• Published 16th Jun 2012
  • 1,831 Views, 21 Comments

Changelings Play... - Grazy Polomare

Two changelings decide to try out the latest games made for Equestria.

  • ...

Work: The Most Boring and Dangerous Game You Could Ever Play

"Another day at the hive," Shifter moaned as he stood on watch over the chambers, a sick looking stalactite of a spear in his hooves. Standing across from him was Haze, his partner for the day.

And what a day it was. The preparation for the Canterlot invasion had the whole swarm buzzing in excitement. New armor for the generals was being forged. The tunneling crews were creating dispensar crystals to bring aboard the invasion. The cocoon team was working overtime with the hatchling team to prepare new soldiers for the expected casualties. And the best of the best were out on field missions, preparing to bring back love for the soldiers to feast on.

"Hey Haze," Shift called out, his body leaning against the cavernous wall, "can you believe it? One moment no one is paying any attention to us and the next they're all scrambling on their wings to prepare for an offensive that might not even work."

Haze merely shrugged his hooves. "I thought the Queen's plan was brilliant. She's heading out today to prepare the way for our troops. Oh, and guess what? She just nominated someling from our batch to be Commander in Chief."

"Oh boy," Shift sighed, "who's the lucky guy this time?"

"I forget his name, I think he's one of your friends Shift."

Shift knew a few changelings here and there, but none of them were qualified for that caliber of leadership. In fact, he was sure that a general ought to have been elected. But as the saying goes, "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

For the duration of an hour or so, the two changelings were silent, neither of them uttering a word to each other until Shimmer floated down with a curt, "hello" before entering the cocoon chamber. Then, for the next half-hour or so, she simply laughed and tried to cheer up the fellow detainees, telling them how wonderful a life they could expect in the next few days of their conversion into fully grown changelings.

"In my opinion," Shift called out to his mate, "I think the whole idea of conversion is terrible. I mean seriously, those new hybrids creep me out. Back when I was a little foal, we didn't have these buckin' cocoon chambers. Heck, we didn't have Chyrsalis."

Haze gave his comrade an odd stare before resuming his post by the door. Haze had been born into his job from the very start, his Big Brother being a guard before him. In fact, that Big Brother's Big Brother was a guard before him and his brother before him and his brother before him and his brother before him...leading all the way back to a long chain of brothers who have served in this very hive position since its foundation.

Shift merely moaned and went back to resuming his blank stare. He had nothing else to do, and day dreaming was becoming more and more like a necessity then an opportunity. In the chambers, he could hear the moans and hisses of the prisoner and converter. He didn't know why the Queen was preparing for such an invasion, but he didn't care. After all, he was going to be playing a new game very soon.


Alter was busy looking over another matter entirely. Apparently, there had been a leak in the cave entrance that no changeling had seemed to notice. Well, regardless of whose fault it was, it was his job to fix it. And he would once again have to direct his crew on just what "fixing" meant.

"Alrighty folks," he said, "well it seems that today is another one of those days where we go and fix something. Now I know you all had breaks-"

A chorus of moans and groans came from the crowd.

"-but it is absolutely necessary we put into effect the one-for-all mentality that we established at last night's team get-together-"

"Which sucked!" A changeling called out, causing the others to snicker.

"Hey, what did we say about negative waves?"

The changeling sighed, "We are not supposed to have negative waves because it hurts others as well as yourself. It also effects the quality of work."

Alter smiled and began to detail the leak to his team of five changelings. After explaining in detail what the situation is, ((it was too long and boring to be placed in the actual story)) Alter began to delegate the jobs that each worker would have.

"And Compound here can take the job of gathering rocks for the adhesive Smoke will be using to help reinforce the previous adhesive."

The room was silent except for the groans of the cave and the buzz of activity from the hall ahead. Sighing to himself, Alter waved a hoof and allowed his crew to get to work.

He had tried so many times to make an efficient team out of his troops, but the problem was that none of them likes working with each other. Compound had been a Centurion Swarm Leader in the past while every other changelings had been kicked out of their respective positions due to accidents involving lots of explosions and one or two managers getting injured.

