• Published 29th Jun 2015
  • 1,471 Views, 36 Comments

Snow and Wind - Princess OtakuGeek

The CMC think they saw a ghost, but what they really find is bigger than that and leads to the discovery and contact with a new yet familiar species. Let's just hope that they can be saved before everything is destroyed.

  • ...

We're Setting Out

After leaving the castle, the group boarded the first train to Ponyville that they could. As the train pulled out of the station and began its journey down the line, the CMC asked the question that they were dying to ask.

"So Flower, what does yer cutiemark mean?" Applebloom asked.

"Hmm? Oh you mean this?" She asked as she gestured to the mark of three flowers blowing in a wind.

"Yeah, I haven't seen any mark like it. So what's your talent?" Scootaloo asked. Even the adults were giving her attention, Twilight giving her the most.

"Well, it means that my talent is Wind Dancing." Flower Dance replied.

"Wind dancing? What's that?" Sweetie asked.

"Oh well, its this part of our culture." Flower Dance started and Twilight pulled out a notebook and quill. "A team of windigoes in their Snow Forms fly and dance in the air. It's much more amazing than that description, but honestly its hard to describe. And up until recently, I was in training to dance with the wind." She finished with a sad sigh and everyone automatically assumed that she was worried about her home.

"Hey now, honey, everthin' is gonna be alright now." Applejack said. "We're gonna do everthin' we can talk help y'all."

"Yeah! And then when we're done, I can throw everyone a big party!" Pinkie added with all the enthusiasm she had.

"We don't have parties, but we do have feasts." Flower commented.

"Ohhh feasts? What kinds of feasts? Big feasts? Fancy feasts? Or maybe luaus?" Pinkie Pie asked with all her usual enthusiasm.

"Mostly its all of us gathering together and eating good food together. Some will bring out instruments and play while others sing and dance along. Some will get together and play games too. Rough and tumble games like racing or wrestling and board games like Mancala or Chess. It's really lots of fun."

"It sounds like fun!" Pinkie agreed. "Maybe when we take care of those nasty snowstorms, then we can all have a feast!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow said cockily. "You guys probably just need a weather team. A few pegasi and problem solved." To their surprise, the filly shook her head.

"That won't work." She said. "We've already tried that and it didn't work."

"Say what now?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, it goes like this. Windigoes share similarities with ponies and one of those similarities is the fact that our kind come in three races as well." Flower Dance explained. "I'm a windigo earthpony. And so is my mom. But my dad is a windigo pegasus and I have several friends and relatives that are windigo unicorns."

The group took a moment to let that sink in and Twilight began to tremble. "REALLY!?!?" She exclaimed loudly with her quill and paper at the ready. "What are the differences between a windigo earthpony and a--mph!" She was cut off when Applejack jammed her hoof into her friend's mouth and pulled her back.

"Hey now Sugarcube, simmer down. Yer startin' ta spook her a little." True to Applejack's word, Flower Dance was currently pressed into the back of her seat. Twilight smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry about that. I was just so excited at the very idea of another breed of a familiar tribe!" She said with little stars spinning in her eyes. Very slowly, Flower Dance extracted herself from the back of her seat.

"Um...it's okay. I forgive you." She said unsteadily but growing stronger. Twilight looked like she was going to ask some questions, but Rarity stopped her by placing a hoof on her shoulder.

"Now Twilight, darling, you we love you as you are and your love of learning is a wonderful part of who you are." The white unicorn said. "But for now, I think it might be best to put your craving for knowledge on hold for a bit. After all, we've all got a big journey ahead of us that we need to prepare for."

That snapped Twilight out of it. "Ah, you're right. There's too much that needs to be done for me to indulge my love of learning at the moment. When we get home, I'm going to read what books in have on mountain exploration and survival then I'll compile a list of supplies that we'll need. Somepony will have to go talk to Scootaloo's parents so that they know what's going on."

