• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 2,114 Views, 63 Comments

Once Upon a Nightmare - Maran

When the Nightmare possesses Vice Principal Luna, it's up to the new Team Harmony to set things right. This is NOT a retread of the pilot episode.

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7 - Sleeping Torment

Chapter 7 – Sleeping Torment

Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie went back to the principal's office to tell Miss Celestia about their idea. Celestia was skeptical, but she agreed to let them come to her mansion to look for clues after school. Her biggest concern was that her sister was no longer answering her texts or calls. The teens attempted to reassure their principal, but even Pinkie seemed to know that Celestia was feeling more and more worried. But what were they supposed to do? They had to go to their classes.

Sunset had Biology with Rarity and Fluttershy. They were late for their test and didn't have time to finish it, but Sunset didn't care. The fate of the world, or at least Miss Luna and Celestia, was at stake. In fact, she was considering leaving during lunch and perhaps skipping the class after that to search McQueen mansion.

“I'm sorry, darling, but that's a horrid idea,” said Rarity, as they walked down the hallway. “Even if those of us who have bikes could find our way to her home, we'd have to break into it, and I for one am not prepared to do that.”

“We wouldn't have to break in!” Sunset held up her hands. “We could just walk around the outside.”

“I don't know.” Fluttershy clutched her books close to her chest. “That sounds like pretty big risk and a lot of work for a small hunch.”

Sunset sighed. “I know. I just hate sitting around here while Nightmare Moon could be plotting who knows what.”

“So do I, but it will be better to wait and search the house when Principal Celestia is there.”

The next two hours crawled by until at last it was time for lunch. Sunset was so anxious that she didn't have much of an appetite, but she made herself get some food. She knew that if she didn't eat, she'd regret it later.

“Hi Sunny!” Pinkie grinned wide and waved her over to their usual table. “I saved your favorite seat!” She patted the empty chair next to her.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “Is that really her favorite seat?”

“Of course silly!”

Sunset sat down in her “favorite seat” - really, she couldn't think of a better one. Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy were already eating on the other side of the table.

Pinkie threw her arm around Sunset's shoulders. “Sunny and me, we get each other.”

Applejack opened her mouth like she wanted to say something; then she shook her head. Pinkie caught the gesture, however.

“What?” asked Pinkie, squeezing Sunset's shoulder more tightly than necessary. “You don't think we're close?”

“No, I didn't say that.” Applejack took a drink of water, avoiding eye contact.

Dash smirked. “Some Element of Truth you are.”

“Honesty, Rainbow,” corrected Rarity as she cut her french fries with a knife and fork.

“Whatever. You were going to say that nobody gets Pinkie Pie, weren't you?” Dash pointed at AJ with a pickle.

“You said it, not me.” Applejack folded her arms.

“Everyone was thinking it.”

“Ah!” Pinkie let out an offended grunt. “That is not true! Maud gets me, and so does Sunny. Right?” She gazed at Sunset, her sky-blue eyes hopeful.

Sunset smiled. “You know, I think I do,” she said earnestly.

Pinkie turned her head toward Rainbow. Sunset couldn't see her face, but she guessed that Pinkie was either grinning in triumph or sticking out her tongue.

“So, anyone got any new ideas on what to do about Miss Luna?” asked Applejack.

Sunset clutched her forehead and breathed out a deep sigh.

Rarity leaned toward AJ and stage-whispered, “You don't want to know.”

“Ooooo! I have an idea,” said Pinkie, drizzling ketchup all over her fries. “We can't leave now, but Flutters can send her animal friends to search McQueen Mansion!” She stuffed a few fries in her mouth. “You can totally do that right?”

“I'm flattered, Pinkie, but I don't have that much control over animals.” Fluttershy reached down, and Sunset heard her unzipping her backpack. A second later, she lifted her grumpy-looking white rabbit above the table. “I only brought Angel today and he doesn't...” She trailed off as her body started to glow faintly. In fact, each girl's ears and hair were flickering like bad florescent lights. “Oh – oh dear, it's happening again.” Fluttershy hugged Angel to her chest. “Does this mean Miss Luna is back?”

Sunset sat up straight and did a sweep of the cafeteria, but there was no sign of the Vice Principal. “She's probably somewhere in the school. We should look for her.” She pushed back her chair.

“I'll send a mass text asking if anyone's seen her,” said Pinkie, wiping ketchup from her hands.

“No no no Pinkie!” Sunset put her hand on her friend's arm. “We don't want to involve the entire school. We'd have to explain the whole situation to them, and that would take too long in a text. Just tell Principal Celestia all right? Do you have her number?”

“What do you take me for?” Pinkie sounded affronted as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Was it just Sunset, or was Pinkie extra defensive? Maybe it was a sign of stress. It had been a trying day for everyone.

The group was attracting more than a few stares from the other students, and at least one of them – namely Photo Finish – had pulled out her phone to record them. Fluttershy reacted by ducking under the table.

“No pictures, please!” Sunset held up her hand.

