• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 390 Views, 6 Comments

Ekre'als' equestrian adventure. - RC

a bosmer thief named Ekre'al becomes the head of the equestrian crowns assassin guards.

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2 in the begining

OK, turn back the clock a bit here, so you’ve probably heard about those convention goers who end up missing, eh? Well I was one of them. I had seen a new necklace to go along with the set I had, a fairy ridding a jackalope over a crescent moon, so I decided to buy it. After I put it on I thought someone spoke behind me but when I turned I was in a tundra forest.

At first I had forgotten who I was but after looking for a river or pond and finding one I saw just what I was, and once I had my memories changed.

Looking back at me from the water was a wood elf, a scar on his left cheek, white hair neatly braided, a knotted goatee, and a backpack. I had notice it but I didn’t look in it, so I decide to. What was inside surprised me.

There was some minor health potions, some basic leather armor, a few spell books (including the bound bow! Squeeeee! YES!), some Mana potions, and an iron sword. So the stuff I always try to start a quest with. All I was missing was a-

Quest start: finding civilization

Never mind.
“Hi” shouted someone behind me.

I turned around but all I saw was kid with weird wings.
Wait, a kid with…
Screw it, just roll with it
“Hello, who are- wait, WHAT are you?” I said as it grinned and flew with wings way too small for its body.
“My name is Rain Chaser. What are you? Who are you?” said the black winged Pegasus. “HEY BROTHER! I FOND SOMETHING COOL!”
“Who are you talking to? And my name is Ekre’Al, I’m a wood elf and you still didn’t answer my question, what you ar-“
“GET AWAY FROM HIM” another voice yelled as a ball of fire flew past my face “you OK, bro?” said a buff kid who ran between me and that youth he seemed to have patches of scales on his skin
“What are you doing, he’s the thing I wanted to show you, dragon! He is nice and seems lost.” Said Rain
“If I may before something inter-“smack “Ow.” I said while I held my nose
“Brother!” whined Rain Chaser “stop hitting my friend.”
“You don’t know what this thing is or what it wants! How can it be your friend?” asked ‘dragon’ as he stood between rain and me.
“If you would let me talk.” I began as I stopped his fist from hitting my face again “I would be willing to answer those questions and all the rest you have.” I let his fist go and sat down, motioning them to sit as well. They had once Rain convinced Dragon to calm down, I began to explain my tale
“I am an adventurer who found himself in a new world with seemingly new creatures. My name is Ekre’Al, I am a wood elf. As I was saying to you brother before getting hit me in the face 3 times. I will get you back for that by the way. Anyway, it all started when Mi'aiq the liar, a merchant, sold me a new necklace, enchanted with a transformation charm, it can turn in to one of three weapons, I usually use the bow or one of the three swords.” As I said this I noticed I had 6 necklaces around my neck, I recognized all of them but at the same time I didn’t. “Wait, how did I get six? I could of sworn I only bought the one.” As I looked at them I started to feel an enchantment on some of them.
“So you claim you don’t know how you got them but they look well worn. Any idea how you got them?” asked Rain as he began to look at them way to close for me.
“Rain, can you back up a bit? You’re kind of in my personal space.” I said as dragon grabbed rain by the back of his neck. As dragon moved back to his seat with rain in his grip I noticed something, the necklace that rain was holding began to glow.

I decided to try something. “I’m a try something, this may be stupid but it’s defiantly gonna be interesting.” As I said this I brought my hand to the charm and thought of my Mana flowing in to it, all of a sudden there was a light and I felt heavier was holding a sword unlike I’ve ever held before. I asked for a mirror or something to reflect my image back to me and it was rain who responded first, by holding a mirror with shadows.
“Um… how can you see?” asked dragon while I looked at the mirror and saw why he asked it.

Where my head should have been there was a giant metal pyramid, on my back there seem to be a giant sword I had never seen before. I had no shirt, was covered in scars and blood, and I was wearing rags around my legs. I turned to rain and said
“I feel like a nightmare come to life”