• Published 6th Jan 2016
  • 377 Views, 0 Comments

Iris Strike: Sealed Power - hujan86

Picking up where Dreamfall left off, Iris Dashiell winds up in Crystal Empire which is constantly under threat from its neighbor. There she meets a pony-people version of herself, the only known Pegasus with magic abilities.

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Author's Note:

1. According to Think Baby Names, Leala means 'loyal, faithful' in old French.
2. Muffins' physical description is inspired by Mirror Equestria's Derpy Hooves.
3. The Gyro is a cue to the Greek dish. The reference seemed appropriate considering that Cloudsdale's building design took cues from ancient Greece and since pegasus is a creature originated from Greek mythology.

“Dad!” Dash, clad in soccer jersey, came into the kitchen looking very crossed. “I don’t wanna be a girl anymore!”

Garrett, who was preparing the ingredients for tonight’s dinner, looked at his eight-year old daughter with surprise. “Now, why would you say such a thing?”

Dash explained, “They won’t let me play with them. They keep teasing me ‘cuz I’m a girl!”

“So, play with the girls,” Garrett said.

“I ain’t gonna play tea party with dolls! It’s so silly on so many levels!” Dash folded her arms and jutted her lower lip out in a pout. “Man, I wish I was a boy.”

“Well, there’s nothing you could do ‘bout that,” Garrett said as he began chopping on the vegetables.

“I should have my name changed,” Dash suggested. “Yeah! A boy’s name.”

“Changing your name won’t make a difference,” Garrett pointed out. “Which dumb kid told you that?”

“They said girls ain’t cool,” Dash complained, “so I thought maybe if I have better name, I-”

Garrett interjected, “It is a good name. I gave it to you.”

“It sure doesn’t sound like one,” Dash grumbled.

Garrett put the knife down.

He looked sternly at Dash and said, “That is enough! Iris is your name and you should be proud of it!”

“C’mon, dad-”

“I don’t wanna hear it! Now I want you go upstairs this instance and get yourself clean before dinner’s ready! Go!”

Dash stomped off towards the stairs in the living room. Got teased by her male peers and now she was given a scolding by her father. She was now moodier than before.

Garrett drooped at the table and uttered a long sigh. So far the child is not curious yet. But when the time comes, when she finally asks about ‘her’, he will have to tell Dash the origin behind her name.



Just a moment ago, Dash opened her eyes to find herself in a room she did not recognize. How many times this kind thing happened to her? Counting right now, she counted four. After she should have died in a wingsuit flying accident, she one day woke up in Gazleen Perris’ room with the Fleet SHADE on her, though she was still pretty woozy at the time so her memories of that particular location was cloudy at best.

Then an incident occurred that led her to be sent to a pony-inhabited Equestria (Blue Marble universe) where she would then wake up inside a boutique belonging to the Earth ponies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, finally kicking starting the events of Dreamfall. The Nanite-constructed SHADE was later revealed by Zach as possessing healing capabilities and it was that what saved her life. The fate of the Ethenian counterpart of Lightning Dust after that however was left ambiguous.

Sitting up on the bed, only then that Dash realized she had bandages wrapped around her forehead. The last thing she remembered after The Catgirl’s destruction was falling from high-altitude towards her supposed death, until she collided with...something. Something rainbow-like, and feathery...

Weird, what was that...?

She looked around. It is a rather small room, gloomed because of the closed curtains. There is a wardrobe, a small bookcase, a study desk and a chair. Atop the desk are more books all neatly arranged, a stationery holder, a portable radio and a desk lamp. The antique style decor and ornateness made everything in the room look odd to her.

Aw geez, where have I ended up in this time? This better be not old-school Europe. If I don’t fall to my death again, then I’ll be sure die of boredom.

She got out of bed and it was then that she noticed a note taped to the headboard, with the following words scribbled on it:

‘Don’t go out of the room

Don’t open the curtains

If you want to live’

Dash could not understand why- What, is there a zombie apocalypse going on out there? The brunet was never good at listening to advices. Since the note only stated that she cannot open the curtains, she just peered through it. Virtually no promise- nothing can stop Dash from satisfying her sense of curiosity, Felicia’s unbreakable pledge probably is one exception.

Dash saw outside that the buildings around are all of classic Europe vintage and there were pony-peoples everywhere, some carrying books and backpacks. They either move about the place or loiter around, conversing with their peers or just doing their own things to pass the time. In some way, this strange scene reminded Dash of high school.

What stranger is that the contemporary clothing worn by these students seem anachronistic to the fashion of the time period Dash thought they are in. The street style clothing looked contemporary to the modern fashion trends from her homeworld but with aesthetic and motifs partly drawn upon neo-Victorian, goth, aristocrat, Asian influence etc.

Huh, I think I’m now in a cheerful, steampunk version of Equestria, Dash thought. Was this how Fortepiano’s world looked like before it was destroyed?

Just then, she spotted a figure that is unmistakably Rainbow Dash heading towards here. The multicolored hair, the feathery wings… A thought then hit her: could it be that Rainbow Dash be the one who saved her life?

Dash snapped out her thoughts when she saw Rainbow Dash suddenly on the ground, with books scattered from her backpack. A Unicorn whose condescending demeanor suggests she knocked or tripped the Pegasus over on purpose. There were other students there as well, all are Unicorns and Pegacorns. None seem to be particularly keen on helping the Pegasus. Instead they seemed to take in pleasure from the bullying. Amongst them Dash saw this world’s version of Sunset Shimmer/Sunny Emerson, Twilight Sparkle/Twilight S. Parkleigh, Lyra Heartstrings and Trixie Lulamoon.

There is another Pegasus nearby, whose appearance bore reminiscent of Ditzy Doo who also goes by other names, Derpy and Ragingheart, the latter being an alter ego whom she battled against to protect her friends, Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Element Bearers back in Dreamfall. Dash could not be sure whether or not the Pegasus is truly Ditzy Doo’s counterpart because, save for the skin and hair color, the Pegasus looks like a completely different Individual with her brushed back, pixie cut hairstyle, glasses and smart-casual clothes.

