• Published 14th Jul 2015
  • 718 Views, 10 Comments

Heir of the Changelings - kingofchaos00

An age old Changeling practice comes to Ponyville, and now truths must be revealed, and a princess must make a stand

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A Royal Rendezvous

Scootaloo was walking through the Everfree Forest, the moon low in the early spring night, and the shadows long and creeping. The path she walked wasn't on any map, or known by any. Even Zecora, who knew the forest better then most, wouldn't have found the path unless she knew it was there.

Hundreds of insects, monsters, and other assorted creatures of the forest watched as the filly passed by, but none bothered her. They could sense she wasn't normal.

Scootaloo eventually found herself emerging to a small, peaceful glade. The grass was just high enough to cover her hooves, and there were dots of wildflowers and dandelions throughout.

And there, in the center of it all...

Was Chrysalis.

Scootaloo walked towards the royal Changeling, a frown deeply set onto her face. Scootaloo would have given anything to be anywhere else, but the price Chrysalis had spoken of was too high to pay to simply spurn the queen.

Chrysalis turned her head down towards the filly, a small smile on her face, "Hello my dear child." The smile quickly turned into a frown as she beheld Scootaloo's appearance, "I so detest that form. I came to see my daughter not some common wretch with stunted wings!"

Scootaloo sighed heavily, but complied with the veiled order. A green glow appeared around the filly as her orange form melted away to reveal her true, deadly appearance.

Her form was black, shining like freshly polished obsidian. Her hooves were strong and straight, and along them were holes that spiraled up in such a way that when she flew quickly enough they created a haunting howl. Her wings were now much larger, and had the appearance of notched blades, however there was no question that these insect-like wings were more then big enough for powerful flying. All of this was made even more fearsome with the addition of a foot and a half of size to make this young mare, for a filly she was no more, into a deadly looking, if small, threat.

The biggest change however was to her head. Her facial structure now was closer to her mothers, and her eyes went from their shining purple to a deep, emerald green. Her purple mane was now a deep forest green, and had changed to a slicked back series of spikes jutting out to her back with a small strand on both sides going outwards before curving back to shoot backwards like antennae. All of this was completed with a blade-like horn that jutted from her forehead until half way up, when it bent to move parallel to her head till it came to a dagger like point.

Overall her entire figure gave off the sense that this young mare was fast, and deadly. Chrysalis however merely chuckled at the mare in front of her.

"Of all my creations, you are still my crowning achievement." Chrysalis stated.

The young Changeling glared at the queen with a deep hatred, and when she spoke it was with a rasp reminiscent of a snake, "I didn't come to talk mother! I came to tell you to go BUCK yourself!"

Chrysalis frowned and put a hoof to her chest, a look of mock pain on her face, "Oh my darling! How you wound me with your cruel, cruel words. I only came to give you a warning!"

The young mare's glare deepened into a scowl, "What warning could you possibly want to give me? You don't care about me at all! The only thing you want is another pawn!"

The queens harsh laughter rang out across the clearing, each laugh like a blade across stone, "I simply wanted to let you know that your sisters are coming to visit."

The changeling was struck dumb by this information, the shock so great that she had to step back to avoid falling, "What?! Here?!" The young changeling looked up to her queen, pleading for the reveal that this was just a sick game of hers, however nothing was forthcoming.

After what seemed like a century Chrysalis moved to speak again, "The time is upon us my child, the Trials have begun, and your sisters are preparing for war. I only give you this warning as a chance to prepare in kind." The queen turned and began to walk away, "After all Catalyst," She stated the name with deep relish, "you always were my favorite daughter."

And with that Chrysalis left her daughter alone, staring up towards her mothers fading silhouette, alone and afraid.

Scootaloo ran as fast as she dared, her wings fluttering in fear and excitement. If she had wanted she could have teleported there in a moment, but she needed the chance to rally her thoughts.

What should she say?

"Hey Rainbow Dash! Listen I'm a changeling princess and Queen Chrysalis is my mother, and she is sending my insane sisters to kill me and since I don't want anyone to get hurt I'm running away. Just thought you would like to know! Keep being AWESOME for me!"

Yeah... that wouldn't work. Maybe for Pinkie Pie, but Rainbow Dash deserved something a bit more tactful. That and Pinkie probably knew who she was already. After all... she was Pinkie Pie, and there was no telling what she knew.

The little filly came to the hill just outside Ponyville where Rainbow Dash's cloud home was set up. She stared up towards the dark home, hoping beyond hope that she could find a reason to put off telling her. However, whatever gods were out there didn't like her, and the only thing between them was a short flight and a knock on the door.

Scootaloo let out a single curse that would have earned her a boxing on the ears from Cherilee and a loss of recess.

What she would give to have that be her biggest concern.

The disguised princess looked up to her idols home, and let out a final breath before giving herself bigger wings and flying upwards to see Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Thoughts? Please leave below.

Also here is a Pinkie:pinkiecrazy:

And just for the first chapter... A Spike!:moustache: