• Published 7th Oct 2015
  • 559 Views, 0 Comments

Two Years After Dreamfall (Shorts) - hujan86

Two years after the events in Dreamfall, time to see how life was going for the ponies and creatures of Blue Marble Equestria.

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THE DATE - revised

Author's Note:

1. Vavacung is the source of inspiration for Nova Elite's name and the idea of a changeling falling in love with a pony.

Crowds of hooveball fans were still flocking into the half-full stadium, as there is still an hour before the game between the host and the team from Manehattan kicks off. Lightning Dust is not particularly interested in the sport. The only reason she was here is merely to accompany Nova supporting the visitors.

While waiting for Nova to return with corn dogs, Lighting Dust pondered deeply about something until she received an unexpected visitor. Spitfire looked surprised to see her there, or so thought Lightning Dust. Spitfire was wearing a Manehattan team jersey and cap and carrying corn dogs. That was good enough reason for Lightning Dust to think Nova is trying to play a prank on her although truthfully she did not know why.

Ha, ha! Very funny!” she said dryly, eliciting a frown from Spitfire. “You almost fooled me for a second there.”

‘Scuse me?”

“Listen,” Lightning Dust said. “This might be not a good time to say it. I actually wanted to wait until later after the game, but what the hay. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what you said to me before.”

Spitfire took her seat right next to Lightning Dust. “I’m totally lost. What’re we talking about here now?”

Lightning Dust looked at Spitfire fondly saying, “When you confessed your feelings to me, I honestly didn’t know how to react. I mean, I wasn’t even sure of how I feel about you. But after contemplating on how much time we’ve spent together, how close we’ve been since we first met, I now realize maybe…maybe you do hold a special place in my heart. You know what that means, right?”

She then held the dumbfounded Spitfire’s hooves gently while keeping a mild eye contact. “It means I have an answer now. It’s a yes. I do want to be your marefriend!”

“Whoa!” Spitfire exclaimed. “Lightning Dust, I-I…”

Lightning Dust saw the blush on Spitfire's cheeks. “I know, I know you’re happy, but we shouldn’t rush things. The romance, I mean. Let’s take our relationship real slow and steady, okay? But if you like, you can consider we’re going on a casual date right now.”

“Hey, I know I’m hot, but I ain’t that hot,” Spitfire insisted.

Nova,” Lightning Dust was irritated that the changeling seemed to be playing around, “I’m being serious here!”

“Lightning Dust?”

The voice sounded it is coming from behind her, so Lightning Dust looked back. Sure enough, it was Nova in the same attire as Spitfire and is bringing corn dogs with him. She looked again at the Pegasus before her. No mistake there. Absolutely shocked, Lightning Dust let go of Spitfire’s hooves.

“Nova! You mean you actually did saw her!?” Lightning Dust’s feelings was a cross between anger and embarrassment.

“I told you so, didn’t I?” Nova smirked.

Whenever she is upset, Lightning Dust should have done something stupid like launching her way out of there through roof’s opening. But of course, that goes against stadium rules.

Instead she just sagged in her seat, holding her head down in total disbelief. “Oh, Faust! I bucked up so bad! Why, Faust!? Why!? Why me!?”

Nova patted gently on Lightning Dust’s shoulder.

“There, there, Lightning Dust,” he tried to comfort her. “It’s not so bad. Look at the bright side. You two are finally talking to each other.

Just then changeling took notice of Spitfire’s Team Manehattan attire. “Oh, you’re a fan?”

“Contrary to popular belief,” Spitfire revealed, “I was born and raised there,”

“Me too!” Nova was definitely delighted to hear that.

Spitfire took her time to scrutinize Nova. She clearly has no idea what kind of creature he is. To add to her confusion, she is not even sure how the former Wonderbolt trainee managed to mistake her for the creature.

“So, why’d she think I was you?” Spitfire decided to ask.

“I’m a changeling,” Nova answered.

The term however did not ring a bell for her. “What’s that?”

Nova decided not to explain but instead show her. He shape-shifted into a complete-likeness of Spitfire.

Spitfire gasped at ‘herself’. But not from shock or surprise or fear. Instead it was flattery.

“I take it back,” she said. “I am way too hot.”


Fast forward to Nova and Lighting Dust’s date in Manehattan several months later…

The latter has never set hoof on Manehattan before. The venue where they are now, Longacre Square, is a major commercial district. Its briskness truly rivals the major downtown areas back in Canterlot, just like Diamond Tiara said of her past visits to the island city.

The now official couple moved through the crowded sidewalk together towards their destination not far ahead- the Cantermount Theaters.

Nova paid the tickets for two. He was not sure what the movie is about. From the poster he saw outside the hall, it appeared to be an action comedy film. But Lightning Dust insisted that they should watch this movie, so he agreed to keep her happy.


The title sequence started rolling. The production company’s name, Laser Unicorns Inc. and its logo appeared on screen, followed soon by the title of the movie, KUNG FURRY.

The initial scenes consisted of the titular character’s introduction and some goofy action sequences. From that point onwards, the story started getting serious. Nova grimaced at the excessive amount of violence on screen, whereas Lightning Dust and the other audiences sat quietly in their seats while enjoying the movie.

Hayburgers is indisputably Lightning Dust’s favorite food. And there are no shortages of fast food chains serving their own variations of the burger in Longacre Square. But Lightning Dust chose to dine at a family-operated burger joint because this eatery offers an eating challenge whereby patrons can earn a free meal if they manage to finish the entire burger meal in thirty minutes.

