• Published 21st Sep 2018
  • 1,043 Views, 97 Comments

meanwhile...: Tales of the Berylverse - Shinzakura

Part of the Berylverse. There are hundreds of stories out there. Not all of them are Sunset's.

  • ...

Draw Back the Curtains and Smile...Everything's Wow!

“My life, nothing was easy till now
Hope like the morning will paint the dawn
More than ordinary (deep down)
Make it more than merry (deep down)
Take me to the jamboree (deep down)
And shine a light on me
Draw back the curtains and smile –
Everything's wow!”

Oblivious to the song coming over his alarm clock’s speakers, a young man with brown hair lay on the bed, trying to ignore the world. There was something about the feeling of waking up in a different bed, he mused. Well, it was more than just the bed – everything was new, truth be told.


A new bed, a new room, a new life – everything left behind in Seattle with his father. Once, they had been a happy family: his parents, him and his younger sister, but then his father…well, when the dust settled and the ink on the divorce papers was dry, his mother Quaint Cottage was so desperate to just leave that she insisted he and his sister just pack their clothes and leave everything behind. Off to a new city…though technically it wasn’t really new, either.

“Ren, honey? Time to get up.”

They had moved south to California – Canterlot, to be precise. His mother had been from there originally and technically they owned a “vacation house” down there that had been owned by his grandparents before they retired to Arizona. After the divorce, their mother made it their full-time home, and after a quick sprucing up of furniture and a hefty IKEA bill, they were “home.”

Of course, it didn’t feel like home to him, not with the friends he’d left behind. But at least his mother was happy and wasn’t crying all the time anymore. No more screaming between his parents and no more dealing with his father’s new girlfriend, a girl that really wasn’t much older than Ren himself.

He wondered how long that relationship would last, but the truth was, he didn’t care. He and his sister backed their mom in the divorce, both because she needed them and because they felt what their father had done was just beyond the pale….

But at least he stayed in Seattle, being the all-important CIO for Xconomy Systems. His mother, just a “lowly” real estate agent, could get by anywhere.

So here they were in Canterlot, just days after school had already started, ready to get by—


Renaissance sat up with a start, looking at an older woman with blue hair and wine-colored eyes looking at him. “Do you know what time it is, young man?” she asked him.

He rubbed his bedhead-draggled hair. “Crap – did I forget to plug my phone in before going to bed?” He reached over and grabbed it, tapping the screen to find…nothing. He looked at his mother awkwardly. “Guess that makes it a good thing I set my alarm clock, right?”

Quaint just sighed. “Except you slept through that, too.”

“Hey, how was I to know that the station I usually listened to in Seattle is on the same frequency as the 80s station here? Seriously, how did you listen to this stuff growing up?”

“That song is from the 90s, young man; and besides, that is not the point,” Quaint argued. “Look, you’ve got about thirty minutes to go before you’re late to school. And I gather you don’t want to be late for your first day of school, right?”

“Well, given it’s already the third day of the school year, I’m technically already late,” he pointed out.

“Then you’d better get dressed,” she said as she stepped out of the room to let him attend to personal business and get ready for the day.

No sooner did he enter the kitchen than he found his younger sister, Juniper Montage, sitting at the kitchen table, looking annoyed at him.

“Well, if it isn’t Sleeping Beauty himself!” she teased with a smile. “Waiting for a kiss from a handsome prince to wake you or something?”

“Yeah, well he sure isn’t going to go after you, not with your attitude,” Renaissance replied back.

His sister responded by picking a froot loop out of her bowl and flinging it at him with her spoon. “I swear, Ren, if we’re late because of you….”

Renaissance sat down at the table as Quaint set a breakfast Hot Pocket, fresh from the microwave, in front of her son. “Okay, hurry up and eat, you two. We need to get going and I need to make it to the office for Orientation.”

