• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 1,797 Views, 11 Comments

A Family Resemblance - Nyx Ali

Twilight got a message from Sunset Shimmer from Celestia's book. Unfortunately it indicates a new villain at CHS, but what does it have to do with discord?

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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

Wow. I hadn't realized that I got as far as I did in this chapter. I thought I was at the beginning when I was really about halfway through. Well, here's the next chapter. The next might take a few weeks, but I promise you, it'll be really long. Just know that it's gonna be...interesting...per se. Well, arrivederci!

"Did you send that message to Twilight yet?" Rainbow dash asked Sunset.

The six girls were sitting at a lunch table, still confused as to what this chaos could mean. They had never heard of such a creature that could do anything so...random.. They thought surely Pinkie could be behind this, for she was random too herself, but the banana suit that their principal wore instantly marked that off the list of possibilities.

"Yes. I haven't heard anything back from her yet though." Sunset replied with a sigh, a hint of worry in her tone.

"Of course you didn't hear, silly!" Pinkie added. "You would just get a shake from that book!" She giggled at the thought of the book shaking uncontrollably.

"Pinkie, now is hardly the time for games. We must find a solution to this...disturbing mayhem." Rarity interjected as a flashback of that dog came to mind.

The others nodded in agreement, except for Sunset, who stared at the book in her hands, hoping a reply would come in.

Fortunately, as soon as she wished, her book began to glow and vibrate, bringing excitement to the other five as they leaned in, interested in the book seemingly more than life itself.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

We have a clue as to who might be causing havoc in your world...

She stopped immediately, looking at her friends who were confused as well as she.

"'We'?" Applejack quoted.

"What does it mean?" Fluttershy asked, likely speaking for the others.

Sunset shook her head, currently erasing the thoughts in her head. "We might get more information if I continue.." She almost hesitated to speak. She looked back at the book and continued,

...Anyway, we think it might be Discord's sister, he being a draconequus, more accurately a person from your world, with chaotic magic that can be..annoying at times, but is still dangerous. Now I know what your thinking, "What are you talking about," or perhaps, "what is a draconequus?" Well, a draconequus is like a chimera, only with different body parts. Goat leg, as well as head, dragon tail, bear paw, talon, etcetera. Now in regards as to what I'm talking about, I better not explain. It'll give you a headache.

We shall arrive in about two hours after we inform our friends so they don't wonder where we are. Until then, I will have much more information for you.

See you in two hours
Your friend,

Twilight Sparkle.

It ended. Sunset slowly removed her gaze from the book and looked at her friends in utter worry and confusion, noticing that they shared the same expression, except for Pinkie of course, who smiled.

"So...we have...guests..?" Fluttershy whispered.

"I suppose so." Sunset replied.

"An' worse," Applejack added, "we don't know who!"

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Discord?" Fluttershy asked with concern.

Discord nodded, clearly dumbstruck to see another portal, looking almost exactly like the other (if you were to take out the other devices of course).

"Well," Twilight began as she walked up to the duo. "I think we're all set. You ready, Discord?"

Discord nodded again, his eyes not removing contact from the portal. All of the dark memories began to flow into his mind. The spiteful kids, the mocking, the shots to the face, etcetera. He was beginning to regret agreeing to this deal.

What if the kids recognized him and tortured him again with their rude jokes? No, that's just crazy talk.. He said to himself. They're not immortal...right? Yeah. Of course they're not, but there could be new kids that feel the same way...

"Discord!" Fluttershy wisper-shouted. "Are you okay?"

He jumped slightly in shock and shook the thoughts out of his head for the moment. "Oh, umm yes. I'm well prepared my dear."

Twilight chuckled. "Then why don't you go first?"

He snorted. "Well jeez, I'm not that prepared!"

Fluttershy stifled a laugh and turned back to the portal. "But Twilight, didn't you say that there was another me in there?"

Twilight's eyes widened in realization and laughed awkwardly. "Weeeell, about that..." She nervously drew circles on the floor with her hoof, looking down in shame.

"Oh, I'm sorry for confusing you, Twilight. I don't mind meeting a new me." Her voice lowered to a squeal as she slowly crouched in woe.

"Oh no Fluttershy, it's okay! I just hadn't realized until now that we might have to make some arrangements."

"Or, perhaps you could just let there be two Fluttershy's in they same world." Discord added flatly. Twilight turned to him, staring at him for a moment before agreeing.

"I guess so... the quicker we get this done the better, I suppose."

