• Published 24th Jun 2015
  • 429 Views, 3 Comments

Tritonus - Catullus Sedecim

There is no Pinkie Pie. Twilight Sparkle is a fool. Princess Celestia's a legend. Equestria is ruled by a group called the Triumvirate. The question: How do you fix a wrong you don't know happened?

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Voices - Surprise

“Listen to me.” The mare’s voice sounded like razorblades. There was a clang, the bars of a jail cell shaking. “No. Listen. LISTEN. Heheheh...” She began laughing, “You know who I am. You know who I AM, Trowell! I’m not going to stay in here. You think that bars will hold me?" Her breath was deep, like that of a predator. “Hasn’t worked yet. I’m going to be back. I ALWAYS COME BACK!”

The sound of footsteps on the ground, walking away.

“SAY HI TO THE FAMILY FOR ME!” She chuckled darkly, “I’m sure there are leftovers, at least...”

As she finished speaking, the white pegasus sank down, against the wall of the recording studio. The effects stallion finished lightly patting shoes on the table, and stepped up to the mic.”

“Pinkamina’s finally back in prison, folks. But what schemes does she have for our hero? Being in prison isn’t likely to stop her from tormenting the good detective. Tune in next week, for the Pinkamina Pie Colgate Horror Hour. But first, a few messages from our sponsor, Colgate Dentistry.”

Her co-star sat down next to her, one big purple foreleg wrapping around her. She rested her head on her friend’s shoulder.

“Hey. It’s going to be okay. We all need rest sometimes.”

She looked up at her pitifully. Her blue eyes meeting the dark purple ones, that warm, friendly smile.

“You gonna carry on alright?” She asked, and got a throaty laugh.

“I dunno, Soup. I really don’t.” A second leg grabbed her, and pressed her closer to her barrel-chest. The warmth of that slightly-less-than-groomed body pressed up to her, as the announcer continued, far enough away that they could be assured their voices wouldn’t carry. “It’s not gonna be the same without you, but hey. It’s only a couple weeks, right?”

Surprise sighed heavily. Yeah. Just a couple weeks. That would be all. She looked up at that goofy grin. “Yeah. Just a couple weeks.” Just two weeks away, but it was two weeks away from one hell of a job. Two weeks away from the job that had made her. But she needed it. She needed the time off.

“Great.” The pat on the back felt like a punch, but that was just her friend’s way. Nothing she did was subtle. Her friend was just... Big. In every possible way. She drank a lot, she ate a lot, she smiled like it was going out of style. She went to big parties, every night, with everyone else. Surprise didn’t like that. She was all for being sociable, but not so many people. She just wanted to do what she did. She liked to be lauded for it. She liked the attention, but her parties were more high society than nightclub. Still, she loved the big, goofy mare.

“I’ve got somewhere to be. I’ll miss you." That was why she needed the time off of work. For her friend. For the little family they’d built in the recording studio. They argued sometimes, but it was all they had. She waited until the announcement was over, and the music started playing, before she left, giving one last look over her shoulder.

The street outside was cold as she walked from the studio. The rain pouring down. It seemed like it was always raining in Manehattan. Even a clear sky was overcast. It didn’t make sense. She remembered bright, sunny skies as a child. Now the rain was so heavy that she barely felt it when a motorcar splashed on her overcoat.

You’re not coming back.

Shut up.

You know you’re not.

I just need a couple weeks. That’s all. To get rid of...



A stallion on the sidewalk jumped a bit, and she gave him a wan smile, “Was just... Talking to myself”


“Shut up.”

They’re staring at you.

She didn’t respond, but she could feel the stares. She hurried her pace. Just get to the cabaret. Just get to Maestro. He’d know what to do. He was always so helpful.

Remark the mare

Don’t sing. I was never satisfied with how you sing.

Who hesitates towards you
In the light of the door that opens on her
Like a grin

She pushed her way into the club. The walls were checkered orange, the carpet red. It was warm in here. Like walking from the bottom of the ocean into hell. Would that technically be down?

She handed her coat to the stallion.

You see the border of her coat is torn
And stained with sand

“It was just a car!”


“The... Stain. Got a bit splashed on me.”

You see the corner of her eye twist, like a crooked pin.