“Well, maybe you should’ve made some toast, Mom, so Ren could run out of the house with it in his mouth like Yuka does in High School Dazzle,” she giggled. “Hey, maybe Ren can borrow my old uniform!” She sighed. “I liked that uniform.”

“Nothing wrong with you wearing it as normal clothes,” Renaissance told her. “As it was, I thought you were glad you didn’t have to wear a uniform anymore.”

“Yeah, but then I saw some girls from the local private school – Zacherle, I think it’s called? – and they looked so cool and sophisticated!” Juniper replied. “Heck, I’ll bet the uniforms at Holy Cross look pretty cool, too, even if it’s a Catholic high school.”

Quaint finally sat down with her coffee and a small bottle of yogurt. “Unfortunately, with moving us down here, having to get all-new furniture and tapping the settlement money until I sell a home, I couldn’t afford to put you two in a private school,” she told them. “Fortunately, Canterlot High is the best high school in town. Trust me, I went there when I was your age and look how I turned out.”

“We’re doomed,” he said flatly. His mother mock-glared at him, then laughed.

A copper-colored BMW SUV still bearing Washington state plates pulled up in front of the school. “Here we are: Canterlot High, Home of the Wondercolts – your new school!” Quaint said.

Juniper groaned. “Well, we can tell Mom’s from California – she still drives like a maniac!”

“I heard that, young lady. Now go carpe diem and all that! Aren’t you two excited?”

Renaissance gave his mother a dry look. “Excited? For school? Do you even know us?”

“Yeah, they probably don’t even have a Film Club or anything, or whatever it is that Ren does – the ‘I don’t have a life’ Club?” Juniper groaned.

“You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’, June,” Renaissance told her, and she in turn stuck her tongue out at him.

“Well, you two will just have to make do. Now give me a kiss goodbye.”

Juniper groaned. “Mom! Come ooooooooooooooooooooooon! Kids are watching!”

A few minutes later, the pair watched as their mother drove off. “You know, June, with a dramatic performance like that, you should just ditch Film altogether and join me in Drama.”

Juniper shook her head. “As if. If I wanted a career in a dying medium, I’d go join the school newspaper or something. Besides, you say you’re going to go out for Drama, but last week it was art. And the week before that it was CG graphics. And the week before that it was music. And the week before that….”

Renaissance shrugged. “Hey, I’m good at everything, okay? Not my fault.”

Well, here we are, he thought to himself. But as he looked to the front of his new school, with its rearing horse statue seated on a marble plinth, his sister’s criticisms of his interests faded into the background buzz.

This is it, he told himself again. Time to start my new life.

After a quick check-in with the administrative office, Juniper immediately took off towards their classes. Never mind that she and her twin brother had most of the same schedule, this was high school and she had to see him on a daily basis – no way was she going to hang out with him at school as well!

For his part, Renaissance just sighed. His sister had a flair for the dramatic that he didn’t, his current interest in acting notwithstanding. She wanted to be a director just like their uncle, Canter Zoom, who was one of Hollywood’s go-to moviemakers. That was a problem for Renaissance himself, ironically; coming from a family that had artistic talent oozing from their pores, while he had inherited the family talents and traits, sometimes it seemed that he also inherited his mother’s general lack of interest in any of it. Her parents had been a famous nature photographer and a celebrated sculptor, while her older brother was Canter Zoom and her younger brother was noted comic book artist Inkshades. And Quaint Cottage? Well…she was a real estate agent. A very good one, but just that.

And that’s how he felt sometimes. All the talent in the world and seemingly none of the drive.

He walked down the hall towards his first class, noting the friendly atmosphere in the school. At his old high school, The Lakeview School, everyone was so focused on pushing to be the best that there was little time for friendship or relationships. Sure, he had friends, but that was more because he knew them for years and years.

And now he was gone and they probably hadn’t even noticed. So much for friendship. He groaned inwardly. Well, I guess it’s like that old saying about how friendship is like magic: In the end, it doesn’t exist and it’s nothing more than an illusion. He looked around. Maybe if he was lucky, he’d figure out who the popular kids were, so he could fail to be like them.