"I'll go." Applejack volunteered. Twilight nodded.

"Thanks AJ. We'll also need to make arrangements for the animals since Spike is coming with us."

"I think I can figure that out." Fluttershy said. "I know a few ponies who wouldn't mind watching the pets. Even all the animals that I keep wouldn't be a problem."

"That's great news Fluttershy. You'll go talk to those ponies and see who can watch them." Twilight said.

"And I'll come with to help her." Rainbow offered. Twilight nodded approval and looked up to see the train slowing.

"Alright then girls, this is our stop. Let's get going!" The moment they were off the train, they parted ways. Twilight headed back to the castle while AJ headed to Scootaloo's house with the CMC, Flower Dance included, in tow. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew off and Pinkie Pie had disappeared.

❄✴❄ One Week Later ✴❄✴

A week had passed and the group was now ready for their journey. Fluttershy had asked Octavia and Vinyl if they could watch the animals since they were the only ones who were able to watch them for an indeterminate amount of time. After all, they didn't know exactly how long they would be gone. With the arrangements in place and after extracting a promise from Angel to be nice while she was gone, Fluttershy trotted down the road to her home on her way to the train station.

On her back was a large set of saddlebags specifically designed for mountain climbing and the like. They were large and filled with all the food and supplies needed for the journey. When she reached the train station, her friends and the fillies that were there were similarly packed. Even Rarity, who was known to bring piles of luggage, only had one set of saddlebags. But they were admittedly a stylish set of saddlebags.

"My, what a lovely bag Rarity." Fluttershy complimented.

"Isn't it?" Rarity flaunted lightly. "I figured since we're going to be seeing windigoes, a snowflake and wind theme would be appropriate. With some splashs of color of course."

"Of course ya dolled up yer pack." Applejack commented as she approached the station. With her was Applebloom and Flower Dance, all of them wearing packs as well. For Flower Dance, she wore a pack and the saddlebags that she'd come with.

As they trotted up the stairs to the platform, Applejack cast a scrutinizing eye around. "Alright, so where's the rest?" She asked.

"Why, whatever do you mean Applejack?" Rarity asked. The farmpony gave her friend a flat stare with a raised brow that clearly said 'really?'

"When we went on that camping trip, y'all brought a whole wagonload of luggage." She answered. Rarity tittered politely.

"Oh Applejack, a camping trip is one thing." She said. "But this time, we'll be mountain climbing. And it this case, its best to pack much lighter than I usually would."

Applejack continued with her flat look. "Twilight insisted you pack like that didn't she?"

Instantly, Rarity's head drooped and the aura around her became gloomy. "She practically supervised me." She admitted then straightened out. "But I've been trying to put a positive spin on it. Though I will miss my curling iron very much."

Applejack lay a hoof her back and patted. "Don't worry. You'll survive."

"Alright then, it looks like everypony is here." Twilight said as she and Spike arrived. "Does everyone have everything?" Everyone nodded, though Rarity's nod was much slower. "Perfect! Looks like we're all ready to go and just in time to catch the first train to the Empire!"


"Are you absolutely certain that you don't need me to come with you?" Shining Armor asked worriedly. Cadence sighed a little aggravatedly. She loved her husband dearly, but with how he'd been acting the whole week as she was preparing, she was almost tempted to run into the mountains right then, with or without her pack.

"Of course dear. Remember, this isn't just an exploration, its also a diplomatic mission. As the ruler of the Crystal Empire, I have a duty to represent the Empire."

"Then why not let me, or even a gaurd come to make sure you reach your destination?" Shining pleaded. Cadence sighed once again.

"You have to stay here to protect the Empire." She said gently. "Also, if what Aunty has told me about these windigoes is true, don't you think having soldiers marching into their homeland would raise a few alarms? Especially at this time?"

"I understand all that, but I still don't like the idea of you and Twily traipsing about that mountain." Shining defended.

"We have a guide so you don't need to worry about us getting lost." Cadence pointed out.

