• Published 11th Sep 2015
  • 659 Views, 16 Comments

Magic Duel by Mail - Lise

Forbidden from using magic without supervision, Noonlight Bright has accepted she would never be able to cast a proper spell again. One day Trixie arrives, out of the blue, with a new idea - challenge Twilight Sparkle to a magic duel by mail!

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5. Joy and Fears

One could feel the tension in the air. Usually chatty, Endless Scroll had transformed into a living textbook. There were no comments, no questions towards the class, just a constant murmur and a lot of writing on the blackboard. He did not look at Noonlight once, nor did he ask her to explain any of the material as he usually did. It was like she didn't exist. Strangely enough, that made Noonlight even more furious on the inside. To make matters worse, several of her classmates asked if she could have a word with the professor about his new style of teaching. They hadn't managed to learn anything, but felt too uncomfortable to mention it directly. Instead the task was given to Noonlight, as his favourite. The unicorn wasn't at all pleased, but agreed to do it nonetheless, just not right away.

Returning home, Noonlight was feeling worse than ever. The gloom of class clung to her like a wet cloud. Thankfully, a letter from Twilight was expecting her on the desk. Eagerly, the unicorn grabbed it and started reading.

Dear Starry,

I never imagined you had problems. Based on your spells and letters I always thought of you as an exceptional unicorn and a magic prodigy. If there's anything I could do help, let me know. I really mean that!

As for this 'pony' who acted suggestively, I'd say magic him away with everything you have! Judging by your spells so far, it should be easy. Seriously, though, have you tried confronting him? I don't know the circumstances, and if there is any chance of danger you shouldn't do it alone, but I suggest a serious talk. Get your friends to come for support, or if you want, I can come myself. I know this will put an end to our duel, but your safety is far more important. Something to keep in mind.

Thanks a deal for the Gem of Four Seasons. Spike was reluctant at first, but after a taste was quick to forgive you. And by that I mean he 'demanded that you make a unique gem, he might give to somepony'. The little guy has quite the crush on one of my friends, and you've given him the chance to impress her. Just come up with something of the latest fashion in Canterlot and all will be happy.

Great spelling method! I recognize parts of the classics, but the combination is quite unexpected. Oh, and that reactive spell element is really crazy! I had to recast the spell five times until I figured out how you were doing it. I guess I'll step up my game as well. In the meantime, we can continue sending each other letters, if that's alright.

Your pen pal adversary,


Noonlight blinked, then reread the letter again. Princess Twilight had taken the time to answer her letter? Not only that, but she had offered help? That was far more than Noonlight had expected.

"Hey hey," Trixie came in. She had been to another party, and her exhaustion was showing. "What's that?" She glanced at Noonlight.

"Oh, a letter from Princess Twilight."

"What's it say?" Trixie reached for the letter, but Noonlight held it protectively to her chest.

"Just that the gem spell worked," she replied quickly. "And to expect her answer soon."

"Very well." Trixie arched a brow, but chose not to pursue the matter further. "I'll be going out again for a bit. Canterlot just can't get enough of the Great and Powerful Trixie."

"Another performance?" Noonlight was only too glad to change the topic. "That's great, Trix! Where is it this time? Another party?"

"Private performance." Trixie levitated her hat and cloak on. "I'd tell you about it, but your thoughts seem to be elsewhere."

"Sorry, Trix," Noonlight looked away. "It's just that..."

"Shh." The blue unicorn smiled. "We all have our little secrets. The secret of being friends is accepting that. You'll tell me if you need to. Until then..."

A cloud of blue smoke filled the room. When it cleared, Trixie was nowhere to be seen. Leave it to her to run off at the mention of a performance. On the plus side, that did give Noonlight a chance to write back to Twilight. A slight feeling of guilt came over the unicorn. Was it wrong to be more interested in a new pen pal, even if a princess, than an old friend?

"From the mind, not the heart," she whispered to herself then started writing.

Dear Twilight,

Thank you for your offer. I'm dealing with things for now. If it gets any worse, I'll be sure to let you know, duel or no duel.

I'm glad that Spike approves. I was worried that the gem might not have been enough. Now that you know the spell, you could give him gems as much as you like. As for the other spell, that's the only way I could keep up with your chains. My condition prevents me from being able to use those. To be honest, my spell casting is quite slow. In a real duel, I won't stand a chance against you. I can only hope that I'll be ready for your next spell.

By the way, I happen to be roommare of an old friend of yours. She says she knew you way back when you first moved to Ponyville. Although she would be mad at me, I'd like to congratulate you on becoming a princess, on her behalf.