“You cannot tell us not to take pictures!” said Photo Finish, jutting out her lower jaw.

“Now, now, all y'all have seen this rodeo before,” said Granny Smith, shuffling out of the kitchen. “Y'all just leave them gals alone and let them do their thing.”

Reluctant murmurs spread through the cafeteria as the elderly woman walked closer to Sunset's table, carrying a tray of glasses.

“You young'uns might wanna eat lunch somewhere private,” she suggested. “Miss Harshwhinny's classroom is empty this time o' day.”

Applejack blinked. “I dunno if we can do that, Granny.”

“Yeeeeaaaah, I've been banned from her classroom for life.” Pinkie crossed her arms and stuck out her lower lip.

“Besides, we should probably go and find – um, go and look for someone,” said Rarity, rising to her feet.

“Y'all oughtta eat lunch.” Granny Smith's brow furrowed in concern. “At least take some cider with ya.”

Dash's pupils grew huge as she stared at the glasses full of amber liquid. “Did you say cider?”

Granny nodded. “I could tell y'all were havin' a rough day, so I figured cider would make you feel better.”

Sunset smiled. “Oh, that's very thoughtful of you, Mrs. Smith...”

“For the hundredth time, call me Granny Smith.”

“Oh, uh, Granny Smith, that's thoughtful of you, but we don't have time to drink cider.”

“Speak for yourself!” Rainbow grabbed a glass. “Some of us like cider.”

As the other girls picked up glasses of cider, Granny gave Sunset a hurt look.

“You don't like cider?” she asked.

“I – well, no, but I've never actually tried Sweet Apple Acres cider.” Sunset rubbed her neck. “Maybe I should give it a chance.”

Dash and Pinkie sipped from their glasses.

“You should totally give it a chance,” said Rainbow.

“Yeah, this is the best cider ev...” Pinkie stopped, her mouth hanging open. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and glowed white, and her ears and long ponytail changed from translucent to opaque.

The same thing happened to Dash, and her wings solidified as she started to fall. Fluttershy and Applejack dropped their glasses, rushing over to catch her. Sunset grabbed Pinkie, keeping her from falling. She felt heavier than Sunset expected, as if Pinkie couldn't support her own weight at all. Her half-closed eyes shone like beacons.

“Oh no,” whispered Sunset. She looked up sharply. “Nobody else drink the cider!”

Rarity set her glass on the table and took a step back from it, as if it were full of toxic runoff, which it might as well have been. Her solid off-white pony ears flattened against her head.

AJ glanced up from Dash. “Granny? Where did ya...” She turned her head to search the room, as did Sunset, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Granny Smith was gone, and the other teens were gathering around their table.

“Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo stood close to her, wringing her hands. “Is she okay?”

Fluttershy pressed her fingers to Rainbow's neck, just below the side of her jaw. “Her pulse is weak, and her breathing seems shallow.”

With care, Sunset lowered Pinkie to the floor, watching her chest expand slightly. “It looks the same with Pinkie.”

“Should I call an ambulance?” asked Scootaloo.

“Please,” said Sunset with a nod. “I don't know how much they can help if this is caused by magic, but we've got to try everything we can.”

“I think it's safe to assume that it is caused by magic,” said Rarity. “Look at their eyes!”

Fluttershy gripped Rainbow's shoulders. “Please wake up, Dashie! I know you can fight this!”

Sunset rested her hand on Pinkie's cotton candy hair. “I don't know if they can. I think they might be under the Sleeping Torment.” She bit her lip, hating to use the name, but it had to be said.

“Oh dear, that sounds bad,” said Rarity, shifting her weight.

“It is,” confirmed Sunset. “In Equestria, it puts the victim into a deep sleep, and only an Act of True Love can awaken them.” It was even worse than that, but Sunset wanted to protect them from the truth, at least for the time being.

“An Act of True Love?” Applejack cringed. “Like True Love's Kiss? Aw shoot, Rainbow hates that mushy stuff.”

Sunset shook her head. “It doesn't have to be a kiss, but most of the time it is.”

“Stand back!” Redheart, the school nurse, bustled through the crowd of students. “Give them some air!” She gave Sunset, Fluttershy, and Applejack stern looks. “That means you.”

The three girls stood reluctantly and took a step back. All Nurse Redheart did, however, was confirm what they already knew.

“If it's poison, they may need their stomachs pumped,” said the nurse. “Has anyone called the paramedics?”

“They're on their way.” Scootaloo bit her lip. “The dispatcher says they should be here in a few minutes. Oh, please be okay, Rainbow Dash!”

“What, is Pinkie Pie chopped liver?” Apple Bloom waved her hand toward her probable cousin.

“What's all the commotion?” Granny Smith's unsteady drawl barely carried over the crowd noise.

“Granny?” Applejack rushed over and put her hands on her grandmother's shoulders. “What happened?”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “Or should we call you Nightmare Moon?”

Granny Smith raised her eyebrows. “What are y'all talkin' about? Can't I leave for ten minutes without the entire school fallin' to pieces?”

