The town of Ponyville was quite peaceful. More peaceful than it Normally is. Which meant that something bad was gonna happen anytime now. Until that time however, let me take you to the market side of the town where Scootaloo and Pip were shopping for a cake for their friend Applebloom.
"Apple pie?" Scootaloo suggested.
"No." Pip answered flatly.
"Apple cake?" Scootaloo asked.
"No." Pip answered, in a tone more flat than before.
"How about-" Scootaloo was cut short as Pip grabbed Scootaloo's muzzle and stared her dead in the face.
"Before you say whatever it is your about to say I want you to think long and hard about what your going to suggest." Pip threatened. "Because if you suggest another Apple type pastry, mare or not, I'm gonna punch you straight in the face."
Scootaloo thought long and hard about what she was going to say, preferably assuring that she did not get punched in the face.
"Carrot cake?" She finally suggested.
Pip stared blankly at Scootaloo. Releasing her muzzle Pip shook his head. "Why did I draw your name from the hat?" He groaned.
On the other side of the market, Sweetie bell, Rumble, and Button mash were looking around for a gift that they could give Applebloom for her birthday. The three walked past wooden stand after wooden stand as they tried to find something special for their friend.
"Okay I give." Rumble sighed in defeat. "I've got absolutely no idea what we should get Applebloom for her birthday."
"I'm with Rumble on this one?" Button sighed. "The only thing that comes to mind when I think about getting Applebloom a gift is something Apple related."
"Don't beat yourselves up guys." Sweetie bell said, trying her best to cheer the two up. Only to receive a glare from the two.
"No offense Sweetie." Button said. "But what exactly would "you" get for Applebloom?"
Sweetie tapped her chin. " guess we could get her a hat?" She said uneasy.
Both Rumble and Button stared at their friend with disbelief expressions. None said a word for what seemed like endless awkward minutes until Button said,
"A hat?" Button finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence's spell.
" know..." Sweetie trailed off, her eyes avoiding the glare of her two friends.
"A hat?" Rumble repeated what Button had said in the same tone as before.
"Yeah...I mean like a cowboy hat that Applejack wears." Sweetie chuckled nervously. "We could go to my sister's and ask her for some materials that we could use to make it?"
The three became very silent as the awkward spell was once more casted upon the three. Sweetie's eyes darted left and right, not daring to face the frightful gaze of the two colts. As second after second went on the deeper the awkwardness had sunken into the atmosphere of the conversation.
"You know." Button paused as he thought about what Sweetie had suggested. "My mom always told me that a gift hoof made is the best gift you can offer."
"Then why do you give her a 'Worlds Best Mom' cup every mothersday?" Rumble grinned fiendishly.
Button glared at his friend. "I knew you were the one spying on me!" Button shouted.
Button growled at Rumble, who was still grinning. Button looked like he was about to punch Rumble in the face, so Sweetie stepped in and stood on her hindelegs and used her right foreleg to halt Button and used her left to hat Rumble. "Guys guys." Sweetie bell said, keeping the two from hurting the other. "We shouldn't fight, this is about our friend Applebloom remember? So let's focus on that."
The two colts look at one another before sighing. They dared not admit it out-loud, but they knew that Sweetie was right. If the two fought each other they'd just be wasting precious, no, very precious minutes on fighting each other when they could've been spending it on their friends gift.
"Alright, let's go to your sisters place Sweetie." Rumble sighed.
And so our trio of minor hero's traveled to Rarity's Boutique where, believe it or not, she was no where to be found.
Meanwhile, on a different side of Ponyville. A young dragon with a purple scaled body and spike green scales on the top of his head, back, and tail. His eyes reflected the color of emerald gems, as they stared down at the piece of paper in front of him.
But unbeknownst to him, a certain Alicorn was hovering above him, completely unseen. A wicked grin was plastered on his face as he watched the young dragon go on his way. The alicorn then flew away from the dragon and landed away from him. His horn glowed a evil red as his wings dissapeared.
As expected the little dragon continued walking forward, until the now red unicorn stallion came in his path.
"Hello there young dragon." The red stallion greeted. "Lovely morning isn't it?"
The dragon stopped and looked up from the paper and to the red stallion. "'s the afternoon mr." The dragon said.
"It's morning on some part of Equestria." The red stallion grinned.
The dragon was about to retort, but then remembered that he was on a very special assignment. One that he took very seriously above anything else.
"Sorry, but I need to go meet someone." The dragon said, walking past the stallion.
"If I can use a moment of your time." The stallion extended a hoof in front of the dragon. "But you've seemed to peek my curiosity. Tell me, where is it your heading?"
