughing a bit more to myself and knowing that Twilight is starting to get angry, not from being stopped from reading one of her own books, but being stopped by a guest that was supposedly dangerous and also unstable, along with the fact that he was reading her books.

"Oh come now Twilight...don't give me that look, I invited that look when I wanted to learn a few spells that were out of my league when I was younger....oh alright fine....if you want to see what I am reading than let me just lower the barrier spell I placed...that comes quite handy when you don't want to be disturbed while enjoying a good book...even though the books I am reading are highly educational...which I hate since I have been reading those types of books for 15 years..." as I spoke I lowered the barrier, to me nothing changed except that sound and scents flowed into my small sitting area but to Twilight, she saw a purple dome slowly disolve around me, and she also noticed that I was not wearing my mage robes, instead I was wearing a shirt made of medical bandages and pants made of fabricl

Spike woke up some time later, yawning in his basket as he eyes Twilight's bed, only to find it empty. He slowly stumbled out from his basket, neatly folded his blanket, and slowly walked out of the room, his eyes still filled with sleep as he trips and falls down the stairs, falling between Twilight and me with a loud thud.

"Nice entry and landing bro....I give the landing a perfect score of 10 out of 10 and the entry a 7 out of 10. Hehe at least you didn't land head first otherwise you would have received a perfect score." I got those words in before I started laughing my ass off.

As Spike brushed the dust off from his scales, he just glares at me before going into the kitchen, starting to cook breakfast while grumbling about something that I couldn't quite hear.

I resumed reading my books, still learning about the customs and culture just so I know it incase I am ever asked about it by the ponies. Never hurts to be prepared for any kind of event or outcome.

"So....human...you never really told me your name....not to be rude and all...but why did you have that barrier up?" Twilight was looking at me with an inquisitive stare, trying to figure out just how badly I am injured and how I managed that spell. "I will tell you my name Twilight Sparkle...IF, you tell me why you want to know my name....only friends can call me by my name...and I might consider you my friend if you can answer me this: Where does the cyan pegasis live? I have a score to settle with that one." I said with a slight hint of anger, crossing my arms to try to prove a point. "Also Twilight....I am curious to your books....they seem old....not like ancient old but more like recent old....maybe 10 years old?" I asked, since me being a mage which means I busted my ass every single day reading and studying, yea books are very important to me.

I grabbed one of the nearest book that was next to me and closed it for the day, seeing how Twilight was most likely going to talk my ears off with a shitstorm of questions about my peoples magic, and if I even give her a small hint of it she would still keep asking....time for a plan.

"Actually human...yes...those books are old, close to 15 years old and not a single bend, scratch or torn page in it which makes me proud to know that at least you have the common sense not to ruin books." she said with a smile, well she better be smiling because if I wanted to I could just easily set these books on fire in front of her.....hmmm.....lightbulb.

Seeing how she likes her books kept clean and not damaged gave me an idea but I know this idea will most likely get my butt tossed out of the house in an instant or worse teleported into a rock....happened only once and I still regret doing that spell...

"Vector" I said quietly to myself, hoping she didn't hear it but she leaned closer to me as to hear me say it again. I just slightly lean back, trying to get a bit of privacy, well lack of private space since she leaned pretty damn close to me.

"Execuse me can you say that again?" Twilight seemed to lean even closer to me, almost face to face. Lack of Privacy Rising, Urge to reverse gravity in the room to get her to move away from me...

"I said...my name is Vector....and you are to close to my face....like...within kissing distance close...." I said with a grumble, my left hand slowly glowing with a purple/blue sphere slightly alluminating the room with its light. The small sphere in my hand grows slowly in size and the color of it shifts from its purple/blue haze to a more liquid silver appearence, leaving small ripples in the air which to Twilight is most likely a rare once in a life time event, but for me its more like a simple trick of the eye.

If I was looking at her at this very moment the look on her face will be of the greatest awe inspiring look ever, even more than the time I realized I was born with this inept gift to use magic to change the gravity in an area or on a being or an object, also that I was born a mentalist, whoopty do I can read minds and levitate things with my brain whatever...what I really wanted to do was be able to transform into others just to pull off very funny as hell pranks, hell might even be able to get away with stealing if I wanted to or maybe murder but eh, not worth getting caught.

