• Published 7th Oct 2015
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Two Years After Dreamfall (Shorts) - hujan86

Two years after the events in Dreamfall, time to see how life was going for the ponies and creatures of Blue Marble Equestria.

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RUBY THE CAT - revised

Author's Note:

1. Ruby the Cat is not to be confused with Sinned Godus' Ruby from Dreamfall.

Diamond Tiara looked on with concern from the desk at Fluttershy carefully securing the stray cat into the cage.

“Don’t worry,” Fluttershy assured her. “Thank Faust that you two got here in time. Another minute late and she would’ve choked to death.”

“Oh, by the way, Diamond Tiara,” the pegasus said as she turned towards the desk. “Did you say you found her nearby your place?”

“Yes. Why?”

Fluttershy sat in her chair and took an uncut ruby stone out from the pocket of her coat. She placed the red gemstone on the desk for the Earth ponies to see.

“This is what I found deeply embedded in her throat,” Fluttershy revealed to them. “Don’t supposed this belonged to you?”

Silver Spoon was fascinated by the ruby’s perfect color and purity.

She snapped out of it then replied, “Nope. We don’t sell uncut gems.”

“So what happens to her now?” Diamond Tiara asked Fluttershy.

Notably tired after its surgery, the stray cat dozed in its cage. It is extremely skinny and looked weak and unhealthy. The cat was probably so desperate for food it would have tried to eat anything it encountered. That could explain why there is a ruby stuck in its throat. But where did the gem come from, no one really knows.

“We’ll do our best to nurse her back to good health. After that, we usually set them free but given her condition, I think she’ll get to stay here until...” Fluttershy paused for a brief moment then looked hopefully at Diamond Tiara. “Say, Diamond Tiara? Have you ever considered adopting an animal companion?”

Featherweight let the purring cat happily rubbed itself against his and Diamond Tiara’s legs alternately. Within only a few weeks, it has made a remarkable recovery thanks to Fluttershy’s effort and is now part of the household at the boutique.

“So what do you want to call her?” Featherweight asked.

Diamond Tiara lifted the cat up to her face, thinking. She noticed how vivid the cat’s pinkish eyes are. From her knowledge courtesy of Silver Spoon, ruby stone’s color comes in variable shades of red or pink. She glanced at Silver Spoon who is studying the ruby stone (the one that the cat tried to eat) at the work desk. With a smile, she declared the cat’s name will be Ruby.

Before Ruby is allowed to roam the boutique, Diamond Tiara first wanted to give the cat a bath. After checking tubbed water’s temperature and diluting it with cat shampoo, Diamond Tiara placed Ruby into the water, very slowly so as not to shock it. Unfortunately, the cat freaked out immediately after the tip of its hind paws touched the water surface. It frantically jumped out of the tub to all over the bathroom, knocking everything over.

After Ruby was given its bath...finally, Diamond Tiara attempted to blow-dry its wets fur. But the loud sound emitted by the hairdryer scared the cat so much it skittered off to hide under the bed. It would not come out until Diamond Tiara switched off the dryer.

It turned out Ruby has quite a scary appetite. In almost no time the bowl of cat food was licked clean. However, one meal did not seem enough. It yowled to demand more food from Diamond Tiara.

Post-meal, Ruby did its business in the litter box. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were both surprised at the amount of feces filling up the box. Unable to stand the stench any longer, the latter quickly went to fetch a face mask and a scoop.

Spanning several days, Ruby did typical cat stuffs- chasing the ball of yarn around until it gets itself entangled in the yarns, sleeping on the roof on its back during the day, kneading on anything soft, spitting out hairballs, climbing up the trees and later did not know how to come back down and the list goes on.

Then one day, Featherweight and Silver Spoon found Ruby sound asleep inside in an empty jar. In order to fit itself inside the jar, it flexibly twisted its head, body and limbs into an awkward position. Featherweight could not stand it any longer at such an adorable sight. He took out a camera to take Ruby’s picture which he planned to show to the CMC later.

“Spoony,” Diamond Tiara urgently called, coming down the stairs, “have you seen my sketches?”

Silver Spoon looked away from the Gothic-themed formal gown she had put on a pony mannequin “Nope.”

When she saw how stressful Diamond Tiara looked, Silver Spoon decided help her look for the sketchbook. They found it in the end. But unfortunately the pages were in the middle of getting ripped apart by Ruby. Diamond Tiara tried to hold herself from getting angry.

Shush, Diamond Tiara”, she said to herself. “Calm yourself. It’s typical cat behavior after all.

The next day, Ruby did it again, but much worse. Its new handiwork was looked upon by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with great dismay. The two stood there for a minute or two, gaping wide, one eye twitching hard. The cat calmly licked itself next to the expensive Gothic gown whose bottom half of the skirt was riddled with tears and holes.


“It’s beautiful, Spoony,” Diamond Tiara commented on Silver Spoon’s craftsmanship.