Zach once told her, “There are an infinite amount of universes, all equally real, existing continuously through time. In each of these universes, lies a world, some of which are almost identical to ours, but most are very different.

Fair ‘nuff, Dash thought.

But still, Sunset Shimmer had told her Rainbow Dash is a brash and confident pony. Surely this Rainbow Dash should at least know how to stand up to the likes of bullies. Dash herself was a shy, awkward kid back then when Sunny and her cohorts came targeting her. Eventually she learned to fight back her tormentors verbally though it took years and the death of her father for her to finally change herself.

C’mon! Dash silently urged the Pegasus. Fight back! You can do better than me, right?

Starlight Glimmer smirked in satisfaction at the Pegasus whom she just purposely tripped using her Unicorn magic. “You may have got the highest grades this time, but you’re still sloppy as ever. But with that brain of yours made of mush, I guess it’s hardly surprising. So tell me. Did you cheat in the exams? Come on. Just admit it. You cheated.”

Rainbow Dash stood up and glared intently at the bully. “What does it take for you stop, Starlight Glimmer?”

Standing around watching them are Unicorns from the same class including the quartets, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Lyra and Trixie. They tittered behind their hands, whispering and muttering to one another. They are all classmates, yet no friends of the Pegasus.

Rainbow Dash was pissed at herself as much as at the Unicorn. She should have been warier whenever Starlight Glimmer was around outside class. Yet she still keeps falling for her pranks.

“How about...you quit, pack your bags and leave to never show up your sorry face here ever again?” the Unicorn blatantly suggested. “Better do it sooner than later. Because no matter how long you stay, no matter how much you achieve, no one here is going to remember you once you leave.”

Rainbow Dash clenched her fist in anger. Keeping her glare into the bully’s eyes, she concentrated. She unclenched her fist little and a tiny shimmering ball of dark energy forming on the palm, hidden from anypony’s view. At the same time, the same energy formed underneath each of her wing feathers, though the appearance is so subtle that the aura is barely noticeable to the naked eye. Pegacorns and Unicorns cast magic through their horns, Pegasus on the other hand do it via their wings. But so far in the known history, only Rainbow Dash was capable of doing so.

Rainbow Dash knew she might get into trouble if she decided cast the spell now in front of the other students in broad daylight. She initially wanted to use it to retaliate against Starlight Glimmer behind everyone’s back. But looking at the bully’s sneering face, she could not hold herself any longer.

“HEY!!!” The scolding voice belonged to Muffins Hooves who came approaching the Unicorn, prompting Rainbow Dash to cancel her spell. “Stop harassing her!”

“Beat it, four-eyes!” Starlight Glimmer shoved Muffins away. “This has got nothing to do with you!”

“Why are you acting like this!?” Muffins demanded to know.

Starlight Glimmer shrugged as if she had done nothing wrong. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…bubblehead.”

Muffins almost got into a full argument with Starlight Glimmer until Moon Dancer came along to intervene.

“Stop it, Starlight.” Moon Dancer stepped closer and whispered, “Leave Rainbow Dash alone from now on. Or our agreement is off.”

“You wouldn’t dare-” Starlight Glimmer whispered back, alarmed. “You want to be friends with that featherbrain? Okay, fine! Just remember to keep that secret just between the two of us!”

Rainbow Dash and Muffins did not know what the two Unicorns are muttering about but the latter breathed in relief when Starlight Glimmer seemed to have back down.

As Starlight Glimmer walked past Rainbow Dash, she whispered to her with a disdainful tone, “Hey, I see you and Moon Dancer are made for each other. One is a cheater, the other an average achiever.”

The quartets followed the leaving Starlight Glimmer from behind. The other Unicorns moaned lightly of their disappointment that their expectation of a duel between Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer did not materialize before began dispersing.

Rainbow Dash picked up her bag and began collecting her books. Moon Dancer picked up one book but it was quickly snatched from her hands by Rainbow Dash who is evidently still upset.

“I don’t need your help!” Rainbow Dash strode past Moon Dancer without looking, even ignoring Muffins as she made her way back to the dorm.

Rainbow Dash’s demeanor irked Moon Dancer. Muffins merely shook her head at the unharmonious sight of the relations between students of Crystal Heart, specifically those from Magic Arts class.

“You feeling all right?” Muffins asked Moon Dancer, to which the latter sullenly replied, “No, I’m not.”

Dash felt relieved that her counterpart made it out okay from what might have been a fierce fight. Though she is deeply troubled by the rift because for a moment there, the bullying appeared as though it was racially-motivated given how one Pegasus was being targeted by a number of Unicorns and Pegacorns. Dash was unsure but it certainly looked like it.

Focusing back to the room she is in, Dash stepped from the window over to the bookcase. Based from the titles on the spines, the subject of the books on the shelves ranged from magic spells, history on magic, divination basics, something about dueling against Dark Magic, herbs, potions etc.

Yup, that confirms it, Dash thought. I’ve somehow winded up in the dorm of a magic school.

On one of the shelves, she found a series of books which do not seem to belong with the academic books. She pulled out one and flipped through few pages. It was then that she realized the book is a novel and that the Brave Blue main character is this world’s version of Abby Jones/Daring Do. So this Rainbow Dash enjoys adventure novels as well, she thought.

After putting the novel back, Dash crossed towards the desk. She first examined the desk lamp because of its ornate design which intrigued her before switching it on. The arranged books are revealed only contain study notes relating to magic (which Dash did not understand at all). Steel fountain pens in the stationery holder indicate what is considered as luxuries and status symbols in her homeworld are the standard writing instruments here.

