• Published 10th Sep 2015
  • 10,616 Views, 381 Comments

Mandatory Motherhood - dargondarkfire

Woke up, everyone's gone, and I'm some kind of alien horse. Well, not everyone, I did find another: a baby. A baby alien horse that treats me as her mother.

  • ...

Chapter9: June 29th Part 2

Author's Note:

This chapter has been long long overdue and I'm very sorry for that. I'm sorry for the wait. i didn't want to release a very unpolished chapter but my team has had so much happen to them in their lives I don't want to push them to do something they volunteer to do. I'm thinking up ways to possibly things faster. maybe fewer pass-overs or try to limit chapters to about 3kish words? please let me know if the comments your thoughts and ideas, what you think about the chapter, and if you notice anything we missed. thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoy the story.

Mandatory Motherhood

By Dargondarkfire

Ch. 9

June 26th Night. “Why is everypony so stubborn?” Colgate grumbled to herself as she watched Starla and Lyra sleeping on the bed. “It took me three hours to get you to eat, Lyra. Then Chry — Chris went to talk with Russell about how you have not been eating, which led to them arguing. I thought Russell was going to attack, until she suddenly started to cry in the middle of her rant, and ran off.” Colgate facehoofed, then headed back to the living room of the RV and threw the voice recorder onto the couch before having a seat herself.

“I thought Chris would come back inside, instead she took off after Russell. If Russell’s emotions are that unstable, then it would be better not to risk setting her off. But no! Chris must prod the emotionally unstable fire-breathing dragon! …Please Celestia, don’t let Starla become an orphan for a second time.” Colgate sighed and rolled over so that her head hung off the couch.

She was not sure how much time had passed as she laid there, hoping for something to break the silence. Her eyes wandered to the wine cooler in the kitchen while idle thoughts about indulging crossed her mind. However, she flung those thoughts away; she was currently the only one caring for Starla who was physically fit enough to take care of her. She giggled at the thought of Lyra waking up to find Starla trying to get milk from her. “Oh, I remember how weird that felt, waking up to Starla suckling on me. Starla couldn't get at Chris, because she had curled into a ball in the corner that one night… I wish Chris would tell me about these nightmares that keep her from sleeping.”

She lazily looked towards the bedroom. “Maybe I could have Lyra hit her with a sleeping spell? I know that it’s not morally right, but Chris isn’t going to last if she doesn’t start getting some sleep.” She let out a sigh as she rolled off the couch and onto her legs. “Maybe… Maybe I could trade Chris some info on her situation if she let us knock her out? Or maybe at least trade it to get her to talk about her nightmares?”

She strolled over to the door and gave it an uneasy look. “Maybe I should go look for Chris and Russel... But it is dark outside... I could take a flashlight! Yet there is no guarantee I will find them... Though I am worried about Chris... But I need to be here if Starla wakes up.” Colgate drove herself into a tizzy and began prancing in place, eventually spinning in circles until she tripped on the entrance mat and fell on her rump. “Ouch!”

She climbed to her hooves and let out a defeated sigh. “I’ll go look for them in the morning. If I go out there, I will probably just get into trouble.” She grabbed her book and the recorder, while heading back to the bedroom. “I’ll just read until I settle down enough to sleep.” She stopped and blushed when she noticed the title of the book, ’50 Shades of Grey’. “I regret starting this book, this is not the time nor place for it.”

She put her book back, then used her magic to grab the giant flashlight and its spare battery, before stepping up to the door. “I’ll just take a quick look outside then go back to bed... Yeah!” And so she proceeded to stare at the door which separated her from the outside world.

After a few minutes, she magicked the door open and sighed, then proceeded into the light given off by the canopy strung over the truck stop. She looked around and slapped herself with the flashlight, which she regretted immediately. “Why am I so scared!? This is not the Everfree Forest, and there are no manticores or monsters… Just animals who take care of themselves. Ehehe eh…”

Before She could get her bearings, the sound of a glass bottle rolling and bouncing away caused her to scream and swing the flashlight towards the sound. Colgate sighed in relief when she found the culprit to be a raccoon. “I’m going to kill myself at this rate. Sorry little one, there isn’t anything here to eat.” The raccoon hissed at Colgate then ran off into the dark. “Well, that was rude.”