“You’re new here, aren’t you?”

He turned to see…a goddess. A girl, slightly taller than him, but drop-dead gorgeous – the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. She wore a simple black t-shirt and jeans, but there was something about her that…he really didn’t know how to describe it. Maybe magical, as weird as it was, was the word. A vision of absolute beauty, with cyan eyes and flowing hair like ruby and gold that burned like a warm, inviting bonfire.

He remembered at his old school being practically in love with the school’s alpha bitch, a girl named Radiant Starlight. Radiant had nothing on this girl, flat out.

After a second, he recomposed himself. “Uh, yeah, sorry about that. Still getting used to everything here.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she said with a smile. “Welcome to Canterlot High,” she said, offering her hand. “I’m Sunset Shimmer. You can call me either Sunset or Sunny. And you are?”

He took her hand and the moment he shook, he could feel a strange strength from her. The feeling of unrestrained beauty and power, wrapped up in the touch of an angel. Oh, man, I hope I am not going ga-ga over this girl, he told himself. I do not want to embarrass myself like I did around Radiant.

“Oh, I’m Renaissance Canvas,” he told her. “Just Ren is fine.”

“Well,” Sunset began, “I—”

“Sunny!” Another girl appeared before him, and while she wasn’t as perfect as Sunset, it was clear she was a looker. She was shorter than him, with slightly tanned skin, expressive purple eyes and long flowing hair of alice-blue and ivory. She was cute as hell and for a moment, Renaissance wondered how the hell he managed to live a life where he would meet two beautiful girls in the same day, both of which would probably have nothing to do with him after a few more seconds.

There you are! I need a favor!” the other girl said to Sunset.

Sunset grinned. “Wow, must be pretty important if the Great and Powerful Trixie isn’t speaking in third person!”

The newcomer, whose name was likely Trixie, Renaissance noted, groaned. “Come on! You know I only do that when I’m performing!”

“Yeah, I know, Trix. Just messing with you. What’s up?”

“You know how I’m doing the show for the kid’s stage at the County Fair this weekend, right? Razzmatazz was supposed to be my assistant this weekend, but then her mother found out and given what happened over the summer she doesn’t want her staying out late, so she had to bail on me and I can’t find a replacement!”

“Doesn’t Lyra or Bonnie usually—”

“Lyra’s parents are out of town for the week,” Trixie deadpanned. “You know what that means.”

“Means it’s a good thing they’re both girls,” Sunset giggled. “Well, I would offer, but I can’t do it. It’s the County Fair, so we’re going to be busy as hell at the café, and that probably writes off Pinkie and Soni as well. Have you asked any of our other friends?”

“Yes,” Trixie said, ticking responses off her fingers. “Tavi and Flutters are going to be performing on-stage, Rainbow has a tournament out of town this weekend, Rarity was freaking out about the fake saw for the act, AJ has to work this weekend, Ari’s teaching the archery class at the Fair, and Dagi said this weekend is usually busy at the pizza place.”

“And you probably would’ve asked Twily, but she’s doing the student mentoring this weekend for the incoming freshman at her school.” When Trixie nodded, Sunset sighed. “Sorry, that’s just about everyone.”

“Great, just great,” Trixie groaned.

“Hey, if I find someone I’ll send them your way. Can you afford to hire someone?”

“Not really,” Trixie admitted. “I had to spend some money to upgrade my gear just for this performance.”

“Then I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it, okay?”

Trixie beamed and reflexively hugged her friend’s arm. “You’re a lifesaver, you know that?’

Sunset shrugged. “You’re my friend. Not going to leave you hanging.”

“Thanks! Well, I need to get to my locker so that I can get ready for classes. Thanks again!”

