• Published 14th May 2015
  • 984 Views, 27 Comments

A beginning in a new life? - Night_Striker

a swedish teennager find him shelf in equestria how will he handeling it and in a pony from? and will he ever return home well read and see what will happen!

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chapter 4 staying in princess twilight's castle?

everypony have fun in the party there was some dancing, mingling, or just playing pin the tail on the pony. i on the secondary was just eating a few cupcakes which was delicious and very good made, i took some off the bowl drinks and the don't seems to have any alcohol in them, which is okay for me.

while i was sitting by my shelf, a unicorn mare with a white fur and purple curled mane and tail, was heading to me and took a seat in the chair right in front of me, she looked at me while i were dis question glance.

"oh my apology deare for not asking but, do you mind me sitting here?" she ask with a little nervous voice coss i know Rarity dont want to appear rude.

"no not at all it's nice to have company time to time" that earned me a smile from her and i looked around the party while drinking,

i heard someone clearing their voice *Ehem* turning back to Rarity she seems to want to say something.

"yes? what do you want mis?"

"oh right i haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Rarity and what are yours sir?"

"my name is Night Striker nice to meet you Rarity" i said while pulling my hoof out to her to shake, she smale and return the gesture and we shaked hoof.

"my aren't you a gentlecolt, it's a shame it's not more off you out there" she says with a bit blucing? on her cheeks, just shrugging it off i return with a more reasonable answer to that question she did.

"I'm quite sure there are more gentlecolt out there you haven't just met them, cos how should you earn friends when you are not respektfull,

and i'm only respekt full if they show it back. cos if i didn't i would possibly have more enemies than friend, eh not that i care or any fing about that"

Rarity have this quite shocked look when i said that last part. "excuse me darling but i think i may heard that last part wrong but did you say, you don't care about friends? coss i can't imagine a gentlecolt as you not having any friends around here"

"oh she have no idea what i'm about to go through" "don't worry about it, i'm not that much off the social pony as you may fink but i like to keep to myself time to time and just relax, and it's my problem to deal with not yours so dont sweat it"

Rarity dont know how to answer back but she decides beter taking his word for it, "well i guess i will taking your word for it, but if you don't mind i don't quite get your dialect do you mind where in equestria you are from?" Rarity asked with quiet intruding look. she sees Night getting deep in thought while he lover his head to fink.

"shit!! how am i suppose answer that question i don't know any city or place in this world that may have swedish dialect, hmm i know!"

looking up again to Rarity i begin my esques which i hopefully she will buy, "well i'm not quite sure where i was raised in equestria my parent and i didn't stay long in the same place, so i don't have that many friends cos we didn't stay long enough, and my parent was both earth ponies, so thats why i don't use magic to levitate my drink as you do, but they still learned me good enough so i do have a general understand off stuff, and i think that answer your question?"

Rarity got a bit overwhelmed buy this information "how can somepony just accept something like this!! well it does answer a buns off questions i may have asked, but how can he be so under standing off so much well i think i should maeby say something" taking eye kontakt white Night a gain she began "well that was quite interesting story bu-" she didn't got to finish that sentence when she got interrupted by somepony.

"there you are Rarity!" turning our glances to the pony how interupted her was no one than Twilight sparkel or should i say princess Twilight sparkle, she is a alicorn with a indigo fur and hers mane and tail are purple with a dark pink and slightly lighter color lines. (i'm not that good to describe colors and stuff so bear with me)

"hello Twilight darling, now you know is not polite interrupting somepony when they are having a conversation"

"oh! i'm so sorry for interrupting you two i hope it was nothing important" Twilight say with a rather embarrassed look

Rarity was about to say something but i decided speck up to interrupt her "naa nothing important at all and by the way, nice to meet you Twilight or should i call you princess or both?" i say while holding out my hoof for her to shake.

Rarity looks at me with a disapproving look, i just ignoring it "bitch please it's not that important, and i would rather not speak of that topic any way"

"you can call me just Twilight, i'm still trying to get comparable with all this princess stuff" she says nonchalant.

"but i'm rather qurious how come a unicorn like you don't using magic to levitate your drink? cos that is one off a few things all unicorns learn when young"

Rarity just this moment to speak up "well to answer that question of yours Twilight is because Night Striker here family traveled a lot around equestria. and i guess he did newer got the chance to learn it or i'm i wrong?"

now i got them both looking to me "geeeesh since when did i got the guy to throw all your godam question at ughhh!" "yeah thats pretty much one of the thing, but it explain some of it" i was about to take one more swing off my drink when i noticing it was empty.