The portable radio’s overall design is simplistic. It is roughly box-shaped with smooth edges. The housing is made out of varnished wood. Apart from the speaker and frequency indicator, it has only two dials (one for volume and one for reception) and a short whip antenna. Dash turned the dial until the static noises from the speaker changed to what sounded like a broadcasted message from someone of high importance (Queen Crisanna):

...that was committed in broad daylight was provocation to spark off a military conflict and again to disrupt peace of this kingdom. Even as the royal army are sparing no effort on improving security, I ask all citizens to keep a weather eye open at all times in the outdoors. Remember that the enemy’s goal is to incite fear and they love nothing more than to see fear in our eyes. One way to defeat that fear is to maintain vigilance, and remain composed and resilient on both national and personal level.

We all have known worse times in the past. So as long as we maintain our courage, determination, responsibility and unity, we as one will overcome the challenges that lie ahead. Whatever the enemy may throw at us, with blessings from the almighty goddesses, I am confident that Crystal Empire will emerge victorious…

Oh. So it’s Crystal Empire, Dash figured. Not Equestria.

She spun around, startled to see the door unlocked then opened. When Rainbow Dash entered, she is just as startled to see Dash awake and quickly closed and locked the door behind her.

“Rainbow Dash,” Dash blurted, before realizing her indiscretion, clutched her mouth shut with her palms.

The Pegasus in response cast a calculating look at her. “Took you long enough. Glad to see you’re finally awake, and looked well at that.”

She approached the desk, her gaze still fixated at Dash. Dash stepped away to sit on the side of the bed. Rainbow Dash switched off the radio then pulled out the chair from the desk and sat astride on it.

“Huh, weird,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Yeah,” Dash admitted. “But not so in many levels…for me, that is.”

For her, the meeting with talking ponies last time has lessened the weirdness of this encounter.

Regarding these two counterparts, one is a Pegasus-person; the other is a human being. They are different but they do share a few common characteristics. They have the very same eyes (something that Zach also mentioned in regards to the Pegasus pony from the Blue Marble universe), and share similar facial mold (save for nose, ears and the skin color), hairstyle and voice.

There are differences in regards to the latter two. The layered top hairstyle is the same but Rainbow Dash’s is rainbow-colored and with mid-back level length on the back while Dash is a brunet with a pixie cut, though it has grown a bit longer than last time. Dash had once dyed her hair the same way as the Pegasus’ hair colors but that was only in high school. Her voice is also considerably less raspy and she speaks in a tiny accent that Rainbow Dash could not quite place.

It sounded like one of those weird urban accents spoken in Manehattan, the Pegasus thought. “How did you know my name? Are you psychic? On top of that, you have five fingers.”

“So? Is that s’posed to be weird?” The confused Dash does not know the fact that Overlanders have only four fingers, including the thumb.

“You’re not from around here, are you?” Rainbow Dash said in realization. “I want you to be a hundred percent truthful to me. Who are you? Where are you from? What’s your purpose here? And who the hay told you my name?”

Even if Dash wanted to explain, she was uncertain how to begin, due to convoluted nature of the circumstances surrounding the journey that brought her up to here at this point.

It was made very apparent to Rainbow Dash by her doppelganger’s anxieties. What’s she hiding? Have I made a mistake? Is she really an enemy? Oh, mane. Don’t tell me that mare’s crazy conspiracy theory about Moebians developing clones to infiltrate this kingdom is true… Then again, why would they make a human clone that doesn’t even look completely identical to the pony it supposed to replace? That has to be the worst possible way to not get caught in Crystal Empire.

“You better start explaining now,” the Pegasus urged. “Or I’ll have to consider handing you over to the authorities. I’ll have you know that the royal army here are hostile towards trespassers. More so now after that crashed airship of yours in the capital could’ve caused many casualties.”

“So you really did save me?” Dash asked.

“No, I didn’t,” the Pegasus chided and gestured at her bandages. “You fell on top of me.”

“Oh, uh... Sorry.” Dash contemplated for a brief while.

At last she said, “Would ya believe me if I say I came from another world?”


“Look, it’s kinda complicated so it ain’t easy for me to explain in a way that you’ll get a full picture of the situation, ‘kay? I was critically injured in an accident. Then one of the good guys found me and the compassionate person she is, brought me for treatment. And so in the long run I unwittingly got caught in their battle against an evil army.”

“As for how I got here, I was in The Cat- I mean uh, in the airship the whole time. So I dunno really what’s going on outside. All I know is I was accompanying an injured crew being brought for treatment when suddenly a giant fireball right shot up in front of me. The next thing I knew, here I am waking up in your room.”

“And the other airship that was headed to Moebotropolis?”

The flying giant crab shell? “Nope. I dunno nothing ‘bout that. Honestly speakin’. I don’t even know what country I’m in right now, ‘till a while ago.”

Rainbow Dash slipped her hand into her bag, then took out a folded piece of paper, unfolded it and showed it to Dash. “Is this your friend?”

Dash saw that it is a Wanted poster...for Fortepiano. “Aw geez... Yea, I know her. And no, she’s not my friend. She totally hates my guts.”

“You’re way better off than her,” Rainbow Dash commented. “She’s on her own. Nothing I can do to help if she gets caught.”

Meh, outta the country by now most likely, Dash speculated. That pony-person can outrace an F/A-Six on full afterburner. It’s Zach that I’m worried ‘bout. And the other two. Were they lucky as me?

“Were there others besides the two of you?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yeah, six others,” Dash replied. “Thou I’ve no idea if they made it or not. We got separated during the explosion.”

“Okay then. The other half crashed nearby the Grand Forest at the border,” Rainbow Dash informed her. “Obviously you can’t stay here for too long. So I’ll take you to Grand Forest. Chances are your friends might turn out to be lucky but I’m just speculating. In the meantime, we’ll have to figure out how to get you out unnoticed. Just so you know, sneaking you in here ain’t easy, I’ll tell you that.”

“Thanks,” Dash said.

“It’s been three days since I found you,” Rainbow Dash told her. “You must be hungry.”

Dash nodded.

“I’ll get something from the cafeteria.” Rainbow Dash stood up from her chair.

Before leaving for the door, she asked, “By the way, what’s your name?”