“Whaddaya mean?” asked AJ with a slight shake of her head. “Where'd you go?”

“Well, I went to the little girls' room, and the door got stuck. Luckily lil' Miss Vinyl came along and got the door open for me.”

Vinyl Scratch gave a lazy salute from behind Granny Smith.

“Is that it?” Sunset leaned closer toward the lunch lady. “Do you remember seeing anyone or anything suspicious?”

Granny Smith shook her head. “No, but then my memory ain't what it used to be. Why do you ask?”

“Sunset, could Nightmare Moon have turned into Granny Smith?” asked Rarity, tapping her fingers together.

“Could what?” Granny blinked in confusion.

Sunset nodded. “From what Twilight told me, Nightmare Moon turned into three Shadowbolts to try to trick Rainbow in Equestria. So she could probably change her appearance here too.”

“You mean she could be anyone?” Fluttershy glanced over her shoulder, her pupils shrinking.

Applejack pulled away from her grandmother, clenching her fists. “Why, she could still be you!”

“What in tarnation are you talkin' about, honey?”

“Applejack has a point,” said Rarity. “Why else would we still have pony ears and hair extensions?” She smoothed down her violet hair.

“Actually, that may be because of the Sleeping Torment,” said Sunset. “The Elements are activating to try to protect Pinkie and Rainbow. I'm guessing we're staying powered up too because we're all connected.”

“So, what you're saying is,” said Fluttershy, folding her hands in front of her chest, “we won't know when a threat is near anymore, because Dash and Pinkie are always threatened.”

“I...yeah.” Worry settled like a rock in the pit of Sunset's stomach. “That's about the size of it.”


There wasn't enough room for Sunset and her three remaining healthy friends to ride in the ambulance, so they followed it on their motorcycles.

“I have to admit, I'm surprised you decided to leave the school after all,” said Sunset after she shut off her engine. “Especially you, Applejack. I mean, you didn't even wear your helmet!”

AJ climbed off her bike. “Wasn't comfortable with these ears.” She pointed to her head.

Sunset had her own helmet squished over her pony ears, and she agreed that human helmets weren't designed with equine ears in mind, but she would rather put up with wearing a helmet than crack her head open on the asphalt. She held her tongue, however. Being a goody-two-shoes was hard, especially since she didn't want to come across as preachy.

“'Sides, look where followin' the rules got us!” continued Applejack. “Dash an' Pinkie are in a coma, and we don't know who we can trust!” She strode toward the hospital entrance at such a swift pace that Sunset had to jog to keep up with her.

In the hospital, the nurses were kind enough to let the girls into the ICU where Rainbow and Pinkie lay in neighboring beds. The nurses checked their vitals, hooked them to monitors, and inserted oxygen tubes in their nostrils. Rainbow was lying on her side so her wings wouldn't be crushed, and one of the nurses kept touching them.

“They have feathers!” she exclaimed in a hushed tone. “They have bones and tendons! How is this possible?”

“Let's worry about diagnosing the patients,” another nurse said firmly. “Besides, I think the eyes are a bigger concern.”

“Right, the eyes are also impossible!”

“It could be a new form of bioluminescence,” said another nurse. She held Pinkie's eye open and shined a pen light into it. The tiny light looked dim compared to Pinkie's magical glowing eye.

Then the nurse blew in her face. “She's not responding to any external stimuli so far.”

“Prepare the intubation,” said the doctor. He turned to face Sunset and her three friends. “I'm Dr. Mann. Can you tell me what happened to them?”

Sunset did her best to explain the events that led directly to the poisoning. The doctor had an excellent bedside manner, but his orange-brown face was so neutral that Sunset was sure he didn't believe her.

“Did you happen to bring any of the cider they drank?” he asked.

It was Rarity who answered. “I have some here.” She pulled a plastic bottle out of her satchel. “I poured it into an empty water bottle. I didn't touch it,” she added in response to Sunset's concerned expression.

“You think of everythin', sugar,” said Applejack.

“I do try.” Rarity brushed her fingers through her bangs.

Dr. Mann took the bottle. “We'll have it tested.”

“I can tell you what's in it,” said Sunset. “If I recall correctly, it was lion hair, a pinch of cloud, and a rainbow.” She tapped her chin. “Or maybe just part of the rainbow. They didn't teach it in magic school, but it was in the old books.”

The doctor's face was more neutral than ever, if that were possible. “Well, we'll just test it to find out for certain.”

The same nurse who had touched Dash's wings sneaked up behind Fluttershy. “This one has wings too!” she gushed.

“Eep!” Fluttershy folded her wings against her back.

Dr. Mann frowned at the nurse. “Is she in good health otherwise?”

“Well yes, but I...” The nurse was reaching a finger toward Fluttershy's wing.

“Then leave her alone and get back to treating the patient who's unconscious,” he said in a stern voice.

The nurse gulped and slunk back toward Rainbow's bed.

Dr. Mann gave Fluttershy an apologetic look. “She's new.”