• Published 29th Jun 2015
  • 1,469 Views, 36 Comments

Snow and Wind - Princess OtakuGeek

The CMC think they saw a ghost, but what they really find is bigger than that and leads to the discovery and contact with a new yet familiar species. Let's just hope that they can be saved before everything is destroyed.

  • ...

You're a Windigo?! Awesome!!

For several seconds there was silence as the CMC stared at Flower Dance, who'd suddenly found her hooves to be the most interesting thing in the world.

"So, yer a windigo?" Applebloom finally asked. Flower Dance only nodded confirmation. Silence pervaded for a few moments longer.

"That is...awesome!!" Scootaloo exclaimed and Flower Dance jumped in bewilderment.

"W-what?" She asked in an equally bewildered tone. Scootaloo grinned and slung her foreleg across Flower's back.

"You heard me!" She said. "You're not as awesome as Rainbow Dash, but that's still pretty awesome!"

Flower Dance blinked. "I'm sorry, I guess I just expected you to react differently."

"Whatcha mean by that?" Applebloom asked. Flower Dance pulled out of Scootaloo's grasp.

"Well, I'm a windigo." She explained. "Don't you know the story of Hearths Warming?"

"Of course we do." Sweetie Belle answered. "Our class puts on a pageant every year. Last year, Scootaloo played...the...windigo... Oh."

Flower Dance nodded. "Because of my ancestors, your ancestors were driven from their home." She said. "That's how ponykind views us. I expected you to be scared or angry."

"But we aren't." Sweetie pointed out.

"Yeah, and besides, that all happened over a thousand years ago." Scootaloo continued. "And why would I be upset about something that happened a thousand years ago?"

"Plus, if ya look at it this way, tha' three tribes united because of the windigoes," Applebloom added. "True it was sorta like 'united against a common enemy', but that's beside the point. And anyway, Scoots is right. What happened is ancient history and there's no point in being upset about it."

Flower Dance relaxed like a weight had suddenly dropped off her shoulders. "That's good to hear." She said. "I hope other ponies share your opinions."

"Wait, doe's that mean we're the first ponies you've met?" Sweetie Belle asked. Flower Dance nodded.

"Ever since I started my journey, I've seen other ponies, but I've been too afraid to approach because I didn't know how they'd react." She explained. "So I've been keeping out of sight by traveling through wooded areas and the like. Sometimes even only at night. Then I came across this place and I've been staying here, both so I can rest and so I can pluck up my courage for the last leg of my trip."

"Oh, so you're on a trip?" Sweetie asked. "Where are you headed to?"

"Canterlot." She answered.

"Canterlot eh?" Applebloom hummed. "Yeah, Ah can see why you'd be a little hesitant. It's a pretty big city with not a lot of trees and stuff you can hide in. So why are ya travelin' such a long way?"

Flower Dance's expression became grim. "I need to see the princesses as soon as possible." She said seriously. However, before any of them could ask her why there were three sudden shouts that made all of them jump in surprise.




The next instant, the fillies in question were practically tackled by their respective sisters and sister figure. Rushing into the room behind them were the three other mares. None of them noticed Flower Dance.

"Sweet Celestia Applebloom!" Applejack exclaimed. "Now what have I told you about going into the Everfree?"

"Sorry AJ." Applebloom apologized.

"Yeah, we didn't mean to freak you out," Scootaloo said.

"You three have half of Ponyville looking all over for you girls!" Rainbow said sternly. "We came here because we suspected you'd be here."

"Indeed." Rarity said in an equally stern tone. "Expect some form of punishment when we get home. Now, are you alright?"

Sweetie Belle fended off her sister's examination and pushed out of her grasp. The other two Crusaders followed her example. "Yes, we're all perfectly fine," Sweetie answered for the group. "And yeah, we figured we'd receive punishments, but guess what? We made a new friend!"

"New friend?" Applejack asked as the girls ran to flank the fourth filly who hadn't moved from her spot on the blanket.

"Sis, and everypony else, we'd like ya ta meet our new friend, Flower Dance!" Applebloom said before turning to Flower. "Flower Dance, this is Mah big sister Applejack!"

"And my big sister, Rarity!" Sweetie jumped in.

"And this is my sister figure, Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo added.