She took in her position and looked towards the back lot full of semi-trucks. “The hotel Russel said she was going to stay in is that wahhhhhHHHHHH!” Colgate shouted as she spotted a large set of glowing white eyes from between two of the trucks.

She immediately aimed the flashlight at the eyes hoping to chase off whatever creature was in the shadows. The response she got was not what she expected. “Gah! Colgate turn that off, are you trying to make me blind?!” It took her a few seconds to calm down and realize that Chris was the creature standing between the trucks, then a few seconds more to realize what she was doing to her friend and turn the flashlight off.

“Oh! I’m so sorry Chris, I thought you were an animal or a monster or something. I was going to look for you, but I got nervous and started freaking out at every little thing.” She kept apologizing as Chris got closer before she realized something odd, Chris had no flashlight with her. “Chris? Um, how did you get back here? The moon isn’t out and you have nothing to guide you.”

Chris’s eyes still glowed as she got closer, but Colgate’s question caused her to stop and laugh. “I figured out I don’t need a flashlight with magic.”

Colgate looked at Chris with a frown. “I don’t see a light spell or anything Chris, how are you seeing things?”

Chris stepped into the light under the canopy, as the glow faded from her eyes. “I’m… not sure what you would call it. Looking at the magic around me, or the magical realm?” Colgate’s jaw dropped as she heard her friend speak. “What? I thought it was something all unicorns did. It was one of the first things I figured out how to do, though it was really draining at first and I kinda felt like I was floating away from myself. I have been practicing while you guys sleep, and as long as I don't try to look really far away, I can see everything around me like it was daytime. Well not really daylight, but you understand right?”

Colgate’s left eyebrow twitched as she listened to her friend ramble on, not unlike a certain purple pony she knows, just in a less scientific manner. “No, Chris, most unicorns can’t do that, at least not at will. Many never learn how to enter that state, and most of them only enter it to use big complicated spells. I’m not sure how you even figured out how to do it.”

Chris blushed and looked away causing Colgate to look at her quizzically. “Well, and this is probably going to make me sound like an otaku but... I kind of got the idea to try it the first time because of anime.” Colgate looked at Chris in confusion. “Anime are cartoons from Japan, and there are characters who enter that kind of state, I think you would call it when they are gaining or learning how to use powers. So I just kind of used that line of thinking and ended up at the front door?”

Colgate turned around and began trotting back to the Motor home. “I’m too tired for this. This just means I’m going to have to throw more magic lessons at you so that you don’t lose yourself.”

Chris gave Colgate a look that told her she was confused but, didn’t push the topic further, and silently followed Colgate back into the RV. Once inside, they were greeted by the sight of Lyra begging for help as Starla tried to get milk from her. While settling Starla back down Lyra asked what happened with Russell. Chris explained that they talked for a while, had a bit of an argument, talked some more, had something to eat while Russell complained about having no electricity and being unable to play games or watch movies. After that, they parted on good terms and Chris came back.

As usual, Chris slept for maybe a half-hour before the nightmares brought her back to the waking world. She spent the rest of the night practicing what magic she could from bed, without waking anyone up.

June 27th-30th. Over the next few days, Russell helped me turn the courthouse into a refugee center for anyone who might show up. Colgate got Lyra back onto her feet; or hooves, I guess. The Weather is getting hotter every day, and Colgate has been begging me to let us take a shower. Russell volunteered to boil water to make up for what we used, so I said we could take one the night before our new friends leave. “I Bet we can fit three mares and a foal in the shower at once.”

Were you trying to reduce the work on Russell or did you want to see how many ponies could fit in there at once?

I thought for a moment before responding. “To be honest, both.”