"A guide that, as I recall, is a filly."

"A very brave filly who risked a lot to travel to Canterlot, might I add." Cadence's patience was starting to wear a little thin.

"Granted, this Flower Dance is brave. But I still don't like the idea of--" the unicorn was halted when his wife spun around and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Shiny, you know that I love you dearly, but would you please stop fussing. I'm not that helpless. In fact, I think Twilight and I have saved your flank more than you." She finished with a teasing smirk that made Shining Armor blush in embarrassment.

"Only a few times." He mumbled. Cadence smiled sweetly and kissed him again. This time it was longer and more passionate.

"I know." She said when she broke away. "And you're still my brave and daring knight in shining armor." She giggled at her own joke. "But for Faust's sake, stop fussing over me like you're my mother. Twily and I can take care of ourselves not to mention we aren't going to be alone. Remember Twilight's friends will be coming as well and they're all very capable mares. So don't you trust us or even me?"

"Mmmm." Shining hummed apprehensively as he tried to resist his wife's gorgeous, pleading eyes. And he was failing spectacularly. Finally, he sighed in complete defeat. "Yes I trust you. Just promise me that you and Twilight will come home safely?"

"We will." Cadence said with a third kiss, this time planted on his cheek. "No promise necessary. We'll all be just fine."

"Okay." He said in a more relaxed tone before pulling Cadence closer. "And before you leave, how about one for the road?"

Cadence smiled a little sultry. "I think I can manage that." And without hesitation, their lips crashed into each other in a kiss so long and deep that the guards in the hallway began to blush. Finally they broke away from each other.

"Well that was fantastic." Cadence said. "In any case, Twilight's train will be coming in any time so I've got to run. I'll see you as soon as I can!" And with that she left her husband still reeling with joy from that kiss. He was snapped out of it when he heard his guards snickering a little. Instantly he straightened and replaced his goofy grin with a serious expression.

"As you were stallions!" He said and they snapped at attention. "As you know, we are charged with the task of guarding the Empire while the Princess is away so lets not disappoint!"

A yellow pegasus snorted a little. "Yes sir and may I pose a question?"

"Yes Flash Sentry."

"Think you can teach me how to go for so long without coming up for air?" Flash asked with a wry smile and a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Shut up Flash!" Shining snapped though with the bright red staining his muzzle, the soldier only collapsed into laughter.


When the train finally pulled into the station, the group disembarked and looked around for a certain pink alicorn. They didn't have to look for long as Cadence quite literally stood out from everyone else on the not so crowded platform. She'd done her mane and tail up in braids that were pinned up in a way that they wouldn't get in the way and she was already wearing her jacket, boots, scarf, hat and other warm implements.

"Cadence!" Twilight cried out and the two then proceeded with their traditional greeting. When they were done, they laughed and hugged each other. "It's been a while."

"Much too long if you ask me." Cadence said with a good natured smile. "Since we'll be starting from here, I got dressed already. You all might want to do the same. It gets pretty cold from her on."

They nodded and moved into the station where they were able to get a fair sized room to themselves. Having two princesses with you doe's have its perks of course. As they all slipped out of their packs to pull on their coats, Flower Dance, who was closest to Rarity, reached into her own bags. Noticing a flash of yellow and pink, Rarity glanced in Flower's direction. The next moment, everyone found themselves almost deafened by Rarity's squeal of delight.

Glancing in her direction, they saw that Flower Dance was sitting on her haunches blinking as she held out her forelegs in a way that suggested that she'd been holding something. Next to her, Rarity was holding in her magic a bright yellow filly sized cloak with a high collered, thick light pink sweater. Both were made from the same material and what amazed them all was the embroidery. While the pink sweater only had embroidery as a trim on the collor, sleeves and hem, the cloak was covered in it. And both were breathtaking.

"Well cover me in honey an call me a bee." Applejack said as she gawked. The others could only silently agree with her sentiments.

