• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,396 Views, 62 Comments

The Villains Bar - Zubric

Discord's nice little hide away for the bad and villainous. Antagonists welcome as well

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Episode 10: Warm and Cozy

Cozy Glow did her best to keep up her usual cheerful façade as she glanced upwards at the god of chaos. Just the other day she’d found the crystal caverns beneath the School of Friendship the perfect place to set up her master plan. Given the amount of power Discord processed, it was only natural to worry about his possible interference. Just another price on her chessboard to deal with. “Golly, nice to meet you Nr Discord. Hope you didn’t come to mess up Headmare Twilight’s schedule.”

Discord smiled back at her idly putting his paw on his hip.” Oh of course not. At least, not today that is,” he remarked, before leaning down abs bopping the filly’s nose. “I’m actually here for you.”

To the filly’s credit, she did a pretty good job at not flinching away. “Oh, whatever for?”

“Nothing major,” Discord started as he got eye to eye with her. “It’s just that I know what you’re up too “

Cozy’s wings twitched ever so slightly but she recovered fast. “Gosh. How did you know I was going to make brownies for Professor Applejack?” She lied.

Discord chuckled as he tapped his chin. “Oh bot that. The other thing.” He scooped her up which made the pegasus worm around. “And I know just where you belong.”

Cozy eyes went wide.”What lets go of me. You’re crazy. You’re-“ Her ramble was cut short as they teleported appearing in Doscord’s bar. “What?”

Discord lowered the filly into one of the tables watching as she looked around. “You belong with us.” He exclaimed gesturing around the large room.

Cozy was quick to notice all the various creatures along with the well-stocked bar. “I don’t know what you're up too but I won’t fall for some dumb illusion.”

Her eyes were quick to fall upon Tirek as the centaur spoke. “Give it up Cozy, he knows our plan “

Cozy jaw opened and closed for a few moments. “What plan. I’m just an innocent filly. This game isn’t very fun Discord.” Surely if she played along long enough she’d be able to fool him.

However, her hopes were dashed as Discord shook his head. “Come now little Cozy, we all know it’s all an act. You intend to drain all the magic of Equestria for yourself.” Discord grinned snuggly.

“Grr, well you can't stop me. I’ll- I’ll tell Fluttershy you were mean to me.”

Discord proceeded to laugh as he wiped a tear from his eye. “Oh but that’s the fun part. I don’t intend to stop you.”

“What this had got to be some sort of trick,” Cozy said snarling before picking up the glass of sofa that had appeared before her.

Tirek spread his arms out as he spoke. “He doesn’t think our plan will work. Something about fate or something.” He rolled his left hand.

“Ha shows what you know. Friendship is power. Those foals will do anything I say.” Cozy's grin widened as she sipped her drink.

“Well if you say so. Welcome to my Villians bar. You’re welcome to come and hang out.” Discord declared with a flash of sparkles.

It was only then that the filly noticed the others around. She jumped some when she saw Queen Chrysalis and even Nightmare Moon. “Oh golly abs o thought you were reformed Discord “

“Well, the drains are a bit upon the air.” Discord said as he floated upwards.

“Tricks others with manipulation. I like her already,” Chrysalis added.

“Wow, I remember hearing stories about the wedding. Were you really the princess for a while?”

“Of course I was. That is how I was able to get all of Shining Armour’s love.”

Cozy sips her drink as she nodded. “Yeah, but why were you beaten by your own food source?”

The queen’s eye twitched. “Shut up.” She grunted.

Cozy eeped a bit before taking another glance around the room. “Wait a second. If all the changelings are good now. Then who are they?” Her hoof gestured towards a table with four black Chitin changelings sipping some pink liquid.

Discord slithered over to Cozy “Oh them! They are LARPing.” He explained.

“They’re what?” Cozy blinked tilting her head.

Chrysalis spat on the floor. “They are pretending to be evil.”

“All hail the queen!” One called out towards her.

“Shut up grub!” Chrysalis hissed back showing her fangs.

“But mooom!”

“Don’t you mom me. You chose to betray me. Deal with it.”

The changeling shifted on his seat. “Does that mean you don’t want your mother's day gift?”

The queen rolled her eyes. “Fine.” Getting off her seat, she trudged over to them. Even being evil She still wanted some motherly attention.

Cozy just tilted her head more at the random events that had just occurred. “This is weird.”

Golda began to loach from behind the bar. “Haha, welcome to the club.”

Glancing over, Cozy eyes lit up. “Hey, you’re one of Rainbow’s friends. She talked about you.”

Golda rubbed a talon to her chest puffing it out some. “Oh yeah? Probably said how awesome I am.”

The filly nodded giving in the air. “Oh yes, the coolest Griffin she’d ever met.” She moved a bit closer looking at the batoid bottles. “So maybe as such a good friend you could let me taste one of the adult drinks?”

Golda shook her head crossing her forelegs. “No can do Discord forbids it and I sure wouldn’t serve stuff to a minor.”

“Oh, not even apple cider? I hear it’s really good.” Cozy asked, going another big smile to try and charm her way to get what she wanted. How’re er, Golda stared back as solid as a cockatrice.

“No, and whether scheme you're probably thinking of to get some probably won’t work either.”

“Oh, we shall see,” Cozy cooed before fluttering away and soon landing at the table Tirek was at. “Wow, you sure are scrawny.” She blurted looking at the loose chains.

“Oh well not everyone can be super buff without magic,” Tirek remarked taking on the size of the filly. “For some reason, I thought you would be bigger.”

“Well, I am just a filly, Nr Tirek.” She glanced at the door. “So if you're not locked up in your cage, why don’t you just leave out the door?”

Tirek let out a sigh tugging the tip of his nose. “It’s unfortunately not that easy. Discord l’s power is an absolute here. You only leave if you’re allowed to.”

“Gosh, you don’t think he’d keep me here do you?” Cozy asked peering at the Game of solitaire upon the table.

Tirek put his hands together. “No, at least not yet. You’re not in a prison.” He gave a glare towards his unofficial warden.

“Well, I don’t care what Discord says my plan is sure to work. I shall be Empress of Friendship hehe!” She laughed for a few seconds clapping her hooves. A moment later she leaped into the air at the sight of King Sombra approaching.

The former king looked at the filly holding onto the rafter with amusement “A mere child taking over Equestria, now that is rich.” His laughter showed off his impressive teeth.

Cozy glanced down with a frown. “Yeah well, it took a single foal to nearly destroy the Crystal Empire.”

“May I remind you that abomination was an alicorn of all things,” Sombra remarked.

“Yeah well, one day I’ll be an alicorn just you said and see.” Cozy shot back.

Sombra slowly walked away laughing once more. “Oh, that will be the day I’m sure.”

As Cozy landed back onto the table to help Tirek with his game, Discord flipped through a script smirking to himself. “Won’t she be in for a surprise later.”

Author's Note:

-blows dust off- Been a while.

And yes Grogar will be a bit annoyed with Discord pretending to be him.