• Published 25th Apr 2015
  • 510 Views, 5 Comments

The Ponyville Garrison - That Pony Writer

An officer fresh out of the academy is given the command of the garrison of Ponyville.

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Chapter 1: I'm being assigned where?

The Ponyville Garrison
Writer's Nonanonymous

Chapter 1: I’m being assigned where?

Newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Spears sat in the waiting room, as he and his fellow officers waited for their assignments. With gray fur and a normal build, the young lieutenant looked like any other member of the Royal Guard. Other than his cutie mark, which oddly enough were two spears crossing each other, his looks would make it hard to distinguish him from the other guards that roamed Canterlot. Having just completed and graduated from the academy, Spears and the rest of the newly graduated officers were eagerly awaiting their order, which were to be given by the officer on the other side of the room.

Some say that officers who go through the academy cheated and took the easy way on getting a commission. Saying that they only have to go through a test before becoming a full-fledged officer, getting a commission without actually working hard for it. But Spears would like to beg to differ.

Spears remembered his days in the academy, with the grueling physical and mental test. They made sure that a cadet was prepared for anything, may it be a physical problem or a brain game. The academy was shaping up Equestria’s best officers and they made sure to pass on the legacy of great commanders.

From hoof to hoof combat to the mathematics of canon trajectory, they thought it all, to make sure that no officer who graduated under their roof would fail their nation.

The long marches and all the lessons that they needed to memorize took its toll on some, but he and rest manage to make it. The strains and pains they experienced were now long gone, as they now stood as officers of the guard.

Looking back to his last days in the academy, his memory flashed back to his most memorable experience there, the graduation battle. Designed to simulate an actual fight, the mock battle was conducted by the graduating class, in which they would recall all the lessons they learned in the classrooms and apply it on the field. Working in small groups, they must endure an entire week in the field, trying to survive both enemy teams and the environment.

After getting back from that week, Spears could remember nothing but falling on top of his bunk before falling asleep. It took a toll on his body and strength, but he knew that it was all worth it.

To be able to march out of the academy, in full ceremonial dress and with a new commission, paid off the pain and exhaustion he experienced throughout the four years that he spent there. It made him proud and happy to see that he was done with his learning and would finally be able to apply it. The only question now was, where was he going to be assigned?

“I think I have a 100% chance in being assigned to Canterlot Castle.” Raven said, in a tone that suggested that she was sure about her assignment. Looking towards the jet black pegasus, Spears could see the smug grin on her face, as she boasted the reasons why she would be assigned there.

An officer’s assignment was based on his/her skills and capabilities. They would read one’s file and place the officer on the proper unit that they would be needed. If you had certain skills that they needed, then they would ship you off and bring you to that needed area. For example, if you were good at engineering, then off you go to the Engineering Corps. It wasn’t much of the officer’s choice, but a need to supply demand.

To be assigned to Canterlot Castle, an officer must have outstanding grades and good remarks from the academy. The Celestial Guard and Lunar Guard only accept the best who have the skills and prowess to serve beside the Princesses. Normally, the top ten of the class get assigned there and Spears knew Raven was not one of them.

Spears rolled his eyes as he looked at Raven’s arrogant expression before shaking his head. “Raven, I don’t think they would accept you into the Palace Guard.” He simply stated.

“Yes they would…” She said, pushing away his negative thinking. “…I had excellent grades back in the academy and skills beyond compare.”

“Skills beyond compare? Like what? Cleaning the toilets, we all know how good you are with that.” Seeker said before laughing.

Spears laughed at the white unicorn’s joke, as he agreed with him. “I think he’s right. You spent more time cleaning the academy’s toilets, than actually studying.”

“Hey!” Raven said, slapping the back of Spears's head to make him stop. Her face was flustered with anger as she glared at the two unicorns. “…it’s not my fault that the instructors pick on me.”

“Pick on you!” Seeker exclaimed. “How could they not? You blew a cannon ball right through the arsenal, twice!”

“Yeah? But it wasn’t my fault!” She exclaimed, flailing her hooves above her head. “The canon was faulty!”

“Faulty? I think your math skills are faulty…” Spears said, shaking his head. “…I can’t believe you passed that class in the first place.”

“Well I did.” She said, poking him on the chest. “…and look where I am now. Look where we are all now, waiting for our assignment orders.”

Spears smiled and nodded. “It’s quite amazing, isn’t it? On how fast thing went. I feel like it was only yesterday when we all met each other and became friends.”

Seeker sighed. “Too bad I became friends with this trotting disaster over here…” Seeker mumbled, referring to Raven.

“What was that?” Raven asked, giving Seeker a sharp glance that could tore right into his sole.

“Ummm…nothing….” He said quickly, looking away from her glare.

“Lt. Spears. Lt. Spears. The Major would be seeing you now.” The Assignment officer’s secretary said, as she called out his name from the open door.

“Well, I guess it’s my turn now.” Spears said before standing up. “Wish me luck.” He said, giving one last glance towards his friends before trotting towards the door, in where he would learn his future assignment.

