• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 2,118 Views, 63 Comments

Once Upon a Nightmare - Maran

When the Nightmare possesses Vice Principal Luna, it's up to the new Team Harmony to set things right. This is NOT a retread of the pilot episode.

  • ...

8 - Highway to Tartarus

Chapter 8 - Highway to Tartarus

Falling. The only sensation Pinkie Pie felt was falling, and the panic that went with it. Then she suddenly stopped. There was no crash or jerk – she was just not falling anymore. She opened her eyes and found herself standing in a room about the size of the cafeteria. The only light came from a glowing fuchsia dome with a white object inside. Pinkie didn't get a good look at it because she was distracted by all the insects. There had to be thousands of them swarming around, and they were enormous, bigger than her hand! She felt a small stab in her arm, and glanced down to see the largest horsefly ever sticking its sharp mandibles into her skin.

“Aaaahhhh! Get it off me!” She waved her arm, but the horsefly clung tightly.

“Pinkie? Are you okay?”

Craning her neck, Pinkie saw Rainbow Dash flying down toward her, with her hair streaming through the air.

“Ugh, where did all these giant bugs come from?” Rainbow smacked at the fly on Pinkie's arm, but the fly left the spot just as her hand connected. The smack didn't hurt as much as the bug bite, though. Pinkie rubbed the red mark.

“The real question is, where did everyone else go?” asked Pinkie.

“Heck if I know.” Rainbow brushed a fly off the back of her head. “That looks like someone over there.”

As Dash pointed at glowing dome, it disappeared, giving both girls a better look at the pale creature. It was a pony with a blue mane and tail, and blue hooves, and...could it be? There was a horn in the center of its forehead.

Pinkie squealed. “A unicorn! Omygosh omygosh!” Ignoring the buzzing flies, Pinkie ran over and threw her arms around the unicorn's furry neck.

The unicorn stared at her with wide, intelligent eyes. “Pinkie Pie?” he asked in a tenor voice.

Keeping her hand on his silky mane, Pinkie pulled her head back to stare at him. “How do you know my name?” She didn't even bother to ask how he could talk, because she'd already met a talking dog, as well as a pony who turned into a human. “Are you psychic? Wait, no.” She shook her head. “You must know Twilight Sparkle!”

“She's my sister,” said the unicorn with a smile, “so yeah, I know her pretty will.”

Pinkie clapped her hands. “Oh my gosh, Twilight's brother! He sounds like a surfer! And he's a a unicorn!” she said to Dash. “This is so exciting!”

“What are you doing here, uh, what's your name?” asked Rainbow, wincing as a fly landed on her leg.

“Shining Armor.” He shifted his weight and glanced at the floor, as if he were avoiding the first part of the question. “Do you want to get closer so I can make a shield around us?”

“The dome thing? Yeah, that's probably a good idea.”

Rainbow flew closer to them until she was a few feet away. A magenta beam shot out of Shining Armor's horn, forming a dome around them like a family-sized tent. Then the dome gradually spread out until it was about thirty feet in diameter. Only a few horseflies were left buzzing around inside.

“Ah, thanks Shiny!” Pinkie sighed with relief. “I can call you Shiny, right?”

“Well, only my close friends and family call me Shiny, so...” He paused, glancing up at the ceiling before looking back at her. “I don't see why not.”

“Awesome! Mind if I sit?”

Shiny shrugged. “You don't have to ask me.”

“Really? Great!” In one fluid motion, Pinkie jumped up and swung her leg over Shining Armor's back, straddling him.

He raised his eyebrows. “Maybe I should have asked where you were sitting.”

“I'm riding a unicorn!” squealed Pinkie. “This calls for a selfie!” She reached into her pocket, then frowned and patted down her clothes. “Aw, crud muffins. Where's my phone?”

Dash reached inside her own pockets. “I don't have mine either.”

“Pinkie Pie, would you mind, you know, sitting on the floor? It's just, I don't really need to carry you. And I don't know how things are in your world, but in my world we like our personal space.”

Rubbing her chin, Pinkie replied, “I've heard of this 'personal space,' but I've never understood it.”

“Pinkie, just get off Twilight's brother already.” Dash's eyes widened. “Wait, I should probably rephrase that. Get over here beside me. Can't you see you're creeping him out?”

“She's not creeping me out, it's just that I'm not used to having anypony – or, anybody – ride on my back. Not since Twily and Spike were little, at least.”