The Pegasus sighed, “Don’t tell me your name’s Rainbow Dash too?”

“No,” Dash responded. “It’s my nickname.”

“Then tell me what your real name is,” Rainbow Dash demanded.

What, no way. Only my dad can call me by my first name. “It’s...It’s Iris.”

“There you go,” the Pegasus said with a tight-lipped smile. “Nice to meet you, Iris. And hey, I think you should use your real name.”

“No,” Dash protested. “I like Dash better. Rainbow Dash, and Dash. What’s there to confuse?”

“Well I think Iris is a pretty name,” Rainbow Dash opined. “Not often I met someone who is named after a flower.”

No, I was named- Hold on... Flower?


It was Sunday midafternoon when Dash visited the bookstore she quite frequented. She picked up several magazines from the wall rack, one of which is a publication for extreme sports. Picture of wingsuit pilots in action dominated its cover and the headline reads ‘Wingsuit Flying Will Get Competitive’.

While walking towards the pay counter, she unexpectedly found Brooke who is looking through the shelf in Comics section. The latter did not notice Dash’s presence. He was running his finger across the spines until he found the volume he wanted. After he extracted the book, Dash snatched it from his hand.

“Hey!” Brooke exclaimed. “Oh, it’s you Dash.”

“Young Kin...day...chi Case Files,” Dash pronounced the title on the cover. “Seriously, you’re into Japanese comics?”

“It’s called manga,” Brooke corrected her. He held up the other book he is holding in his other hand to Dash. “This is a comic.”

“Whatevs,” Dash shrugged before returning the manga to Brooke. “Same thing, different language. Hey, Brooke...”


Dash smiled impishly, gave her magazines to Brooke and said, “Help me pop for these, will ya?”


And Brooke really did pay for those magazines. In return, Dash later treated him to a drink at the nearest local coffeehouse. Dash was having butter-spread hot crumpets and salted caramel hot chocolate. The latter just opted for a cup of ‘white coffee’. The drink is actually light coffee but the beans are roasted with margarine before brewing. It is a little unorthodox, but white coffee is popular in the neighboring country Yakistan and it has slowly grown on the locals’ taste buds (including Brooke) ever since the drink crept its way into Paragon’s menus few years back.

Anyway, whilst enjoying her crumpets, Dash read the article regarding the leaders of US Parachute Association (USPA) and World Air Sports Federation (FAI) finalizing the standardization of racing rules for international and national-level wingsuit competitions. Previously, wingsuit flying was not governed under FAI, but that changed when negotiation began more than three years ago. If everything goes well, the first local wingsuit competition sanctioned by Equestria’s National Sports Association could be held by the earliest sometime around next year.

“Like I said before, terrain flying a.k.a. proximity flying is a whole different ballgame compared to flying at high-altitudes,” Brooke said in response to Dash’s question regarding the participation in the competition. The same thing was mentioned before when Dash expressed her attention to try fly through Paragon Highlands some time ago.

He added, “People who do proximity flying generally don't stay in it for long. Careers average about six years, after which it is usually curtailed by death, injury, or prudence.”

“’Kay, ‘nuff said,” Dash conceded.

She wanted to get back to her reading but then took notice of Brooke gazing at her with subtle intimacy. Aw geez, he’s doing it again. “What it is this time?”

“Oh, uh...” Brooke took his eyes off slightly away. “There’s something I was wanting to ask for some time. I’ve read that Iris is the Greek goddess of rainbow. Then there’s the flower named after it in reference to the wide color varieties across the species. Was it your first name that inspired you to dye your hair the way you did back then?”

“It’s an accident actually,” Dash revealed. “Remember the Battle of the Bands?”

She then told him it happened a month prior during a practice session with the rest of the Sonic Booms. She took Twilight suggestion of having her dyed because at the time she thought her appearance was still not stage-worthy even in one of Dorothy’s top of the class wardrobes (“I wasn’t enough cool-lookin’ at the time,” as Dash had put it). She was given by Dorothy a plastic bag of full of hair dye bottles to try out.

Looking at the bathroom mirror whilst contemplating on what kind of look she should adopt- blonde, redhead, goth, punk etc., the sink she was leaning on gave way. That resulted her covered in hair gels all over on the floor. After Dorothy and Vanessa helped her up to her feet, Dash looked at herself in the mirror again. She was not mad nor upset. Awesome, she thought at the mess of colors on her hair. That is the look that she decided to adopt.

“There you have it,” Dash concluded.

“Of course,” Brooke said in comprehension, “otherwise you’d use your real name,”

“It isn’t my name actually,” Dash stated, eliciting a surprise look from Brooke. “It’s my mom’s name.”

“So, you were named after your late mother,” Brooke said. “That still makes it your name as well.”

“Yeah,” Dash said reluctantly. “But still, I wish I was given a cooler name.”

That was said merely to keep the story simple. The nickname she conceived for herself dates back to her childhood days in the hometown of Skydale. At that time, she was experiencing gender identity issues.

“It’s funny thou. My dad said he named me so as a remembrance to her memories.” Dash produced the photo of her late parents from her wallet and showed it to Brooke. “Other than sharing the same name, we look nothing alike.”

True enough, the late Mrs. Dashiell bore zero resemblance to Dash physically, but was a beautiful woman nonetheless. She was tall, had porcelain-white complexion and deep violet eyes that seemed hypnotic. The long, slick hair ran down to her lower back, its color appeared to be black though in reality it is very dark brown. Her statuesque physique hinted she either workout regularly or maintained a healthy diet or maybe even both. Studying the photo, Brooke could understand why Dash’s father would fell in love with this woman.

Then, when his sight fell upon Mr. Dashiell, his brow furrowed.

“What’s wrong?” Dash asked when she saw Brooke’s tensed expression.

“You are absolutely right,” Brooke said, looking up at Dash again. “You are the female image of your father.”


“It’s not all about looks,” Brooke opined. “How much do you know about your mother?”