My eyes bulged as I realized I just responded to nothing “Gah! Now I am starting to talk back to the voice I’m hearing! I will delete this part later. Where is that Advil? Oh, right Lyra took it and hid it.”

Lyra got on my case when I offered her some medicine for a headache, Colgate agreed with her saying she isn’t sure how medicine for humans will affect ponies and she was getting worried that I might be forming an addiction to it. I can’t fault her for it, so I did agree to not use human medicine unless we absolutely need to.

In our off-time Russell has forced me into playing Super Smash Brothers on a Nintendo 64, and while this has resulted in some odd events, it has helped me with my magic manipulation. We also learned that Russell can apparently breathe lightning, though only after eating powered electronics? She tried to replicate it by eating a car battery but that led to her barfing out? Breathing out? A stream of acid, which completely dissolved the car she pulled the battery from, and the ground under the car.

I think I remember something like this.

Um… Anyways I’m going to try making dinner tonight. Colgate wants to use anchovies in a casserole. Lyra apparently never gained a taste for fish, even though her parents forced her to eat them since she was a kid. I hope the laugh I got out of her cringing is worth how bad this place is going to stink… You know what, I’m going to see if Russell can find a way to cook Colgate’s casserole outside.

Lyra and Colgate have also figured out what the radio transmission we picked up at the state university meant. They won’t tell us about it. It bugs me, but she said it’s good news and instructions for her if she can’t find a leader, or something along that line. I guess if the time comes, she may explain it to me when she needs to go somewhere.

Oh, I don’t remember if I mentioned this, but I have seen both Lyra and Colgate walk around on their hind legs from time to time. Colgate said it was something she trained her body to do so that she could work on her dental patients easier. Lyra learned how to do it as part of her hobby, I guess? Russell told me that Lyra was hoping to meet humans in human form while she was here.

It might seem weird to bring this up, but Lyra helped me convince Colgate to train me on how to walk upright on my hind legs. Once I master that, maybe I can feel a bit like a human again.

I hope you will always wear pants when you do so or you're going to show everything off. Shouldn’t you be more worried about keeping Starla fed?
“I have been able to find enough foal formula in town to keep her fed for a week or so and we won’t be staying around here much longer anyway so… And there I go again! Replying to a voice that isn’t there, great.”

June 30th, night. Colgate was giving Lyra a look over in the bedroom, the examination light floating in her magic. She has not fully recovered, but if Russell keeps her promise, then Lyra should be fine in a couple of weeks. “Lyra, since you plan to keep following Russell, are you still going to search for a leader to take back to Equestria?” She asked as she stopped examining Lyra’s mouth and teeth.

Lyra worked her jaw after Colgate had held it open for so long. “Of course, that is my job and reason I came to this world after all.” She batted the little examination light away with her hoof causing Colgate to frown. “What about you, Minuette?”

Colgate blanched at the question. “Of course! I look for a leader everywhere I go. Why would I stop looking?”

Lyra smiled at Colgate slyly. “Because it seems like you already found one to me.”

Colgate paused and eyed her friend warily. “You're talking about Chris, right? She is not a politician, a noble, military leader, or even a manager. Just what makes you think she could fit the role?”

Lyra laughed and pointed out the window with her hoof as Russell looked inside while she walked by and waved. “She seems to keep us in line pretty well, and she even gets Russell to behave, all while taking care of Starla, who isn’t even her daughter. Does a position of power even matter?”

Colgate looked at her friend, thinking about what she said. “I guess when you put it that way I could make that argument. I think the princess would find that a justifiable reason for bringing her with me to Equestria, but…”

Lyra’s smile faded. “But Chris wouldn’t leave Starla behind unless she finds her actual mother, right? And we both know that there is very little chance that the spell will bring her mother back in Starla’s lifetime.” The room went silent for several minutes before Lyra’s ears stuck straight up. “Wait, didn’t you test high enough that you could bring two ponies back with you? Problem solved!”

Colgate sadly shook her head. “I did, but only within two weeks of arriving. After that, I can only bring one with me safely.”