"Uh-huh." Applebloom agreed. "And these are their friends, Fluttershy, Princess Twilight Sparkle and-"

"Pinkie Pie!!" A pink pony interrupted as she suddenly appeared in front of Flower Dance. At the sudden appearance, Flower Dance let out a shriek of surprise and backpedaled so fast she fell on her back. Twilight instantly wrapped her magic around Pinkie and pulled her back while Fluttershy let out a gasp and moved to help the filly up, but she was preempted by the CMC, who was closer.

"Oh, my!" Fluttershy said as Flower Dance got to her hooves. "A-are you alright?"

"Yeah." Flower Dance said as she brushed herself off. "I'm more surprised than hurt."

"I'm very sorry about Pinkie." Twilight apologized. "She tends to get a little excited when she meets new ponies. Anyways, what are you doing out here in the Everfree forest?"

"I've sorta been traveling a long way." Flower Dance answered. "And I've been using forests and out of the way places."

"Why ever would you do that?" Rarity asked. "Wouldn't it be safer to use the main roads?"

Flower Dance started to fidget nervously so Sweetie Belle stepped in. "She didn't want to draw unwanted attention to herself because she's a windigo."

Twilight just laughed. "Oh Sweetie Belle, first ghosts now windigoes?" She said. "You girls really have active imaginations. Nopony's seen a windigo in centuries. And even if they were still around, they're winter spirits, which means they don't have bodies." She then turned to Flower Dance with an apologetic look. "No offense meant to you, but I have a hard time believing that you're a windigo. Though judging by your appearance, I don't doubt that you're a subspecies of some sort."

"I'm not offended." Flower Dance said. "But these three fillies are telling the tru-" Flower Dance was suddenly cut off by a loud grumble from her stomach. "Ah! Sorry. I haven't had a lot to eat for the past few days. Though I did enjoy some of the snacks these three brought."

Applejack cast her gaze at the 'picnic' blanket and the snacks in question. Then she 'tsked' good-naturedly and placed a hoof on Flower Dance's back. "Sugarcube, that ain't real food." She said warmly. "C'mon and we can treat ya to a meal at Sweet Apple Acres."

"That sounds good." Flower Dance said with a smile at the prospect of a meal. Then she pulled out from the farm pony's grasp. "But first I need to grab my saddlebags."

"Y'all got saddlebags?" Applebloom asked. Flower Dance nodded.

"Yeah. I wasn't completely sure about you girls, so I left them on that rafter up there." She pointed up and in the direction of the rafter.

"Hmm, its pretty high up, but I can snag it easy," Dash said. But before she could zoom up, Flower Dance stopped her.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can get up there just fine." She said confidently and the Crusaders spotted a small mischievous smirk on her face. None of the older mares noticed it however and Rainbow scoffed.

"No offense, but it doesn't look like you can climb up there, especially in this darkness and I don't see any wings on your back. So how do you plan on...getting...up...there...?"

As Rainbow Dash had been speaking, Flower Dance had closed her eyes and after a moment her body changed into that of shifting blue and white mist, her mane into pink and yellow mist and the back half dissolved into trailing mist. And when she opened her eyes again, they were now a pair of glowing white orbs. As the six mares gaped, Flower Dance flew up to the rafter and briefly disappeared from sight before reappearing with a pair of white mist saddlebags. She then floated back down and shifted back to her solid form along with her white saddlebags that were decorated with a pink and yellow flower. Even as she secured her saddlebags and helped her friends repack and set their own saddlebags on their backs, the mares remain stock still and gaping.

"Um...so are we going?" The simple question from Flower Dance snapped the mares from their stupors and they stared at her for a moment longer. Then Twilight spoke.

"Y-you weren't kidding when you said she was a windigo." Was all she managed before passing out.


Flower Dance woke as the sun poured in through the window. For a moment she was confused as her mind jumped back several weeks. Then her memories came rushing back and she relaxed. After snapping from their stupor last night and waking Twilight they then proceeded to leave the forest. Twilight rushed back to her castle to do some research and the other girls left to take the girls home and inform the search parties that the Crusaders were safe. Applejack, Applebloom and Flower Dance went to Sweet Apple Acres and Flower Dance had been able to enjoy a tasty and hearty meal. The first in a long time. After dinner, she'd been led upstairs to the guest bedroom. It felt odd sleeping in her own room, but Flower Dance shook it off and climbed out to bed. Downstairs, Applejack was preparing breakfast when the sound of hooves coming down drew her attention to the stairs.