Trixie, so caught up in the joy of having Sunset bail her out of a mess, rushed off, without looking where she was going. A second later, she collided into Renaissance, knocking him over and continuing to move on without batting an eye.

Sunset bent down to help him up. “Sorry about that. Trixie can get a little excited.”

“Well, she knocked me over without even stopping,” Renaissance said as he took Sunset’s hand. “I’d be mad if that wasn’t so impressive. Is she a linebacker, or do I just need more protein in my diet?”

“Hey, as long as you’re okay….”

For some reason, Renaissance saw an opening and took it. Feigning injury, he moaned, “Oh, woe is me! I think I see my end approach! Give my money and my love to my mother, tell her I thought of her at the end! Don’t give any to my sister, though – she doesn’t deserve it!”

Sunset laughed and gave him a smile. “Well, I guess you’re okay if you can put on that kind of performance.”

He bowed. “I do try.”

“Drama student?”

“Sorta. I dabble here and there.”

“Well, since you’re new here, I can show you around. We have about five minutes before first period.”

“I’d really appreciate that,” Renaissance commented. “Might be good to get the lay of the land.”

The two went on a quick tour of the school, from the cafeteria (with their surprisingly tailored lunches and not the typical public school fare), the music room (where Fluttershy was busy practicing her guitar work and briefly waved hi), the general room, where most of the other clubs shared (and in particular, a morning support group was there, all looking nervously at Renaissance until Sunset decided it was time to move on), and the courtyard garden, where the garden group met. There, he saw his sister talking to a girl with brown eyes and shaggy aquamarine hair, but the latter had captured so much of his sister’s attention he decided to leave things as is.

During this time, however, he decided to try to impress Sunset, though he knew that it was going to be a tall order. She was already gorgeous, and given that she’d offered to pay for Trixie’s assistant, that implied that she was rich enough to not worry about the money, either. What is she, a princess? So he regaled her about his meager cooking skills (she liked that he made apple crumbles and mentioned someone named Applejack), the fact that he could play some guitar but he was a better singer (she mentioned that the girl with the guitar, Fluttershy, was an accomplished musician but was still trying to adjust to something), and that she herself wanted to play guitar, but never quite found the time to learn.

The odd thing when they went to the general room was that Sunset was reluctant to talk about the group meeting there at the moment. He’d heard about the serial killings over the summer, as well as the multi-school scandal about the rapes earlier in the year – could those girls have been survivors of one or the other? Maybe both? At that point, he opted not to pry.

It was then that the school bell suddenly rang. “Sorry, but I gotta cut this short,” she said. “Last thing I can do though is to get you to your class. Which one do you have?”

“I…” His face fell as he realized not only was his schedule on his phone, but he’d never thought to get a paper copy – and he didn’t want to look like any more of a dork in front of this beauty.

However, she caught on instantly. “Forgot it? No sweat – I can take care of that; there’s still time.” She had him follow her to the computer lab, where she quickly logged in and tapped away at a few things. A few seconds later, a nearby printer spat out a printed copy.

“Wow, how did you…?” he asked, shocked that this girl could actually get things done. Forget wondering if she was a princess; Renaissance was now wondering if she was a literal angel or something.

Sunset blushed. “I…kinda have elevated permissions because the school principal is my mom’s best friend, so she trusts me with a few things. And I try not to abuse them. Especially since our new vice principal is a hardcore stickler for the rules.” She looked at it briefly before handing it to him. “Art, huh?”

He shrugged. “I guess.”

“Well, unfortunately, that’s on the other side of the school, so I can’t quite walk with you over there. But….” She looked around and spotted someone. “Snails! Snips!”

Two boys his age approached. One was short and stocky, kinda like a carrot-topped teenage version of Goin’ Ape, while the other one was a complete beanpole, lanky and with turquoise hair that made him look like Alfalfa from The Little Rascals. Both of them had the look of complete and utter losers practically tattooed on them.

My kind of people, he sighed.

