• Published 31st May 2012
  • 2,781 Views, 21 Comments

A Blackrose in Equestria - Roran Dreamon

They said that when you die you see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. That is the perfect lie.

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Chapter 2: Temporary Awakening

Ponyville, Early Morning,Vector's Mind

{So...held captive by talking pastel ponies...not exactly the worst creature to be captured by...but than again seeing how they just turned an abomination of nature into stone with magical trinkets....I rather not get on their bad side...hell I rather not get turned to stone.....I hope they have food that I can eat, I rather not be eating hay and grass that is for sure...grass tasted straight up bitter...and hay...was tasteless...if they have oats than I would gladly eat it. Hmmm....I wonder if these ponies have any schools for magic...I might be able to teach them a thing or two.....maybe just the most basics....nothing like what I know of...keep my mental and gravity magics to myself...please tell me none of them can read my mind...if they know I can use magic than I will most likely be branded again with those blasted magic seals...rather not be helpless in a world that I have no idea of...hell how did I even get here? Well...as long as I am here....I hope this place has books...good books, rather read something interesting than something boring, eh any book is good to me at this point.}

Ponyville, Dawn, Twilight's House

"So...let me get this straight...this human is not a being chaos....apparently he his blind, looks like he has been starving to death for many weeks, and also that his skin is actually his muscles beside his head....what kind of human allows himself to be degraded so low?" said Spike, obviously annoyed that they are now housing a strange being that is potentially dangerous and also hideous after lowering its hood and seeing more of his face.

"I do not know Spike...whatever has happened to him must have been very traumatic, and also must have been a very ordeal event, whatever the case we need to take care of him until the Princesses get here to deal with him or until some other being takes him away." said Twilight, finishing her breakfast of toast and eggs.

"Also, Spike humans have never been seen in Equestria since the beginning of recorded history. Not one of my books says anything on Humans, their origins, their lifestyles, not even a piece of what they eat. I am just saying Spike if he calms down and is friendly I can finally record more about their race, and hopefully if their race has anything different that we do not have. Oh! I bet they have magic! That would be amazing and hopefully if I do this right he can teach me a few spells that he knows of, maybe I can teach him somethings he doesn't know." said Twilight, who is positively beaming with joy knowing that they are housing a race that was never seen before and at the possibility of learning something new.

As the two speak in the kitchen, currently talking about their new house guest while eating breakfast, I stirred in my sleep, hearing the sounds of two people speaking was somewhat bothersome, hoping for an extra hour or two of shut eye but instead they had to speak loudly enough to make me move from my comfortable spot on the already to-small-for-human-use couch with my legs hanging off the side. Just as the two get finished talking, I yawn almost loudly enough for them to hear, my eyes still in a daze from getting kicked and smacked upside the head last night still making everything look like I am underwater. As I stir around, I notice that the rope binds around my body are gone, laying in a neat pile on the arm rest next to my head, which makes me wonder how exactly did I remove them? As I sit upright, my two house captors walk out of the kitchen and stare right at me, which amuses me because both are staring at me with their jaws open and eyes open in terror. I also notice that it was not a second pastel pony that the purple one was talking to, it was instead a baby dragon, its scales purple and green, amazing to see a baby dragon, even more to know that its parents are not searching around turning everything in their paths into ashes just to find the little one.

"Let me guess, I am an amazing being am I not? Or are you just looking like that because I am not in my rope bindings given to me by that orange pony friend of yours? Well...either way thanks for asking that I am alright, no harm done except for a mild concussion and annoyingly blurred vision. Other than that...I am guessing you have some questions for me." I said, trying hard not to act like a royal A-Hole to my captors.

I looked at both of them, apparently the purple one was named Twilight...sounds kind of odd but I have heard of stranger names back home, a purple unicorn named Twilight...seems to fit I guess, as for the small dragon was named Spike...now that perfectly fitted for a baby dragon...but than again should have gone with a more scarier name.

I sigh deeply because the two in front of me just keep staring both in fear and amazement but mostly fear. "You know if you keep your mouths open like that a fly would land in your mouth...trust me that happened to me once and I did not like it..." I said, trying to get the two to stop being shocked. "So are you going to ask me something or do I have to play a guessing game for you since you are still in a state of shock...which is starting to get on my nerves." I groaned, trying to strain my voice to the point of almost making a low growling sound to snap them out of their shock. But to no avail they just stand there not even moving or blinking.