Lyra pointed to Colgate’s saddlebags on top of a chair. “What about if you use those magic crystal batteries?”

Colgate thought for a moment and nodded. “I already used one to keep Chris from dying after I found her when she had used up all her magic from a surge. That night she was attacked in front of the courthouse I thought her magic was going to wipe out the entire block. But I have a few left, so that might be a possibility.” Colgate smiled again for a moment. “But then, by the time everything happened, returning them both might be impossible.”

Lyra sighed. “Do they need to come back?”

“What do you mean? Our job is-” Colgate stopped as Lyra grabbed her face between her hooves.

“Colgate, look at the situation they are in. There are no other ponies around! Chris is starting to crash from trying to take care of Starla, barely sleeping, keeping supplies up, driving this house thing around, helping you learn to pretend to be a transformed human while you teach her magic, and still help you look for a leader. I don’t think she can last without somepony to help her.”

Colgate tried to speak, but Lyra continued. “And even if she manages by herself, she can’t treat Starla or herself if they get sick. Her supplies are not infinite, so she would have to find somewhere to settle. What if she cannot find other ponies to live with? And what about Starla? I don’t see any other foals around, she will have no friends around her age growing up.” Colgate jerks her head out of Lyra’s hooves and begins crying which makes Lyra stop.

“I get it, ok? I get it! Life is hard here, this is no place to raise a baby. I see what you're getting at Lyra, I do. By Celestia just please stop and let me think things over, alright?” Colgate turned to leave the room only to find herself yanked onto the bed by Lyra’s magic.

Lyra promptly pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry Minuette, I went overboard. There is no need to cry.” She held her friend close, trying to calm her down.

After several minutes, Colgate’s tears slowed and she hugged Lyra back. “Thanks Lyra, I wish you would have discussed this differently.” Lyra just smiled at her, until she heard the sound of heavy paws rapidly growing louder as Amore ran through the house, urged on by a joyous giggle. Amore zoomed into the bedroom and lunged onto the bed tackling the hugging mares and trapping them under her.

“It appears that your living blanket has arrived.” Lyra whined. “The universe has some sort of grudge against me, doesn’t it? And it’s punishing me with a giant dog!” She thought things couldn’t get worse. That was until a diaper-wearing ball of fuzz rolled off of Amore’s back and onto her snout. Lyra got a point-blank sniff of Starla’s latest work. “Oh buck that is bad! Amore you fuzzball get off us, we need to change her diaper right now!” Colgate laughed as she wiggled her way out from under Amore, and begun to see to Starla's needs.

A few minutes earlier, I had stepped back into the house to get something to drink only to hear Lyra ranting loudly from the bedroom. I got close enough to hear the last part of her rant before Colgate started crying. I had never really thought about that. I don’t have medical training if either of us gets sick. When Colgate goes back, I will be all alone with Starla. Unless I can find others to live with, Starla will have to grow up with no one besides me, she will not have any friends. Even worse, if something happens to me, she will not have anyone to take care of her.

I thought about entering the bedroom, but I felt that I might cause Colgate to get even more upset if I start asking questions. She would probably get angry if she found out I overheard them talking. I turned around and slipped into the bathroom to think over what I had heard. I could find no faults in what Lyra said, so I came up with an idea, one that will likely cause me a lot of heartache with how attached I have become to Starla and Colgate.

But beyond just coming up with an idea, any solid planning was derailed as I felt a tingle in my horn and heard Amore rushing down the hall with Starla squealing on her back. I pushed everything aside and began gathering the supplies to change Starla’s diaper. I ended up dropping everything on the bedroom floor and laughing when I walked in to find Colgate and Lyra trapped under Amore, while Starla sat on Colgate’s nose.

I don’t know why, maybe it was just the mood in the air but Russell started singing that night. Not an ordinary song either, she sounded just like a whale. It only got weirder from there; as if her song was a call to the heavens, it began to rain and the more she sang the heavier the rain got until it became a torrential downpour. Russell rushed into the truck stop, looking for some towels to dry off. The rain went on for most of the night.