"Um...well..." The dragon thought hard and carefully about what words he was to use. But then again, all of Ponyville's residents were quite peaceful and harmless. Not to mention that some needed help was somewhat useful. So it didn't seem to bother the little dragon as such. "All right, come with me I'll tell you all about it."
The stallion grinned. "I can't wait."
Meanwhile in one of the many Canterlot hallways, piles of broken and unconscious day guards were laid in a trail leading to the throne room. Where the yellow alicorn Timor held a guard in a yellow aura. The guards eyes glowed yellow as he was trapped in the yellow aura. The glow disappeared when Timor dropped the guard.
"I don't know why everyone thinks these guys are weak, it took me like an hour to get through all of them." Timor sighed.
Timor used his magic to open the doors and entered the thorn room where Celestia was sitting on her throne and was doing something that had to do with paperwork. She looked up from the paperwork and eyed the yellow alicorn.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"Not important." Timor answered. "What is important however is a certain someone I'd like you to meet." Timor smiled as he moved the side. Granting the other figure to walk into the room.
The figure that entered the room was Luna, but she was different. Her fur was darker, part of it covered by a black armor. Her eyes were menacing teal blue, her pupils were dragon slit. Her mane looked the same but flowed out of her black helmet.
Celestia eyes widened in horror at the sight of the new looking Luna. "Nightmare Moon?" She asked in disbelief.
The alicorn known as Nightmare Moon did not respond in a voice but rather an action as she levitated up a black scythe with her magic.
" please." The white alicorn cried.
The Nightmare said nothing, instead she approached the white sun goddess. Upon her approach she levitated her scythe higher above herself. Making sure that it hovered above the sun goddesses throat.
But none of it was real.
Back in reality there was no Nightmare Moon. Only a scared and crying Celestia whose eyes were glowing bright yellow as Timor sucked the fear out of his prey. Once he was finished feeding off of the Alicorn's fear, her glowing yellow eyes vanished. And in a instant, her hooves turned from flesh and bone, to clod hard stone. The change of flesh to stone took only mere seconds as she turned to stone.
"You know I'm beginning to think I'm the weaker one of the three sins." A voice came from behind Timor.
Timor spun around and saw that the one who had spoken was Cupiditas. Behind him were Fluttershy, Thorn, Flash, Lightning, Luna, Discord, the Griffon leader, the Yak leader, and Nightwing. All turned into stone statues.
Timor sighed in relief, knowing that he didn't have to fight any more guards. "Show some pride will you, Cupiditas?" He said. "It's not everyone who gets to be one of the three sins."
"I am grateful Timor." Cupiditas admitted. "But let's face it, you can absorb fear. Odium can instill rage, and I-"
"You instill greed and feed off of it." Timor cut off Cupiditas. "You are just as powerful as us."
"But you don't understand. There is no greed to feed off of." Cupiditas said before turning away and muttering. "There's more rage and fear though."
"Hey now...remember the time you tricked fifty dragons into thinking that a city was made entirely of jewels." Timor said, trying to raise Cupiditas spirits.
"Heh...yeah, it took those two brothers to stop us." Cupiditas chuckled.
"Speaking of which." Timor paused, examining the room. "I wonder why we haven't seen those two at all yet?"
"Beats me." Cupiditas shrugged. "But what I'm curious about is our next step."
"Ah yes." Timor smiled. "As you know that hooded pony used the artifact known as the summoning scroll to summon me to Equestria."
"And she gave you the Apple of Discord so that when we invade it'll be easier." Cupiditas predicted what Timor was about to say.
"Yes, but that plan failed. Anyways, while I was still on Equestria, the hooded one told me that there are bearers of the Elements of Harmony."
"Why should that concern us?" Cupiditas questioned. "The Elements of Harmony have no power over us. They only have power over Chaos."
"True, true, but we both know that Elements can do very...unexpected things."
Back in Ponyville the little dragon and the red Stallion continued to walk through the town. The dragon bit on the tip of the quill he held in his claw.
"So, I believe we haven't fully introduced ourselves." The red stallion said, tired of the silence.
"Oh...yeah, my name is Spike. What's your name?" Spike introduced.
"Names Odium." Odium introduce. "So tell me, what are you writing there?" He asked, the question bugging him the entire time he and Spike had walked.
Spike stopped his writing and looked at Odium. "I'm writing a poem to a special someone."
"Is that so?" Odium raised an eyebrow. "This, special someone, wouldn't happen to be your special pony would it?"
" Not really." Spike said a bit sadden. "But I just know that one of these days she and I are gonna be together. I just know it." Spike said, writing in his poem.