"Okay what the hell is going on here? Why are you two not moving or breathing? Did some mage use a time spell and stopped everyone but me and him...or her? Whatever..." I said, getting up from the couch and walking towards the two, hoping that would snap the two out of it, but it seems my sudden motion snapped them out of it making Spike jump in front of Twilight in a defensive stance while Twilight's horn charged up with magic.

"Well it seems my movement snapped you two out of your stupor..." I said almost in a cheerful tone, sitting back down on the couch. "So...ask anything while I am in my more....happy mood. If you don't ask me a question I will simply walk out of here and explore this small town....heck I might even decide to explore that forest I landed in...might give me some clues on how I got here...so...see you two later I guess." I said, standing back up and cracking my back, hearing the satisfying sounds of a few bones popping, letting out a small sigh of release while Twilight winces from the sounds and Spike actually attempted to do what I just did but ends up falling onto his back and getting a small laugh out of me.

As I slowly walk toward what seems to be the door to the outside, Twilight uses a levitating spell on me, which somehow also made me frozen stiff while moving me through the air, to my surprise her magic had an aura which can be plainly seen as a purple aura, seems fitting since Twilight is purple...

"You know we can't let you out of this house human...not for the reason that you might create a riot when the other ponies see you, but also because we do not know anything about you, your intentions here, we don't even know your name...so for the time being you will stay inside this house until otherwise...that or until or the Princesses get here and figure out what to do with you." said Twilight, almost with an amusing grin thinking that she has this under control. Well time to mess with her and see how much information I can extract from her without giving her to much about myself or my realm....maybe some juicy bits of knowledge will shut her up.

"Well ask me your questions, I have been waiting a few minutes today and an hour yesterday until someone knocked my ass out...and I swear when I do find the pony that did knock me out...I hope they like the moon...cause I am sending them up there alone...and in pain. Because my head is hurting like it was bashed into a metal wall...." I slightly mumbled out the last part since my head is still pounding from the beat down from last night and from the lack of food that is in my body.

Just as soon as I turn around, loud knocks can be heard from the front door right behind me, and I know that if I answer it, it would most likely be screams and ponies running or most likely more stares of absolute amazement. I look back at Twilight and Spike, Twilight is still wondering either to let me go and answer the door or not just ignore whoever is on the other side. And to my surprise she lets me go to answer the door but when she opened it, she immediately bowed before two large figures, which to my guess must be royalty or the ruling person in charge of the town, either way I almost panic since most of my magic is still blocked off from my control. Not wanting to be caught with my hood down and them seeing what I went through, I hurriedly pulled it over my head covering most of my face since the robe came with a built-in scarf to conceal my throat and mouth from freezing in long treks, but it does its job when hiding my face.

{Perfect...barely any magic at my finger tips...two royal figures...most likely guards outside which means they must be strong enough to easily take me on and hold me while they slap on the cuffs...prison does not sound promising...hell no I am not going back.} Just as my thought process started it ended because the thing I noticed most about the two figures is that they are wearing large cloaks to try to conceal themselves but it failed when Twilight bowed before them...not much of a disguise if someone manages to see right through it like a window.

"So Twilight...this is the human you told us about...it seems...very confused..." said the one on the left, my back facing them as I slowly made my way toward the couch, using my magic to levitate the rope towards my hands, making it look like I have been bound the entire time, but when the time comes it will be very useful...or just screw myself over without me knowing it.

"Yes...very confused...Twilight, did you manage to ask it anything about where it came from, how it got here, or any of its intentions now that it is here? I also wonder what its name is...seeing how it is sentient enough to be able to talk...or at least mimic a few words that it overheard from the other ponies here." said the second figure, now realizing that they are both female and most likely very important, giving me another reason not to get captured. {Important means I am screwed}

Just as the two figures slowly make their way towards me, along with Twilight getting up from the floor and looking at me, Spike comes back into what I think is the living room or the main hall...whatever the hell it is, he was carrying a small tray with 4 cups on it, knowing that none of them are meant for me...little selfish bastard. Spike looks right at me, and I look at him, making my eyes slowly change colors just to mess with him with the help of a low grade illusion spell, starting at my natural white color, than phasing it to red, than to blue than green, and every other color of the rainbow. His response was to gasp and quickly put down the tray onto the small table and run out of the room...seemingly with his small tail between his legs. Hehehe scaredy cat.