The fact was that no changeling volunteered for maintenance duty. Originally, Alter had tried to become a Centurion in the armada, but had failed due to reasons of him being overly prepared on field missions. He still didn't understand why the swarm didn't think it was necessary to have two full nesting campsites incase the enemy decided a counter attack on the last set of campsites. It was a legitimate tactic, but they still blamed him for attracting too much attention that day. Anyhow, the general in charge had liked Alter's previous tests so much that he gave the changeling a little break by promoting him to be Overseer of Maintenance Crew #345 of B-Hall in B-Chamber of B-Hive.

Well...it was a start after all. Not to mention it was better then being in A-Hall in A-Chamber of A-Hive.

Preparing himself to go and manage the other teams, Alter began to trot to the exit when he heard an annoying buzz come from his left ear. Turning around, he noticed a small changeling with green eyes and long, saber-like teeth. It didn't take a genius to know who this was and what was going to happen.

"Zzzzaalutations Alter," the changeling buzzed in that irritating, buzzing tone of his. It was common for a changeling to have a stuttering disorder during the earlier years of their life. But Alter and Shift had been spared of this, while most changelings who did have this got over it in the next month or so. However, this changeling still couldn't pronounce an "s" without making it sound like a "z".

Alter merely gave a groan before greeting the fellow changeling back. "Greetings Leech, I'm afraid all the positions have been already taken today."

"But Leech hazzzz exzzzzzelent plan Alter," Leech pleaded, his eyes locking with the Overseer's, "Leech now knowzzzz how to fix leak."

"Well that's very nice and all Leech, but I have to get to work and-"

"Leech can zzshow you if Alter want."

"NO DEAR CHRYSALIS!" Alter shrieked, causing a few nearby changelings to turn heads. Seeing as he was causing a scene, Alter took in a deep breath, his tone growing softer. "I'm sorry Leech, I just meant to say no. I mean...look at all the workers already. There isn't anything you can really do anyhow right?"

"But Leech can help!"

"Leech, I'm really sorry, but I have to manage B-Hive right now and I'm the only Overseer who can do it."

Leech drooped his head for a bit, as if wondering what else he could do to convince his Overseer to let him help. The truth was, however, that Alter had planned it so Leech could never help the maintenance crew.

Ever since the changelings had been transferred to his part of the nest, the accident rate sky-rocketed. In fact, many of his best workers, the one's willing to work with Leech, had been transferred to other jobs due to the state of their injuries.

But no matter how hard he tried, Alter could never get rid of Leech. The changeling wanted to help 24/7! He was a nice, kind-hearted worker, but he was too clumsy to be of any use. Rather, his clumsiness actually made him a hazard.

I wonder if he's responsible for this big crack in the ceiling too. It wouldn't be the first time Leech broke something on his own. Perhaps the changeling felt guilty about making the group work so hard on another area of the hive that he wanted to be of some assistance. Well Alter wasn't going to let it happen on his watch.

Eventually, Leech raised his head, his green eyes bright with excitement at his new idea. "Leech can help Overzzzeerrr with watching other workerzzz!"

"No Leech," Alter replied flatly, "you need to go through training to become an Overseer. It would go against the Queen's wishes if I let you manage the crew."

"Oh," Leech whispered, "then maybe Leech can help-"

"-Stay Right Here and Do Nothing!" Alter finished the sentence with enthusiasm, even though that was probably the last thing Leech had on his mind.

"No," Leech replied with an equal amount of enthusiasm, "Leech can go help Compound make the adhezzziiive!"

"Leech," Alter hissed, "Everyone is busy with their own jobs. They do not require any help at all. Now just stay right there like the good changeling you are and behave okay?"

"Okay Overzzeeerrr, Leech promizzed to be on hizz bezzz behavior. Leech will look out for more leakzzz!!"

"Good...good," Alter breathed in relief as he turned to trot off towards the other section.


Meanwhile, Leech decided that a nearby crack was where two changelings were working. Looking around for another changeling to report to, Leech saw that everyone...as Alter had said...was busy.

"Leech will fix thizz problem himzzelf!"


Alter was overlooking another crack in the left wall of A-Hall. The workers around it were shuffling their hooves, their eyes avoiding his gaze as he talked to the leader of the gang.