“She’s just a school teacher,” Dash stated flatly. She’s s’posed to be a squash sensation, but no. She winds up with a boring job instead.

“All right,” Brooke said with resolute. “Finish your crumpets quick because we’re going on a short trip to the uptowns.”

Afterwards, Dash followed Brooke closely from behind on their respective BMXs. When asked, Brooke told Dash he used to take the bus to his lectures but since stopped when his wallet was lost to pickpockets. Newspaper reports have surfaced that pickpockets are increasingly preying on victims in overcrowded buses.

Brooke pulled up onto the sidewalk, prompting Dash to pull over at his side.

“We’re here,” he said.

“So what d’ya want me to see?” Dash scanned the building row until her eyes fell on a motel just up ahead whose bright red-painted premise contrasted the overall old brick facade. The blackboard at the entrance promises an establishment ‘absolutely unique in city’, with writings in several Asian languages and an Anime-styled caricature of a young couple at the bottom half.

The motel’s name on the front sign- Villa Erotica, caused Dash to see red. “Hey! What the hell are ya planning here!? You-you perv...”

“That’s quite new to me,” Brooke affirmed, after taken aback by Dash’s reaction. “It wasn’t there when I moved out of these parts. Honest.”

He then showed his true intention by pointing towards a fenced premise across the street of a dilapidated building with dark facade. “Over there. On that very porch is where I was found as an infant and so I grew up under that roof until the age of fourteen.”

Constructed entirely out of wood and featuring rustic aesthetic, the now-abandoned orphanage looked out of place in the concrete and brick-laid neighborhood.

“Then, that means you’re…an orphan,” Dash realized. How could they be so heartless! Abandoning their own baby as if it was everyday scrap! “How bad-”

Brooke immediately cut her off. “I didn’t bring you here to delve deep into my past.”

He motioned Dash to take a look at the name on the street sign nearby: Brooke Rd. They rode further up the street, reaching until the end of the adjacent building row. Brooke expressed relief that it is still there, referring to the food court operating at the corner: Anthony’s Corner. Per Brooke’s instruction, Dash followed him into another street, past the orphanage, row of shops, cheap eateries and sleazy pubs and finally pulled in front of a closed gate to an industrial compound: Colman Industries.

Dash glanced back and saw that the place where they are at is not far away from orphanage. All three places had a common denominator she realized. Their prefixes make up Brooke’s full name.

Soon afterwards, they were back at where they started, resting on the curb of the sidewalk.

“What point are you trying to make here, Brooke?” Dash asked.

“That you should at least try to appreciate your name,” Brooke replied. “There’s a reason for him to give you that name. Unlike mine, which was put together from name of random places.”

“Change it then,” Dash suggested, “if you don’t like it.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Brooke said with a shrug. “Listen, Dash. It's merely a tribute to the woman he loved and admired. You might find it odd to be the inspiration for your given name. But you have to understand the emotional strains that he went through. It must’ve been quite a rollercoaster ride for him.”

“You don’t know my dad,” Dash pointed out harshly.

“True,” Brooke acknowledged. “It’s only my opinion. But the parental love you received can’t be disputed.”

“I know,” Dash said. “But I still can’t help but feel it’s weird. I mean, what was he hoping from me? It’s not like I’m gonna grow up to be like my mom was. I wanna be me, not be someone else’s shadow.”

“You’re overthinking it, Dash,” Brooke said to her. “Consider your mother’s name as a sort of...‘cool’, personal attachment to you, not a burden or an obligation.”

After consulting his smart phone app, he added, “I can only guess that, deep within he did hope that you’d someday become someone admirable, someone special, as your mother did in his eyes. It’s like the metaphor ‘one blossoming into a beautiful flower’. But you get to choose for yourself what flower you want to become because it is my belief that your father recognized you are your own individual self.”

Dash recalled back the moment prior to her father’s untimely death. They were in Paragon’s low highlands, at Dash’s request, to watch the flyby by the Equestrian Royal Air Force and its aerobatics team, the Thunderbolts, which was held in conjunction of the country’s 50th National Day.

“Don’t you wanna be something else? Like a lawyer? Or a doctor? Maybe an engineer?” she was asked by her father after expressing to him her desire to join the Thunderbolts someday.

“Ba-ba-ba-boriiiing!” Dash retorted.

Her father then remarked, “You are one weird kid, Iris.”

“My mom…she’s special?” Dash wondered.

Brooke said to her, “A high school teacher is apparently good enough for your father. Their marriage is proof of that. Then there’s you.”

The maiden name of Dash’s mother is Leala Iris Sinclair. She is the sole child of an alcoholic father and a neglectful housewife. When she reached the age of nine, her parents split, with the mother running off with another man and the father’s voracious drinking habits put him out of employment. The latter could not be bothered to look for another job. He abandoned the house soon afterwards, leaving poor Leala all alone and starving. Fortunately, it was not long before she was found by Social Services and put into foster care.

Garrett Dashiell’s childhood was marred with hardship and poverty. To provide for themselves, his mother worked two odd jobs at different shifts. As time passed, her health gradually deteriorated until the point she became critically ill and had to be committed to the hospital. She passed away in the following week. Like Leala, Garrett ended up in foster care. The identity of the father was never known to Garrett as his late mother never talked about it. It will take another decade before he learns the truth: his mother never married and her death was the result of a venereal disease.

Five years later, Leala met Garrett and Madeline (Skyler’s mother) during the 8th Grade. The latter two had already become friends prior. It was a chance meeting. Leala was the new girl, having been transferred to the new school days earlier. On the first day of class, she accidentally tripped in the middle of the hallway, scattering all of her belongings as a result. This clumsy act happened to occur right before Garrett who was talking to Madeline at the time. Naturally Garrett helped the newcomer pick up her books and stationary.

It was during that very moment their gaze met. Garrett was immediately taken by her lovely eyes. He then introduced himself and Madeline to Leala. Later, they discovered that Leala went to the same class as them. And so, that was how the three met and became friends.