"Hmm Twilight...it seems our guest has the 'Stare' just like your friend Fluttershy...we must know if it does this intentionally or in self defense...whatever the case we must know everything about him...." said the first figure, and seeing from the small openning from the cloak, this female pony has a pure white coat...and is also seems to be wearing a golden necklace...hmm golden....nah couldn't be....but could it?

"Yes...Miss Twilight Sparkle...we must know everything about this creature...." said the second, and just like from before I got a few glimpse at this other one...and I think I remember this one....dark blue-ish coat color...an even darker necklace...no wait...that can't be right...these two can not be the two who I think they are...thats impossible...I don't see their horns or wings...these must be their emmisaries or something...no no no no....

I slowly start to fidget in my spot on the couch, still looking downward at the four cups, waiting for at least one of them to remove my hood and reveal what I am to them, but after 5 minutes of the three talking to each other, it seems that I am being ignored....at least me being a boring mage really does have its uses.

Letting out a deep throaty cough, trying to get their attention, not only did it work, but is also seemed to at least anger one of them...not good. "You know...you keep talking about me...but you never really talked to me...and me being a guest and all to this plane of existence....I thought I wouldn't get beaten upside the head and tied up....not really cool....not in the slightest." I said, slowly standing up, almost being as tall as the two figures while they are still standing up. Hmmm...me being equally tall....I can use this to my advantage.

"Well...whenever you are ready to say anything to me...just go to the edge of the woods and call out for me...I will show up...or lets say...in an hour or so...seeing how far I make into that forest without falling over...or attacked by a manticore again...little bastard tried to have me for lunch when I first got here...show it a piece of my mind..." I grumbled unhappily after recalling that particular event.

"Alright than....Twilight, please take note of our questions and his answers." said the first figure as Twilight nodded and levitated a parchment and quill from a nearby desk. {Hmmm....they still use parchment and ink for writing...seems odd that they have magic and yet can't use it to instantly write out their messages and thoughts....that might be one of the new spells I could teach them....nah.} I laughed a bit after that thought, the three look at me as if they said a funny joke. "What was so funny human? That we still write like this? Than tell us how do you write? On a piece of bark or a slab of stone?" said the second, sounding already pissed off that I was laughing.

As she finishes her tiny rant, I grin almost evilly, scaring Twilight a bit seeing that all of my teeth are still there and also that a few of them are pointed. "Well...my two dear strange guests....my people write on parchment much like your own, but a vast majority of them uses magic to simply write out the words inside of their heads and transmute it onto the scroll or letter, allowing quick and effective writing, some of us still write with quill and ink but magic writing is so much easier than by hand...or in your case by hoof." I said with a very smug grin, crossing my arms as if I just beaten my friends in a game of wizard chess. The looks on all three of their faces was almost priceless if I can see what the other two looked like, but from the look on Twilight Sparkle's face was the best look of surprise, shock, awe, and if I am not mistaken, mind blown, seeing how she thought I just wiggled out of my ropes she now most likely thinks that I used magic to get out, which I will not tell her just yet.

"Hahahahaha from the looks on your faces I just surprised all of you, what? Didn't think that unicorns or well..alicorns are the only beings in his realm to use magic? Nope! Us humans can use magic the day we are born, but of course it is raw and not refined so we go to school to harness and be in tuned with it. So ask any more questions, I am sure to have at least two mind-blown ponies today hehe." I said, my smug grin still there, my eyes now looking right at the three, resuming its original white color.

"So...any other questions? Or can I go now?" I said still looking smug, standing up slowly before getting levitated backed onto the couch and more scrolls floating over to Twilight along with more ink and an extra quill. "I take that as a no and that you three have more questions for me...." as I said that Twilight grins widely knowing she finally has something to learn that is not normal and from this world, the white cloaked pony grinning a bit while the dark blue cloaked giggled a bit.

