• Published 25th May 2012
  • 788 Views, 3 Comments

pokemon: eldritch - lichmewtwo

a young earth pony becomes a pokemon trainer and runs off to meet adventure and his destiny

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CHAPTER 1: The beginning

Dash is a young earth pony, around 16 years old, and he has finally decided to go on a pokemon journey of his own. He woke up bright and early that morning, right at the crack of dawn, he ran down the stairs to get some breakfast and shoved it down as fast as he could. He then ran out the door to get his pokemon from Professor Goat.

When he got to the professors lab he realized that he came too early, seeing as the gates were still locked. “Crap” he said as he facehoofed. “I guess I’ll just have to wait for him to be awake” he said to himself.

After a 2 hour wait the professor finally came out to unlock his gate. “What do you want from me?” Professor Goat inquired. “Well, I was hoping you could give me a pokemon so I can go on an adventure” Dash said with a smile.

Dash and the Professor walked into the lab, and Dash was amazed by the incredible amount of information surrounding him, Dash had always been the studious type, always wanting to know more about the world. As they moved through the piles and piles of research, Dash noted a few pokeballs on a table. “What sort of pokemon are in those?” Dash inquired.

“What? Those old things? Oh they’re just remnants of my past as a pokemon trainer, would you like one? If you don’t want one of them I have plenty other pokemon for you to choose from.” Before the professor finished Dash had ran straight to the pokeballs on the table. “Oh! What’s this one? And what about this one? Or how ‘bout this one?” Dash was so excited that he almost didn’t notice the professor coming to tell him which was which.

“The one on the left is oshawott, the middle is charmander, and the right is turtwig.” The professor explained.

“Really? Hmm… which one do I choose?” it took Dash about an hour to finally decided on charmander, which he nicknamed Slayer.
“Alright, now that I have a pokemon, it’s time to head out! Thanks for the pokemon professor!” with that Dash went of to begin his journey through Equestria.

"Princess, we have detected a disturbance in the arcane forces." the royal guard said in the calmest way possible.
"I see, send a team of skilled wizards to investigate. You never know what might be awakening." Princess Luna was calm despite the fact that an ancient enemy may be arising.
"Right away your majesty, is there anything else you need?" the guard was not clear on what the actual threat was, but he knew it was deadly.
"Yes. begin a tournament to find a skilled pokemon trainer. the winner of this tournament will be our champion in this battle against our most ancient of enemies." Luna said with confidence.
"Very well then. I shall see to it that only the best of pokemon trainers are found for this tournament." the guard thought that using pokemon against an ancient evil was stupid, but it wasn't his place to say the ruler of equestria was wrong. especially since it was pokemon that defeated the insane queen celestia.
"you are dismissed." Luna said.
"yes your majesty" with that the guard left to begin the preparations for the tournament.

"I hope we can find a skilled enough trainer to defeat the old ones with" Luna thought to herself as she prepared for an announcement about the tournament.


In the dungeons of Canterlot castle, the incredibly well protected cell of the insane Queen Celestia was beginning to lose it's magic seal. Celestia sensed this, and began drawing a magical sign in the ground, she wanted to help the escape of her eldritch masters. When she finished drawing the sign, she began chanting something in a language nopony should know.
When the incantation was complete, she had a vision of how she was to help in the release of her dark masters. "Yes my masters, i shall do as you say" she said while laughing maniacally.


Authors note: hey i hope you guys enjoy this fanfic of mine. it is my first, so i dont expect it to be that great. and yes, putting three things in the same world is maybe a bit much but it is the first idea i had lol.