School life has its up and down moments. However, Leala was determined to make the most out of her school years. Life with her foster family had not been a happy one. For once, she had met peers who actually like her for what she is. Encouraged by her newfound friends and motivated by prospects of admitting into a good college/university, finally getting away from the foster family and get a financially comfortable life after that, so she studied, both very hard and smart.

Since her enrollment, the teaching staff noted Leala as an exemplary student, for her good behavior and outstanding grades. For as long as they could remember throughout their teaching career at the school, there has not been one student who could consistently pull straight As in every examinations. Whereas other students have aced science subjects- Math, Advanced Math, Chemistry, Physics, but totally blundered in read-heavy subjects- Biology, Geography, Civic Studies, Literature and of course, the dreaded History.

Garrett was a school jock, being active member of the school’s soccer club and his class’ athletic team. Nothing too outstanding in terms of skills but he was at least good enough to be allowed to represent the school in inter-school competitions annually.

In academics however, he did pretty badly. He was not particularly bright in any of the said subjects so Leala volunteered to be his tutor and helped him with his home works and school projects. One would expect with an intelligent student as his tutor and all known smart study tips taught to him, that his marks would pull up. Indeed, it did, up from the usual Ds and C-s, just never went over B-. Better than failing, he once said to Leala, his casual reaction dismayed Leala.

Of course, the academic excellence of just one student is not able to alleviate the school’s academic reputation in the country. Reputable science and college schools in Canterbury and Mainhattan are much more known to produce highflying academic students whom later went on to become political leaders, leading businessmen, top scientists and researchers of the country.

If there is one thing that Skydale High did right is in the extracurricular side, notably sports. Together with its regional rival, Rainbow Falls High, they make up the two major sports powerhouses of (Earth) Equestria. It is from here generations of professional athletes in a wide range of sports were born. (The only other school outside the region that comes close to challenging that status quo is a prep school from Paragon City)

Many students from both schools have represented the country in international tournaments for martial arts, gymnastic, squash, tracks and archery. Some players from schools’ soccer, basketball and rugby teams were even selected to play for the U-18 national team and local league clubs.

Leala joined the squash club in keeping with Skydale High’s standards in sports but mostly it was due to relentless persuasion by Madeline. Leala did not find the sport any fun at all. It is a fast, highly intense game that demands great physical fitness and mental strength to play and its rules are ‘complicated’ to learn. But Madeline was very patient and put up with Leala’s constant grumbling. Whenever there are no club activities, Madeline invited Leala to play at the school court in the evening and the weekends. She took that time to coach Leala herself.

A year later, Leala was selected to represent her school in the National Inter-School Squash Championship after demonstrated impressive performance at the inter-class competition. Initially she never seeks to win because she only wanted to play for fun. But she will always try her best to win the matches. Garrett and Madeline were among the spectators witnessing Leala winning the final match and thus claiming the gold medal. Leala would do so again for the next four years.

Aside from playing squash, Leala was also an orator for the Debate Club in the first two years before settling with the Spelling Bee Club. She was not as successful when competing against other schools as she did with squash. Disappointed at she was for failing to make an impact but then again she is no Mary Sue, a notion she came to accept later on.

Somewhere during this time, Garrett began to fall for her. She was smart, radiant, helpful and beautiful. One day, he decided to ask her out on a trial date. Leala was initially reluctant but finally gave in to his pestering.

On their first date, they talked about a lot of things. Both realized they had a lot more in common other than just sharing favorite sports club, music tastes etc., after revealing each other’s family history. They shared a poignant moment together before going to other places across town to hang out then finally headed to the district’s tourist attraction that is Rainbow Falls. They were in luck as it was a clear, sunny day. From the lookout point of one of the high trails, they marveled at the rainbow formed in the mist of the two-hundred-foot high waterfall.

By the end of the day, Garrett remarked how much he enjoyed being with her. Leala had no comment but did agree to his suggestion on going out together again sometime. In spite of going out on occasion, Garrett and Leala are yet a couple- officially. They did not consider themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend, at least not until both are sure they want to take things to the next level nor have their other friends been told about it.

It was now the final year at school. Madeline did not take it too well when she finally found out. She was very ticked off that she was kept out of the loop this whole time. Had one of them that mentioned that they are dating, she would not have pinned her hopes on Garrett, thus revealing that she harbored feelings for the same guy.

“BFFs don’t keep secrets from each other!” was how Madeline put it.

Leala in turn argued that Madeline was just as the same therefore is at fault as well. The spat ended with Madeline declaring that it is all over between them. For months they refused to talk to each other. Garrett’s effort to have the three friends reconcile so far failed to yield positive results.

It appeared so that their friendship ended just like that, until one day Leala chanced upon Madeline coming under sexual harassment by a group of boys whom she recognized them as the same mean kids who always picked on the other students all the way since middle school. Like any female should, Leala was highly pissed at such a despicable act. Hence without hesitation she put herself in between the bullies and Madeline.

Consequently, she was subjected to the same harassment as the bullies were not at all intimidated by tough act of a mere ‘girl’. She retaliated by kicking one of the boys in the crotch. Unfortunately, the act led her to get struck down by the leading bully. Though it was impulsive, the leading bully developed cold feet at his action and fled with the others following suit soon afterwards. Madeline, after coming over her shock, found Leala still unconscious from the hard knock on the head and quickly called for help.

The injury was not too serious so Leala recovered in no time. After the incident, she and Madeline had a very long conversation in private. At last they apologized to each other and made up as friends again. Even so everything was not the same as before with Madeline now spending less time together in the group. When summer prom came along, Madeline missed it out on purpose.

However, Garrett was determined to enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime dance with his date. It was on this occasion where Garrett and Leala had their first kiss. The slow music and low-light settings really set the mood for Garrett, especially when Leala looked so beautiful in the lavish gown that matches exactly with her eye color. As they danced to the melody, locking in each other’s gaze and smiling, Garrett was experiencing the same feeling he felt in his chest when he looked into Leala’s eyes the first time. But it felt much stronger this time.

