• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 2,033 Views, 24 Comments

The Dark Side of the Sun - Ice Star

Thousands of years ago, three youngsters roamed the wilds together. Many things happened. Some were good, but others are better off forgotten. There are plenty of those. One has just resurfaced, one that Celestia would rather forget.

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Chapter 2: To Touch the Sky

Two Moon Cycles Later...

"Luna, that clover better be going those bags, not into thine mouth!"

"Yes, Tia," came the reply from across the meadow, and I expected it. Luna was a boundless bit of energy, but she was more content to speak little and look around, like silence could somehow be gathered by doing that. Ugh, sometimes I think she does not listen to a single thing I say, but I only want her to be safe and happy. I always have. Luna is worth more than any toy or jewel I had to leave behind, and lots more fun too! Mommy always let me hold her like she was one of my baby dolls, but Luna is still way better! She can always make me smile. I do not want another sister because she is very perfect and I get to be her Tia and not everypony else's Celly.

According to the map Luna, Discord, and I were halfway across the Unicorn Range Mountains. A warm, salty air blew down from somewhere across their immense reach of the mountains. This breeze made the plants around us perform a quivering kind of waltz.

Waltzing. A small sigh escaped me. How long since We had danced, Our regal step as silent as starlight?

Too long.

It was time to change that, we told ourself. Even if We were out of practice, Luna and Discord were across the vast expanse of pink-and-green that was the clover fields. Only the sun would see me. It could be my partner. Slowly, we dropped into a sweeping curtsy, startling a few butterflies into flight.

"It is our pleasure," We whispered, gazing up at the cloudless sky and taking in the melody of the wind. Even nature must be shown kindness, no matter the creature. Maybe among all the butterflies, there was a little breezie flitting about far from their grotto, and maybe one was not. That never meant that all creatures great and small, all plants and things that were good and nice were not to be treated anything but the best — if they did the same too.

To accompany this beat Our heart joined with the radiant warmth. An elating, pulsing meter only We could hear began to play out. Taking a deep breath, We stretched out our legs and tried to recall what our mother taught Us about dancing, trying to hold ourself properly. As We absorbed the warm sunlight We let this knowledge fade, just keeping ourself as Mommy would have said, 'regal' — that was one of her favorite words. It was rude to keep a partner waiting. Slowly, Our heavily lashed eyelids closed.


We started to twirl gracefully, Our fresh-picked flowers swayed to the beat thumping in Our ears but they did not spill. Their gentle rustling joined the symphony. More steps played out below in Our blindness. Leaps and spins that caused the grass to gasp and murmur. Soon the ground seemed to fade beneath Our hooves. We became so absorbed in movement, We swear it faded altogether. We so badly wanted to view this feat. We were afraid, though. Would the opening of Our eyes spoil the moment?

Just... one... little... peek...

Our thick eyelashes flew open, exposing all. The meter was silenced after a few last skipping pulses and the world seemed to stop. A new song emerged. The song of Our heart, thumping wildly. I... We... are hundreds of lengths off the ground. From here, We could see Luna and Discord, both of them looked ever so small below Us. Our flower bags are still on the ground, thankfully their contents had not spilled: freshly picked rations of a vibrant green shade. We look to Our sides. We had nearly forgotten but our wings flapped softly, We noticed long white flight feathers, graceful and sleek. In the sky, Our mane and tail no longer dragged but billowed around me in streams of thick, cloudy pink.

I am touching the sky.


Two weeks later

All of us agreed to stay in the huge fertile meadows with their gentle winds and tasty clover. Luna could not stop asking Us about the whole dancing-in-the-sky event. Every time we talked, it seemed she had a new question relating to flight. Little did We know, stranger things would happen.

One night, feeling safe and warm with our bellies full, an excited Discord, Luna, and I decided to stargaze. Even if I still felt ever so nervous about the night, I would hide it, putting fear under my face like a mask. Luna sat in the grass with Discord, and between them I floated like a butterfly, refusing to be grounded. Sometimes my face colored when I looked at Discord and he laughed, all pink and flower-bright. My mane totally hid it and he always went back to his jokes.

The stars were twinkling so irresistibly that even We agreed with Luna tonight. We had to watch them, just this once. No harm of any kind could befall Us here. As We stared reds and pinks faded to blues, purples, blacks, and colors I could not place. Soon these became illuminated as orchards of stars shed their gold-white light joined by a solitary moon whose silvery blue attempted to humbly mix with the stars' glow. The barest memory of Our castle in the Everfree Forest played itself in my heart, and I missed it. Soft beds, warm food... it was a good place, and it was safe. I always knew what would happen there. The orb of light that was the sun, and my friend, spiraled out of the sky like it was falling through jelly.