“You wanted something, boss?” the shorter one asked in a scratchy voice that sounded like puberty was well overdue in making an arrival to his larynx.

“You guys seriously don’t have to call me that anymore,” Sunset sighed.

“Kinda force of habit at this point,” the other guy said. His voice was low and slow in the “short bus” sort of way.

“Well, maybe you two can help me out here: we got a new guy, and his first class is Art, if you can show him the way over there.”

“No sweat! That’s actually our first class as well,” the short one said, offering his hand. “I’m Snips, by the way, and this is my main man Snails here.”

“Uh, yeah, hi!” Snails said, as if it had taken some great effort to think about his words.

“Heya. I’m Ren,” he said.

“Okay, he’s the new guy, so you two take care of him, okay? Counting on you.”

“You can count on us, boss,” Snails said, affecting a salute. Sunset just chuckled and shook her head as she wandered off, leaving Renaissance alone with the pair.

“Follow us, newbie,” Snips said with the sound of someone who was a master at thinking himself farther above his natural level. “We’ll set you straight.”

“So,” Snails asked. “Ever seen a grown man naked?”

Ren looked at him oddly. “The fuck?”

“Snails, you doof – how many times do I gotta tell ya?” Snips said, pointing at his shirt. “It’s Groanman Nekkid – that’s the name of the band, okay? You say it the other way, people are going to think you’re some sort of superfreak.” Moving his hand in an aside, Snips said, “Don’t mind Snails, okay? He’s a great guy. He’s just got Assburgers.”

“You mean Asperger’s?”

“No, I mean Assburgers – guy’s head’s up his ass half the time because he speaks before he thinks,” Snails said, laughing at his own joke. “Seriously, though, I don’t joke about that shit often, especially since my mom’s actually from Asperg, so she’s kinda sensitive about that joke.”

“Really? Wasn’t aware there was a place like that.”

“Oh, yeah, man,” Snails said. “Asperg, Germany, population about 15,000 as of the last German census. Primary town economy is—“

Snips rapped a hand against his friend’s chest. “Dude, you’re doing it again, okay? No one likes a know-it-all, got that?”

“Oh, heh, sorry. Was just memorizing it in case Trixie ever—”

“Dude, you are sorry as fuck if you think Trixie’s interested in that shit,” Snips responded, though without a bite in his tone. “Don’t mind him, he’s completely head over heels with Trixie Lulamoon. She’s one of the girls that goes to the school here. Personally, I think she’s a 7 out of 10, but hey, love is what love is, right?”

For Renaissance, classes seemed to dash by in a blur. His class schedule actually had him zig-zagging between the two ends of the school for the morning, which had enough time for him to meet Principal Luna, who was friendly and vivacious; and Vice Principal Neighsay, who looked like someone pissed in his cornflakes on a daily basis. Whereas the former was about complimenting and challenging her students, the latter was an authoritarian bent on apparently controlling said pupils.

Finally, the lunch bell rang and based on the crowds, he followed them off to the cafeteria, which turned out to be surprisingly better than expected. He was about to get in line, when he saw both Snips and Snails, waving over to him. He wandered over, glad to see some friendly faces in the perpetually blank crowd.

And yet…. He felt something…odd. He couldn’t describe it in any concrete way, but if he had to put words to it, it felt like…her. The beauty from before. His eyes instinctively went to the wall, and found her, sitting there, gathered around a group of incredible beauties in their own right, from the elegant to the earthy, but all of them gorgeous in their own way.

His mind briefly went to places where it probably wouldn’t have…

…only to be brought back to reality by the snap of fingers. “Hey, buddy, as much as I think they’re hotties as well,” Snips told him, “ya gotta keep some perspective. I mean, maybe – maybe – the only one who might give you the time of day as well as her digits is Pinkie, but that’s because I heard things about her.”

“Heard things about her?”

