• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 7,404 Views, 340 Comments

inFAMOUS: Second Storm - FrostTheWolf

A young conduit that lives in San Diego does not know what he got himself into after saving a young girl during a hostage crisis.

  • ...

Chapter 8- Watercolour

Chapter 8- Watercolour

It all started back in Empire City.

In was one of the Major cities in the United States and a thriving metropolis in the state of New York. Many people, including families called this place home.

Then… there was the blast.

A huge explosion that went off in the middle of the city. Many people believed that it was a terrorist attack or that a bomb exploded. It was the only reason they thought could explain this “Atrocity.” Turns out, it wasn’t like that.

Then there was my friend, Cole.

He survived that blast. In fact, he woke up in the dead center of the crater that was formed from it. However, he wasn’t exactly the same anymore.

Over the time his girlfriend Trish and I took care of him, anything that ran on electricity reacted to him. Power generators, T.V.’s, lights. Hell, even him sitting in the front seat of a car caused the electric system in the car to overheat and explode.

He was what you would call the first conduit… And boy, he and I had been through a lot.

Days after the blast, a quarantine was established as a bullsh*t attempt to contain the “biological contamination” that was making many people in the city sick. But when the city was in quarantine, groups of people took up arms and made life inside there a living hell. The Reapers in the Neon District, The Dust men in the Warden, and eventually; the First Sons in the Historic District. Plus, there were others who made Cole’s life harder every step of the way. Sasha, Alden, that two-faced Moya…

And then, there was the man behind the Chaos. The leader of the first sons.

Kessler. The man who tricked me into thinking I could acquire powers and also the man that killed Trish.

He was a real son of a b*tch. He had all the same powers that Cole had at the time and some other powers as well. But in a very epic struggle, Cole defeated Kessler. But with him dead, our troubles were only beginning.

Moments before he died, Kessler showed Cole “The Beast”. A monster with powers that could bring the end of the world.

He was coming. Coming for Cole.

A month after Cole defeated Kessler, we met Lucy Kuo.

She was a government agent that wanted us to come down south to the city of New Marais and meet a man named Dr. Wolfe. He was a scientist with believed he could help Cole acquire new powers and get stronger to help him fight the Beast.

We were lucky to make it out alive because by the time we left, the Beast had came to Empire City. By the time we were out of there. Our home… the home of thousands of people… was no more.

But once we made it to New Marais, a lot of crazy sh*t happened. There was the Militia, Mayor Bertrand, The Ice Gang, the Corrupted. The whole town had been pulled apart by event after event and put into a state of fear and panic.

Not to mention the fact that Cole wasn’t the only Conduit.

We met a hothead Napalm Conduit named Nix and boy, she was crazy. Any plan she had ended up with someone in a body bag. But that wasn’t the only surprise in store for us.

As it turns out, Kuo was a Conduit as well and had her powers awakened during our adventures in New Marais. She became a real snow queen as she could create anything with Ice.

But the real kicker came in when we all discovered that Mayor Bertrand of all people, the guy in charge of the Militia and the city, was a conduit that mutated civilians and turned them into the monsters we called “The Corrupted.”

Anyways, over time, Cole got the powers he needed and also obtained Cryokinesis from Kuo. But by the time the Beast was here; only Cole, Nix and I were left because Kuo wanted to play double agent or some crap like that.

Not before long though, the Beast was here and Cole himself was the only one that was in his way.

Now, how Conduits originally obtained powers was through an object called the Ray Sphere, which combined the energy of multiple people into one. Like a power jackpot. When Cole met Dr. Wolfe, he gave him the RFI, which was a anti Ray Sphere. It took powers away instead of giving them away. When the beast arrived, it was fully charged. But the device could only be activated manually. There was only one thing to do at this if you were Cole right now. Nix and Kuo knew it too.

My friend voluntarily sacrificed himself to stop the Beast from destroying the world. Hard to believe that with one choice, the demon of Empire City had become the Angel Saint of New Marais.

