• Published 11th Feb 2015
  • 720 Views, 24 Comments

Them Crazy Northerners - Weavers of Dreams

Ditzy Doo (AKA Derpy Hooves) is going have her first family reunion in Ppnyville. Her friends are excited to meet them, but when she seems worried, her friends feel they need answers.

  • ...

Dooing the Math

Her closet was full of skeletons from bygone years. Literally, as her daughters bought a new one every year for Nightmare Night and refused to throw any of the old ones away. But Ditzy, though she preferred the nickname Derpy, didn't mind at all, it was in fact a fun little tradition, and made their house win best decorations each years as they never cleaned the cobwebs or dust off the old ones. It was those little, natural details that meant so much. Of course there was that one year Dr. Syringe had won, but was later disqualified when they found out the skeletons weren't fake. No spoke to him for while.

Derpy flapped her wings enthusiastically, as she read one of the letters she was supposed be delivering. She did this quite often, opening these letters and packages. It wasn't hurting anypony, besides they were the letters and packages with her address and name on them, so there was no harm in opening them before she got home. It also helped her keep track of her daughters' purchases and relations, using a razor to carefully steaming open the envelopes and then reading what was being said, and repacking and taping the packages before her daughters saw them. They were good girls, and knew that, but if she didn't check up on them, who knows what they could get themselves into.

This particular letter was from her Uncle Stone .

Dear Ditzy,

Just a letter to remind you that its finally your year to host the annual Doo family reunion. Your mother and father are looking forward to seeing their grandchildren again, you know, with you living so far away they only seeing them a few days out of the year. Your brother Tam is looking forward to playing music for crowds, so be sure to find a stage for him to play on. Housing as well, since you live so far away from us all, we would like to stay at least three days. Don't worry, we'll pay for the housing, we know how little the mail delivery service pays. I hope to see you soon, and everyone's looking forward to seeing their favorite wall-eyed pegasus.


Uncle Stone Doo

P.S. Be careful of your mother, she wants you to get married again.

Ditzy laughed at that last part and stuffed the letter under her hat. As soon as she made her last delivery, she would go home and start on a list of what she needed to do. The reunion was a couple of months away, plenty of time for her to prepare. She paused a second and thought it out.

She'd never done anything this big before. It was a big deal to her family. She'd helped set them up when she was a little filly, but that was just doing little jobs. But she had no relatives close by to help. Then she thought, who says it has to be a relative? She could just ask a few friends for advice and help. Applejack knew a thing or two about reunions, Rarity knew how to decorate, and pinkie knew how to cater celebrations. With that in mind, she settled upon the ground and started prancing on home with a smile on her face.

But she stopped again with an even worse realization. Her smile faded and her eyes aligned themselves as they shrunk in fear. How was she going to pay for it all? The mail delivery service barely paid enough to keep her and her daughters well fed with a roof over their heads. She got bonuses every once in a while, but those were used for birthdays and holidays.

Her cheerful mood suddenly gone, she lowered her head in defeat, not wanting to think about it until later. She plodded along to her final destinations, one of which being Princess Twilight's castle. Half-heartedly knocking on the door, she sat down upon the ground, and waited for someone to answer it.

It soon became apparent no one had heard her. With a groan, she pushed it open herself and walked in side.

"Hello? Is anypony home? Princess Twilight? Spike? Hello? I got your mail."

She let out another groan when it was apparent no one had heard. Not wanting to get home late because of somepony's inconsideration, or get yelled at by her boss if she accidentally left the mail somewhere no pony could see it, she ventured deeper within.

"Is anypony hooome," She called out loudly, her voice beginning to grate in frustration. Unfamiliar with the castle's lay out and inhibited by her funny eyes (called strabismus), she clumsily stumbled through the halls, praying she wouldn't break anything expensive.

Ever since she had decided to help Rainbow Dash decorate townhall after taking medicine for a long cold, she had been branded as an idiot. She had lost much self confidence after that. But it was the medicine that made her so clumsy, well extra clumsy, she couldn't help her eyes, but that didn't make her a fool. she cared deeply about her town and family, it was just one bad decision brought on by brain numbing medicine that she vowed never to take again.

"Princess Twilight, your mail is heeeeaar," She finally just screamed. Then she started grinded her teeth and stomp her hooves in frustration. In a low, raspy voice, she began to say, "Come on, little miss sparkle. You may have very nothing to do all day but read your little books and play with your friends. But some ponies have work to do. Like me, and I would like to get my job done so I can go home and eat dinner with my daughters, and then read them a story before tucking them into bed. Then I can go to sleep and repeat the next day."

"Oh... hi, Derpy, I didn't realize."

Derpy almost swallowed her tongue, her eyes opening wide as she turned around and saw the princess standing there, with the little dragon hiding behind her tail. Derpy bowed quickly and began shaking furiously. "Oooh, I'm so s-sorry, Princess, I-I didn't mean it, please forgive me, I-I-I..."

"Don't," Twilight said with a nervous smile. "I understand, you've had a long day and really want to see your family again. Really, I should have a mailbox set up outside. Spike make a note, we're getting a mailbox. Now, it's okay Derpy, get up, and I won't detain you any longer."

"Thank you," Derpy said as she stood back up and wiped a tear from her eye. "I really want to apologize though, I shouldn't let my emotions get away from... aah."

Twilight almost fried Derpy's circuits when she gave her reassuring hug. "I said it was okay, Derpy. You're my friend, and I know you're just a little overworked today. Don't ever be ashamed to vent every once in a while."

"Th-thank you, Princess," Derpy sniffed with a small smile.

"Please, call me Twilight, I'm still uncomfortable with all that formality and stuff," twilight said with a wave of her hoof.

"Oh, here's your mail, Prin... I mean, Twilight," Derpy said as she pulled a large bundle of letters from her mailbag. "You have quite a few plans, even from places outside my route."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she took the letters in her magic and handed them off to Spike. "Just more fanmail, I'll look at it later. Guess you should be heading along now, Derpy. Tell Amethyst and Dinky hello me."

"I will, and thank you," Derpy said with a proud smile as she trotted happily to the end of the hall and looked both way before turning around to look at Twilight with a sheepish look. "Uuumm, Twilight?"

"Yes?" Twilight asked, taking a step forward.

"I was upset, and didn't really pay attention where I was going," Derpy began, rubbing her mane in embarrassment. "And your castle is really big, and with my eyes, the way they are, I can lose my sense of direction in places I'm not familiar with."

Twilight laughed and nodded understandingly. "Of course. Spike, could you show her out?"

"Of course," Spike said, relieved that Derpy wasn't scary anymore. He liked Derpy, she was nice and optimistic, a little clumsy, but you could easily overlook that.

"Wait," Twilight said as a thought came to her head. Derpy and Spike turned to look at her. "Derpy, how about this weekend you bring Amethyst and Dinky over here, I'll provide lunch and we can talk while they explore the castle. It's been a while since we've just sat down as friends to talk."

"We've never sat down to talk," Derpy laughed appreciatively.

Twilight pressed hit lips together tightly at the shocking realization. "Well then, it's about time. I shouldn't neglect one of my friends. Maybe you can bring the Doctor with you."

Derpy rolled her eyes at that. which looked really funny, but Twilight and Spike kept their composure. "Oh, I doubt he'd want to come, he's always off on an adventure anyway. I'd go with more often, but that doesn't pay the bills. Maybe one day he'll want to settle down, but, until then. I'd love to come and have a talk, just us girls."

"Until then, Derpy, have a good evening," Twilight said with a wave and kind smile.

"Until then," Derpy echoed with the same gesture.

After she was out of the castle, she spread her wings and took to the sky wanting to time out at the office and the hurry home to her daughters. But her concern for the reunion was still jabbing at the back of her mind. She still needed a plan. She didn't want to be marked as the Doo who made the worst family reunion ever.

But she couldn't think of that now, she would be cutting dinner close now as it was, and didn't need any distractions. Her wings beat harder as she flew awkwardly through the sky. Determination shown in her eyes as she carefully calculated the distance to the office in her head. Since she couldn't see properly, most of her flying and movement were mental estimates that she had honed and perfected over the years. Truly a mathematician's paradise.