It was at this moment on a midsummer night something extraordinary happened. Something that will remain in our minds forever, Discord, Luna, and I, because it was beautiful then. But what might have been the most important thing is how this event changed me.

Out of nowhere, the starry sky exploded into ribbons of color: pink, blue, and yellow. Every other fathomable shade of pastel shimmered between these main ribbons in a crystalline manner. Luna was overly awed by this, eyes shining back as she looked into the night, her eyes filled with those colors. A little too awed for me, though. She turned to me and lightning quick, she begged me, talking and talking in a way that was so rare for her. Luna was pleading that the display in the sky was important and that since I could fly, I should go up there. Luna believed it was a signal from Mommy and Daddy. If I could fly fast enough to go receive the message, she reasoned, we might be able to know where they are hiding. We agreed to this and glided up, but tried to look as good as possible doing it since We had to set an example for Luna. These lights were not as high in the sky as one would have thought, but that did not make them any less brilliant where they hung below the clouds. Now that We were this far up the darkness, which was still spooky as ever, enveloped Us.

What were We supposed to do?

The stripes shimmered from the reflected light with an aurora beauty, as We later learned these lights were called. We were entranced by this. How lovely, it was almost like We could hug it.

Gingerly, We stretched out a hoof... and touched it. Instantly, a sharp gasp was wrought from Our lips. We had expected to feel pain for this foolish choice. Instead, I felt wondrous love and colossal amounts of energy infest my insides and encircle me. So warm! I knew that if I could stand next to the sun, all kind and bright, it should feel like this too, maybe! Or not quite...? Hugs did not feel much like this. Laughing with Luna did not feel precisely like this. Looking at Discord when he did his magic tricks or told me that my mane looked nice and he helped me pick flowers was not the same.

What was this power?

More importantly; why wasn't this energy... theirs? Upset and confused, We tried to withdraw our hoof from this force. As We pulled, slowly our hoof comes out spinning back at me until it smacked Us square in the eye. Our magically charged hoof struck with such force We were sent flying out of control. Like a shooting star, We fell to the terrain below. Slowly, Our eyes closed until the fear of crashing faded along with Our alertness.


We think it was afternoon when We arose in an unfamiliar part of the meadow.

How long...? What happened...?

The memories of last night came and hit hard. They hit harder than the pain in Our head and the soreness in Our legs. In the distance, a racket emerged. A very concerned racket.

"Tia! Tia! Tia? Tia? Tia?! Tia!"

The familiar tone of the voice caught us off-guard. Who... was that? Luna came over the hill and bounded up to Us. A smile exploded on her face and she dashed over hooves encircling Us tightly. Quickly, We became more sore, feeling further bruised. If she embraced Us any tighter, We would turn as blue as she was!

Ages seemed to pass in Our head before she let go. Luna drew back a bit and her eyes widened as she gazed somewhere near Our face.

"Tia... what did you do with... what happened to your mane?!"

What did she mean?

We gazed down and saw what she meant. When we touched that crystal light it changed us in some way. Now We saw how. Our formerly pink mane and tail were now mostly streaked with green, blue, and purple. An ever so slight golden hue seemed to dance around the pink bits. We were colored just like a crystal prism now.

Shakily, We rose.


When We arrived back at camp with Luna, Discord stared at Us like he had been hit with something.

"Celestia... what did you do to your mane... and tail?!"

Only three beings called me Celestia. Discord... and the greatest scum to ever walk this land, when Our parents did not call Us 'Celly' all those years ago, and other childish names, they used Our full name. Scum we will never acknowledge again. We spit at their hooves and 'boo' at their backsides! They deserted Luna and left Us both in that castle! Neither planned on coming back...

Briefly, We explained to him what happened. During that discussion, We noticed a random shimmer in Our mane. Pleased, Our heart skipped a beat.

We are growing.

It was a little after lunch when Luna asked Us the dreaded question.

"Tia, what was the message Mommy and Daddy had for us?"

We swallowed Our clover abruptly and choked due to discomfort.

"Luna... that light... it was not... from them."

Luna dropped everything she grasped in her magic. Her face paled went slack and her eyes grew big.

Quickly we added a curt ending, a quick kindness. "We are sorry."

It did nothing. Luna's eyes filled with tears.

Against Our will, and Our 'mask', Our eyes began to fill with tears too, but when We saw Luna's final expression...

I almost wished I was dead...

Author's Note:

[Revised for print on 7/17/2023]

In case you were curious, Celestia is biologically 9 while Luna is 4.