"Mornin' Flower Dance." The farmpony greeted the filly as she came in and settled in a chair at the table.

"Good morning miss Applejack." She replied. Applejack chuckled and placed a bowl of cornmeal mush in front of her.

"Hey now, none of that 'Ms' or 'Mrs' stuff." She chided gently. "Just Applejack is fine, though Mah friends an' family-like ta' call me AJ."

"Oh, okay. Thank very much for you're home and hospitality Applejack!" Flower Dance said cheerfully.

"Well, yer very welcome. But Y'all don't need ta be so formal about it." Applejack said with a kind smile.

"Back home it is the customary thanks for someone who's opened their home to you." Flower Dance explained innocently.

"Is that right?" Applejack asked. "Well, Ah can't fault ya fer havin' different customs. Jus' promise me Y'all won't go too far with her thanks."

"Okay!" Flower Dance said before grabbing a spoon and digging into her breakfast.


Twilight flipped through her book studying its contents. Dissatisfied with the information, she let out a yell of frustration and threw it. Spike, who was in the book's path, quickly ducked the flying tome.

"Ugh!! Nothing! I can't believe I can't find next to nothing on windigoes!" She fumed.

"Have you tried the books from the old castle library?" Spike asked as he gathered up Twilight's discarded books. Including the one that had almost clocked him upside the head. "Those books are like a thousand years old so they must have something."

"I have tried that." Twilight continued to seethe at the lack of information. "And unfortunately, back then windigo sightings were rare to the point that not a lot of ponies didn't know about them. What information we had on them was essential 'their winter spirits that feed on hatred and fighting and make things colder'. And as if that wasn't enough, ever since the Great Exodus and founding of Equestria, no one has seen a single windigo!" Twilight then buried her head into the table as far as she could.

"And now we have a filly windigo," Spike said casually as he slid books back into their spots. Twilight's head instantly snapped up and an instant later she had teleported in front of Spike. The drake yelped and dropped his books as he backpedaled. Twilight leaned right in front of his face with eager excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"Say that again." She said with an eagerness that sent small chills up Spike's spine.

"Um...that we now have a windigo filly?" He asked tentatively.

Twilight jumped back and looked ready to be bouncing on her hooftips. "Of course Spike!" She squealed like a schoolfilly. "Don't you see? For the first time in a thousand years, we've not only found a windigo, we've also made contact with one! That's something nopony's ever done before! And now we have a chance to learn about them!! Their culture, traditions, beliefs, history, everything!!! She can teach us everything about her kind!!"

"But isn't she a filly?" Spike asked. As Twilight had been going on, the dragon had picked himself up and resumed reshelving the books. "I mean, she's a little older than the Crusaders, but we don't teach our colts and fillies everything right off the bat. She's probably still learning a few things about her culture as well." It took only a moment for that point to hit home, but when it did Twilight calmed considerably.

"You're right Spike." She said a little glumly. But before a beat could pass, she perked back, though her excitement was more restrained than before. "But that doesn't mean she doesn't know anything. Not to mention she probably isn't the only windigo. If we could take her back home, then I'm sure I could meet some other windigoes that could fill in the blanks!"

Twilight's horn lit up and she began gathering notebooks, paper, quills, and ink. "Ohhh! This is so exciting!!"

Spike cleared his throat to get the alicorn's attention. "It's great to see you excited, but I think you're forgetting that this is kinda something you should tell Celestia about."

"Ah! I nearly forgot about that!" Twilight exclaimed. "Of course the discovery, or rediscovery, of a species and possible nation would be something Celestia would be interested in. Or at the very least should be notified about." Twilight smiled and floated a quill and scroll over to Spike's waiting claws. "What would I do without my number one assistant?"

Spike smiled and blushed. "Aw c'mon. You're making me blush." He then straightened up and held the quill over the paper. "Now, what would you like to say to the Princess?"

Twilight cleared her throat to begin. "Dear Princess Celestia, its been a while since my last letter but unfortunately I have to drop pleasantries as there is a matter that I must inform you on...."