“Yeah. Like she’s gay and doesn’t want to admit it or anything, so she flirts with guys a lot. Heard she’s goin’ out with another hottie, name of Compass Rose. She’s too high to set your sights on as well, if you ask me.” Snips grinned. “But no worries, in due time, you’ll probably bag yourself a hot piece of babage around here.”

“Yeah, like I got with Trixie,” Snails said, pointing a thumb at his chest.

“Trixie ain’t yours yet, pal, not until you’re knockin’ boots,” Snips reminded him. “Anyway, shall we get some lunch?”

Lunch consisted of a vegetarian pizza (which turned out to be better than Renaissance had expected), a salad and a flavored water. Snips had gone for the double cheeseburger, mac and cheese and a Coke, while Snails had brought his own lunch with him. The three talked about various things, with Renaissance answering as much as he could about Seattle, while his two new friends told him as much about Canterlot as they could.

Snips, as if a wise sage, listened only half the time, his eyes scanning the crowds as if for some hidden treasure. Finally, he said, “Hey, Rennie, check this out, man: see that girl over there? The sweet thing over there? She looks like she’s more your style, dude.”

Renaissance looked over to where another group of girls was sitting and focused on the girl in question. “Pass,” he said instantly.

“Dude, look at her. Yeah, she’s not as hot as the boss and her posse, but still, she’s got that kinda sorta jay-ne-say-kwai?”

“Je ne sais quoi?” Snails offered.

“What the fuck do you know about French, Snails?” Snips asked him.

“Hey, it’s what I looked up, okay? Anyway, why would you turn down such a prime babe like that, Rennie?”

Renaissance shook his head. “That’s my twin sister, Juniper.”

“Oh.” Snips paused. “So, can I have her digits?”

Finally, the school day came to an end. The afternoon classes went by like a blur, and it didn’t help that one of them was taught by Vice Principal Neighsay himself, who seemed to focus more on trying to get them to memorize the raw data without understanding why they needed to. Renaissance really hated teachers like that, and thankfully Neighsay seemed to be, as far as he could tell, the only educator here that focused on that particular style.

He did, in particular, like the drama teacher. Ms. Valencia had been a child actress and model before she mostly gave it up for a teaching career (though she still did some indie films now and then, she added); she was extremely passionate about her art and it showed. It also helped that she was cute as hell, although Renaissance knew that he didn’t stand a chance with her anyway – and if he did, that would be the least of his problems.

“So how was your first day?” Renaissance turned around to see Sunset standing there, a smile on her face.


Sunset smiled again. “Don’t worry about it; I just happened to be running late for stuff and saw you. Nothing else.”

“I…see,” Renaissance said. “Look, Sunset….”

“I also appreciate you taking Snips and Snails under your wing,” Sunset added, and this gave Renaissance pause. “Don’t say you didn’t; I was watching and I saw. The fact is, I really do appreciate it. Those guys…they’re sweet, but they don’t have too many friends and people tend to look down on them a lot. I try to keep an eye out for them, but I can’t as much as I’d like. So having someone who will prevent them from falling under someone’s sway, like Flash Sentry, for example, is someone they need.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Oh, I think you do; you don’t have to be so modest,” Sunset told him. “I can sense that about you. You’re a caring person, and it shows.” Sunset held her books close to her chest, and Renaissance forced himself to calm down. “Just keep an eye out for them, okay? I’d consider it a personal favor if you did.”


Sunset gave him another sunny smile and Renaissance thought he was falling in love despite himself. “Well, I need to get going, but thanks again for looking out for them. If you ever need anything, just let me know, okay?” She then walked off towards the student parking lot.

“OHMIGOD – YOU KNOW THE PRINCESS?” Renaissance turned and saw his sister looking at him with complete shock.

“Princess?” he asked.

“You don’t know? Sunset Shimmer is a princess – an honest-to-God princess! She’s a princess of France!” Juniper looked fit to be tied. “My new friends told me all about it!”