The ruby stone had been cut into an oval-shape and mounted on a sunflower-shaped bezel. The ruby stone was also given some polish. As a result, it now sports a much richer color than before, which is best described as bloody-red.

“And very valuable,” Silver Spoon said enthusiastically. “Did you know that gemstones of the same quality mostly form in crystals way smaller than this one?”

She showed to Diamond Tiara a page in her guidebook. A ring with a similar ruby is shown, but the bloody-red gem is obviously smaller in size and so also its weight.

“This ring was sold at an auction in Manehattan for a staggering 9 million Bits,” Silver Spoon revealed. “Can you imagine the price this rarity will fetch if we try to auction it?”

The front entrance opened. Ruby came in, followed by a female Earth pony whose smugness and angular facial structure is easily recognized by Diamond Tiara. It is Prim Hemline- top fashion critic, loyal judge for Manehattan’s Fashion Week and chairpony of the Manehattan Fashion Institute.

“Oh? So we meet again, Miss Diamond Dazzle Tiara.” When Hemline spoke, her scornful and harsh attitude really shows.

“I never expected to see you here, of all places, Miss Hemline,” Diamond Tiara said nervously.

“Neither do I. I was on my way to visit an old relative when a certain kitty cat kept on pestering me as if it wanted me to come here.” Hemline looked around at the boutique in disdain. “I thought I would find something in this boutique, something that would bedazzle my mind. But it seems I was mistaken.”

She moved around the store while looking over at the displayed clothes made by Diamond Tiara.

“Typical, dreadful, deplorable,” every comment was negative.

Hemline looked back at Diamond Tiara with scorn. “Urgh, I expected you made at least a bit of Improvement by now.”

Silver Spoon decided to say something for the mortified Diamond Tiara. “Hey! This is our store, not your fashion show!”

“I judge as I please,” Hemline maintained.

It was then that her gaze fell upon the box in which the dress ruined by Ruby is inside.

“What is this?” she asked curiously though not exactly impressed.

Diamond Tiara bolted forward to prevent Hemline taking a good look at it. “No, that’s a mistake!”

But it was already too late. The dress had already been picked up by Hemline.

“This is a masterpiece!” she proclaimed, unexpectedly.

“Say what now!?” Diamond Tiara uttered in disbelief.

“So daring! So bold! It completely brings out the sultriness out of a mare.” Hemline’s impression was definitely positive. “I can see that you designed this gown with the attention of getting the wearer eye-groped even by the least hormonally-challenged of stallions and clearly, you have succeeded! I simply must have this work of art featured at my next show. What’s more, I even know a customer who will love to wear this.”

Diamond Tiara’s jaw hung agape.

I’ve worked hard to make dresses with meaning and significance in their designs! her mind screamed. How could a pony as strict as Hemline have mistaken Ruby’s handiwork as art!?

“Close your mouth, dear,” Hemline chided her, quite offended by the latter’s facial expression.

Who cares if the skirt’s ’design’ is accidental, Silver Spoon thought excitedly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for Diamond Tiara!

The younger Earth pony stepped forth in between Hemline and the stunned Diamond Tiara with an exhibition of courteous and servile demeanor. “Please excuse her, Miss Hemline. She’s just too happy to hear your offer. And she accepts it by the way.”

Then she ushered Hemline to a cushioned seat. “Please have a seat. Can I interest in a cup of tea? Herbal? Jasmine? Red Rose?”

Meanwhile, Ruby dozed on the display case counter.


Several months later...

The fashion show drew to a close. Hemline introduced to Diamond Tiara the customer that was said to be very interested in the Gothic formal gown. That customer turned out to be Queen Chrysalis. The queen of the changelings had just finished her diplomatic mission in Canterlot but decided to stop over at Manehattan Fashion Week at Hemline’s invitation before returning home.

Meanwhile in the same city at the same time, the ruby pendant crafted by Silver Spoon was being auctioned off as a necklace, now dubbed as the Sunshine Ruby.

“Sold to the gentlecolt on my right for 30 million Bits!” the auctioneer declared.

The successful bidders are revealed as the Elites.

“Ooooh, our future daughter-in-law will be so pleased,” Jet Set said as he rubbed his hooves with glee.

“Indeed,” Upper Crust giggled.


In order to get to the care center’s supply store, Silver Spoon had to take the walkway where she would pass a den for the animals taken under center’s care. Inside the wide, spacious den, recreational equipment was provided for entertainment and shelters for them to rest.

You all are so lucky, Silver Spoon thought, stopping to watch the animals playing around the den. If weren’t for Fluttershy, you wouldn’t have make it.

These animals are permanent residence at the center because they are either handicapped or maimed in some ways. For example, there was a cat that has to hop around like a rabbit because its front legs are missing. There was also a blind dog that does not move around much. At least it has the company of loyal fellow companion whose spinal birth defects left it hunchbacked and deformed. For that reason alone, these animals never get adopted at all.

From what Fluttershy had told her, some of the animals were found abandoned at young age, most likely due to their disabilities. Such thought hurt Silver Spoon deeply. What those pet owners did was irresponsible and horrible.