Unable to hold the feelings any longer, he slowly pressed his lips against Leala’s. The latter was taken aback by his sudden action. She was totally embarrassed yet did not object in any manner. Later, when Garrett was sending Leala home, they remained silent on the entire journey. Hard to talk when both their faces are still blushing scarlet.

What followed after that throughout the year is a period of intense studying then the final year exams. Predictably Leala came through with flying colors. Garrett and Madeline passed as well. On her commencement speech, Leala talked about on how all these years spent at Skydale High have been memorable despite all the up and moments (the latter part involving teen dramas and bullies) and how good and helpful the way everyone from the students (with a couple of exceptions which she gracefully did not mentioned) to the teaching staff treated her and each other.

It sounded like what any good student should say about the school but those who are fully aware of Leala’s family history knew what she was talking about especially when she gets to the part where she came to think the school as ‘home’. Initially uncertain of her future, it was during the middle of composing her speech prior that Leala finally decided on the direction she wanted to take. That would take to her to Canterbury where she would remain for the next four years. Meanwhile, Garrett was accepted into a community college in Gensville.

Before they parted ways, a pact is made of which to meet up again at a place which will be decided later on after both have finished with their studies. It was decided between them that if they are still single, if they have not found someone else within the next four years, then they will continue where they left off.

Four years later, Leala returned to Skydale after she graduated. Earlier she had sent a letter to Garrett to meet up at The Gyro, the local fast food chain. Leala looked at the time on her watch. It had been one hour passed the meeting time. Another hour went by yet she waited, with utter patience and with faith. After two more hours of waiting, it became apparent that Garrett is not coming. The heartbroken Leala finally conceded that the relationship they had as teens is only temporary after all.

Afterwards she did not go straight back home however. The weather was clear and sunny like the day on their first date. A great day to visit Rainbow Falls, she thought. There is still time to unpack her things and get herself settled in her apartment. Additionally, it will be another two more days before she has to report to work. So... Why not?

Four years she has not come back. Even on the holidays she stayed back to work part-time in Canterbury so she could support herself. So imagine her surprise when she looked down at the waterfall, she was not greeted with the usual sight of the multicolored arc, but what she simply put as ‘mists of many colors’ at the base of the waterfall. Has there been undergone a change in the environment over the years that caused the phenomena or was she simply at the right place at the right time?


She turned at the ever so familiar voice. “Gary?”

Garrett was coming up the trail and he finally arrived, he was drenched in sweat and breathless out of exhaustion.

“I’ve waited long, y’know, and you didn’t show up,” Leala complained, holding herself from slapping the man’s face. “I thought...”

“I know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you wait.” With notable guilt, Garrett showed the letter she had sent to him. It looked as though the latter came out dried after being crumpled up and soaked in water. The writings have become blurry, barely readable with a lot of missing words and letters:

‘<xxx>r Gary, I hope you rem<xx>ber the p<x>omise we made 4 years ago. I’m back in Sky<xxx> and would <xxxx> to see you. If you're <xxxxx> <xxxxxx>, let’s meet at The Gyro <xx> 7<xxxxxx> <xx> March <xx> <xxx>. If you don’t show up, I’ll assume <xxxxx> <xxxxx> <xxxxxxx> <xxxx>?” “Best w<x>she<x>, Leala.’

Garrett explained that he came too late to figuring out that the ‘7’ was not referring to time before focusing his search at three places: 7th Street, 7th Avenue and 7-Grains. The last of which is the mall where Leala actually was waiting at.

Leala made it very clear that she was not interested to know how the letter get ‘busted up’ like that before falling silent all of sudden.

Taking the hint at Leala’s expectant look, Garrett held her hand and went on one knee. “Leala Iris Sinclair, will you be my girlfriend for the next five years?”

Leala was not impressed. “Five? Are you being serious here?”

“By that time, I’ll be ready,” Garrett affirmed. “I promise.”

“Gary, you’re such a dolt,” Leala sighed. “Don’t make a promise that you can’t be sure to keep.”

Two days later, Leala showed up at Skydale High to the surprise of many teachers. The principal announced Leala as the new teacher recently assigned from Canterbury and she joins as part of the staff teaching in physics and mathematics beginning today.

The teaching staff in turn gave their warm welcome to Leala as to many to them she was remembered as a good-mannered student, excellent both academically and in extracurricular activities, young squash ace and active volunteer in past communal works organized by the school. For Leala, it almost felt like homecoming.

As time passed, sentiment between the couple grew stronger. One night, Garrett decided to take Leala out to a candlelight dinner at a fancy western restaurant called The Athens. At first there was nothing unusual going on throughout the date. They engaged in lighthearted conversation, they flirted and they joked around, up to from leaving the restaurant to sending Leala home.

At the door, the tired Leala expected nothing more than a quick trip to the shower and turning in afterwards after kissing Garrett goodnight. She was entering her apartment when Garrett decided to stop her. He took something out of his pocket and revealed it as a silver engagement ring. On his knee, he proceeded to ask her hand in marriage. With that, Garrett fulfilled his promise, albeit a year earlier than the deadline. They wed more than a year later.

After three years into their marriage, Leala, whom was not feeling well therefore has to stay home from work, broke the good news to her husband. The body aches, the nausea and fatigue she had experiencing for the past couple of days are signs pointing to it but she could not be certain until she took the hCG test- she was pregnant.

That evening, Garrett returned home early. Both were as happy as a lark at the sentiment that the baby will make the family as whole. Leala was determined not to make the same mistake as her parents did. And Garrett, who watched his mother suffered, pledged to her that once the baby arrives, it shall be raised with what was thoroughly lacking from their own childhood. Both resolved that never should their child at any point of its life go through what they did.

Months later, the fetus Leala was carrying was born into the world at last. This baby would later receive the name Iris but eventually become the person known to many as Dash. Dash’ story begins from this point. Unfortunately, this also marks the end of Leala’s story, leaving Garrett alone in raising Iris. The dream of having a complete family was shattered. But Garrett would have to learn to move on from the tragedy that took Leala away from him, for the sake of his late wife, and for the sake of newborn daughter.