Spears kept his eyes straight as he stood still in front of the desk, while the unicorn behind it read his file. He felt nervous as he stood there, sweating under his armor, as he tried to calm himself down. With the future of his military career in the hooves of the pony in front of him, it was quite easy to understand why he was so nervous.

“Well, it says here that you did well in the academy.” The Major said, scanning the pages of the file. “Not great, but pretty average.”

Spears gulped as he heard this, as he took it as a bad sign. If he was considered an average officer, then what would that mean for him. Would he get an average assignment? Sure, that would be fine, but that would also mean a slow ascent up the military ladder, which was something he didn’t like.

If he got an ordinary job, say platoon leader in a regiment, then he would be one out of many officers with the same rank. There would be officers with the same rank as him who just graduated, as well as officers who were promoted from the ranks. The chances of him being picked out for promotion was very slim, seeing that there were more officers with greater experience.

No, he needed a job where he could easily shine and be noticed for his skills. An assignment that would make him stick out and be praised for. If he got a job that could do that, then he would easily climb the ranks.

“But this file also says that you are very good with logistics…” The Major pointed out, nodding. “…we could use a pony like you in the Logistics Corp.”

His heart was suddenly filled with dread when he heard that, as he almost felt himself faint.

The Logistics Corps! Anything but the Logistics Corps.

In the Logistics Corps, he would be stuck with a clerks job, filling papers and sorting out files. He would do nothing but sit around and write about the supplies that were being spread out throughout Equestria. Not only would that be a boring job, it would also mean that his chances of promotion would be zero. He doubted it if he would be a rank higher by the time he retired if he was assigned there.

So fear hit him the moment he heard the Major suggested the Logistics Corp. But faith seemed to have other plans, as it saved him from the monotonous job of the Logistics Corps.

“But I have a better job that would be perfect for a new, fresh out of the academy.” The Major said, putting the file on the desk and looking towards Spears, meeting his gaze. “Tell me Lieutenant, have you ever heard of a town named Ponyville?”

Spears hesitated for a while, knowing that he has heard the name before, but where? After a couple of seconds of thinking, it finally hit him.

“Yes, sir.” He said, with a quick nod. “It is the home of Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony.”

“Very good, Lieutenant.” The Major said, nodding, obviously pleased. “Now, tell me, are you aware that Princess Twilight Sparkle has a new castle?”

“Uh, yes, sir.” He said, wondering why he was being asked these questions. Was he planning on assigning him there, as a part of the Royal Guard to protect the new princess?

“I’m glad to hear that you keep up with the news, lieutenant.” He said. “But I think I should get to the point.”

“You see, ever since Princess Twilight Sparkle got the new castle, Princess Celestia has been insisting on forming a Royal Guard detachment for her. Now, we all saw this coming, seeing that a princess could not be left unprotected, powerful or not, they still need a force to protect them. So that brings us to a question, who would lead the new guard?”

Spears felt excitement rush through him, as his heart beat faster. Was he about to be promoted as the leader of the new guard? An officer fresh out of the academy, to be the Captain of the new guard. This was too good to be true.

“So we decided to…” The Major continued.

Inside, Spears felt so happy, as he screamed in his head for his success.

“…give the job to the Captain of the local garrison, seeing that he is already familiar with the area.”

Hearing that, Spears felt his heart drop as his hopes were shattered into a million pieces. Well, that’s what he gets for hoping too high. But wait, where would that leave him?

“With their commander promoted, that would leave the local garrison leaderless.” The Major said. “That’s where you come in. Seeing the Ponyville is quite a peaceful place and that you have enough logistical skills to organize a small garrison, I am assigning you as commander of the Ponyville Garrison. Temporary of course. But who knows, if you do a good job, maybe you will be the permanent commander.”

Spears felt crushed as he heard this. With Ponyville as a quiet place, the chances of him getting promoted were slim. Sure, he heard the place in the news once in a while. But with the Elements of Harmony there, there was little need for the Royal Guard. Any problem could easily be fixed by the Princess and her friends. Every disaster or problem that would happen in Ponyville would most likely be cleaned up by the Elements, way before the Guard could respond.

The Royal Guard’s Garrison was basically for display only and with the new Guard forming under Princess Twilight’s wing, the local Garrison would most likely be left unnoticed. The new Guard would hog all the attention, seeing that they work to protect the Princess, while he and his garrison force would be left to watch apples trees.

Even if he did become permanent commander, it would still leave him with the same rank. Chances are, nopony would replace him as commander there.

The place was just to bland and boring, with no lace to show his metal. Being assigned there would either lead him to early retirement or a permanent rank as Lieutenant. The only hope he had was to do a good enough job so that somepony would take notice of his skills and decide to reassign him somewhere else.

Well, there goes the chance of getting promotions quickly. 'Well...' He thought to himself. "...at least it's better than being assigned to the Logistics Corps.'