Fluttershy nodded and walked up to the portal, staring at it worriedly. "So w-who will go first?"

"I will. I believe that I am more familiar with this world. Discord may have come from there, but I've been there just recently."

"I-I'll go next, if that's alright with you, Discord."

He grabbed her and used her as a shield as if the portal was about to attack. "Oh it's alright with me alright.."

Twilight walked up to the portal, paused and took a deep breath, preparing for the disturbing twisting and turning that was to come, before stepping through the portal one hoof at a time. Then Fluttershy followed through, almost exactly like Twilight did, if she hadn't taken a longer pause before stepping through.

Then came Discord.

Beads of sweat began to drop down the sides of his face, to his chin, and onto the floor. The hesitation was getting real at this point. He would move his hand toward the portal and snatch it back as if he had touched a hot stove. His ears drooped and he sighed. "I can't do it.."

"Of course you can!" A familiar voice shouted behind him. Her turned to see Rainbow Dash behind him, but before he could question it, she pushed him through the portal with her hind legs.

He reached out and tried to grab the nearest object, but had missed. He would have made it if he hadn't fallen limply into the portal.

His eyes slowly opened, little by little. They went from slits to circles once he realized where he was. He was in the hospital in a medical bed. He groaned and sat up, rubbing the pain from his head where Rainbow Dash has supposedly kicked it.

"What happened..?" He muttered to himself. He turned to his side and saw Nyx, sitting in the other bed in the room, a cast on her arm and a bandage wrapped around her head.

She turned to him and smiled. "Pandemonium!" She shouted gleefully. He jumped out of the bed and ran to hug her.

"How you doin' bud?" She asked as she playfully noogied him in the head, messing his hair up more.

"I-I thought you were gone.." He whispered in a shaky voice, ignoring her question.

She smile faded, quicker than light. She looked at him seriously, then smirked. "I'm quite very here, Discord. You'll just have to catch me first..." She whispered the last part, and faded from the world, along with everything else. Soon, he saw a light coming from far ahead of him and began to walk up to it.

His eyes finally opened, for real this time, sunlight shining into his unprepared eyes as they adjusted. He closed his eyes and rubbed his head like he had in his dream. This time when he sat up, there were seven girls surrounding him.


He looked and saw a pink little girl with pink hair with a white streak, hugging Fluttershy's leg. She had a propeller hat colored green and white. She looked about...eight.

"Hi, my name is Screwball!" She introduced. And of course, the other five had too. Including the original human Fluttershy.

He looked around for the real Fluttershy. Twilight saved him the trouble of looking for her and pointed to a spot near the portal where, of course, Fluttershy sat, trying to teach herself to walk.

He chuckled inwardly and stood up, despite the girls who stood over him. He walked over to Fluttershy, no biggie, and grabbed her hand, pulling her up. He helped her catch her balance, which took about fifteen minuets. It took even longer to teach her how to walk.

While they did that, The others talked in low whispers, seemingly trying to keep it between the six. Yes, six. Screwball had sneaked off to only Celestia knows.

"Who are they? And why does she look like Fluttershy?" Rainbow inquired.

"They're Discord and, well, Fluttershy. We need Discord here to stop his sister and he wouldn't come unless Fluttershy came here with him."

"Well, why was he so hesitant that you had to have one of your other friends from your world push him through the portal?" Rarity asked.

She had told them the story of Discord and his sister at Canterlot high. How the kids would pick on him, give him shots to the face, all of those things. The girls were stunned yet saddened by such a nerving experience.

"That happened to him?" Fluttershy asked as she turned to Discord, looking pitiful.

Twilight sighed. "Yeah. I got to witness it myself."

"Ya' did?" Applejack inquired.

"He has the same magic as his sister. I'm not sure if he knows how to toggle it yet but he can do everything his sister can. That's why I needed him here to add to our magic."

"Wow! So he can do that super crazy magic too?!" Pinkie asked, making hand motions to emphasize her inquiry.

"Seems like it." Sunset answered. "So in that letter you sent me, you said that you had more information to give us. By any chance, was that story the 'information'?"

"Yes it was. I just think that it might have something to do with why she might be causing all this havoc."

Rarity looked up at the sky and noticed that nightfall was near. "Umm, girls, we might have to cut this..ahem...chat, short."

"Ooh, can we spend the night at my house again?! It was soo much fun last time!"

"I guess so. I'll just help them two before we head off. Sound good?" Twilight asked.

The others nodded and watched Twilight walk over to the duo. She soon returned with them, and informed them that they were ready to head off for the night.