Brooke clicked his fingers in front of Dash’s eyes. “Dash! Hey, Dash!”

“Huh?” Dash snapped out of her thoughts. “What? What!?”

Brooke motioned Dash to get up with a pat from behind her shoulder. “Time to go. It’ll get dark soon.”

Dash looked up at the sky. The sun was coming down. She understood why Brooke hastily got on his bike which prompted her to do the same. She knew very well the reason why he is eager for them to get back home quick.

Dorothy did mention that Paragon is the sin capital of Equestria and it was due to that reason she was initially wary of Brooke’s presence after he got transferred to Gensville High. Petty criminals like the ones who took Garrett’s life are not picky on hours and places, but downtown and the slums in the northern suburbs, the latter which happens to be where Brooke and Dash live, are hotbed for illegal trades. Dash and Brooke both happen to live in close proximity of those areas. And they would not want to cross path with the underworld after dark.



“I still like Dash better.”

“That’s fair.”

Without further delay, both pedaled back towards the city. Along the way, they were met by heavy congestion on the boulevard. They carefully followed the path along the narrow shoulder until further ahead they rerouted into the outer suburbs. The street they are taking were not as idle, as drivers more often than not chooses the same route to cut through the heavy traffic.

Brooke and Dash crossed a busy thoroughfare linking to the nearby interchange before entering inner suburbs. Arriving at the inner city which took close to one hour to reach, they parted ways right across the street from the diner where they encountered each other a year earlier.


Iris was reminded not to reveal her presence to the other students or there will be heavy consequences for both her and Rainbow Dash. After the Pegasus left the room, Iris was left alone to wonder about this place and its people. If the locals here distrust outsiders so much, then what is the reason for Rainbow Dash to help her out, going so far as willing to take her across the border in secret?


Three days earlier...

Dr. Ivo Kintobor is the complete opposite of his Mobian counterpart. Whereas Robotnik is a cruel and sadistic despot with penchant for betraying even his own allies, Kintobor is a kind and gentle veterinarian with a great sense of distaste for violence. Located in close proximity to Knothole village, Kintobor Tower is where he operates his clinic. The building also housed the generator for the dome force field around Grand Forest. Thus, Kintobor is the Overlander responsible for protecting the inhabitants of Grand Forest from the Suppression Squad all these years.

Patricia, whose dysfunctional armor was removed earlier, had just been given sedation by Arial. The hummingbird is the only other staff working at the clinic. Today was her day off, but she got recalled back to work after the Godslayers’ arrival. Away from the operating table, Kintobor was examining the x-rays. He determined that several ribs experienced multiple fractures. At least one rib has been dislodged from the sternum. There was also a long running crack on the side of the skull, pointing to potential brain injury.

Arial ran her fingers on the patient’s midriff. Under the furs, the skin felt cold and clammy. Discoloration on the skin was observed. She also noticed bluish coloration on the feline’s lips. She immediately alerted the doctor that the patient was showing symptoms of internal bleeding.

Wasting no time, they began the procedure. First they need to identify and stop the source of the bleeding, before moving onto surgery to repair the damages to the organs resulting from the shock. Blood transfusion as well as fluid replacement will be performed to compensate for the blood loss. The risk of an infection gave rise by the burn injuries complicated the procedures even more. This probably will be the most difficult operation Kintobor and Arial performed in their medical career.

In the meantime, Aegnor, E-Sat and Zach were waiting outside the operating room. None was more depressed than the latter. While Patricia’s life was on the line, Dash remained missing. She was presumed perish during The Catgirl’s midair separation. But for the feline, such a notion was hard to swallow.

After all they have been through together, after Dash had experienced multiple brushes with death in Dreamfall, he thought surely Dash deserves anything but an abrupt end to her life. he deserves to have more chances in life to prove that she could be more.

As plain as Dash may look in terms of appearance and not as so extraordinary as the other versions of Rainbow Dash, she is still amazing in her own right. That is Zach’s personal opinion. If Brooke could listen to his thoughts right now, he would have agreed with him.

Hours have passed. None of them talked.

“Hey, man,” Zach said at last, notable regret was in his voice. “E-Sat, listen. Sorry I shouted at you back then. It was unfair I realize it now. You would’ve done something if you could.”

E-Sat’s only response is a meek nod. Because of the blank look shown by the Mechanoid, Zach wondered whether E-Sat is suppressing his feelings. Despite being robotic, in actual fact Mechanoids are sentient beings. The way their express their feelings is dictated by their appearance and design which are extremely varied across each individual. For E-Sat, one just needs to pay attention to the movement of his eye and his tone when he is talking to know his feelings.

Shortly after, Kintobor stepped out of the operating room, a grim look on his usually cheerful face.

“How is she, doctor?” Aegnor asked.

“Still critical I’m afraid,” the doctor replied. “We’ve done all we could. Your friend will be transferred to the intensive care unit shortly where her condition will be monitored continually.”

Just then, Mika along with Tank and Rosy have returned from inspecting what remains of The Catgirl’s bow.

“Guys, Ensign. I got good news and bad news,” she informed with a troubling look on her face.

“I heard this so many times I can see where this is going,” said the minotaur. “Give us the good news first.”

“Contamination from the destroyed power reactor is minimal and has been contained.”

“What’s the catch?”

“It’s the Void Drive. The unit’s largely intact except for the damage on the shielded casing around the core.”

“Is that bad?” the doctor voiced his concern.

“As the core began decaying from prolonged exposure, it’ll become unstable gradually to the point of detonation,” Mika explained. “The rupture isn’t that big. I can get it patched, with the right materials, components and tools.”

“We could triple the mini generator’s capacity then hope for the best,” Tank suggested.

Mika looked at the Ensign to which he nodded his approval.

“The reality is much worse than what you think,” she informed the locals.