“'Twily'? I like that! I'm gonna steal it.” Pinkie grinned wide.

Shiny moved his head from side to side in a slight, uncertain gesture. “You'd better ask Twilight about that first.”

Pinkie slid off his back. “I will as soon as I get out of here.” Glancing around the fly-infested room, she asked, “How do we get out of here, anyway?”

“I hate to tell you this, but I don't think we can do anything to escape,” he answered with a sigh.

“Aw, what?” Rainbow's wings drooped.

“Have either of you heard of the Sleeping Torment?” He gazed at them solemnly, and Pinkie could hear the capital letters, but she had no idea what he meant. She shook her head in response.

“It's a magic poison that puts ponies...I mean, individuals in a deep sleep, and the only thing that can wake them up is an act of True Love.” There were the capital letters again, like Elements of Harmony.

“That sounds totally weak,” deadpanned Rainbow.

“What does that have to do with us, Shiny?” asked Pinkie, rubbing her arm.

“Well, the Sleeping Torment sends its victims' spirits to the Insect Room in Tartarus.” He made a sweeping gesture with his front leg to indicate the chamber around them.

Pinkie gasped. “Tartarus is real?!”

Dash furrowed her brow and looked at Pinkie. “You know what he's talking about?”

“Yeah, don't you remember learning about Greek Mythology?”

Rainbow put her hands on her hips. “Have you met me?”

“Okay, I'll refresh your memory. Tartarus is the worst part of the underworld,” explained Pinkie. “It's where the monsters are locked up.”

“Well, I hate to break it to you,” said Shiny, looking pained, “but we're there.”

What? Seriously? I haven't done anything bad enough to go to the worst part of the underworld!” Rainbow grabbed the sides of her face. “Okay, I did almost force Fluttershy into taking that pet training job in New England, but I didn't mean to, and I apologized!”

“You almost did what?” Shining Armor shook his head. “Never mind, it doesn't matter. It was nothing you did wrong, Rainbow Dash. You must have been poisoned like I was. Think, what was the last thing you remember before coming here?”

“We were eating lunch and drinking...” Pinkie paused, sharing a significant look with Dash.

“The cider!” they shouted in unison.

“I'll bet Nightmare Luna put that Sleeping Torment potion into Granny Smith's cider!” Dash clenched her fists. “How could she do this? I can't even enjoy cider anymore without worrying it's gonna poison me and send me here!”

Shiny's jaw dropped. “Wait, back up a little. Did you say Nightmare Luna?”

Rainbow nodded.

“But Nightmare Moon reformed over a year ago. She feels terrible about what she did,” he said.

Your Luna does.”

“Yeah, the Nightmare is a separate entity that came from Equestria to our North America.” Pinkie waved her hands, trying to draw a map in the air.

Shining Armor's mane flopped as he shook his head. “I wonder how the Nightmare even got to your world.” He rubbed his chin. “Then again, Twily did make that new portal. I don't know what kind of safeguards it has, if any.”

Rainbow folded her arms. “There sure are a lot of people going to different worlds all of a sudden.”

“How did you get here Shiny?” Pinkie asked suddenly. “Do you have any enemies in Equestria?”

Shining Armor frowned. “I didn't think I had any enemies left roaming free, but obviously I was wrong. I had just arrived in Ponyville, and two of my guards came with me, so I thought I was safe.”

“I'm sorry, Ponyville?” Dash raised her eyebrow. “Isn't like naming a town Humanville?”

“There's a Mansville thirty miles west of Springfield,” Pinkie said helpfully, adding a dot to her invisible map in the air.

“Okay, forget I said anything. Go on with your story, Shiny.”

“Well, one of the guards seemed tired so I decided to stop for coffee on the way to meet Twily at her new castle. I took one sip of coffee and here I was.” He waved his foreleg.

“And the guards?” asked Rainbow.

“They're fine, as far as I know.” He sighed. “I keep thinking about the barista. She seemed like an average unicorn, but the more I think about it, the more she seems to fit Twilight's description of Starlight Glimmer.”

“Who's that?” asked Pinkie.

“She led an extremist cult in the middle of nowhere. She suppressed her followers' special talents and even took their cutie marks.”

“Their what now?” Dash scratched her head.

“Their cutie marks,” he repeated, pointing his hoof toward the shield on his rump. “The magical expression of their special talent and true purpose. You have them too.” He pointed at Pinkie and Rainbow. “You probably just have a different word for them.”