However, that was seven years ago. Ever since then, a tidal wave of events have happened. There was the rebuilding of the east coast, the riots, more conduits beginning to show up… it was complete mayhem.

That was until one conduit who was part of the military captured another.

That conduit’s named was Brook Augustine and her actions helped establish the organization known as the DUP.

The whole damn country was now in a state of fear. Hell, some states had to declare martial law and let the DUP’s set up shop in certain cities because of it. There tactics were against our god given human rights, but they were allowed to because the public was was scared. Scared of people with powers.

Then there was Seattle.

Three Conduits; a gamer, an ex-junkie, and a small town delinquent named Delsin Rowe stood up against Augustine and the DUP and fought back against them. They exposed her for everything she lied and tried to cover up about; ultimately defeating the tectonic tyrant.

Now, things are getting better. For one thing, Conduits and Humans can live side by side one another and not be afraid of each other. All the imprisoned conduits inside the sprawling metal jungle of Curdan Cay were now free to choose to live their own lives in the ways they see fit. It felt good for many of them to see their families again.

However, the DUP wasn’t fully dismantled. Mostly put on Inactive, but parts of them still operate in different cities across the country. In addition to that, a new groups of advisors and a new leader are making changes to how they function while Augustine is on trial for her actions. That’s why I’m part of a group that’s trying to expose more of the DUP’s wrongdoings and make sure that what’s left of the organization comes crashing down like a house of cards

Because if you take away one card, the rest of the house crumbles.

“And that’s basically what happened so far.”

Both Rarity and Spike were speechless by the time Zeke had finished his story. The never realized what had happened in this new world they were in and how much this man had been through. He had even lost his best friend, who was kind of like a brother to him. Despite that though, he continued to move forward so life could be better for others.

The first person to talk after this was Spike. “I’m sorry to hear about Cole and Kuo.”

“You don’t have to be sorry, kiddo.” Zeke told him. He now had a small smile on his face as he adjusted his sunglasses. “In fact, with doing a bit of research, I got to meet Kuo’s sister. We became good friends and she has a family out west in Southern California.”

“Wow! That sounds really great!!” came Rarity’s response.

“It is. I haven’t gotten the chance to see them recently, but last time I saw her, I found out that she has a son.” The human now stretched his left hand upward and grabbed a small photograph that was up in the Visor above his head, handing it to Spike. “In fact, he looks a lot like you, Kiddo.”

Spike looked at the photograph and saw a boy around his age (Human wise) with black hair, blue eyes, a t-shirt, and shorts. He was in a public park on the grass with what looked like his father, tumbling around in the greenery nearby a basketball court. He was smiling happily.

“For the record though, this photo was from when he was eight and last time Stacey told me about him around three years ago, he was thirteen. So, who knows what he really looks like now.” The Driver mentioned as he tried to straighten the grip on the steering wheel.

“What’s her name?” Rarity asked.

“Stacey.” Zeke replied. “Can’t remember the last name though. It’s King…… something.”

With that, the RV passes another sign as Zeke came to a stop. He parked in front of a hangar door in a private airfield with the number at the top labeled “42.” The sight though was not quite up to Rarity’s expectations on the outside. The tarmat, the surrounding buildings and everything else to her just looked filthy.

“Uhh, where exactly are we?”

“At a private airfield outside of Kansas City,” Zeke told them. “Not the ideal place to lay low, but it works for right now.”

“So you live…… Inside this shed?”

“Well, I’ve been all over the U.S. and can’t exactly be in one place. it’s a lot cleaner on the inside then on the outside. Trust me, back in Seattle, I live in an Electronics Store.”

Both Rarity and Spike looked at each other as Zeke opened the Hangar bay door. As they stepped foot inside, it turned out that the Human was right. It was a lot cleaner on the inside then it was outside. There was no dirt on the floor, the furniture, or the shelves. ‘It might look bleak in color, but it’ll do for now.’