The embroidery in question was much more elaborate than anything they'd seen before and the general theme was flowers and snowflakes. Some of the flowers had a snowflake-like look and vice versus, all blowing in embroider wind. And Rarity was looking over it all with a look of ecstasy.

"My goodness. I have never seen such magnificent patterns or such beautiful stitchwork." She said as stars literally spun in her eyes. "And this fabric is glorious. Where, pray tell, did you get this wonderful ensemble?"

"My mom made it." Flower Dance answered as if it wasn't that big of a deal. "She sewed it, embroidered it, even wove the cloth it was made of and spun the thread."

"Your mother made all of this by hoof?" Twilight asked. Flower Dance shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's not unusual." Flower Dance replied. "Being able to sew, spin, weave and embroider is a very important part of our culture. My mom's actually teaching me those skills."

"But these patterns and stitches are more complex than anything I've seen done by hoof." Twilight said. "Even patterns done by horn!"

"Mom has told me that in all of Equestria, windigoes have the most fine tuned hoof magic." Flower said before turning to Rarity who was now stroking the garments in a way that wasn't creepy at all. "Um........can I have my clothes back now?" Rarity gasped like she'd been pulled out of a daydream, or something of the sort.

"Ah! So very sorry!" She apologized as she levitated the sweater and cloak into Flower's arms. "It was just so beautiful and the fabric! Silky soft and warm too."

"Let's not forget durable, water-proof and stain resistant." Flower Dance added casually as she pulled the sweater over her head. Rarity however, looked like she was about to swoon.

"It sounds like a wonderful fabric." She said happily. "Do tell, where do you get the materials to make such a fabric?"

"We get it when we gather together on Shearing Day." Flower Dance said as she stuck her forelegs into the sleeves and buttoned the high collar with a single button shaped like a flower with leaves on either side that had swirling patterns.

"Shearing day? Wait, do you shear your coats on this Shearing Day?" Twilight asked, eager to gather as much information as possible.

"Uh-huh. At the start of the Warm Season, everyone gathers together and help each other with shearing off their coats." Flower said as she threw her cloak across her back and pinned it in front with a clasp that was shaped like a flower cradling a snowflake.

"Really?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Flower nodded. "Mmhm. Everyone shears off their coats, but by the time the Cold Season returns, their coats have grown long and thick again."

"So its like sheep eh?" Applejack said ponderously. "So why do y'all make those coats inta clothes?"

"Mom and Dad have always taught me that the number one rule of the mountains is to make use of everything." Flower Dance said. "And since its so useful, we don't just use it to make clothes. We use it to make all kinds of things from clothes and blankets to saddlebags like mine." At this, she scooped up her saddlebags and put them on her back. "I wasn't kidding when I said it was durable."

"Fascinating, so what's it like being shorn?" Twilight asked. Flower Dance shrugged.

"I've never actually been shorn yet, but I've seen my family get shorn before, so I can tell you what I've seen." Flower said. "First, on the night before, everyone makes sure to bathe real good. Then they pin their manes and tails back so they won't be in the way and then--"

"Wait wait wait." Rainbow interrupted. "You've never been shorn?"

"Not yet. Only the older windigoes get shorn. I'm not old enough to have my First Shearing yet."

"So you have to reach a certain age before you can start shearing?" Twilight asked and received a nod of confirmation. "So when will you be old enough to be shorn?"

"Mom says that fillies and colts don't start courting until their First Shearing." Flower Dance said bluntly. Twilight blinked once.

"Soooooooo......around sixteen?" She guessed.

"Uh-huh." Flower said with a nod. "Dad says its like a rite of passage. It means I'm growing up from a filly to a mare. And then he starts going on how he doesn't want to lose his little filly. And he tends to be a little scary to stallions that my sisters bring home." All the adults laughed at the very fatherly actions and Applebloom instantly picked up on one of the things she said.