"Oh that is a funny face Twilight Sparkle....hahaha you make me laugh, that is a good start but so far you are interupting my reading...but since this is your house I guess you are allowed to....so yes....you may call me Vector...or just Human if you keep forgetting it...and as for what my left hand is doing...well lets just say that it is currently holding a charged spell...and I can rather release it now or keep charging it for a much greater affect and....hehe....much larger area of effect. And in its current stage....its currently an intermediate charge...which in other terms if released it will only affect this house and a few feet outside of it...if I keep going with it it will most likely affect a half-mile radius and I don't just mean that me and any other pony will be affect, anything that is not held down will be floating...perfect for causing some nice chaos....or in my case, to destablize everyone long enough to get a good laugh, that or escape." I said with a very smug grin while the sphere slowly grew to the point of being a basketball...or is it hoofsketball? Whatever the hell it is called in this crazy world.

"So...are you going to back up a bit or do I have to release the spell and watch everyone float for an hour....I am sure that will be fun right? Unless you people here are anti-fun like my teachers and classmates..." I said with a hint of venom in my voice, what? I hated my teachers and classmates to the point of that I wanted to set half of them on fire and the other half turned to stone, and if I had more time I would have done that but getting prison time changed that plan to set every prison guard on fire and turn the warden to stone. Should have done that before I jumped....ehh maybe next time.

"Oh...sorry about that....you said Vector right?" I nodded only once and she took a few steps back, finally. "You know Vector...maybe you shouldn't do that...the spell I mean, we just got over dealing with Discord an-" I quickly interupt her with a question of my own, "Just wondering...who is Discord? Was it that butt ugly abomination that you and your five friends turned to stone? And also how in the seven hells did you even get those powerful artifacts? They belong in a vault guarded by sentries and golems....something like that shouldn't be out in plain sight!" I am already starting to rant, since one pony keeps breaking the laws of physics while everything else in this world is not even close to normal.

Ponyville, 1 Hour Later

"So let me get this straight....you and your five friends are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony...you actually saved the world....twice? Your town is extremely peaceful...along with all of...what is it again...Equestria?" she nods a few times, "Theirs a multi-tude of different species...and each one has different passive abilities and almost all of them have some sort of magical connection." she nods again, "Well isn't that fan-freaking-tastic....I swear if I told my teacher that I was ever sent to another realm and all this was possible he would have called me crazy and locked me away in an insane asylum." I said as I started to laugh my ass off, seriously, if anyone told me that this would happen to me I would be laughing my ass off on the floor, than start saying random crap about how crazy that guy is and tell him to stop smoking all the hallucination herbs.

"Well at least you didn't get banished to the moon or something..." she said in a slight mellow tone.

"And why would any of the two banish me? I spent basically six years talking to Celestia through a mirror...at least that spell I can teach you incase you run out of scrolls to write on and want to talk to her immediately incase of an emergency, that and it is highly useful because why waste scrolls when you can just talk face to face by mirror? Am I not correct?" I said, giving her the usual smug grin while disipating the sphere.

"Can you at least teach me a few of the spells that you know of? PLEASE!!!" she said, trying to give her best puppy-eyed stare, her bottom lip quivering slighty. I swear...if I was a straight up asshole I would have told her to fuck off and leave me alone, but that adorable stare and the way she said please....I swear if their was somehow a way to die from cuteness than I think I just found it.

"Alright alright alright....sheesh....you remind me of myself when I was younger....always wanting more, always seeking more knowledge, the thirst that can not be quenched, but than again, if I do teach you my magic I want something in return for each spell that I do teach you..." I said, trying very hard not to be yelling at her for two reasons. One: because she totally reminds me of myself, and Two: That....freaking....cute....look.....I swear I felt my heart nearly melt...that was to adorable...reminds me of the look my old pet dog used to give me when he wanted to play with me...damn that dog's cute face...it found a new owner...

"Twilight Sparkle....what I want in return...is one of the spells that you know of, a spell for a spell. Sounds like a reasonable knowledgable trade don't you think?" crossing my arms, trying to convince her that was the only way, well that was only way besides letting me leave the house for a while, being stuck inside of a room for days on end will drive me insane and most likely leave me deprived of social interactions.

At first she gave me that look of interest, knowing that she has the opportunity to learn human magic and possibly anything else about humans, but she also knew that she had to teach the human her magic and whatever else he wanted to know. She gave me a grin that basically said 'I will teach, you will learn', and I did not like that because I gave the same grin back at her, with also a hint of 'you will hate me for this afterwards'.