"I'd be careful if I were you." Odium warned. "Love is a dangerous and terrible thing."
Spike looked up from his poem once more. "That's not true."
"Oh really?" Odium smiled. "Love has two paths, one full of beauty and the other full of horror."
Spike shook his head. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm just saying, love is a dangerous thing. It can lead to heartbreak. Which is a very dark path to go down."
"Well...I don't think I should have to worry about that." Spike said in confidence. "I just know that she and I are meant to be together."
"If your so sure."
Spike and Odium continued down their way before stopping I front of a building known as Sugarcube corner.
"Well...wish me luck." Spike said to Odium.
Spike took a deep breath, before entering the building. Once he was inside he looked around, searching for the mare he loved. After his search his eyes landed on the back of a white mare with a purple mane known as Rarity. He smiled with glee as he ran up to the booth that she sat in. But when he got to the booth, he saw that the mare was not alone.
Sitting across from her, was the unicorn stallion Silver Platter. Spike's smile instantly vanished, replaced with a frown of confusion.
"Spike darling!" Rarity exclaimed, surprised at the sight of her friend. "What a coincidence seeing you here." She smiled warmly.
But Spike did not respond, instead he continued to stare blankly at Silver. Who shifted in his chair uncomfortably.
"Spike darling. Please stop staring at Silver like that. Your making him uncomfortable." Rarity said.
"Huh?" Spike shook away his haze. "S-sorry Rarity." He stammered. "Here, I wrote you this."
Spike handed Rarity the folded piece of paper.
"Oh, thank you darling." Rarity smiled, taking the folded paper and setting on the table.
"Um...aren't you gonna read it?" Spike asked.
"Of course Spike dear." Rarity said, trying her best not to make scene. "But I'm a little busy at the moment."
" should read it now." Spike suggested.
Rarity's eyes shifted to Spike. "Excuse me Silver, but I need to have a little chat with Spike."
"Take your time, our shakes won't be here for a while." Silver chuckled.
Rarity scooted out of the booth, dragging Spike with her as she walked away from the booth.
"Spike, what has gotten into you?" Rarity asked quietly.
"What's gotten into me? I just wanted you to read a poem I wrote. But you won't cause your doing something with him." Spike said.
"Spike, if you must know. I'm currently on a date with Silver. And I'd very much appreciate it if we could have this discussion later."
Spike's eyes widen in horror. "A-a-a date?" He asked worried. " a-"
"Like a date date Spike." Rarity pointed out. "I asked Silver and he agreed, and I'd very much like it if we could spend this date of ours alone." Rarity said.
The words dug right through Spike's scales and stabbed him straight in the heart. Tears began to slowly form in his eyes as his realization hit him.
Rarity looked at Spike with a worried face. "I'm sorry Spike, I didn't mean-"
Rarity was cut off as Spike shut his eyes and ran off. He didn't know where he was running, and he didn't care. But he had his eyes shut, so he ran into Odium.
"Woah there buddy." Odium said in surprise. "What's gotten into you?"
"She doesn't love me." Spike softly whispered. "She doesn't love me."
It didn't take long for Odium to figure out what Spike was saying. "I warned you didn't I? Love leads many to heartbreak." Odium reminded. "But it's not your fault."
Spike looked up at Odium with tear stained cheeks. "If isn't?"
"No. It's the one who gets to walk the path of love." Odium explained. "Think about it, why should he get her love while you have to take the path of heartbreak?" He asked.
Upon those words Spike's eyes turned red as he growled. "Yeah, your right." He growled as he began to grow. "Why should that guy get her love? I'm the one that truly loves her, not him!" He spat as his mouth grew longer and more menacing.
In the center of Ponyville, many ponies were wandering about. Talking to each other and being social. This all stopped the instant they heard the loud roar. All eyes turned to the sound assume gasped, screamed, or just stared horrified at the sight. What they were all staring at was a very large dragon with purple and green scales, pointed sharp green scales from his head to his tail, and glowing red eyes. On top of the large dragon stood the red alicorn Odium, who watched everything.
The dragon stomped its way to the center. Terrified ponies ran in random directions as they tried to escape. Once the dragon had made its way to the center it stopped. Appearing on the dragons head was Timor and Cupiditas.
"Well you certainly know how to make an entrance Odium." Cupiditas chuckled.
"Well let's not waste time." Timor said, flying down to the surface. "Hello Filly's and gentlecolts!" Timor yelled. "I'm going to be very blunt here, we're taking over Equestria. If you've got a problem with that we'll make your life a living Tartarus okay?"
But no one paid any attention to Timor, instead they all ran and screamed frantically. Which annoyed Timor very much.