"Wait, y'all said sisters so does that mean ya have siblings?" She asked.

"I sure do!" Flower exclaimed excitedly. "Let's see, there's the oldest, Crystal Flake. She's already old enough that she's moved out to her own home and she has a husband. He's real nice. Next is the triplets, Wind Sheer, Rose Step and Heart Whisperer. They're a stallion, mare and mare respectively. Then there was Wind Runner. He's a competitive racer! And Sweet Step came next. She's very quiet, but she also very, well, sweet. And after Sweet Step came Sky Rider. He's very big and also quiet. But he's also very strong. Then came me and my twin sister Mountain Mint."

"You're a twin?" Scootaloo interrupted.

"Yeah, but I'm not finished yet so don't interrupt." Flower said before clearing her throat to continue. "Anyways, after us, there came Snow Bunny and like a bunny, she can be very bouncy. Then there's our newest sibling, little Green Leaf. He was actually born this past Warm Season so he's still very little."

"He sounds so cute!" Sweetie squealed. "I can't wait to see him!"

"It sounds like you've got an awful lot of siblings." Fluttershy commented and Flower Dance shrugged.

"What can I say? Lots of windigoes, including my parents, love big families. I'm not the only one with lots of siblings."

"Spike, are you getting all this?" Twilight asked the little dragon.

"Every word Twilight." The little dragon confirmed. "But I also think we've gotten a little off track. Didn't we come in here in the first place to put on our coats and stuff?"

"Ah! You're completely right Spikey wikey!" Rarity said and the dragon looked ready to fly. "Twilight, I am very sorry for pulling us off track in the first place."

"No no, its alright. Remember, I started questioning too." Twilight answered.

"And before we all start playing the blame game, why don't we get ourselves dressed so that we can get started on this expedition." Cadence cut in and everyone agreed.


Flower Dance wasn't kidding when she said the winds were strong and harsh. By the time the reached the best place to enter the mountains, even Rainbow Dash had to hoof it or else she'd be blown away. Even though they were all wearing goggles to help them see better, Flower's only response to the high winds was to pull up her cloak's hood.

"Um, Flower Dance?" Cadence asked though her words were lightly muffled by the mask covering her muzzle. "Are you sure you're alright without goggles? Or even a scarf?"

"Don't worry Miss Cadence. I can see perfectly well in this snow. And we're almost there!" She shouted out so everyone could hear her.

After a few more minutes of trudging through snow, wind and ice with Flower Dance as their guild since she knew the best place to enter the mountains by hoof, the filly stopped and turned.

"We're here!" She shouted as she gestured behind her. The ponies took the time to look up at where she was pointing. Behind her was a sheer rock face that went straight up and disappeared into the snow clouds.

"This is the best way in?!" Rainbow cried out. "Even if there wasn't this wind and snow, even I couldn't fly over this!!!"

"There's a path!" Flower Dance replied calmly, though still shouting to be heard. "If you look closely, you can see it! It's narrow and hard to traverse, but its the only way! My people know it as The Mountain's Path! Also, whenever we traverse this path, the fillies and colts ride on the adult's back!"

"Right then." Applejack said before crouching down. "Applebloom, get on." The little filly complied, settling between her sister's pack and her neck. Sweetie Belle was also ushered onto Rarity's back and Scootaloo onto Rainbow Dash's. Spike also rode Twilight and Cadence scooped Flower Dance onto hers.

From Cadence's back, Flower Dance guided them to the entrance to the path and like she said, it was narrow. So narrow that they had to walk single file. Cadence and Flower Dance went first, followed by Twilight and Spike. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity with their respective sisters came behind with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie bringing up the rear.

The Mountain's Path, as they quickly discovered, wasn't just narrow. It was also covered in ice and water making it very slick. Coupled with that and the unpleasant drop, the seven mare were encouraged to be careful where they put their hooves. This made for some fairly slow progress, but progress nevertheless. There were a few close calls, but otherwise, the hike up the path went by fairly uneventful. After hours of tiphoofing up the narrow path, a certain polychromatic pegasus was getting a little fed up.