July 1st. Lyra and Russell are going to head out today. Russell helped me finish the conversion of the courthouse into a shelter. We set up beds, nonperishable foods, basic medical supplies like bandages, and boxes of buildable furniture to expand if/when needed. We also reinforced the back doors, so no animals could bust through the glass to get inside.

Colgate and Lyra kept Starla busy while we worked, an inflatable kiddie pool in the shade of the RV was all the evidence that was needed to explain how they accomplished this. The kiddie pool was in Russell’s stash and Starla had taken an interest in it, Russell was upset that someone had gotten into her stuff, but when she saw Starla’s big pleading eyes she let it go and gave her the pool. Starla has the deadliest weapon in the entire world at her disposal and she doesn’t have a clue… I think. Maybe I can weaponize her cuteness for future negotiations.

On another note, I learned that dragons eat gems and crystals, though you might have guessed that from an earlier entry. They can also figure out if a gem is real by licking and/or sniffing it. I found out most of the stuff at the jewelry stores around town are fake. Well, there goes my gem empire.

Russell also checked my mother’s old jewelry and found most of it to be real, and without eating any of it. I guess all those rings and necklaces she inherited had more than sentimental value. I guess if my mother doesn’t come back, I can give my future wife a real ring. Yes, I said wife on purpose. I plan to find a way to at least become a male again. Wait, do ponies even use rings in courtship rituals? Do they have courtship rituals? Guess I could ask Colgate.

This might sound a little crazy, but I kind of wish Russell and Lyra would come with us. But Russell is determined to head for a place called Battle Creek in Michigan. She plans on treating the trip like a tourist by visiting cities and landmarks like Mount Rushmore and like Rapid City. They might even stop in Bloomington Minnesota just to see the mall. Though I think most of her stops are just to let Lyra do her job and keep her fed.

Russell asked if we would come with them, but we declined. We plan on heading to either Billings or Cheyenne, and if we don’t have any luck there then we will head either south into Colorado or west into Utah, maybe even go as far as Las Vegas. But eventually, we might head for Rapid City.

“Hey Chris, what do you think of Colgate?” Lyra asked me as she helped me change Starla’s diaper.

“What do you mean Lyra?” I gave her a quizzical look before Starla smacked my face trying to squirm away drawing my attention back to her.

She waved her hoof in a circle with her hoof and smiled. “What do you think of her? Do you like her?”

I rubbed Starla’s tummy causing her to giggle while trying to look at Lyra from the corner of my eye. “She drives me crazy with her secrets but she is a good friend, I’m not sure I would have even been able to leave town without her help. She's a good friend, I would say she's my best friend even.”

My answer didn’t seem to satisfy Lyra as she snorted while rolling her eyes. She stared at me for a moment before prancing in place and smiling. “Would you go back to Equestria with her if she asked you?”

Her question threw me off, and allowed Starla to try jumping off the changing table, but I managed to stop her with a towel. “I don’t know, I never considered it.”


“Would that even be possible? Isn’t she supposed to take back a leader? Is she allowed to take back more than one person? Is she capable of taking back more than one with her?” I admit I wanted to pay more attention to Starla, who had decided that I was playing a game by using the towel to stop her escape.

Lyra rubbed her chin in thought for a bit. “Truthfully I’m not sure, only those who were certified to be able to bring another creature back with them were allowed to come here… so I’m unsure. She could always attempt the spell with multiple ponies and see if it activates.” She proudly announced with a smile, that smile switched to a serious scowl. “That’s not what I’m getting at.”

I used the towel to lay Starla back down on the clean diaper and Lyra wrapped it around her. “What do you mean?”

Lyra groaned before she suddenly shoved her face into mine. “I’m asking if you love her!”

“W-what? Love her?” I jerked my head back and she smirked at my reaction for some reason. “No, of course not. She is a pony and I'm a human, and we haven't known each other for all that long. What would give you the idea that I’m in love with her?”