A fact that not many ponies knew about raising the sun and moon was that it tended to be more taxing than one might guess. After centuries of practice with their respective celestial bodies, however, Celestia and Luna only found themselves incredibly hungry. And it was for that reason that every breakfast and dinner tended to be large and hearty.

And so thus it was that Celestia and Luna were just finishing breakfast when a curl of magic smoke flew in and solidified into a scroll with Twilight's seal. Ever since she'd become an alicorn, Twilight hardly ever sent any letters, so naturally, Celestia was intrigued as to what would print her former student to send her one. A part of her hoped it was a social letter, but she doubted that. Celestia levitated the scroll over to herself and broke the seal to open the scroll. As she read the letter, her eyebrows rose in interest. Seeing this, Luna looked at her curiously and Celestia lowered the scroll, she spoke.

"What doe's Twilight says in her letter that peaks thy interest?" The Lunar Princess asked. Celestia didn't say anything. Instead, she passed the letter to Luna for her to read. As she read, Luna's reaction was like her sister's.

"Windigoes?" She asked as she passed the letter back to Celestia. "It hath been many centuries since we have heard tell of windigoes. Save of course the Hearths Warming pageant."

"Indeed. And I must admit that I am myself curious about this new species." Celestia hummed in interest.

"Might I remind you, sister, that the windigoes aren't so much new as they are rediscovered." Luna pointed out.

"Ah, but remember that what little we knew of them was that they were winter spirits without a body," Celestia spoke. "Yet this Flower Dance appears to have a form similar to a pony. It's entirely possible that we're looking at some form of evolution of the windigoes we've known." Celestia paused for a beat then she summoned her own quill and paper. "I must meet this little windigo. Do you wish to join me, Lulu?"

Normally after lowering the moon and eating breakfast, Luna would then retreat to her chambers and sleep for much of the day since she always stayed up at night. So for a moment, she contemplated her options. "I believe I can stay awake long enough." She finally said. "I am also as curious as you are about this windigo. Though they should come as soon as possible as it was a remarkably long night for me."

"I'll send a chariot to bring them," Celestia said with a smile. After writing on the scroll for a bit, she paused and looked up. "Lulu, a thought has just occurred to me."

"What is that, Tia?" Luna asked.

"While Flower Dance is a windigo and a remarkable discovery, she is also by all accounts a young filly who is a long ways away from home," Celestia said. "And in addition, I am now asking that she come see us. I am well aware that under normal circumstances, our ponies tend to be a little intimidated by us. I can imagine that in these circumstances, she might be more than intimidated."

Luna tapped her chin in thought. "What if she were with ponies her age?" She suggested. "Did Twilight's letter not say that she made friends with a certain trio of fillies that she has mentioned before? What did they call themselves again?"

Celestia smiled knowingly. "The Cutiemark Crusaders. As I recall their individual names are Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom." She then began writing again. "I shall ask Twilight to allow them to accompany Flower Dance." With her letter finished, she rolled it up and sealed before sending it off with a flash of magic. Now that the letter was sent, she stood up and began to leave. "Now, I must prepare my fastest chariots."

Luna trotted after her and followed Celestia until they reached a place where they're paths diverged. "And I shall take a small nap so I shall be well rested and ready when our guests come. Send for me when they do."

"Of course sister." Celestia nodded. Luna nodded back and trotted towards her room. Once there she collapsed onto her bed with a sigh.


"We get to meet the princesses! We get to meet the princesses! We get to see the princesses!" The CMC were chanting as the rode on their chariot with Flower Dance, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack. In a second chariot was Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

"Alright now Y'all, settle down." Applejack called out over their excited squeals. "We're just' goin' ta see the princesses cause they wanna meet Flower Dance. It's nothin' big."

"But we've never met both of the princesses like this," Sweetie whined slightly.

"Yeah, and you're saying that because you get to see the princesses all the time," Scootaloo added. Applejack glared at her. It wasn't the farm pony's worst glare, but it was enough to let the pegasus filly know that she and her friends were still in hot water.

"Y'all are only coming 'cause Celestia thought it would help Flower Dance feel more comfortable, given the circumstances." Applejack replied. "Ifn' it was up ta me, Y'all would be back home, grounded! So settle down an' sit tight. A flyin' chariot ain't no place ta be ponying around like Y'all are."