“June, France is a democracy – they don’t have royalty,” he told her. “Besides, I highly doubt an actual princess would be attending a public school.”

“It used to be a monarchy, dork – she’s a part of that family! But apparently she was lost here and adopted by locals and just recently found out what she really was. My friend Debonair Lace told me about it – she’s in a club with Rarity, one of Sunset’s best friends!” Juniper squeed. “Isn’t it great? Her life is like a literal fairytale – street girl finds out she’s actually a real princess!”

Renaissance scratched the back of his head in confusion. “Funny, she didn’t strike me as the princess type.” But of course, he knew that wasn’t true. He was completely enamored of her, and he wanted to know more. She actually talked to him!

For the first time in his life, Renaissance Canvas might have a chance to be something more than he thought he was.

A couple of hours later, a pair of girls were seated at the Burger Shack, going over spreadsheets and other documents.

Setting down her burger, Trixie looked at Sunset. “Thanks again for going over all this with me, Sunny. Usually I go over this stuff with Lyra, but with her being…um…‘occupied’…this week, I needed someone to look this all over with me.”

Sunset nodded. “No problem, but why me?”

Trixie gave an awkward smile. “No offense, but for some reason, after you taught me the bian lian trick, it was clear that you knew something about magic. I mean, you don’t perform, but….” Trixie was quiet for a moment. “Sorry if I brought up something painful for you. I know your life hasn’t been easy.”

“It’s okay. I have no idea why Ms. Faustus taught me all of that,” Sunset lied, hating every moment of it, but she had to keep up the masquerade. “Maybe she intended me to go into a life of crime someday and I just happened to be the child she stole. I don’t know. But at least it’s useful.”

“Yeah, it is, thanks. So you don’t think the multiple illusions are too much?”

“Not really, but do you think you’ll have enough of a Pepper’s Ghost in order to pull it off?”

Trixie’s fingers slid over her tablet to the image she had of the stage she’d be working on. “If I place the props here, here and here,” she said, “hopefully that should give me enough cover to set up the pepperboxes for the Pepper’s Ghost effect. Add a fog machine to act as lensing, and that should cover it. My uncle Presto pulled it off last month in Milan with a lot less space and props, so the idea should be sound.”

Sunset leaned back in her chair, impressed; even if Trixie didn’t know how to use real magic, her skill at prestidigitation was unparalleled. “I’m impressed, Trixie, really.”

“Thanks. I mean that. And you don’t have to pay for the assistant.”

“I don’t mind, really,” Sunset said. “I mean, you need the help, right? And in the end, it’s just money.”

Trixie took another bite of her burger before continuing. “One, you’re going to spoil me like that; and two, isn’t your girlfriend – or is it girlfriends? – going to get jealous.”

Sunset sighed. “That obvious, huh? Look, Trixie, I’m not—”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Trixie assured her. “Given all the grief my mother gives me, you know I know who’s on the gaydar and who isn’t. It’s just that it’s obvious that you have Pinkie and Rose competing for your affections right now, even if you were focused on that new guy. Who is he, anyway?”

“Oh, so you noticed him, huh?” Sunset asked.

For her part, Trixie blushed. “Yeah,” she admitted. “He’s kinda cute. So who is he?”

Author's Note:

And with this, we get into one of the main storylines of meanwhile... This one is a story we've really wanted to tell, and if you wonder how much? Well...at one point, we were actually going to make it into a game (a visual novel) that we were going to give out to our fans for free.

We'd actually did some work on backgrounds, script, music and some such before we realized that it wasn't going to be anything that we were going to be able to finish in a timely manner (I mean, seriously, you waited four years for 7DSJ to go through its motions, right?) so we sadly had to give it up and turn it into a normal story.

That being said, we're definitely doing that here and now, and we hope you enjoy. Additionally, if anyone would ever like to see some of the art, music, etc., just let us know. We'd be more than happy to share some of that stuff, although maybe some day it might make an appearance in something else. You never know....