Lyra made a cat-like smirk as she narrowed her eyes. “Oh no real reason, just thought I would ask.”

I stared at Lyra in shock for a moment as I thought about her remark. Then it dawned on me, Russell had been making pervy jokes since we first met. I glared at Lyra which threw her off as I held up Starla’s dirty diaper. “This is Russell’s idea of a joke isn’t it?”

Lyra gulped and looked at Starla who was copying the face I made. “Uh, um, yeah. She talked me into it, I knew it wasn’t a good idea but she thought it would be fine. I uh... toned things way down however, just so you know.” She noticed me drawing the diaper back to let it fly and ran out of the room. “I’m sorry, I won't do it again!”

I heard her shouting for Colgate and Russell to help her as she escaped. I smiled and looked at Starla who was still making that face, it was so silly to see a baby doing that. I blew into her ear which caused her to smile and giggle. “Alright you silly little munchkin, let's go see what Russell and… mama Colgate are up to.” I joked.

Russell finished tying the last of her supplies to the trailer as Lyra went through a list that she had made. Russell wiped her forehead with the back of her arm and turned to Lyra. “Alright I think that is everything on my end, how about you Lyra?”

“Yep, I think that is everything- Oh ponyfeathers! I forgot my books!” Lyra tossed the clipboard into the truck as she rushed back into the RV. She came out with a pile of books ranging from the J.R.R. Tolkien’s middle earth series to Star Wars and Star Trek. She had picked those up when Colgate took her and Starla to the Hastings store while we worked, but by the sound of it, Lyra was the only one who had fun since Colgate spent most of the time chasing Starla through the dark.

Note to myself: I should go throught hastings myself before we leave town, I don’t think Colgate will mind keeping Starla occupied while i look through the books one last time.

“Alright Russell, I’m good to go.” Lyra levitated her books into the truck before trotting over to Russell.

The dragon looked down at us and smiled gently, happy to have made some new friends. She leaned down and gently picked Starla up and started making cooing noises while hugging her. “Stay cute you little monster.” Starla giggled and hugged Russell’s face. Colgate, Lyra, and I made a group hug around Russell’s legs. She looked down at us and said “I’m going to miss you guys. If you’re ever in Michigan look me up.”

“Russell, I have a request.” Lyra calmly said. Russell looked at Lyra with a raised eyebrow as she set Starla on Amore’s back. Russell was surprised at Lyra's change in demeanor. “Please give Colgate and Chris a hug. They did a lot for us these last few days. Truthfully, I was going to tell you that I was going to stay with them today, but Chris told me some things last night that changed my mind. I’m not going to grow if I don’t get a backbone and deal with things head-on.”

“Look here-” Russell looked down at Lyra. “Donkey. Can you stop making requests for just five minutes?!” Lyra smirked as Russell turned and scooped up Colgate and me in a worryingly tight hug. “Of course, I’m going to ‘Ogre you a hug’ as well. Thank you for getting Lyra to stay with me, you guys made me see just how much I need her.”

Even being crushed I could not stop myself from laughing at the reference to Shrek while Colgate puffed her cheeks. “Lyra is a unicorn, not a donkey. Not that donkeys are bad ponies mind you. Well, they are not ponies either but- oof!” Colgate stopped her rant on species as Russell plopped us back down on the ground and started laughing.

Lyra pulled her saddlebags out of the truck while Russell had a hold of us. Russell had given Lyra her bags back this morning during breakfast. Lyra had been so happy that she started bouncing around and we had to hold her down in her seat to get her to finish eating. Now she fished around in her bag with her magic before she pulled out a Lyre and strummed a short tune catching everyone’s attention. “Now I can play music again!”

Russell snorted. “Lyra please don’t play something like that in the truck, you might make me fall asleep at the wheel with a lullaby or something.” Lyra groaned but agreed to hold off until they stopped for the night. Russell looked at Starla again then turned around and opened a large case on top of the truck and pulled out a plush dinosaur that I immediately recognized as Little Foot. Russell held the stuffed toy out in front of Starla with a sad smile. “I was about your age when this was given to me. It’s very precious to me and I would like you to keep it safe for me, can you do that?”