"Yes, ma'am." All three said in stereo as they settled back in their seats. Fluttershy, who was sitting next to the fidgeting windigo filly, stretched her wing out to cover Flower Dance's back.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked softly.

"Just a little nervous." Flower Dance admitted. "I have no idea what to say to the princesses."

"Don't worry about that," Fluttershy said. "I'm sure that they won't force you to speak if you don't want to."

"But I need to speak to them!" Flower Dance objected. "The whole time I was traveling across Equestria, I've been going over what to say to the princesses. But now that I'm almost there, I've got butterflies in my stomach and the words just don't come out right."

"Oh, so you've been traveling to meet the princesses?" Fluttershy asked.

Flower Dance nodded. "It's part of the reason why I'm so far from home." She said softly.

"And what's the other part?"

"Um...well I'll explain when we met the princesses." Flower Dance promised.

"Okay. I don't mind if you want to keep it to yourself." Fluttershy said.

"Thanks." Flower Dance said. Then she glanced over the side of the chariot. "We're starting to near that castle over there." She observed as the chariot was indeed descending. "Looks like its the moment of truth."

"Hey, don't worry," Scootaloo said as she leaned against her. "Even though you already have your cutiemark, you can consider yourself an honorary Cutiemark Crusader."

"Yeah. Jus' stick with us an everythin' will be okay." Applebloom added.

Flower Dance smiled a weakly. "I hope you're right." She said a little ominously.


Celestia was sitting on a cushion in her study looking over official documents as she waited for Twilight and friends. And Flower Dance. When her guards told her that the chariots she'd sent to retrieve them were arriving, she'd sent a Night Guard to wake her sister then went to her study with instructions given to the guards to bring them when they came. The door opened and Celestia looked up as Luna trotted in and dropped onto a pile of cushions next to her sister.

"Hey, Lulu. How was your nap?" She said casually as she lay the documents on the desk. Luna shot her sister a soft glare.

"Short." She answered simply. "I'm assuming that Twilight is here since you sent somepony to wake me."

"Even as we speak, my guards are bringing them here," Celestia said with a smile. As if on cue, the doors opened again and a guard stepped in.

"Announcing, the Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony and-" He paused and leaned down when a small orange hoof tapped his leg. An orange pegasus filly leaned up as far as she could and whispered in his ear. When she was done, she stepped back and the Guard stood back up. "And the Cutiemark Crusaders." He finished. He then stepped aside to admit the mares and fillies in question. And trailing behind was a filly that Celestia could safely assume was Flower Dance based on the description Twilight had sent her.

Celestia smiled warmly in welcome. "Hey, there little windigo." She greeted the filly. "Come here so I can look at you better."

Flower Dance hesitated then Applebloom leaned in and whispered into her ear. Whatever she said seemed to give Flower Dance some courage and she slowly started towards the princesses.

"...um...hey." She started nervously. Celestia gave her a motherly smile and extended her wing to cover the smaller form.

"There is nothing to fear here little one." She spoke in a soothing motherly tone.

"Um...sorry Princess." Flower Dance apologized. "It's just that I've been traveling to speak to both of you and now I'm choking on my words."

"You wished to speak with us little one?" Luna asked.

"Mmhm." Flower Dance hummed as she nodded. "I was in the Everfree plucking up my courage and trying to figure out how to get an audience with you. I was starting to think I wouldn't get an audience and now here I am. Bonnie, Faust and The Hearth Fire must be looking out for me."

The ponies were very familiar with Bonnie and Faust, but they'd never heard of this Hearth Fire. Twilight made a note of it to ask later and focused back on the conversation.

"Well, whoever was watching over you, I'm glad they did or else we wouldn't meet you," Celestia said with a warm chuckle in her voice. "Now little one, what was it you wished to say to me?"

Flower Dance fidgeted a little more then stilled as she gulped and braced herself. "Princess Celestia and Luna, please please help us!"

"What?" Celestia was taken aback by both her words and the shout that she released them as. The rest of the room's occupants were similarly stunned. Flower Dance just continued and this time, tears were beginning to gather in the corners of her eyes.

"Please! If someone doesn't help us, then our homes will be destroyed and we'll all disappear!!"