Thank you,

Your pen pal adversary,

Starry Sun

The letter was carefully hidden, until the time came to send another mail duel spell. Twilight's response arrived the following day - a sound spell. It was by pure chance that Trixie reacted fast enough, casting a silence field before the wailing of a dozen magic stars filled the dorm. Such attention would have been disastrous. Noonlight wasn't allowed to perform magic of any kind without supervision, and Trixie wasn't even supposed to be there. Twilight's spell might have been a one off, but it reminded both Noonlight and Trixie that they had more than the duel to worry about. From now on they were going to have to be far more careful.

Time sped on. Mail spell making gradually became part of the everyday routine. The creation process had become so advanced, that the two unicorns had spells to help create spells. Assist spells, they would call them, and through them the duo could achieve in less than an hour what would usually take days. Assist spells also helped in defense. Why wonder what to cast, when there could be a whole tome of composite protection spells they could use? The duel had long stopped being a simple case of surprising the other with something flashy. Now it was a strategy battle, in which both sides tried their best to predict the other's intent and find a weakness to exploit.

Meanwhile, Noonlight's secret correspondence with Twilight continued. She suspected that Trixie was aware, but the blue unicorn hadn't said a word so far. Through these letters, Noonlight felt as if she were in Ponyville. Twice a week, she would learn of the happenings in the small town. It felt as if she had met over a dozen ponies from there, including Twilight's close friends. She had learned of the Spirit of Chaos, the mysterious zebra, and the terrors of the Everfree Forest. Noonlight's own responses, however, were vastly lacking in that aspect. The sad thing was, that the duel was to blame - Noonlight's life really was the epitome of boredom.

Classes continued as usual. Noonlight still had issues with Endless, although after a serious talk in private, the professor had at least returned to his standard way of teaching. As for their magic sessions, both had agreed to take a few months break and see how that goes. Noonlight's master exam finals were also on the horizon, but that was nothing to write about. With the amount of work she had done, both helping classmates, and preparing for the mail duel, she had enough materials for five theses, if not more.

All in all, things seemed to go pretty well, until one day a special announcement was made. It was one of the special announcements, that had everypony gather in one huge hall. That never bode well.

"Dear students," the Headmistress began in her overly formal fashion. "As you know, the final exams of the master class will start in a few months. That would mean that some of you will join the ranks of academia, while others leave to follow their heart's destinies in Canterlot and beyond."

Polite clapping filled the hall.

"Yes, quite," the Headmistress adjusted her glasses. "Usually this is considered the highlight of the year. As you know her royal majesty, Princess Celestia is always present at the event. Those of you considered brilliant might even get the chance to shake hooves with her."

Whispers erupted. Secretly every unicorn wished to be among the select few. Everything else aside, being chosen by the princess was a huge career boost. Noonlight, naturally, remained indifferent. One had to be able to cast spells to stand a chance.

"But this year, we have another special occasion," the Headmistress continued. "This year we will also have the honour of having another special guest."

Noonlight's ears perked up. Suddenly she could feel a ball of wax forming in her stomach.

"As some of you might know, this pony is an alumnus of the School for Gifted Unicorns."

Please don't say it, please don't say it," Prayed Noonlight.

"A unicorn that in her youth had more magic potential than any before," the Headmistress continued mercilessly. "Canterlot's very own Princess of Friendship - Twilight Sparkle."

Cheers erupted. Noonlight felt like banging her head against the desk. Of all the worst possible things! Why did Twilight have to come here?

"Princess Sparkle has agreed to spend the next two months assisting you all in the pursuit of knowledge and magic. It would be wise for you to take advantage of this grand, once in a lifetime, opportunity," the Headmistress paused to take a sip of water. "Naturally, you are expected to be at your best behavior. The fact that you will be addressing a princess aside, you must show that the school still has the high standards it prides itself with. This goes double for all those in the master class!" For a moment Noonlight thought the Headmistress looked straight at her. This wasn't a good sign. "Since it's quite likely that the princess will spend more time with you, you are to be at your very best. And please, for the sake of all that's magic, don't try to impress her with your self made spells and theories on the nature of magic. I assure you, she has heard it all before, and unlike you, has tested those theories in practice, while you have yet to complete your thesis. I hope I am making myself clear?"

"Yes, Headmistress," a chorus of disappointment filled the hall.

"Good. With that I leave you to your daily lessons."

"Madam?" Noonlight rose a hoof in the air.

The Headmare was surprised somepony dared address her. She seldom took questions, but having in mind the gravity of the occasion, she decided to give Noonlight the nod.

"You never mentioned when exactly the princess will be arriving," Noonlight shivered slightly as she spoke. "So we can best prepare."

"Quite," the Headmistress adjusted her glasses. It was a sensible question and one that met her approval. "The princess should already be in Canterlot, but won't visit us until next week. You have until then to make sure that you and your surroundings are fit for her visit. With that I wish you a good day, students."