“What, these?” Pinkie waved her hand toward the balloons on her skirt. “These are just emblems. There's nothing magical about them.”

“Then what are they?” asked Shiny with a furrowed brow. “And why do they look just like the marks you have in my world if there's no magic in yours?”

“I can't answer the second question, but I can answer the first. See, emblems are kind of like a second name and signature, but you get to design them yourself!” Pinkie rocked back on her heels. “I drew my three balloons, and Rarity embroidered them on my clothes.”

“You're supposed put your design on the national registry when you turn fifteen. They're a way to promote yourself, and not in a bad way,” added Rainbow. “At least, it's not supposed to be. They just let everyone know who you are and what you're about. Kind of like a name tag, only it doesn't make you look like a tool.”

Pinkie gave her a sidelong glance. “Why are you slamming name tags? What do you have against them?”

“I...” Dash grabbed a hunk of her multicolored hair. “I don't know, I'm under a lot of stress. I mean, why do we have to be stuck down here while our friends have to deal with Nightmare Luna? And they probably think we're in a coma! Who's gonna tell my mom? She's still doing stunt work out on the West Coast!” She pumped her wings and rose a few feet into the air.

Pinkie wilted. “Gee, I didn't think of that. Maud will be so worried!”

“Don't you have about twelve other sisters?” asked Shining Armor.

“I only have two other sisters. And I guess they're worried too,” said Pinkie with a shrug.

“Well, I'm not gonna take this lying down!” cried Rainbow. “I'm not gonna wait around for my True Love or whoever to rescue me. I mean, do I look like some damsel in distress? No!” She answered her own question. “I am a girl of action! Action is my middle name! And so is Danger!” She paused, bringing her finger to her chin. “And Professionalism. Anyway, we gotta find a way out of here. If Twilight Sparkle can create a new portal to our world, so can we!”

“No offense, but that wasn't one of your better inspirational speeches,” said Pinkie. “Besides, if there was a way for us to open a portal out of here, I'm sure Shiny would have found it by now.” Her frown deepened. “Wait, how long have you been here?”

“It's hard to tell with no sun or moon or any other way to keep track of time,” answered Shining. “But it feels like I've been here for at least a full day. And I've tried breaking a hole through the walls with my magic and even brute force. But, as you can see, they're still solid.” He hung his head.

“Did you try using any other kind of magic?” asked Rainbow.

“No. My specialty is shields and other defensive magic. I never could teleport like Twilight. This place probably has counter-spells to keep unicorns from teleporting, anyway.” His ears flattened.

Dash swatted one of the few horseflies still in the protective bubble. “Maybe it's like a video game where you have to kill all the monsters in the room before you can move forward.”

“You can't kill them, trust me. I don't think anything can die here.”

“There must be some other way.” Rainbow flew back and forth, like she was pacing in the air. “We have Twilight's unicorn brother, the Element of Humor, and the Element of Awesomeness.”

“That's close enough, as long as I get to be the Element of Awesomeness!” said Pinkie.

“Ha ha, that's cute.” Dash reached down and patted Pinkie's bouncy curls. “Anyway, if anyone can escape from here, the three of us can. Come on, let's start by searching for a weak spot, or a key, or anything that looks different. I'll check the ceiling and you two can check the walls and floor.”

Shining Armor nodded, his brow lowered in determination. “You know what, you're right. We shouldn't give up even if things look hopeless. If there's one thing I've learned in the past year or two, it's that you and your friends always find a way to beat the toughest obstacles.”

Rainbow pumped her fist. “That's what I'm talkin' about! See Pinkie, I can still give a good inspirational speech.”

“Yeah, it really did help.” Shining Armor smiled. “I'll just make the shield bigger so you can see the ceiling. Actually, let me try something.” He narrowed his blue eyes in concentration. His horn glowed magenta, and the shield expanded until it formed a wall that stretched across half the room, all the way to the ceiling. The glowing shield moved back until it was just a few inches away from the far wall. The flies were trapped in the narrow space, hitting against the shield in attempt to get out and sink their mandibles into the humans' and unicorn's tender flesh.

“Awesome!” Rainbow flew up to the ceiling. “Now we have the whole room to ourselves.”

Shining Armor swished his tail at a stray horsefly. “Almost.”

The three friends searched every square inch of the ceiling, walls, and floor.

“Pinkie Pie, Twilight told me you grew up on a rock farm,” Shiny said suddenly.