"well looks like my drink it out i will be right back" i say when i taking my leave to get more to my drink and a cupcake or two.

the two girls watching when Night took his leave, Rarity decided now is good as any chans to tpeak girly stuff to begin with "so Twilight what do you think about Night then?" Twilight got cut off guard with that question, answer not quite sure how to answer that.

"well he seems okay for a stallion, but" now Rarity got more interested what hers friend finks of this stallion.

"but, what?" Rarity try to pry the answer out.

"i don't really know how to say this he is friendly but he doesn't seems to care to some degree for some reason" now they both looking at Night when he finally got his plate filled with 6 cupcakes, and getting ready to head back to the table they are at.

"well if you would ask me his mane doesn't look to bad maeby styling it a bit would not hurt and perhaps something else" Rarity concluded and seems to fink about something.

Twilight seeing her look and having a pretty good idea what she may finking about. "you are not about asking him modeling for you on some stallion clothing are you" Raritys eyes got wide in realization and looking back to Twilight.

"thats a wonderful idea Twilight! thanks for telling me it then i should possibly not come to mind" Twilight was about to say something when she got interrupted by somepony.

"okej i'm back and i got some cupcake if you want some" glancing to Night again the girls saw he got quite a few cupcakes and took one each.

Rarity taking this opportunity to say some things "that is werry kind off you Night, you truly knows how to treat a lady, except for some stallion whose name i have forgot" and she winking when she was done talking.

i on the second hoof knows how she talking about but ignores it "no problem i just thought you girls wanted some coss i haven't seen you taking a bite off anything really" i finishing saying before i took a bite on my 3 cupcake off the day and glancing out the window and seeing that roughly half the day have past, and some off the party goers have already heading home or back to there own thing.

"hey Night Striker where do you staying for tonight?" Twilight ask,

looking to her i say with nonchalant voice "eh possibly sleeps under the star again, coss i don't have any where to stay or the bits to stay anywhere else" both Rarity and Twilight got surprised by that answer.

"you can't be serious are you darling? coss i can't in magen how awful it would be to sleep in the night alone, but do you phere haps having a camping gear somewhere around?"

"well i don't have a camping stuff or anything really just improvising when i slept in the night really" i stand up from my seat and heading out until Twilight decides to stop me buy going on font off me, and i just raising an eyebrow at her with a question maner.

"well me and Rarity agrees on that you can't sleep in the cold night, and i got an ide that you should stay in my castle coss i have plenty of room and i barely using any off them"

i stops and finking for a moment "hmm either i deny the offer and try slowly building a place off my own in the everfree forest or staying in a crystallized tree castle and learn magick from bocks there, the answer is clear you would be stupid if you denied a offer like this!!"

"well thats werry kind of you but are you sure? i'm not going to be a burden to you?"

Rarity stepped in and answered for Twilight on this one. "Night Striker i'm werry positive that you would not be a burden, you are very respectful stallion and i would take you in even though i don't have lots off place but it would be worth it, and i don't want you to say any fing else about this!" she says with a confident voice.

"well i guess i take your offer for it, Twilight but on one condition" Twilight raising an eyebrow that even have a condition.

"okej and what may that be exactly?" she says with interest.

"that you don't try to do anything wid Shadow in any way you may find interesting or for some kind of study on it, and before you ask it is a phoenix and possibly the only one off it kind, can you follow that?" i say with a werry serious voice and my eyes says it whit a, 'if you dont you would with Luna was with you in that moment look'

Rarity and Twilight both laughed at the same time and rolling on the ground, i just rolling my eyes and went out off the door.

waiting outside to Twilight and Rarity i heard a flap of wing beat befor Shadow landed on my back and waiting outside the door with me.

a few ponies was staring at Shadow when they pass by but didn't care or dare dont know which was more fitting at the moment and leaving us alone while waiting.

