• Published 14th May 2015
  • 984 Views, 27 Comments

A beginning in a new life? - Night_Striker

a swedish teennager find him shelf in equestria how will he handeling it and in a pony from? and will he ever return home well read and see what will happen!

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chapter 6 i'm screwd arent i?

Author's Note:

huh every time i put out a new chapter i get more dislike? and still no new coments
serisly i cant read mines and i canr become bhetter if i dont know where i need to improve.

allso i would like to know if you guys/girls what you like about my story so far.

well its looks good sofar 5 likes 1 is my own cuss why not? and 23 dislikes . . . really?

but i wiss you like this chapter and have a good day. and to you how finks i'm really ba why dont you make one off your own? its not easy to comm upp whit stuff like i do but meh. hiters gona hite nothing i can do about that

Celestia is looking at me with a raised brown to what i said, "I'm sorry but what did you say Night Striker?"

"It's nothing princess. Really just speaking a bit loud to my shelf" that seems to be an acceptable answer to Celestia.

"Werry well now to important matter can you explain to me why i sent a werry strong magical energy from you if you don't mind" she said with a friendly smile.

"why do i get a feeling i'm going to the dungeons? well what happen happens" looking straight to Celestias eyes i say.

"to be honest i don't know why, i don't know anything about using magick. and i just learned my shelf to levitate a book before you teleported me here"

"oh? do you mind doing it again if you please"

"well i can't say no can i?" Celestia giving me dis glance which say obey or go to the moon, or i'm just imagining it.

Luna on the second hoof seems a bit conflicted with hers sisters stare on me.

"well give me something to levitate then if its help or something" Celestia nods to a guard how laying down a sword? for me to use my magic on. "why does that sword look familiar to me" not going over the sword that much, I concentrate my magic to levitate it.

meanwhile Celestia sees this stallion concentrating and sees his horn are having a dark blue magickal aura, but she and hers sister sees it changes from black and back to normal dark blue. "I sean's dark magick but some how dis stallion doesn't seems possessed by it, or does it have a different purpose?"

I finally manage levitate the sword when something happened there was a flash of light and the sword in front of me looks exactly like my sword at home. "hur?" i just stared at the sword in front of me. but Luna sems taking an interest in the sword cos it doesnt looks like being made in equestrians.

"Night Striker may i see at that sword" Luna ask with interest.

Iooks at Luna then the sword and back "eh. . . sure" I say with a bit worry behind my words and giving my sword i'm sure off to Luna

"hmm this sword why is it dull?"

"coss i bought it that way because in sweden you aren't-" i was to slow to stop myself from saying those word and now the sister are staring me with more interest.

"Hmm you said you are from sweden? i have never heard of that name before, do you mind telling us?" Celestia ask.

"Shit! what do i do now. sighs i guess there is none" So taking a deep breath i looked to the two sisters.

"well this was gonna happen sooner or later"

Celestia and Luna looks confused at me Luna ask "and why is that Night Striker?"

"first off my name is not Night Striker. My real name is Martin Jonsson and i use to be a human"

Celestia and Luna looks at me a bit shocked by this news "well Martin if you are who you claims to be can you tell us how you got here then?"

Celestia asked.

"well i don't know how and why i got here but something tells me its all because of Discord" the two sisters spoke quiet to each chute and then Celestia light hershorn upp. After a little while there was a flash of light and Discord was in the rom in a bathtub? being completely oblivious to where he is.

"Discord" Celestia said with not amused tone. Discord stopped scrubbing his horns and looked to Celestia.

"Why Cely i didn't take you as an mare who likes looking at ponies who are taking a bath" Celestia keeping hers pokerface on while Luna is barely holding her from laughing. I just sitting there looking at Discord being unserious.

"well Discord i fink you have something to explain to me and my sister about our guest here" Celestia motion with hers right wing two wards me. Discord looking to me and his face lost a bit off his color.

"who might this pony be Celestia coss i haven't seen him befor" he says with a bit off a nevus voice.

I raised an eyebrow at Discords un karakteristik behaviour "Discord it obvious that you hiding something and i can clearly see that you are scared off me?"

the sisters took notice of that and Luna decides to bring that up "Discord why are you scared off Night Striker here? and what are you hiding"

Discord makes a double take off me not remembering of the theret i did to him "Hiding what? oh right i forgot to mention that i have a meeting with Fluttershy so i will just go now" Discord made move to the door, when i stepped in front off his path.

"Discord where do you fink you going?" i said while looking straight into his eyes.

making an annoying look "going away from here" he motioned with his griffon claw and lion pawn round the room.

"Discord me and my sister want to know why Night Striker claims that you have something to do with him being here" Celestia said in a strange tone.

"So what i took him from his caotik world and bring him here to equestria to spread some more chaos so what?"