Nova, whose appetite was ruined thanks to Kung Furry, had no idea what his marefriend is in for until the waiter came to serve the meal on their table. The burger includes six-pound wheat patties, with ten giant potato sticks and five slices of cheese. It has two buns, a few lettuce leaves, a couple slices of tomato and onion and mayonnaise. And there are two side dishes.

There was no way can Lightning Dust can finish all that, Nova thought.

But he was proven wrong. Whilst not the first pony to beat the challenge, Lightning Dust is the only mare to accomplish it so far. Also, she holds the record for gulping the meal down in the fastest time of twelve minutes. To the changeling, that was something new since he has never seen even once Lighting Dust display such a ferocious appetite.

After lunch, Nova and Lightning Dust did some sightseeing around Longacre Square. While it was nice to see new places and looking at fancy stuffs that she will never buy, truthfully Lightning Dust admitted it was not exactly fun for her. So Nova thought on it for a while. Suddenly he knew just the thing that will cheer up his marefriend. He took her to the amusement park located at the coast.

Like a little filly visiting the fair for the first time, Lightning Dust gasped in amazement at all the big rides around the park. It did not take more than a second for her to decide which ride she wanted to try out first. She chose the roller coaster.

At a top speed of fifty-five mph, the cars pulsed through the six-story vertical loop then into a massive double-inversion corkscrew. Lightning Dust threw her forelegs out wide, screaming with so much excitement as she smoothly gets flipped around so many times. Nova was also doing the same but terrified rather than enjoying the whole ride.

The cars swooped down into the shallow pool, causing a splashdown and it was not long before they pulled into the platform. Nova looked green and unsteady on his hooves. Lightning Dust on the other hand was calm when she stepped off the ride.

Apparently, the roller coaster is not enough for Lightning Dust. She looked around to see which ride she should try next. There was a ride that looks like a giant pendulum with a Dizzitron-like contraption attached at the end of its rod and then there is this other ride where visitors get ‘blasted’ up to the top of a two hundred feet tall tower in mere seconds. When she asked Nova for his opinion, the pegasus saw him on the nearby bench acting sickly. Instead of feeling sorry for her coltfriend, she shook her head in disdain.

After trying out all the thrill rides in the park all day, the adrenaline rush had completely worn Lightning Dust out. Nova requested that they try out the Ferris wheel before leaving the place. Lightning Dust agreed to Nova’s request. Even a thrill seeker like her should slow down once in a while.

The aptly-named Giant Wheel is the tallest wheel ever built in Equestria with a height of close to six hundred feet. When the gondola reached nearly the top of the ride, Nova pointed out to the window to show something to Lightning Dust. The pegasus marveled at the vibrantly-lit scenery stretching out for miles. Over the coast, the waters looked very enchanting by the reflections of the moon’s luminous glow and lights coming from the city and ocean liners.

Lightning Dust admitted that she had flown at altitude much higher than this before, but never at night and certainly never stop or at least slow down to admire the scenery below. She looked appreciatively at Nova who was now satisfied that he is able the show scenery he saw multiple times when he was little. In return, he received a long, tender kiss on the lips.

It was their first kiss, on their first date.


Lightning Dust was about to meet Nova’s parents for the first time. She felt rather nervous of what the changeling couple would think of her. But right now the pegasus is more crossed at her coltfriend for forcing her to wear a gown. Being a pony who never wore a dress all her life, she was not feeling comfortable in it. Nova himself is wearing a tuxedo with a bow tie.

Lightning Dust contemplated the reason they have to be in formal attire until the couple arrived at the front door of a lavish house. Through the windows, she could make out there is a gathering going on inside.

Lightning Dust gave Nova a puzzled look. “I thought we’re going to meet with your parents.”

“We are,” Nova said as he rang the doorbell. “I wasn’t sure how you’d react so I never told you about this part of my family.”

Is he fooling around!? Lightning Dust fumed. “Nova! If this is one of your bucking jokes-”

The door swung open then came out a unicorn couple. Lightning Dust suddenly found herself along with Nova under the tight wrap by the couple.

“I’m so glad you could make it, son!” Jet Set cried joyfully.

“Keep it together, dad,” Nova said, who looked a little uncomfortable in his parents’ sudden tight embrace. I’m not a foal anymore.”

The revelation shocked Lightning Dust. The heads of the Elite household are unicorns, not changelings as she had expected, and also they are rich, possibly millionaires.

Upper Crust kissed Nova on the forehead then snuggled his face.

“It seems like only yesterday we found you as hatchling,” she said nostalgically, “and look at you now, dating a mare, and a Pegasus at that! Tell us, what’s her name?”

Nervous, Lightning Dust tried to sound polite. “H-hi, my name’s Lighting Dust. Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Elite.”

The Elites ushered their son and Lightning Dust to the door.

“Well then, Lightning Dust,” Jet Set said as he gestured at the hallway. “As the head of the family, we welcome you to our house.”

“Please make yourself at home!” Upper Crust said eagerly to Lightning Dust. “You are more than welcome!”

“There is so much for us to talk about,” Jet Set was just as eager as his wife. “We must know more about you before we can proceed to discuss your marriage with Nova.”

Wait, what!? Marriage!? “It’s a little too early, isn’t it!?” Lightning Dust said, shocked.

“Nonsense, dear,” Upper Crust dismissed Lightning Dust’s concern. “Please meet the rest of the family.”

When they reached the entrance to the living room, waiting inside was a dozen or more unicorns of varying ages, all eager to meet their long away from home adopted brother and their potential sister-in-law.

“What the b-!?” Lightning Dust definitely did not expect Nova to have so many siblings.