She giggled. “A rock farm? That's silly! My parents own a rock quarry. Maybe that's what she meant.”

Shining Armor lowered his brow as he inspected the corner. “I'm pretty sure she said rock farm.”

Pinkie threw back her head and shook with laughter. “A rock farm! Can you imagine a bunch of little rocks growing on rock trees? I'd call it...” She spread her hands in front of her. “Sweet Rockin' Acres!”

“Bet they'd hurt if you shook the trees to knock down the rocks,” added Rainbow with a smirk.

“If you could even shake trees made of rock!”

Shining Armor rubbed the back of his head. “I don't think it works like that, but I'm not sure. I've never seen a rock farm or a rock quarry before. Anyway, I was wondering if you knew what kind of rock this room is made of.”

“Well, the floor is marble of course, but the walls are limestone.” Her smile turned wistful. “Marble and Limestone. I do miss them, you know. They never even visit on weekends anymore.”

“Are all of your sisters getting their degrees?” asked Shiny.

Pinkie nodded. “Maud commutes, but Marble and Limestone went away to Stratton University. Now they're saying they might not even come home for Thanksgiving.” She slumped a bit as her long hair dragged on the floor.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “They'll be home for Thanksgiving even if I have to go to Stratton and drag those eggheads back to Canterlot. I'm sure Applejack will back me up on that.”

“What's Thanksgiving?” asked Shining Armor, inspecting the wall. “It sounds like Hearths Warming.”

Pinkie straightened. “Thanksgiving is a magical time where you get a four-or-five-day weekend! You spend Thursday afternoon eating a yummy dinner with your family and watching football, and after that you go shopping!”

“That does sound kind of like Hearths Warming, only we have to get our shopping done first so we can have our presents ready to open on Hearths Warming morning.”

“I hate to interrupt your informative little chat,” said Rainbow, squinting at the floor. “But can you move your hair, Pinkie? I think I see something.”

Pinkie gathered her long hair in her arms and looked where Dash was pointing. Her friend flew lower.

“Is that a crack or just part of the pattern in the marble?”

Peering at the irregular line, Pinkie replied, “I think it's a crack.” She leaned over and moved her head to view it from different angles. “Yep, definitely a crack.”

“Then that's our first weak spot,” said Shiny with a smile.

“Let's check that last wall to see if there are any more.” Dash waved her hand toward the unicorn. “Shiny, could you move your shield thing?”

The unicorn lit his horn again, and the shield became more narrow, until it was just a magenta column squished into the corner. The flies were crammed so tightly together that they could no longer fly, but they crawled over each other with their hard, hairy legs. Pinkie could hear thousands of carapaces hitting against each other. She shuddered.

Rainbow stared. “Well that sure is different. There must be some way it'll help us get out of here.” She flew closer to the object high on the wall. It was a heavy iron broadsword.

“Is this some kind of twisted joke?” Dash touched the tip. “Nothing can die, so here's a deadly weapon!”

“I don't know, I think a flyswatter would be crueler,” said Pinkie.

Shining Armor peered up at her. “Well, can you get it down so we can all look at it?”

Rainbow lifted the hilt out of its holder, and the other end hung straight down. She flapped harder to maintain altitude, but even so, she started to sink down at an unsteady pace.

“Whoa, this thing is heavy!”

As soon as Rainbow was low enough, Pinkie grabbed the sword from her, hefting it in one hand.

“I don't think it's that heavy.”

Dash's jaw dropped. “Are you as strong as Big Mac now?”

“Hey, maybe I am! We are probably cousins after all. It's in my blood! Besides, I drink a protein shake every morning to help me get large.” Flexing her biceps, she added, “I have to pour half a cup of syrup in it to choke it down, but you can't argue with the results!” She lifted the sword above her head with one hand.

“Or,” said Shiny, waving his foreleg toward Pinkie, “if Rainbow Dash has pegasus wings, maybe you have earth pony strength.”

“Oh, yeah.” Pinkie nodded. “Wait, what?” She wrinkled her brow and turned her head toward the unicorn.

“He's saying this is more Equestrian magic,” clarified Rainbow.

“Well, yeah, it wouldn't be too surprising if each of you had the magic of one of the pony tribes in addition to the Elements of Harmony,” explained Shiny. “Pegasi can fly and control the weather, earth ponies are physically stronger and tend to be good biomancers, and we unicorns have telekinesis and usually two or three magic spells that go with our special talent.”