“Alright, I’ll catch up with you later then. I got to take care of something.” Zeke mentioned as he began to walk back to the RV.

“Take care of what?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, Zeke.” came the sounds of a new voice from the indoor balcony that served as a second floor. From their, Rarity and Spike could see a young teenaged boy with a red hoodie and torn blue jeans. He had Blond hair that almost looked like gold and green eyes, but only wore sandals to cover his feet. “What’s so important in which you need to rush off seconds after opening the hangar bay.”

“Well, look who’s up.” Zeke smiled as he saw the boy. “I honestly thought you would be taking some time to look around the area, Doughy.”

“I did, but then I got bored. So I tried to do some drawing, but then you opened the door and that distracted me. You know how my concentration works when it comes to art and noises.”

“Indeed. Doughy, I would like you to meet Spike and Rarity. Help make them comfortable for a minute while I find a place to go ditch the RV. I’ll be back in ten.”

“Wait-!” But before the teen could say anything, Zeke was already out the door and put the keys in the ignition. Speeding down the long strip of asphalt, the boy sighed as he facepalmed himself.

“Oh, what the flipping hay-.”

Spikes listening skills went off like alarms in his head the moment he heard the words of the other person in the room. “Hold on a minute… Did you just say “What the hay?” just now?”

“Of course, aren’t you two from Equestria?”

Those words had both Spike and Rarity looking at the boy they were with in alarm. Before they could do anything though, the Zeke called “Doughy” began to speak. “Whoa whoa whoa! It’s okay. No need to freak out! I’m from there too. Name’s Doughy Pastel.”

By now, Spike began to realize what Zeke meant earlier as he was driving them here.

Well, to answer your question kiddo, I did hear your friends story and given the fact that anything these days is possible in a world filled with conduits, I believe you. In fact, I met a boy that gave me almost the exact same story whose right now at the hideout we’re going to.

“You must be the boy that Zeke mentioned on the way here.”

“Indeed, and I must say... For a simple artist like myself who lives in Fillydelphia, it’s an honor to meet both of you, Sir Spike and Ms. Rarity.”

Again, both the fashionista and the baby dragon were confused. “I’m intrigued by your formality darling, but how do you know about us?”

“Who hasn’t heard of the Element of Generosity and the Savior of the Crystal Empire?”

Spike himself personally groaned at the last statement. It reminded him of what happened at the Equestria games all over again. Changing the topic, the young child had a new question for Doughy. “I’m guessing Zeke told you about being some… Conduit thing?”

“Yeah he did. My best guess is that you two are Conduits as well.” Doughy asked him. Rarity nodded as she moved her fingers and had crystal shards form around her hands. The Blond boy was indeed impressed by the skills. “Wow! That’s amazing!! I’m guessing it’s some kind of Crystal Manipulation?”

“I believe so. Most of my magic back home revolved around finding diamonds and gemstones which I would use later for different dresses that I tailored together.” Rarity personally left out the fact that it also had got herself in trouble involving a pack of Diamond Dogs because she believed that the whole experience was downright unprofessional and embarrassing.

“I got to say, that is really impressive.”

“Why thank you.” Rarity complimented. “Now darling, I believe that you have powers as well?”

“Yes I do.” Doughy nodded, answering the Crystal Conduit’s question.

“What kind of powers are they?” Spike asked, eager to find out what this boy’s talents were. However, what Doughy told them was not exactly what either Spike or Rarity expected at all.


“I beg your pardon?”

“My power is Ink.” Doughy said. He grabbed a stack of colored fliers and some old pens that the boy had acquired through looking around the airfield earlier in the day and had set them on the floor. “Maybe I should provide you with a demonstration.”