"Well....'MY' student Twilight Sparkle...your first spell that I am going to teach you, was at first an experimental tele-communication spell, but since I tweaked out the kinks, it now works flawlessly, as long as the surface you are using it on is reflective and is mostly flat. To cast it just think of the person or in this case, pony that you wish to speak to and if they are near any reflective surface, it will post an image of you in it, and the pony on the otherside can see and hear you, as you can see and hear them. Casting it is simple and maintaining it is easy, just don't move the mirror when its in use otherwise the spell will cancel itself to prevent any kind of magical backlash." I said putting on the air of a professor and also casting it as an example on a small hand held mirror that she brought with her earlier.

I grinned to myself when Twilight tried to cast it, and after a total of 17 failed attempts she finally gets it only for it to stop working as soon as a mint-green unicorn appeared on the other end, the look of confusion is clearly evident on her face.

"Not as easy as it seems eh Twilight? You need a clear mind to cast it without it failing, a clear mind and a stable reflective surface. Focus deeply and think on who you want to talk to, do not lose focus or else it will collapse on itself." I was standing beside her as she kept trying and I can easily tell she was getting exhausted by the tiny beads of sweat and the slightly huff and puff of exhaustion.

"Maybe we should take a break...if you keep trying like that your mind will fry and than I would have to wait for you to wake up from your magical-induced sleep, and I rather not do that since its rather slow to wake one up from that kind of sleep." I said quietly, not wanting to break her conviction on trying to master the spell, and at each attempt she gets closer and closer, but I know that trying to hard to learn a spell always leads to mind numbing headaches and really sensitivity to light and sounds. "Come now Twilight, you can resume your spell practice later, for now I am wondering if I am allowed to leave this building and explore the town....I rather not be stuck in a building for days on end...rather not get cabin fever and go crazy."

She gives up on trying to attempt the spell and just shakes her hoof at me, basically saying "go" without evn saying it, I guess she was too exhausted to even say anything at the moment. I just shrug and put on my robe and walk out the door, closing it as quietly as possible with success.

As soon as I turn around I am met with a pair of golden eyes looking right at me, or more oddly at my hands. Almost immediately I knew exactly who I was looking at, Lyra. Twilight sometimes talked about her during our practice session, saying that she constantly talked about humans, saying that humans made this and that, and saying that all of the things that ponies have today...humans made it and gave it to them as a gift......I think this mare is crazy, or is on the lead to finding actual humans here, hopefully both since being the only human here means...yea....not cool.

"Erm....uhh....hello?" I gave the lamest excuse of a greeting, and it was completely ignored since Lyra was busy staring at my hands, watching my right hand wave at her while I moved my left hand behind my back creating a small silver sphere, knowingly creating an anti-gravity sphere, hoping that I don't have to use it against her.

I was completely wrong...

3 Hours Later

"And that is how advanced my people are....now can I please go back to my friends home...I fear that if I keep talking about my own people I will start to get depressed..." I said as I hit my head on the small table. I spent at least three hours talking to Lyra about humans, where we came from, how many of us they are since even I don't know exactly how many they are, and also what we have achieved, I added tons of flare at the part of our magical achievements, it was funny to see her eyes go big at some of the spells I said, but it got sad because being the only human here meant that I am forever alone, that and being a male human, yea this is gonna suck...

"Oh sorry about that, its just it is AMAZING how that your hands can work and move like that, they are so helpful and well...all the things it can do! You can lift things without having your mouth full, can take things place to place unhindered...it is simply a marvel!" she was simply estatic.

"So now can I go? I have to check on Twilight to see if she even managed the spell I left her to practice...I fear she went overboard on the practice and fried herself...hopefully she didn't." I said with slight worry. And already knowing that she loves to learn something new, she will most likely work at it till she passes out or gets it right.

"Eh...might as well try to teleport...hopefully not into a wall...or over a lake.....please not over a lake." I said to myself, grumbling the last part, and if anyone ever noticed, I hate open water...shallow water is fine since I know I won't drown so easily, anywhere deeper than my waist than I might as well be trying to tell a dragon that hoarding gems and gold is wrong. As I start my spell, I noticed that Lyra was waving good-bye to me, but as I wave back I forgot that this spell requires focus, which I just broke just in time for me to vanish into thin air with a loud popping sound.