"HOW FUCKING LONG IS IT GOING TO TAKE THEM TO CALM THE FUCK DOWWWN!!!!!?????" my patient started to run out coss seriously? it wasn't thatfuny.

and after like 5min later they both come out and was feeling a little in bares buy that i was standing and waiting for them to come out, when they both looking up to possibly ask a question about what i said, there's eyes got wide and their mouth falling down when they saw Shadow sitting on my back and looking blankly at them and just shrugged at there reaction at him. bear in mind no one know hes gender get except pinkie cos its pinkie.

Twilight and Rarity just stood there and staring at Shadow and i gave out a 'sight' and just shake my head side to side at this, so i coughed to get there attention, and they both snapped out of it and Twilight was the first to answer me.

"i can't believe this! i just thought you just made a joke but here in front off me most be the most rarest phoenix in the world ever existed!! i just most dokument this quickly oh and-" a loude *eheem* sound coming from Night interrupted Twilight's line off thoughts and got hers at the sound.

"Twilight didn't we just a agreement that you shouldi mean notdo just those thing for a few hours ago?" i said and said two specific word clearly for her to hear it,

"eh he he right" she said with a nervous voice remembering how specific i detailed my not fret but close to it how serious i was in this.

Rarity decides it was time for her to leave so she said hers goodbye to oss and went home to hers carousel boutique.

with Rarity gone i looked back to Twilight and sak "well should we start heading to the castle or are we staying out here all day or what?"

getting back to what was going on Twilight got back to the living world possibly finking off what have been happening at the moment.

"right just follow me to the castle and we will be there no time" when Twilight stopped walking and looking back and saw i was still in place she asked "is something wrong Night?"

i just looked at her and said the most obvious fing you could fink off "well one fing can't you i don't know teleport us three to the front off you castle instead of walking the whole way over there?"

Twilight face hoofed at the realisation of how she did not think off that first, and that earned a grin from me. "ugh why didn't i think of that!"

"well i guess you don't teleport on a daily casually and will possibly enjoy the scenery than missit by teleport everywhere" i said nonchalant.

Twilight just shrug it off and went with it "right, now come close so i can teleport the two-"

"you mean the three off oss right?" i gestured to Shadow on my back with my hoof.

"right the three of us to the castle's front doors" and with that she concentrated and then it was a flash of light, being a little bit disorientating for being teleported for my first maeby second time off my time in equestria, Twilight announced.

"welcome to my castle" and in front of us the doors open up with Twilights magic glowing a magenta on the two doors ass it open up,

there inside was made of crystal "what a surprise right?" and it was a long coriod leading to different ways to the castle and a set of stairs leading to the higher levels of the castle.

"so follow me and i will show you your guest room where you will stay" Twilight said and we said off a pair set off stairs before we reach a corridor with lots of doors left and right, until we stopped in front off a door and Twilight said.

"this here is your room where you will stay and there is a bathroom for taking care off any basick need you would have and shush, and i will possibly sen spike to let you know when we are going to eat something before it's gettin too late" Twilight finished.

"thanks and i will bear that in mind" Twilight just smiled and walked away after she said hers see ya soon,

turning back to the door i open it with a hoof and the interior was nice with a decent big bed in the middle of the room with a desk near the window and in the corner to the left i see a second door possibly the bathroom, and Shadow felled it was time to get off my back and fly in side and landing on top a convenient placed wardrobe next to my bed, shuffling a little to myself at my companion and closed the door, and went to the head of the bead and laying down and relax,

"i wonder what the coming days in this world gonna be like, or what do you fink Shadow?" i asked for no reason at all Shadow squawked a answer back and i just went with it, but for some reason it was not a positive one, "eh possibly just me being a bit paranoid"

and with that i was out fast as a light,

Author's Note:

i'm don't doing dis for fame i just doing this story to just bilding a carakter behind my figurs story if you like, but also so i can share my imagination whit you readers and pony lover or if you just like reading something,

if you have questions just ask and i will try to answer if they are serius, it depends. and if you dis like the story well i guess haters gona hate Right? yeh.

and i don't minde taking advaises time to time so fell free to do that and i may get if fixes so well i can.

Night_Striker sining out (salute)
ps. oh and i also doing dis for fun,
P.S.S sorry for my spelling in this box or it is a box? idon't know! ask notch wait he did minecraft never mind!

oh! and P.S.S.S. so many p.s ugh... but i dont know if there is a pony fied name of sweden i would like if someone could send me or tell me what is called and i have a ide what Stockholm may be called, possebly like ponyholm or stalholm something like that.