"Ugh! It's been two whole hours, are we there yet!?" She called out in exasperation.

"Really Dash?! Yer gonna be that pony?!" Applejack hollered out in reply.

"Well excuse me for being a little fed up!" Rainbow snapped back. "It's freezing out here and we're moving at a snail's pace! And don't even get me started on how cold Spike and the fillies are!"

Glancing over their shoulders, Applejack and Rarity knew that she was right. The CMC, who were each hugging their elder sibling's neck, had nuzzled themselves closer for warmth and each mare could feel their shivering through their layers. Scootaloo had been trying to act tough, but even she was shivering. Spike was faring a bit better as one of the advantages of being a dragon, even a baby one, was the ability to breath fire. But even that had limits. The only filly that wasn't shivering was Flower Dance, on account of her being built for this kind of weather. But even she had limits and it was starting to show.

"It's not far now!" Flower called out. "Just a little longer and we'll reach a rest stop at the end of the path!"

"A rest stop?! Out here?!" Twilight asked.

"Often, at the ends or along paths, special caves will be set up for travelers and merchants to rest and warm up!" Flower explained. "These caves will be set up will what amenities are needed for weary travelers! And many even have naturally occurring hot springs! At the end of The Mountain's Path is one such cave! And it's not much longer! Just stick with it and be careful! This part of the path well known for--" she was cut of suddenly by a rumble that sounded like stone grinding stone.

"Rockslides." She finished as pebbles started raining down with increasing frequency and size. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was coming.

"Hayseeds." The first word to come out of Applejack's mouth in that moment, simultaneously summed up their thoughts and snapped them out of their stupor.

In an instant, Cadence's horn lit up and a shield formed over the group, just in time to block the much bigger rocks that hit and cracked it.

"I'm not as good at shields as Shiny is, so everypony, move move move!" She called out. They didn't need to be told twice.

As quickly as they could on a narrow, slick path they rushed forward. More and more rocks hit the shield and cracked it even more. Seeing this, Twilight cast a second shield just before the first broke. It was much more durable than Cadence's shield, but it still wasn't as good as Shining Armor's and it was also beginning to sport cracks as well.

"Look! Over there!" Flower Dance called out as she pointed forward. Everyone turned to look. Straight ahead, the path inclined a bit before going over a ridge and disappearing from sight.

"That's the end of the path!" She shouted. "We just need to get over that ridge and we're safe!"

This filled them with new vigor and they pressed forward a little faster. Fast enough that Fluttershy lost her footing and might've gone back down the mountain the hard way if Pinkie hadn't caught her and pulled her up.

"C'mon Flutters!" Pinkie encouraged after setting her on her hooves. "Remember, we're almost there!"

When they hit the incline, their pace slowed down considerable. The wind was even blowing against them as they pushed upwards through ice and a rockslide that was moments away from breaking through Twilight's shield. Then they climbed over the ridge and found themselves sliding a short distance down to aa small valley-like dip in the terrain. And not far from them was a cave entrance that Twilight felt was safe to say was the rest stop that Flower Dance had mentioned.

But first, she wanted to catch her breath. A sentiment that was shared by almost everyone in the group. Honestly, she felt like there were limits to how often a pony could cheat death like that. Flower Dance however, only moved away from the collapsed Cadence and surveyed the the 'valley'.

"We *huff* made it. *wheeze*" Twilight finally panted out.

"Woohoo." Rainbow replied unenthusiastically with a weak hoof pump that quickly dropped back to the snow. The others have similar reactions.

"Indeed we have." Flower Dance said. "We call this place, Traveler's Respite because this is where those who travel the Mountain's Path rest before continuing on. We are now officially in my homeland." Flower Dance then turned her gaze to the towering stone peaks around them.

"Welcome to the Northern Mountains." She announced.