Putting both of his hands in front of him, Doughy began to concentrate on the objects in front of him. Before their very eyes, Spike and Rarity saw the ink that was printed onto the paper be extracted from the posters; leaving them as clean sheets of paper. In addition, the ink inside the pens that Doughy had set down began to float out of it’s container and be absorbed with his skin. The artist had drained the sheets of paper and the pens of the ink it contained.

“That’s cool!!” Spike cheerfully squealed. He had never seen anything like that before in his life and to him, it was beyond awesome.

“That’s not the only thing I can do with Ink.” Doughy assured them as he took out a small paintbrush that he kept in his pocket. Using the colors he had just drained, he used his tool to draw a four pointed star like a Ninja Shuriken in midair. Seconds later, a realistic version of the object was formed as Doughy threw it and it landed dead center on a dartboard that was on the wall.

“I drain ink and color from things such as Posters, Pens, Paints and other things like the paint jobs on what Zeke calls “Cars” and then can use it to create whatever I draw with my brush.” This even sounded cooler inside the mind of the young dragon. It wasn’t everyday that you could just draw something and it can come to life. Maybe this guy was or could be an artist for the Power Ponies comics back home.

Sooner than expected, Zeke returned to the hangar bay. “Hey, I’m back. Are you guys doing alright?”

“Yeah, I was just giving Spike and Rarity a demonstration of my powers.” Doughy told the human, pointing at the Dartboard and the Shuriken in the middle of it.”

“Hehe… Nice Throw.”

“Thanks. Hey Zeke, would you still happen to have the Wooden Training Dummies from a couple of days ago?”

Zeke nodded his head as he straightened his hair. “Yeah I do. Why did you ask?”

“I was thinking of helping Spike and Rarity get use to their powers.” The Conduit suggested. “The more they know about how to use their abilities the better.”

“Suit yourself…” Zeke smiled a little. “After all, a trained Conduit is a prepared Conduit if I do say so myself.”

Seattle, Washington

It took a little while of explaining before Twilight and Vinyl were fully able to tell what was going on to Delsin and his friends. Fetch at first was skeptical and found their story a bit hard to believe while Eugene himself was pretty surprised. But Delsin though kept an open mind. He even offered to help the two girls learn how to use their powers for if they had to go against the DUP.

Both Vinyl and Twilight gave Delsin a simple explanation on what their powers were to start based on experience. Vinyl was able to control sound while Twilight was able to conjure and control magic like she would normally do back home. Using this as a starting point, the Akomish began to think of how to expand upon what they already know. That way, the two of them would be prepared for anything that could possibly harm or hurt them.

“So, how should we start?” Vinyl asked. The DJ herself was itching to get started. Fetch, on the other side of the room, liked Vinyl’s eagerness.

To start off, Delsin had a simple question for them. “Well, to start, what are your mobility powers?”

“Mobility?” The Magic Conduit asked as she looked back at the Akomish with a look of confusion on her face.

“Like powers based on how you move. For example, Neon allows Fetch and I to run really fast with superspeed and Smoke allows me to dash forward in a puff of Smoke.” Delsin explain, demonstrating what he meant by dashing to a nearby wall by executing a Smoke Dash.

“Oh I see.” Twilight responded. “Well, I’m capable of doing this.” To demonstrate what she meant, the Magic Conduit teleported herself to the bannister above everyone’s heads and then came straight back down next to Vinyl. “Teleportation.”

Eugene himself was personally amazed by it. He had only seen Teleportation be performed in Heaven’s Hellfire, so seeing it happen right in front of him was very much to his liking.

“Very awesome! Alright Vinyl, your turn.”

“Okay. Well, I call this ability Acceleration.” The musician told them. “I can use sound to move extremely fast, but that’s not the only thing. I can launch myself onto different surfaces and either push off them for a boost of speed, or hold onto the wall for a short amount of time. Ten seconds at most.”

“Well, that sounds interesting. Lets see you move at the “speed of sound” them.” Delsin joked around a bit as he made the pun.