“Are you okay, Ms. Surprise?”

She sighed. “Perfectly fine. I’m perfectly fine. Never been better.”

“Is it true you’re taking time off?”

She nodded, as she went into the main room. She could feel his eyes on her as she left. She was sure she’d messed up something. He couldn’t have been surprised to meet a famous pony. Not at the Haberdashery, right? The ruler of all Equestria was in there.

No, he might have been staring anyway. The rich and famous were in there, of course, but there’s always more rich than famous. And she was plenty famous. She’d sung here once, before she started acting. Her lovely voice and full, blonde mane had earned her the nickname the Golden Mare. The stage curtain was still down, as she looked for the table at the back, where Maestro was, on the semicircle bench he always took, beside his orange bodyguard.

She haunted many a low resort
Near the grimy road of Trottenham Court

Will you please shut up?

She acted in many a praised bouffe
From The Rising Sun, to The Friend at Hoof
And the postman sighed as he scratched his head
“Who’d really have thought she’d now be dead?"

Did you just THREATEN me?

And who would ever suppose that there
Was Surprise Party, the Golden Mare?

She hustled to the table, and saw the look of concern on their patron’s face. He didn’t ask what was causing it. She told him enough times. She buried her head in his chest, and he grabbed her to him. She clutched his red velvet coat,

“I think she’s going to kill me.”

Surprise Party the Golden Mare
Surprise Party the Golden Mare

“It’s okay, Surprise. I’ve got you. She can’t hurt you as long as you’re with me.”

Who would have ever supposed that there
Was Surprise Party the Golden Mare

“Was she singing?” He asked. She silently nodded, holding onto him like a child.

I used the past tense, ‘cause you’re dead, see.

I got that.

So, it was you. But it’s not.

Yes, I know.

‘Cause you’re dead.

“JUST SHUT UP!” She cried out, exasperated.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Oh, they’re all looking at you now.

Maestro raised his hand to the audience they‘d acquired, “Just a bit of an argument. It’s all fine, now.” He looked around, “Besides. We’re not the show.” He gave one of his broad smiles. She liked those smiles. They were comforting. When she’d first met, she hadn’t liked them, but now... Everything was so right. So comforting. He was so warm. Hot, even.

“Listen, Surprise. I want you to listen to me.” He told her, pushing her away from him, just a bit. She straightened her back. She had to look as normal as she could, at least. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Look.” He motioned to the club, “We’re in a full room. You’re sitting next to the most powerful stallion in Equestria. And look at her.” He gave Scootaloo a firm pat on the shoulder. The powerfully built pegasus gave as much of a smile as she could.

“Really, look at her. I’ve seen workhorses not as big as her. Pinkamina can’t hurt you here.”

Just you watch me.

“She’s always cleverer than that anyway. So, just relax. You’re amongst friends. You’re safe. And there’s a new headliner here tonight. I’m taking Scootaloo to see her. I hear she’s as good as you are. The Haberdashery might have a new Golden Mare”

“As good as I am?”

“Almost.” He laughed, “Half as good. We’ll go with half. She can be the Iron Pyrite mare.”

Surprise gave a bit of a laugh at that, and Maestro laughed with her.

“See? I told you I could get you to smile.”

Yeah. Smile. Keep smiling. Smile smile smile, ‘cause soon I won’t let you stop.

She didn’t respond. Friends were here. She was safe here. She was safe with Maestro. He would protect her. He would protect everyone.

All I really need’s a smile smile smile
Expose your insides to sunshine, sunshine
All I really need’s a smile smile smile
From these happy friends of miiiiine

She sunk into the chair, resting her head on his shoulder. The words began to fade out as she did. Pinkamina wasn’t real. Pinkamina had never been real. She was a story. A good one, too. She’d worked for months to get the voice down. The right mix of high pitch, gravelly, and the up and down modulation of a birthday clown, so it would all come in perfectly. She had a lot to be proud of with Pinkamina, but Pinkamina was just a character. Just a voice and a script. Just some ideas in the minds of the writers. Words on a page. Ideas in a head. Voices on the radio. But, no matter what the voice tried to convince her, she wasn’t real.

There was no such pony as Pinkamina Diane Pie, and there never had been.