Later on, Silver Spoon returned to the lounge area with supplies she bought from the care center’s store.

“You know what?” she suggested to Diamond Tiara. “We should consider changing her name to Fortune or maybe, Lucky?”

“No, I think her current name’s fine. She thinks so too.” Diamond Tiara said snuggled Ruby to her face. “Aren’t you adorable little kitty?”

She felt nature’s call coming on all of a sudden.

“Oh, Spoony. Please hold her a minute,” she said before passing Ruby to Silver Spoon.“I need to go the toilet.”

After exiting the toilet, Diamond Tiara passed by the same row of offices on the way back to the lounge area.

We’re completely in the red because of the number of animals we keep taking into our charge.

Diamond Tiara froze in her tracks. She looked back at the one of the office from where the pressing voice originated. The voice belonged to Mane Goodall, Fluttershy’s assistant.

Although Diamond Tiara knew it is wrong to eavesdrop on other ponies’ conversation, she brought her ears to the door due to the matter concerning the welfare of the sheltered animals sounded very serious.

“If this continues, we won’t have enough budgets to pay wages or buy new supplies,” Goodall warned Fluttershy.

“Then what do you suggests?”

“We need to drastically undercut our expenses,” Goodall said grimly. “And, we may have to choose between the animals at the den or the sick ones.”

The latter suggestion really upset Fluttershy. “No! We can’t! They won’t stand a chance the minute they’re out there!”

“What about Angel and the others?” Goodall pressed. “They’ll die without their medications,”,

Though truthfully she did not like it either, but reality has to be faced as the care center is not a highly profitable venture.

A moment of silence passed before the gloomy Fluttershy spoke, “Let me think about it.”

Oh, Fluttershy. So that’s why you’re so desperate on finding new adopters, Diamond Tiara thought and backed away from the door.

She is notably sympathetic to Fluttershy. Experiencing financial problems is something that she can relate herself to. However, in Fluttershy’s case, there is more at stake.

Later, as soon as Fluttershy saw Diamond Tiara with Ruby at the door, she put up a convincing smile that gave no impression of the trouble she is experiencing.


One week later...

Fluttershy stressed out over all the paperwork on her desk. Food supplies need to be ordered, some of the equipment had their repairs stalled for months and the most urgent of all, medical supplies to treat lifelong chronic diseases (diabetes, renal failures, leukemia to name a few). All of these need money. Even with public donations taken into account, the remaining funds are still not enough to offset the debt.

She considered her options. Aside from more donation/adoption drives, she could also try applying for a loan. That is when Goodall urgently came into the office without knocking the door and passed a set of papers to Fluttershy.

“What’s this?” Fluttershy asked, looking over at the papers.

“Bank statements,” Goodall explained. “Just updated this morning. Somepony had donated quite a hefty amount to the center about two days ago.”

Fluttershy could not believe her eyes at the amount deposited to the care center’s account. “Do we know who it is?”

Goodall shook her head. “No. It’s done through the bank counter.”

Today, there are no scheduled appointments. Apart from a few ponies siting in the lounge with their pets, the area is pretty much empty. It looked to Fluttershy that Goodall can handle everything at the center on her own for the rest of the day. Thus, she decided to take a half-day leave to find Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

By nature, donations are never questioned. But the amount this time is unusually high for a non-corporate contribution. Fluttershy had a hunch on who that anonymous donator might be. She had heard through Rarity how a necklace called the Sunshine Ruby was sold for a record 30 million Bits at an auction in Manehattan just one month prior. And the gemstone she had extracted from Ruby’s throat. What if they are all connected?

Fluttershy had reached the front door when Diamond Tiara unexpectedly came in.

“Diamond Tiara, I was just-” She then saw how distressed the Earth pony looked. “What’s wrong?”

“Ruby’s missing,” the latter revealed “I thought she might be here.”

“Oh Faust...” That was all Fluttershy could say in her dismay.

Ruby just sat on the roof, its eyes staring down at its oblivious owners putting up fliers about their missing pet cat. Oddly enough, it was unconcerned at how worried sick Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are in spite of the good treatment it received from them. It remained there for a while before heading down the other side of the roof to avoid getting spotted.

There is a full moon tonight but it was partially obscured by clouds. Over at the cemetery, Ruby navigated through the eerie shadows cast by the headstones towards two particular graves, where a husband and wife were buried alongside each other many, many years earlier.

It came there for a reason. Its discovery by Diamond Tiara, the ruby stone, Prim Hemline, everything was premeditated beforehand, because in truth, Ruby is no ordinary. All this time, it had fooled everypony into thinking that it is just another typical cat. Now that it had done its work, it was time for Ruby to return from where it materialized.

Before its masters’ resting place, Ruby slowly dissolved from head to bottom. What remains of it is a mass of floating dusts that went to settle on the graves’ soil. As this is happening, the clouds began to clear away. The names of Silver Spoon’s parents on the headstones could now be clearly seen in the pale moonlight.