“Wow, I'm learning all sorts of stuff today!” Pinkie set the tip of the sword on the floor. With it straight up and down, the hilt rose as high as her arm would reach. “So, now what?”

“Let me see the sword.” Shiny held out his hoof, and Pinkie carefully set the hilt on it. The sharp end slid to the ground as he held the hilt close to his face. “Normally I'd use my telekinesis for this, but I can't do that while my shield's up,” he explained. After turning the sword every which way, he shook his head. “I was hoping it would have some kind of writing on it.”

“What, like 'Whosoever pulleth this sword off this wall shall be the rightful king of this room?'” asked Rainbow.

“Not exactly. I'm just looking for any clue how to use this to escape.”

“Hm...” Dash put her hand to her chin. “A clue. We have a sword and a crack. And flies.” She took the weapon from Shining Armor and staggered back under its weight. Then she dropped the tip and pressed it to the crack. “Ugh, it won't fit.”

“Step aside!” Pinkie spit on her hands and rubbed them together. “Let an earth pony girl show you how it's done! We'll find out together, anyway,” she added with a shrug. She took both hands and placed them on the hilt, with the tip down on the hairline crack. Then she pushed down with all of her weight. The blade pushed into the crack with a grinding noise, even as the crack widened.

“Pinkie, do that again!” Rainbow said eagerly.

Pinkie pushed again, this time pressing down at an angle to open the crack a few inches. She kept shoving until it was wide enough to fit Shining Armor. Then the three of them peered into the crack. They could see nothing but blackness.

“Does somep- uh, someone want to drop something down there to see how far it goes? Because I've got nothing.”

Pinkie held out the sword.

“Not the sword!” Rainbow waved her hands. “We might need that!”

“For what?” asked Pinkie, raising her eyebrows.

“Didn't you guys say there were monsters in Tartarus?”

“They can't die,” Shiny reminded her.

“Well, what if we need it to pry something else open?” Rainbow checked her pockets. “Here's my guitar pick,” she said, holding it over the gaping pit. “Ready?”

The others nodded, and she let it drop. They waited. And waited some more.

“You know what, I'm just gonna fly down there.”

“Dashie, no!” Pinkie grabbed her friend's arm. “We don't know what's down there!”

“I'm not waiting around until someone wakes us up!” Rainbow shook off Pinkie's hand. “You made the hole, now I'm gonna fly down. If it's safe, I'll try to figure out a way to get you two down, too.”

Pinkie bit her lip. “Well, okay. But be careful!” Still holding the sword, she pulled Rainbow into a half-hug.

“Hey, I can't die.”

“No, but you can get hurt,” said Pinkie, rubbing the bug bite on her arm.

“I'll be careful.” Slowly, Rainbow descended into the pit. As soon as she entered, she seemed to disappear.

Pinkie crouched down at the edge and peered into the hole, but all she saw was inky darkness. “Rainbow! Are you there?”

“I'm here, but I can't see you! I can't see anything!”

“Do you think you should come back up?” asked Shining Armor, leaning over the shaft.

“No, I wanna see where this goes. Just...just keep talking, okay?”

“Okay, um, do you see anything yet?” asked Pinkie. “Did you find your guitar pick?”

Dash sighed. “No.”

“Oh. Um...What else should I say?” After thinking for a few seconds, she snapped her fingers as an idea hit her.

“I wish I could do that,” commented Shiny.

“What?” Pinkie turned her head to look at him.

“Snap my fingers. Spike always made it look so cool.”

“Spike doesn't – oh, right, dragon.” She giggled. “With his little claw fingers.”

“Hey guys!” Rainbow's voice was faint. “I found something!”

“Aw, I was gonna sing a song.”

Shining Armor gave her a stern look.

“I mean, yay!” amended Pinkie. “What did you find?”

“The shaft flattens out at the bottom and turns into a tunnel. Seems to widen out as...” Rainbow's voice grew too faint to make out. Pinkie thought she caught the word “spooky” and either “pool” or “cold.”

She sucked in a deep breath and yelled at the top of her lungs, “HEY DASH! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! YOU'LL HAVE TO YELL LOUDER!” She turned to look at Shiny. “You think she heard me?”

Shining Armor cringed. “I think the other Rainbow Dash in Ponyville heard you.”


“I said, if you keep following the tunnel you start seeing glowing crystals. There's a spooky pool with columns around it. That's as far as I went, but the tunnel keeps going past it.” Her voice grew louder again.