“Alright, but you asked for it.” Vinyl told him, positioning herself like an Olympic sprinter. The DJ then shot forth onto the back wall in a burst of silver light. She then shot forward two more times. The first being by Delsin and the second one onto the right wall by the ceiling.

“One… Two… Three… Four…”

The DJ was counting the time limit while twirling a red piece of clothing with her left index finger. It wasn’t until delsin realized what it was that Vinyl landed back on the ground.

“I believe this is yours.” The sound conduit smirked, tossing back the Akomish’s beanie cap.

Fetch laughed a little upon Delsin getting his beanie back and so did Eugene. The Multi-powered conduit just rolled his eyes, sighing as he put his hat back on to cover his messy black haircut.

“Well, that teaches me not to make stupid puns.”

“Told you that you asked for it.”

“Anyways, now we move onto the next step. Combat.” Delsin continued. “This is split up into two parts. Getting up close and personal with melee combat and blasting targets with your powers. We’ll focus on part one for right now before we move on to part two.”

“Okay, what does that consist of?” Twilight asked, her habits of being Celestia’s student tempting her to take notes.

“Well, why don’t we show you a visual demonstration. Eugene, can you pull up a few holograms of myself with the different powers I can do?”

“Sure thing.” The Gamer responded as he got to work. He began to channel his video powers as blue pixels began to form around his hands. With his skills, the teen soon created three separate projections of Delsin. One of him using Smoke, another using Neon and the last one using his own set of powers, Video.

“Whoa! That was awesome!!” An excited Vinyl gasped in awe of what just happened. “What kind of power is that?”

“Video. It allows Delsin and I to create holographic images using the energy from TV’s, computers and anything that has an electronic screen. Delsin, you’re up.”

“Alright,” The conduit nodded as he began to explain. “Each of these projections have a similar weapon or combat style, but use different powers. I use the chain around my wrist in order to combat the DUP’s.”

With a snap of Eugene’s finger, each one of the clones began to demonstrate their respected power. Smoke showed Delsin’s chain as a heated whip that would remind someone of Ghost rider. Neon treated the chain like a sword and Video made the metal links resemble a Sledgehammer.

“See the difference?”

“Yes, but I have a question.” Twilight asked her teacher. “How come you have more than one power while Fetch and Eugene only just have one?”

It was a valid question… and something Delsin completely forgot to mention.

“Well, thats the thing. My main power is actually power absorption. Grabbing another conduit’s hand not only has their power become one of mine, but I also see into their past and understand them. I have four powers in total so far. You’ve already seen the first three, but not the fourth. Concrete.”


“Like Stone.” He replied. “However, there are some limitations due to the weight of the concrete shards I control. For one thing, I can only slam my fist into the ground. Another thing is that my abilities are limited. Let’s focus less on me though and more on you.”

The clones now dispersed into little clouds of pixels as Eugene absorbed them to regain the strength he expended.

“Twilight, would you like to go first again?”

“Sure… I guess.” Twilight said, understanding a little bit about what she had to do next. “Am I going up against a Dummy?”

Delsin though, shook his head as Fetch walked into the center of the room.

“Fetch knows a lot about hand-to-hand combat. So, if she’s up for it, I’m letting her help you two know how to fight.”

“I’m always up for it, D. Gives me a chance to loosen up a bit.”

Fetch was stretching out her arms and legs as Twilight walked to the center of the room where she was. A few feet away from the neon conduit. The Element of Magic was unsure about how to do this. The only fights she had ever been in was against the changelings during the Canterlot wedding and against Lord Tirek when he broke out of Tartarus. Still though, she had to try.

After all, she was a fast learner.

With Speed in her step, Fetch raced towards The Magic Conduit; who was lucky enough to dodge the first Neon enhanced punch. But her lack in footing led to herself becoming vulnerable for the attacks that followed. She continued to dodge though despite getting hit a few times in the upper and lower chest; until Twilight decided that it was time to fight back. Leaning back, a dodge of Fetch’s incoming arm was followed by a swift kick to the Neon girl’s chest and another that caused her to stumble a bit.