"-and you're sure it just...popped out of nowhere?"

"Like magic!" changeling replied.

"Really now..." Alter's eyes turned to slits as he focused on the changeling in front of him.

"Yeah..." The changeling was sweating, his eyes dilating from left to right. "Or maybe it was an accident or something like that..."

Alter cocked an eyebrow, "What kind of accident?"

"The kind that breaks walls."

"Don't be lying to me now."

The changeling couldn't have perspired anymore. But against all odds, he managed to accomplish just that. "Well maybe we were being a bit reckless...but it wasn't like we were fighting or-"

"Was it a fight?"

"Yes-I mean NO! I mean...maybe?" The changeling was now in the shadow of a looming Alter.

"Were you two fighting again?"

The changeling finally looked down in defeat. "Yes, me and Rags over here threw a few hooves around and it got magical."

Alter gave each of the changelings a reprimanding look before speaking. "You know how much damage you two can cause when you're together. I mean, honestly, I can only warn you so many times. Don't do it again. What would have happened if someone got hurt?"

As if on cue, a high-pitched scream emanated from the south hallway, causing Alter to shift his attention. "Great, Now what?"


There were two changelings laying hunched over what had once been a new edifice used to cover the wall. Now, however, the edifice was merely a pile of rubble and the only changeling hovered over it was-

"Leech!" Alter howled.

Leech, already seeing the look on Alter's face, lowered his ears in embarrassment. As he did so, he could hear the other workers muttering things like "busted" and "He's going to get it". When Alter managed to reach Leech, the Overseer turned to the crowd gathered around him.

"What are you all looking at? Get back to work! Regal, what happened?"

The changeling laying over the ground managed to lift his head. "It...was...Leech," he moaned.

There were sighs and mutters of how obvious that was from the crowd that Alter had to turn to the group a second time to adress them. "Please, the best thing we can do for them is continue with our jobs. Now let's not cause a scene here."

He then turned to Leech, who had by now managed to stay eye-to-eye with him. "Leech izzzz very zzsoorrry. Leech thought he zzzaw crack in wall. Zzzzooo Leech wanted to fix-"

"Leech," Alter interrupted,"I told you to stay still and you disobeyed my direct order. Now look at what's happened. Two changelings are injured and we've been set back."

"But Leech wazzz helping-"

"Leech, you can't help! That's final!" Alter yelled, "How many times must I say this?"

In an instant, Leech's eyes began to expand into large spheres. As they grew, a stream of liquid could be seen excreting from his eyelids, causing them to shine in the dim light of the cavern.

"Now Leech," Alter said in a warning tone, "don't go puppy dog eyes on me."

Leech merely responded by expanding his eyes even more, his ears hung so low that it was touching his neck.

"Le-Leech sto-stop-" Alter warned, "don't do this now Leech. I'm warning you."

A series of soft whimpers began to emanate from the drone's body. Alter sighed, for there was no use in trying to withstand Leech's stare.

"Oh how can I resist that face!"

If there was ever a weakness for Alter, it was cuteness. Anytime there was a hatchling in his midst, he would break down and begin to make dawww' sounds until Shift slapped some sense into him. Now, Leech was using his best weapon on him. And it was quite effective.

Taking in a sigh, Alter looked around to see if there was something Leech could do that wouldn't cause any injuries to himself or to his crew. After scanning for a moment or two, he found Boxer loading some rocks onto a jet-back wagon.

"You can go and help Boxer unload the rocks," he mumbled with a defeated look in his eyes.

As quickly as it had appeared, Leech's sad expression morphed into one of utter bliss. His fanged grin spread over like some messed-up cave entrance, he locked the Overseer in a bear hug.

"Thank you Overzzeeerr, Leech promizezz to be the bezz rock loader there izzz!"

And with that, Leech scampered off in the direction of Boxer, who by now was giving Alter the kind of look that said, "You're going to regret this." But Alter couldn't help himself. After all, he was allergic to cuteness and Leech was the only changeling he knew that could pull it off.