"Well...lets get started than..." I groaned to myself knowing this will be one long ass interview.

3 Hours Later

"Wow! I never knew that your people were never rule by royalty! Even more amazing is that your world is just like the Everfree Forest! Its all natural and nothing controls it! Please Tell me more!" said Twilight, she was simply estatic about what I was telling her, she has already filled up 5 scrolls of what I just told her, and now she wants more...well I can easily tell her about myself, maybe that will get them to trust me more.

"Well my dear little scholar Twilight...since you asked questions about my people I was wondering if you wanted to ask questions about myself, I am sure you would be just as surprised about what you can learn from me, and maybe you will finally learn how I got here...but since you don't want to..." I said trailing off, hoping she would go for the bait.

"Wait! I want to know! This might be one of the Equestria's greatest discoveries of all time! Just think about it, a Human! Here! Myths and Legends were told about your kind saying that your people are mysterious and highly intelligent and hearing everything you just told me its true!" said Twilight, just hearing her voice that high pitched and excited almost brought a real heart-felt smile.

I grin almost evilly, just waiting to ruin the mood since what I am going to tell her might rather get to feel sorry for what I have been through...or most likely think of me as a worlds most biggest Grade-A Asshat, either way I win.

"Alright...but I must warn you three, what I am about to tell you must remain with you three....I rather not hear my past being tossed around like a rumor at a school filled with children...so...do I have your word that you will not tell anyone." I said, my voice filled with steel because if I know that they break this promise, they will not have any idea what I will do to them or anyone else.

At first not a single one of them moved before Twilight said she promised not to tell anyone...well she said anypony which to me is I guess normal here, but the other two smiled a bit which I guess is the same thing...I know this might come back to bite me in the ass in the future but, eh they want a good story so they will get one.

"Listen well my little ponies because this tell for I am about to tell you is my story...one that I have lived through and endured many horrible events that would have easily taken the lives of those that are weak and frail. Let me tell you where it all began...where I was born was in a small village outside of the capital...the village was small enough to go unnoticed by the empire...but when I was born...I was born with the enept talent with magic since I somehow caused a large chunk of the forest to be crushed by a large gravitational field...my parents feared that I would be executed for destroying the forest but instead the Council of Mages looked at me and said that I was forgiven...if I went with them back to the Arcane Sanctum...the highest place of learning and of magical training...my parents agreed and gave me to them....they abandoned me to them....to save themselves...that was very painful to me when I was older..." I said with a small tear in my eye while my voice slightly raspy.

"When I was in the Arcane Sanctum...I received the best education and training...I was trained to the point of exhaustion most of the time and my teachers never let me rest for more than a few minutes before we resumed our training...it was brutal but it payed off...I have mastered every school of magic that was to be offered to me...ranging from healing magic to destruction and illusions....but it was not enough to fill the void of what I lost...." another tear joined the second as it lands onto the small table near my legs.

"When I came of age of 17...I was placed into the 'Trial'....a test where every mage must go through...a test of will and endurance...we must face our inner most demon....and destroy it....few die during it...even fewer succed without having any mental damage....I was not one of those luckey few....for when I faced my demon...and won it damaged the part of my mind that made me...tolerate and respect others....which helped me advance in the ranks of the mages...and after more 'Trials' and an assassination attempt...I became Archmage of the Mind....the newest rank for the Council...one that was given to me since I was the very few mages that has the power of the mind at our fingertips...but what I did not know was that some of the rules for being an Archmage was that we could never talk to anyone outside of the Council or of the Sanctum...which means we are forever cut off from the rest of the world." as I spoke a few more tears fell down, and they can slightly notice that in the tears formed small images of my life, slowly gathering around the other tears.

"After I gained the rank of Archmage...at the age of 19 I went against the laws and started to search for a way to talk to someone outside....anyone...I didn't care who I talked to...just anyone....so I used a simple communications spell on a scrying mirror...and that was when I met her.....her voice was so soothing and caring...like a caring mother...but this voice was surprised to hear me also, seeing how she almost called for her guards when it was just a mirror." as I was speaking the white one slightly rubbed her hooves together, seemingly in a nervous fashion.