“I think I still need to work on this.” Twilight said, looking personally disappointed in herself.

“Well, this is a learning process.” Fetch told her as she hopped back onto feet. “You got a lot of reflexes, but you should try to use her arms to go along with your legs. Punches are just as effective as kicks.”

“You mean similar to how you do it?” The Element of Magic asked.

“More or less… How I throw punches is from an angle. If you throw it straight, it’s just as effective.” The Neon girl continued to help Twilight learn the basics and instruct her on how to fight as time slowly passed. Soon, Twilight was able to do a few punch and kick combinations thanks to Fetch’s help. Vinyl herself was eagerly awaiting her turn as the DJ was listening to some tunes through her headphones.

“Alright, that should do it.” Fetch congratulated her first student upon her success. “Hey Phones, are you ready?”

Cracking her knuckles, Vinyl chuckled and smiled at her new nickname.

“Bring it on!”

The DJ was up for a challenge. Bending her knees, she shifted her arms in front of her. The left arm was at her waist and the right arm was out in front of Vinyl. The position would remind anyone who had played Street Fighter of Cammy.

“Well, looks like you have some experience.”

“Heh… My roommate Octavia and I took some self defense classes back home… And I had to fight a few DUP’s when they started to open fire on me.”

“Good point.” Fetch Remarked. “This should be fun.”

Without warning, Fetch took a step forward and bursted forth in a head on blitz of colored light. Expecting this kind of assault though, Vinyl used Acceleration in a sliding motion, to get behind Fetch and got the first hand strike with the back side of her fist.

The conduit of Neon was surprised by the DJ’s back attacked and stumbled a bit, trying to use the back of her foot to hit her opponent. It worked and the attack was followed by a low sweeping kick to cause Vinyl to trip. Instead though, she got on her hands and knees to block the blow.

Vinyl did not stop there though. Using her powers, the sound conduit pushed herself off the ground using Acceleration, moving onto the ceiling. She then accelerated downward, behind Fetch and then forward in a crescent kick that took the neon girl by surprise.

Delsin, Eugene, and Twilight were all speechless because of Vinyl’s graceful display of power. Normally, it would take a few weeks to get their powers to this point. For Vinyl, it had only been nearly three days, Both her and Twilight were learning very fast.

“Nicely done.” Fetch complimented as Vinyl helped her off the floor.


Fetch not turned towards Delsin as she walked over to what looked like a tall stack of plates made from hard plastic. “Alright Smokes. I think it’s time for Part 2.”

“Alright, now we work on step 2. Or as I would like to personally call it, shooting stuff.” The Conduit demonstrated what he meant as his neon partner threw a plate into the air and he shot it down with a blast of smoke. “It may seem simple, but projectiles like these come out differently for different powers. Fetch’s Neon comes out as a laser.”

“Okay, that sounds awesome. I always like light shows when I perform!”

“Yeah, but it’s not a show, Vinyl.” Twilight reminded her.

“Aaaannnnyyyways……” Delsin interrupted them. “I want you to hit the plates using your powers for this first exercise.”

“Sounds simple enough.”

“Yeah, but it is the first exercise. Just to see how your powers work. Eugene? You up for tossing a few plates as well?”

“Heh… Why not?” He shrugged as the Video Conduit grabbed a plate and got himself ready. As Twilight and Vinyl prepared themselves, Delsin gave Fetch and Eugene the signal to start tossing. Fetch was the first to make a move and tossed two plates into the air while Eugene wanted to be one step ahead and tossed three.

Using her right hand, Twilight fired two bolts that went off very quickly. The bolts dispersed on contact, hitting the plates and melting a hole through them. While for Vinyl, she fired three bolts from her left arm that came out as silver energy that thoroughly pulsed with life. Vinyl’s sound shots came out much faster. Like if they were shots from a SMG, spraying out in a single direction.