Canterlot, Royal Palace, 5 seconds later

Another day in Canterlot for most ponies, the occasional group of school fillies and colts being rushed down the streets to their next meeting, rich and fancy ponies taking a stroll in the royal gardens, and for Celestia it was another day of documentations, taxes and reading over important diplomatic letters. Just as she started reading over the less important of the letters, she heards an audiable popping sound before looking up to see my sorry ass fall face first into the floor with an even louder thud.

"Owwwwwww.......that is the last time I ever try to save good-bye to someone while casting a high-level spell....note to self: Do not wave while using magic...." I groand as I slowly pick myself up from the floor. "Now where am I?" I said to nopony in particular as I looked around in a daze, only to see that I was in someponies chamber and after a few seconds of shaking my head I realized I was in Celestia's private chambers. "Oh...erm....uhh....hello Celly." I said with a slightly scared chuckle, fearing that I just interupted something important.

Celestia just looks at me with that unamused look, and she only gave that look to me only once, and that was when I said a very bad joke, you know the 'whats with the long face' joke. Lets just say she was very...very...not amused at the joke.

"Please don't kill me" was all I can muster before Celestia just grins at me, and that also only happened once, after I told her about the time I basically turned off the gravity in the council chambers when I was still training, the looks on the councilmans faces were funny at best since not a single one was on the floor, and seeing everything float around I was to busy trying hard not to laugh, and Celestia saw the entire thing which to my surprise, was even more fun since a friend saw me make a fool out of them all.

"Oh don't worry, I would never harm a friend, I am just wondering why you teleported into my private chambers when I am in the middle of organizing my table of letters and scrolls. And I believe that you are used to this since you were an apprentice mage back home yes?" she said while still sorting the pile out. She practically scared the shit out of me with that grin and she also head the nail on the head when she spoke of me doing scroll sorting, one of the most boring and grueling jobs. I can tell that she hated doing this also since your basically nothing but sorting out which is more important, what deserves the most appropriate amount of your time and what must be done about it. Yea...worst job ever.

"Well I was trying to get away from Lyra since she kept asking me questions....like three hours worth of questions....my god if she kept asking me about my people I swear that she has a thing for humans....hmmm...I might have to ask her about that when I go back...and I was teaching Twilight a simple spell which she keeps failing on, since our magic is different it will take her time to fully master it, as long as she remembers to take a break here and there to not overload her senses and pass out like the last attempt." I said with a slight fearful tone, messing with Celestia and popping in like that will most likely get me in trouble...

"Before you go back to Ponyville I do have a question for you." she said, her tone getting serious and stern.

"And that is Celly hehe." a quick hehe was put in since I knew she was about to make my day worse.

"Did anything follow you here when you got teleported to Equestria, I felt a slight disturbance when you said that the portal was created by me and my sister's combined magic, I want to be sure that only you got here and nothing more." her voice still stern.

"As far as I know of only I made it, well me, a noose and part of the scaffolding to where I was about to be hanged but nothing more." I replied, hoping that my answer would be good enough.

She smiled at my answer and nodded. "Good, I would not know what to exactly do if another human got here, by your arrival that Discord was free but took you long enough for it to be defeated in your presence, if another was to show up with you than I would wonder where it went." her concern was well placed.

"Me neither but than again it was only big enough for me to fit so I can clearly guess only I made it through." I said more clearly.

"Than you are dismissed...but try not to teleport in here when I am busy...unlike you I have a kingdom to run and it is a monumental task...so just a warning. Next time you interupt my work, you and I will get very well acquainted." the last part of what she said was met with a very scary grin, to one that I only replied with a loud meep and I quickly got out before anything else happened.

"Okay....one more time...teleport..." I concentrated this time and managed to teleport back to Ponyville, just in the wrong spot, I landed outside of a large gingerbread house that looked like it came out of a childs storybook. Might as well go in for a snack or two...

Ponyville Library, 30 Seconds Ago

The cloaked phantom smashed another bookcase, destroying many books and ruining many others.

"WHERE IS HE!" shouted the phantom, grabbing a baby dragon by the throat and lifting him up into the air.

"I don't know! Please....please just let me go!" the dragon was now crying and sobbing, clearly shaken to the point of losing any and all hope of help.

"I WILL NOT LET YOU GO UNTIL YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING!" the phantom yelled again, throwing Spike into another bookcase before glaring out the window and seeing its target. "IT SEEMS YOUR SERVICES ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED DRAKE..." It said in a slightly less angry tone while raising its right arm, revealing a new metallic claw, raised to bring down a killing bow but does not go through with it.

"HE IS HERE...." was all it said before fading away into the floor.