"For a whole year we spoke to each other, talking about ourselves...our parents...our country....our people...but near the end....I was found out and arrested....the Council feared I was talking to someone from an opposing country to try and devulge our secrets....but they were wrong...." my head hanging low, not wanting them to see me yet.

"My sentence was 5 years for talking to a possible enemy of the crown....but...their was also the death penalty which all of them called for so it didn't matter....this person I was talking to was in the mirror...she heard it all and I thought I heard faint crying....that broke my heart...it broke it so badly that I snapped...." as I said 'snapped' the white one craned her head at me and slowly lowered her hood, revealing the alicorn beneath it. "I went crazy and started to take on the Council that wanted me to die just because I spoke to an outsider...so...I fought back...and I killed 6 members of the Royal Council...and before I could fully get my revenge I was knocked out cold and dragged away....I killed 6 people because I did not want to lose a friend...." a fourth tear joins the other three, creating a thin circle creating what happened after I was captured.

"I was sentenced to die at the beginning of the new era...at sunrise which was 5 years from that day...and I was allowed to take one item...which was the mirror...and in my small cell...I talked to her...every day for 5 years we spoke....for 5 years she kept me sane and happy even though she knew that I was going to die...but she didn't care about that, she just wanted to make sure I was alright....now that...is a true friend." I half-heartily chocked out, more tears fall down onto the table, slightly splashing. The dark blue pony lowered her hood half way into my story, revealing the dark blue alicorn, being slightly shorter than the white one.

"For 5 years I was slowly dying in my cell from thirst and starvation...when I was not in that cell I was in the torture chambers...." I slowly stood up and showed them my body, revealing at a few points in time my skin was carved off my body and haphazardly put back on, showing that my skin looked like churned meat strips. "my life was hell....I endured things that others would have died from...but talking to the girl in the mirror kept me strong because her voice alone and how caring it was made me fight to survive past the pain..." the three can feel the story coming to a close, but mostly the two alicorns who witnessed it.

"On the last day of my life...I spoke with the person that I talked to for 6 years....she was actually scared that I would never talk to her again...which she knew that my life was at its end....at sun rise...I would meet my end by a noose...a rope collar." my voice now starting to sound raspy and rugged.

"Before I was pulled from my cell...I spoke one last time to the mirror...hoping I would hear her voice again...but instead...I got nothing but silence....until I heard a new voice....her younger sister....that was when she said that 'I was the human that made her sis cry'...and at that moment, I had near mental break down. I was not talking to another human....I was talking to a different species...and when she said that I was the human....she told me the truth...that her sister and herself were a race called 'Alicorns'...and that both of them are princesses...and their names were Luna and Celestia....fitting names I guess....seeing how she barely showed us to what they looked like....winged unicorns....horned pegasis...whatever it is...I was shown that sentient ponies can speak...and I spoke to two regal ponies...." as soon as I said their names, Twilight gasped almost out loud, dropping her notes, ink and quill, making Luna and Celestia move back slowly away from her.

"Before I was hanged...their was a strange magic storm hanging over the city....turning violent it rained fire after I jumped off the scaffolding a portal formed in mid air and I was sucked into it...taking me, the rope and the part of the scaffolding with me...and I woke up here...what was it called now...Equestria?" Twilight shakily nods "And well....I fell in a field of blue flowers and made my way out, looking for salvation...and this town was my salvation until I came upon it while it was upside down and completely upheaved by chaos and relvery...that was when I saw you Twilight and the other 5 use strange necklaces and a tiara petrify an abomination of nature. That was when they saw me and well...knocked me out and took me here...and well...everything is up until now." I said, slowly feeling dizzy and shakily stands up.

"If I ever meet Celestia and Luna....I just want to say....it was nice talking to them...and I wish to give them a hug...for making me feel alive and cared for when everything I knew...was pain and anger...." I sway a bit and fall over onto the table, smashing it and shattering the cups that was ontop of it. Before passing into the unconscious void, I mutter out a few words, "I am sorry for scaring all of you...", my head letting out a small thud as it hits the splintered wood and ceramic.