Everyone feeling that an magick energy building up in the room and looking toward Night Striker where his horn is lit up white black energy.

"so you are telling me that you are the reason i'm here? the werry reason i'm stuck here and forever? justso youcan have fun by watching me in this world?" My magick i have build up is almost at it peak and ready to fire at will.

"Night striker stop this immediately!" Celestia commanded but I ignored her and have my eyes locked on Discord so she built up hers own magick fast seeing that i'm almost on it peek anyway.

"guards seize him!" Luna commanded and 2 guards went for tackle me but got shocked by a feld round me i put up in nick of time.

I fired my magick two wards Discor he wasn't prepared off the speed it come towards him holding up his claw and paw for the impakt, it didn't come. looking he saw that a yellow shield energy have absorbed the attack looking towards Night striker he saw that he have passed out.

All three of he just looked to night laying there unconscious and being unsure what to do.

"sister what should we do?" Luna asked.

"i'm not sure but he's too dangerous to have run about" Looking to the guards that have been shocked coming back up, she ordered them to take Nigh striker to the dungeons and put a magick decibel ring on his horn.

Celestia turned hers attention back to Discord and Luna did it to. "Discord you have allot to explain to us both" celestia said

"And don't try to flee or you will be sealed into stone again" Luna said without a hint of concern for him.

Discord getting a bit nervous for getting so much attention but he finally gave in. "werry well i guess i should explain what this about then,

Night Striker or Martin as his real name is from a different world or dimension. i just so happens come by his world and i saw all the magnificent chaos it was giving out and i thought to my shelf. i should possibly bring one of these humans to our-"

"THEE DID WHAT!" Luna shouted with hers royal voice.

"Luna! calm down i'm sure we can fix this problem right Discord?" Celestia said

Now Discord is werry nervous because he knows that it impossible to bring the human or Night Striker back to his world and not that Celestia would not like the answer it would come whit.

"well he can't return back because it was just an accident that i come by his world and my look at the time it much bye!" Discord said fast and he was gone in a flash.

The two sisters are sitting there shocked by the news they just got. Luna was the first to come to her senses.

"sister i will be in my rom if you need me" The dark blue alicorn said as she went off to her room to rest.

"your Highness" a guard said started Celestia a bit but she fast hold her face and shoved not much emotion.

"yes?" she said

"The prisoner woke up a while ago and started speaking something to himself in a language that we don't understand, but we did caught that he said something with your name and your sister" the guard said.

Celestia stands up and address the guard "lead me to where you have placing him at hold" she ordered the guard nodded and lead the way to the dungeon.


I just sit there in my cell thinking of what i should do, i think i may have thought aloud because some guards walked away after a while.

"uuuggghhh varför händer det här mej det är som om jag är i en fanfick eller nåt från MLP" I said a bit loud to my shelf.

Looking in my cell i noticed that i just have a blanket on a bed by the corner, and toilet by the corner and shadow looking at me by the window with an bagg with him holding it with his claws and wait what?

i stared at shadow for a while to make sure i'm not imagining it. "Shadow what are you doing here?" i asked but ignoring me and dropping the bag in front off me and it sems have something in side. Looking between the bagg and shadow i walked to it and open it up, inside is a book whit says it's about magick.

Picking it up with my hoof because i have a ring on my horn which neutralise my ability to use magick. And when i try to use it i get a shock from it with hurts ass FUCK!. But when i was about to test something i hear hoof steps coming towards me, so i quickly put it back in the bag and hide it under the bed and pulling the blanket round me and sitting in front of it to hide it better.

Coming from the left side was a guards and "hello sun butt or aka Celestia" stopping in front off the my cell.

"hello Night Striker" she said with her motherly tone to me i just roll my eyes and return the gesture.

"hi princess" she look a bit troubled by my tone of voice how i speak to hear compare befor.

"is there something wrong? you seem to be troubled by something"

I stayed quiet to for a while to form a logickal answer "well I am actually. I usually don't get that easy angry and i think Discords chaos magick have influenced my magick and how i react to him in a different level then i would possibly normally" I answer calmly.

"well i think i agree with you on that part but still. It's dont give you right to kill somepony even if they did wrong" she said the last part to try to make me feel guilty to try kill him like i care.

She is staring at me to see if i give any reaction but my answer was not what she expected to hear.

"I don't give a fuck off what you saying i already know what i did and i cant shanges what happen" I see her wearing a shocking expression that i dared to say that right to hears face and don't have even a hint of regretting what i said.

"werry well den i hope you like your stay in the dungeon coss you will not be realised until you have changed your attitude two wards royalty goodbye" she said before walking away and shaking hers white wings off the frustration she held.

When she and the guard was out off sight i begin to try move the ring with my hoof, i feel it being stuck on my horn i tried to spin it round and feeling it letting loose a little. Like 1h and 30 min later i finally got it off now to the book.