“Well now, that’s impressive. What if you charged your energy though?”

“Like hold it in longer?”


“Well,” Vinyl said. “When I hold my energy in, it comes out like a shockwave.”

“You mean like the one that you hit me with the other day?” Fetch asked.

“Yeah… Sorry about that.”

“Well, I would still like to see it though.” Eugene told the DJ. She nodded, stating for him to conjure up a target so she could let it rip. The Gamer personally chuckled at the statement, but then created a holographic projection of a DUP officer in the center of the room. The sound conduit gathered her energy as it formed into a sphere of noise around her hands and launched her palm forward, resulting in a shotgun like soundwave that threw the dummy into the wall and turned it into a cloud of pixels.

“Wow, that’s pretty kick ass!”

“I can’t wait to find out what else I can do!”

“In due time,” Delsin ensured the DJ. “Let’s see what Twily can do-.”

“For the record, only my brother calls me that. Unless you want to end up like Vinyl’s dummy, pick a different nickname.” Twilight stated directly, surprising the Akomish.

“Can Twi work?”

The element of magic nodded, giving Delsin her answer non-verbally.

“Alright then, show us what you got!”

The magic conduit focused her energy as Eugene conjured a few more holograms. This time of a few Akuran drug dealers. When Twilight thought she had the right amount of power that she needed, she threw her palm forward and let loose three shots of magic that all converged on the first target. Trying again on the last three that were in the room, Twilight repeated the process and fired once again. This time, all three bolts went towards separate targets. Each one being just as powerful as all three of them were combined.

“Well now, that finishes exercise #2.” Delsin now was getting excited for what was to come. But first, what could they do to restore their powers? “Okay, there’s two more things that I would like to go over for now.”

“Alright, what are those?”

“First is the drain-.”

“Drain?” Twilight questioned. “Like in draining the sink?”

“No, not quite.” Delsin told her. “Draining is how we restore our powers. Like an energy drink for Conduits.” In saying that, he noticed a light switch to a Neon sign that said “Restrooms” and flipped it on, having the sign flicker to life.

“Fetch, you need a snack?”

“You’re too kind, Smokes.” Fetch snickered, stretching out both of her arms and pulling the light out of the sign using her powers. The light restored her strength and healed a few of her bruises she had received from sparring with Vinyl.

“See what I mean?”

“Oh yeah!” Vinyl nodded. “I actually figure out what I could drain the past few times I’ve been outside.”

Everyone’s gaze was now on Vinyl as they looked at her. The DJ now felt dumb for forgetting to mention it earlier.

“Really? What can you absorb?”

“Noise and sound. I can drain it from speakers, megaphones, radios and CD players. DUP’s have a few megaphones spread out around town to use as a warning system to call for backup. Trust me, I’ve learned that the hard way.”

“You got a reputation with them, now?”

“They don’t call me the Sound Siren for show.”

“Heh… Catchy.” Delsin said. “What about you Twilight?”

The Magic conduit was unsure and told them that she honestly thought it was light, which personally surprised Fetch. Upon further explanation, Twilight told them that there was both Light and Dark magic back in Equestria and that most of the spells she used were light based. But then again, she was thinking out loud.

Which lead Delsin to the last thing that he was going to teach them. It would be the ability that they would consider their Grand Finale in their performance as a conduit.

The Karma Bomb.

End Chapter 8

Author's Note:

This chapter was focused on only two sides of our three sided journey since the next few bits are only focused on Shawn. Here, I introduce Doughy, an OC from my friend Destro-The-Dragon on DeviantArt. Plus, I always thought that Ink would be a interesting power given how Delsin always likes doing graffiti. Additionally, just thinking about the power gives me an Okami vibe. What do you guys think?

P.S. I've kicking things up a notch for the next few chapters and including more plot and story elements so expect that to thicken soon.