Everyone in that room was shocked, even Spike who heard bits and pieces of my tale, he ran in after hearing the sounds of my body landing onto the table crushing it under my weight and momentum. He was clearly shocked to hear that I went through so much hell just for talking to Celestia from a magical mirror, even more shocked to learn that I knew their names and treated them as equals instead of the actual royal treatment they usually recieve. Twilight Sparkle was currently in a state of utmost shock and awe, hearing how I lost everything when I was born and regained a better life just to lose it again, even more when she heard that I met her princess by the use of a simple spell on a mirror, along with the fact that I saved by both princesses, but she also felt fear because that I was capable of powerful magic and that I managed to create a fire storm....even though I can't do it, no matter how much magic I put into a storm cloud it won't work...only makes it rain harder. When Twilight turned to face her two royal guests, she had only one question to ask them.

"Princess Celestia...Princess Luna...is this true? You spoke to this human before? And he knew your names? How did this happen and why did you not tell anypony about this!" Twilight starts to raise her voice, almost to the point of yelling out loud.

"I am sorry Twilight but we had to keep this quiet between us two because we knew what would have happened if he was discovered talking to us...and because of us that he was spared from an untimely death....we just hope that he will come to learn about us more and get used to his new life here....the spell we casted was extremely dangerous...and because of it, he was taken out of his universe...and can no longer return because when it happened, that magical storm must have assisted us with the process but also erased him from history in his realm. He is now our responsiblity...and Twilight, you will be his friend and teach him everything that you learned....we fear that we have saved and destroyed his life...." said Celestia than Luna turned to her and smiled a bit. "Yes...we must watch after him..we have given him a second wind that will not go to waste but what he does with it we do not know....we can only hope it is not for evil or for reasons to disharmonize this realm....we do not need another Discord on the loose..." Luna said before pulling her hood over her head and slowly trots out of the house waiting for Celestia to also leave.

{Well...now they know who I am...what I went through to survive...and what I am....I just hope this does not come back to bite me in the ass...wait....this will come back to bite me in the ass, it always does when it comes to me....yea...I bet myself 200 gold coins that this comes back to haunt me....and most likely to repay for destroying the table....my body hurts like hell....owwwww.} Very few words were mumbled as I lay their ontop of the table passed out, slightly twitching as my body registers the shock and pain that my body just faced.

Everfree Forest, Midnight

The air was cold and it was dark within the canopy of the twised, knarled tree's, a single figure slowly trotted into a small hut, a faint green smoke rising out from the top of it. Inside of the hut was filled with tribal attire, masks, potions and herbs, even a large cauldron at the center over a firepit. The cloaked pony lowered its hood, revealing a zebra that was staring at the cauldron, waiting for the scrying mixture to finish. As she turns around the cauldron bubbles rapidly than just as quickly as the bubbles appeared they vanished, revealing a crystal clear image-like vision showing an unconsicous human ontop of a broken table next to three ponies and a slightly shaken baby dragon. "Ah so the human is now in their humble abode, some rest he needs from his travels on the road." said the zebra, turning back to the short pile of herbs and plants found but as she goes to attend to the pile, a cold and ghastly pitch in the air causes her to stop what she is doing and turn to face the strange feeling, only to get a rough slap to the face by an unknown metal object. She got a split second air-time before hitting the wall with such force it knocked the masks and other objects off the wall, knocking her out and leaving her with fresh cuts all across her face, blood seeping out from a gash on her cheek.

Standing behind her, well more like floating behind her was a large black tattered cloaked figure, no arms or legs to be seen, only two glowing ember eyes floating inside of the hood, a large metallic claw is where its left arm would be, only to shatter and turn into hundreds of floating metal shards of varrying shapes and sizes.

"Sleep well my little rhyming zebra....you played your role in revealing where my brother is....now it is time for a little....family reunion..he.hehe...hehehe...hahahahahahahahahaha." said the strange being, a metallic and screeching laughter soon fills the smal hut and later the Everfree Forest, causing the surrounding creatures to cringe in pure fear, the insane laughter almost reaching Ponyville, but by the time it reachs the town all it is just a slight reverberating echo.

[Soon brother....very soon I will find you...and together we shall become. And you will suffer for making me what I am...blood for blood, skin for skin you shall know the pain I was forced to endure...you may have been flayed alive in prison...but I have been into worse....punishments. So sleep well brother, and have haunting nightmares.]