My eyes shot open at Russell’s gift. “I haven't seen one of those since I was a child, are you sure Russell? She’s likely going to-” Starla had been staring at the plush dinosaur for several seconds before she gave it a few sniffs, then she squealed while pulling it into a hug. “Oh wouldn’t you know, I guess she isn’t going to-” Before I could finish my sentence she jammed Little Foot’s head into her mouth and began sucking on it, “Starla... That is old, I need to wash that first.”

Russell wiped some tears from her eyes. “My parents told me I did the same thing when it was given to me. Except I was sick and had a large scar running from my chest to my stomach.”

“Thank you again Russell, I hope we meet again someday.” I held out my hoof for a shake. She looked at my hoof reluctantly before taking it in her claws and gently shaking it.

“I hope so, maybe if I learn how to fly, I’ll come back and look for you three.” She kept shaking my hoof and it was starting to feel awkward.

“I don’t know if I want to stay here Russell, I have a lot of bad memories in Gillette. Also, the land is bad for agriculture. But who knows how things will turn out, maybe civilization will reform and you will find me in a town somewhere.” And she kept shaking my hoof, her reluctance had disappeared and she seemed genuinely happy to keep shaking my hoof, but it was starting to hurt.

“I remember now, you’re a rare breed that absorbs the elements around them and can commune with nature.”

Russell suddenly let go of my hoof and her eyes almost popped out of her head. “Did you just say I absorb elements?”

I gave her an odd look. “No, I did not. Are you ok Russell? Do you need another night to rest?”

She looked around at everyone as they gave her strange looks. “No, I was sure I heard…”

Colgate looked at Lyra with a raised eyebrow who responded with a shrug. “We didn’t hear anything about your breath Russell.”

Archie suddenly swooped down and landed on one of Russell’s horns, it was the first time we have seen him in days. I’m surprised he hasn’t been eaten by a hawk. He started dancing back and while squawking out “Breath Rawwk. Stinky breath. Rawwk hoo hoo!”

Russell raised an eyebrow while trying to follow Archie with her eyes. “What I need to shine my scales?”

Everyone stared at Russell trying to figure out what was going on, Colgate seemed to figure things out first. “I think you can understand parrot speak Russell, you must have heard Archie talking.”

Russell groaned. “I had no idea you guys had a pet bird, where has he been?” I gave her a brief rundown on Archie’s behavior. “The wizard’s familiar is a rebellious parrot, great.” She kept listening to Archie squawk who continued dancing on her horn. “I guess I can understand him, in bits and piece- Hey that’s gross, no I’m not going to do that!” She swatted at Archie, but he flung himself out of range, squawking several times before flying off.

I couldn’t help but laugh at Russell’s banter with Archie. “Maybe we should just leave Archie here when we leave?”

Colgate rolled her eyes. “You tried that once already when he left that mess in the bathroom, he somehow got into the RV without you noticing remember?”

I groaned. “Please don’t remind me.”

Russell huffed giving up on her shouting match with Archie. “Fine, I’ll tell them. He wants something called a cuttlebone and fruit.” She climbed into the driver seat of the truck and waved at us. “Well if we don’t leave now I don’t think we are going to be leaving town at all, and I need to let Lyra do her job. Be safe you guys.”

Lyra leaned out her window and waved as well. “Bye Colgate! Bye Chris! Bye Starla!”

We waved back in return. “Take care you two!” Starla waved both her forehooves in the air while Amore barked. “Let Lyra drive if you don’t polish up your driving skills!”

Lyra chuckled and gave us a sly glare as the truck started to pull away. “You better admit your feelings to her soon, or it may be too late!”

Colgate and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows and said in unison, “Who is she talking to and what does she mean?”

A few hours later I had to focus everything on Starla to calm her down because she started to miss Lyra and Russell. It was going to be a long night.