“Sounds good, but how do we get down?” asked Shiny.

“I can probably carry Pinkie enough for a controlled descent, but I doubt I can hold you up, Shiny. Maybe slow you down enough so that you don't break every bone in your body, but I can't make any promises.”

Shining frowned in thought. “Okay, you worry about getting Pinkie down first. I'll figure something out.”

After another minute or so, Rainbow reappeared, sticking her head and shoulders out of the pit.

“Let's get you outta here, Pinks.” She flew the rest of the way out of the hole. “I guess we'll have to leave the sword here. I can't carry it and if you drop it down the shaft it'll get all busted up.”

Pinkie shrugged. “That's fine with me. Maybe the next person will need it.” She carried it over to the corner opposite the horsefly column and propped it up an angle with the hilt on the floor. Then she ran back to the opening. “Ready when you are, Dashie!”

Grabbing onto Pinkie's waist, Dash flapped her wings, lifting her a few inches off the ground.

“I'm always lighter when I sing now,” said Pinkie. “Maybe it'll be easier for you to carry me if I sing!”

“Sure, go for it.” Rainbow sounded strained as her wings beat in quick succession.

As Pinkie broke into “Friendship Through the Ages,” Rainbow lifted her over the hole and flew down with caution. When Pinkie's head went below the rim, it was like someone turned out the lights. She looked up and couldn't see the opening of the shaft or the faint light coming from Shining Armor's horn and shield. And yet, Rainbow radiated soft light that bounced off the limestone walls of the hole.

“...Friendship carries on through the ages...” Pinkie's voice grew quiet as it struck her how surreal this whole situation was. Sure, she'd experienced a lot of weirdness over the past couple of months. She had met a talking dog that was actually a dragon and made two new friends who were actually magic ponies. She had witnessed three teenage girls turn into Sirens and try to take over the world, or at least the school. Maybe getting sent to Tartarus from Greek mythology was just a hair higher on the weirdness scale. But altogether, it was a lot for even Pinkie to process.

Rainbow gazed at her with a reassuring smile. “Keep it up Pinks. I think your song is helping.”

Taking in a deep breath, Pinkie raised her voice. “Things may come and things may go...”

She kept singing, and as she finished her song, her boots touched the bottom. “We made it all the way down!” She craned her neck and shouted, “Shiny, have you figured out how to get down yet?”

As Dash folded her wings beside Pinkie, she called, “You know we're not gonna leave without you, right?”

“I know,” replied Shiny. “And I have an idea. Wish me luck.”

“Good luck!” yelled Pinkie.

Then fuchsia light flashed from above.

“That's him!” Pinkie grinned and pointed.

Rainbow put her hands on her hips. “Hey, pointing out the obvious is my job.”

“Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you liked doing that. You can be Captain Obvious next time!”

“Okay,” Dash said with a small sigh.

The light was getting brighter and closer, and there were four darker spots where Shining Armor's hooves must have been.

“So, what are you doing, Shiny?” asked Pinkie.

“I'm using my strongest, thickest shield to make a moving platform,” explained Shiny.

“Awesome!” Rainbow smiled. “I knew we could make it outta there.” The shield grew closer to them, and she pulled Pinkie out of the way so she was inside the horizontal passageway, instead of the shaft. As the shield descended to the floor, it disappeared. Pinkie couldn't see much of Shining Armor, but his horn glowed and illuminated his face.

“There's still a lot of Tartarus to get through,” he said.

“Well, it's like my Granny Pie says...”

“Giggle at the ghostly?” guessed Dash.

“Yeah, that. But she also says, 'If you're going through Tartarus, keep going!'”

Rainbow stared at her with lidded eyes. “And that's supposed to be inspiring.”

“Yes,” Pinkie said with a firm nod.

Her friend sighed. “I guess we don't have any choice but to follow her advice.”

Author's Note:

I figured out a way to explain emblems in the story! I hope it flowed naturally - as natural as anything can be in this situation, anyway.

Also, while a powerful unicorn can lift at least one pony with telekinesis, I'm not sure if any unicorn can lift itself with its own telekinesis. I don't recall seeing a unicorn do this on the show, and it would seem to make them OP, like they could just fly around like pegasi. But since shields are Shining Armor's special talent, I figured it wouldn't be unreasonable for him to do essentially the same thing with his shield. He could sort of fly if he wanted, but he wouldn't be anywhere near the speed of most pegasi.