Walking back towards the hall, Alter began to hum a tune to himself. Most changelings didn't listen to much music when they were in the hive, but Alter's Big Sister wouldn't allow either brother to grow up without listening to some tribal tunes from their very own hive. On top of these tunes, she would also bring a couple of records from Equestria to share with the brothers as well.

Currently, he was humming an Equestrian tune, his mind wandering off from his work. As he walked, he could see that production was at it's best. So far, no more mishaps had occurred and it looked like the day was going to end early.

Smiling to himself, Alter continued to trot down the hallway. Suddenly, there was a shout and a shriek. Pausing to listen in, Alter detected a low rumble coming from up above the slope he was now traversing on. The ground below his feet began to shake, causing him to nearly lose balance.

"What the-"

Turning around, his eyes widened in horror as an avalanche of rocks tumbled towards him. Other changelings managed to dodge the landslide. However, Alter knew he could not escape. It was a dead end and even if he tried to fly, there were stalactites that stood in his way.

All he could do was stand straight and close his eyes. But as the stones engulfed his form, he managed to utter one last word.



Shifter was running down the hall, finally being free at last to transfer his shift over to Fergon. As he zipped past the halls, he could see other changelings flying overhead to return to their resting chambers.

Perfect. If all the workers had finished their rounds, then that meant Alter would already be home ahead of him. He couldn't wait to go out on their late-night expedition. Alter had gotten some extra bits from Transparence the day before and the two were planning on buying a new game to try out for the month ahead.

As much as he liked Tartarus Rises, Shift was getting bored with the repetition. It was always the same monster and group of minions. Eventually, he had completed the campaign two times in the last month or so. He needed a new game or he'd go insane before the invasion even began.

All around him, the hustle and bustle of the hive continued as it always did. Changelings were sitting around several large pillars of crystal, taking in the love stored within them. Others were simply getting home, preparing for another rest and day of work.

At last, Shift reached his chamber and barreled right in.

"Alter I'm home!"

Silence. Looking around, Shift tried to spot his brother. Sometimes Alter would fall asleep early, or even try to scare him by hiding. However, from what he could see, the place was just as he left it. The coltputers were still lying on the boulders while a TV, Ponystation 3, and HoofBox 360 laid idly by on the floor, their cables plugged into the vents.

"Alter!" Shift cried out, "show yourself you crazy hooligan."

As the silence continued, Shift sighed and decided to lay on a slab of stone, his eyes dwindling in random day dreams as he counted the seconds away.


He looked at the time crystal, where the seconds now stretched into minutes. Eventually the minutes stretched to an hour. Shift was on the verge of boredom, his eyes drooping in and out as he waited for his brother to get home.

Another half-hour passed. Shifter decided to give his brother a few more minutes. Finally, there was the buzz of wings and Shift turned around, eyes flaring. "Where have you been-"

He paused in mid-sentence, his eyes regarding the bandaged mess that was his brother. Alter had a cast over on hind-leg and one front leg. His carapace was wrapped in gauze, and a patch was tied neatly over his left eye.

"Sick bay?"



"Leech..." Alter growled, his body limping towards the rock slab they called a sofa. Carefully positioning himself, the changeling managed to sit comfortably, his eyes still burning with unrelenting rage.

"Let me guess," Shift said in his sarcastic tone, "Leech managed to convince you to give him a job and you tried to give him the one that you figured would be the safest job in the whole crew. However, even though the task was relatively simple, Leech still managed to mess it up and injure you and a couple of changelings."

"Pretty much." Alter hissed, his eyes focused on the blank TV screen.

Shift adjusted his weight to watch the screen with him, his eyes slowly raising brows as the seconds continued. "What are you looking at?"

"This screen would be on and we would be playing games by now if it hadn't been for today," Alter finally replied, "I can't believe we missed our chance to-"

"Don't sweat it mate," Shift assured, "so you messed up a bit. Doesn't matter in my opinion. I like Leech anyhow. We'll go by the swarm and pick something up tomorrow okay?"

Alter turned to his brother and gave a smirk. "Deal." And with that, both changelings did a bro-hoof before settling in their resting berths.

"Hey Shift," Alter whispered in the stillness of the night, "I didn't tell you what the good thing about getting injured was."

"What?" Shift yawned.

"I get the day off tomorrow."