"STOP RUNNING, I AM TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!" Timor yelled in a voice that doubled the Royal Canterlot voice. And it, of course, made everyone stop in their tacks.
"Now then." Timor said in calm irritation. "As I was trying to say before I was interrupted, we are currently the rulers of Equestria. Got a problem with that?"
"Like hay you are!" A voice shouted.
Looking up everyone saw that the voice belonged to the Pegasus, Rainbow Dash. Who flew down at lightning speed and faced Timor square in the eyes.
"You've got fire I'll give you that." Timor admitted. "But that doesn't mean that your a threat to me."
"Oh yeah, just wait till my friends get here." Rainbow threatened. "We're gonna wipe the floor with you."
"Oh really?" Timor raised an eyebrow. "Well guess what? I can defeat you with just two words."
"Pfffft, yeah right." Rainbow said.
"Running away." Timor smiled.
"Running away. That's what you've been doing your whole life isn't it?" Timor continued to smile. "Running from home, or rather, running from you mom and dad. Oh that's it isn't it? Daddy was always mean and cruel, and mommy was never there to pick you back up."
"Shut up." Rainbow warned.
"Oh but I'm just getting started. Let me tell you a little secret. Daddy never loved you, not once. No, to him you were just a mistake. A mistake that should've never happened, a mistake that he was forever scarred with."
"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash yelled, tears beginning to form.
"Oh and what about mommy? While daddy was beating on you, you cried for her like every child does when their scared. You cried and cried and cried. But she never helped you, oh no. She just sat there and wished that the little mistake went away."
"I SAID SHUT UP!" Rainbow Dash yelled, clenching her eyes shut. Hopping that her tears would stop rolling down her cheeks.
"Don't worry dear." Timor's voice changed to sound more like a gentle mare in front of Rainbow Dash. "Mommy's right here."
"M-mom?" Rainbow shook as she slowly looked up.
"Didn't I tell you?" Timor smiled more sinister than before. "Mommy never loved you."
"Leave her alone!" Another voice shouted.
Timor leaned his head a bit to the left to see that the one who had spoke up was the little filly Scootaloo. Behind her were Pip, Rumble, Sweetie bell, Button, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Twilight, Silver Platter, and Ranger.
"Oh look there's more of them." Timor smiled. "I believe this belongs to you." Timor said, levitating Rainbow to the group.
"What did you do to her?" AJ demanded.
"I reminded her of her past. But that's not important." Timor said. "What is important, however, is how you all are gonna defeat us."
"What did you do to Spike?" Twilight growled.
"I turned him into a giant dragon." Odium said. "He'll do whatever I say without question."
"Like I said before, not important." Timor restated. "So tell me, how do you plan to beat us?"
"We'll stop you. With the Elements of Harmony." Twilight said triumphant.
"Bwahahaha!" Cupiditas burst out laughing. "The Elements of Harmony?"
"Oh please, how are you gonna stop us with the Elements if you don't have her?" Timor asked. His horn glowed yellow and a stone statue of Fluttershy appeared.
"How dare you!" Rarity growled.
"Oh, but it gets better." Timor smiled as he summoned the stone statues of Luna, Flash, Lightning Strike, Thorn, Celestia, Discord, the Griffon leader, the Yak leader, and the other guards. All of the town went very silent the instant they saw the stone ponies.
"Oh don't worry." Timor smiled once more, a magic yellow aura hammer appeared above his horn. "You'll feel a slight sting as your turned into putty." He said swinging the hammer downward onto the group.
Only for it to come to an abrupt halt as a half light blue and half light pink aura bubble shielded the group.
"What the-" those were the only words Timor could mutter before Scootaloo closed the distance between her and Timor, and in a swift action high kicked him right in the face.
That is, she would've high kicked him in the face if Odium hadn't switched places with himself and Timor.
Having no time to react Odium took the full blast of Scootaloo's kick. Which sent him flying straight through the town hall.
"You fool!" Timor yelled at his foolish friend. "Why would you do something so stupid?!"
Odium groaned as he moved away parts of wooden rubble from the house he had crashed into.
"Maybe I did it because I can't afford to have you incapacitated at the moment Timor!" Odium shouted back before looking at giant Spike. "Spike!" Odium shouted, getting the dragons attention. "Do as I command, destroy them all!"
Spike responded by lifting his head up to the sky and unleashed a monstrous roar. The inside of his throat burned with green light as he blew green flames onto the group of ponies.
I can not wait to Mr. Nightwing really really really get angry and lower the beating in general. xD
*And kick the rear of everyone.
(Sorry, my English is not very good, because it's not my native language)
Oh. Okay then.