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The fields at Sweet Apple Acres were green and rich, the trees were in full bloom, and ripe apples littered the treetops. The moon was full, and the stars were bright. Yet in such ideal conditions all Applejack could do was cry and mourn. She was back home, she was rich beyond her wildest imaginings, and all she could do was remember the friend she had lost three days ago. No amount of apple-bucking could take her mind off of this. Especially when she was one of the main causes of his pain.

She and her friends had sent that dragon away from ponyville. Into the forest. It had fought and tried to kill him but Stargazer had overpowered it. But the dragon had taken one last thing from him before he destroyed it. Star had used so much magic that his horn cracked and fell off. With no place to hold it, the magic traveled through his body and bonded with him directly, causing severe damage when he used too much.

Applejack had tried everything to get rid of her sadness. She had told Big Mac the story (regardless she had to tell the whole family after she got back) for some kind of reassurance. But he didn't have anything to say. He didn't have to though she already knew it was her fault. She had even gone so far as to ask Applebloom what she does when she knows she's hurt somebody. AJ remembered how she had responded: slightly off guard by the question "well ah try to apologize the whichever pony ah've hurt sis". Applejack had simply nodded and walked away. You couldn't apologize to the dead.

She now stood at the top of one of the many hills that were scattered across the acre. Just looking at the stars and trying to forget. She had been like that for the entire three days, she didn't sleep in the house she slept under the stars. It didn't help her forget, but it did help her remember the good talks she had with Star whenever he was cooking food. In between fighting off the dark forest and it's magic left him distant however and she wished she could have found out more about him.

She had asked her family to not tell her friends she was back yet. She didn't want to tell them where she had been just yet. She wanted time to be alone, to think. She knew that the second any of her friends found out about her being back that she would be swarmed with questions that she either couldn't or didn't want to answer. Applejack would eventually tell them, she just wanted to be ready so she didn't break down or something.

When AJ was done with gazing at the stars, she decided to go on a walk. So she aimed herself in a general direction and walked. After awhile she noticed where she had ended up. The entrance to Everfree Forest. Applejack just walked in, she was no longer scared of that place. Regardless she remained on guard if she did have to fight some creature, she would be ready.

After walking for two hours AJ came to a large field. She had been here before so she knew that on one side led to the old ruins of the castle where she and her friends had used the Elements of Harmony on Nightmare Moon. The other led to Zecora's hut. She still wasn't ready to share with her friends that she was back yet. So she walked towards the ruins.

The Ruin was still there, and it would stay there for quite awhile more. Applejack trekked the hallways of the Old castle. Adventuring around and learning a little at the same time. She saw the old royal tapestry, the old throne area, and an ancient tower that had started to crumble, yet the stonework still carried her weight. Once she was done there, she started walking back. Until she saw a familiar area.

A stone fountain in the middle of the room, ancient iron arms jut out from the side and were shaped to perfectly hold the locked elements of harmony. Applejack thought for awhile and realized that she had never really seen the full room. last time she was here she was too distracted trying to find Twilight after Nightmare Moon had taken her. She walked behind the old fountain and saw two doors, One emblazoned with the sun, the other stamped with a steel moon.

Picking a door Applejack proceeded up to the old door that bore the symbol of night. She opened it and despite being ancient the door opened as if it were freshly oiled, not even making a squeak. AJ now saw a wide staircase in front of her that went up in a spiral. She started walking and climbed the old stones. Along the way up Applejack saw old portholes that gave small views of the surrounding forest.

Now another door stood in her way, made of silver and some unknown black material, and stamped in the middle was the moon. Though now it was inlaid and surrounded by diamonds. Applejack pushed the door open and her jaw immediately dropped as she saw the sight before her. The ceiling was the very darkest shade of black, and so were the walls, but resting on them were glowing dots. Unlike anything Applejack had seen before, curiosity overwhelmed her and she stepped into the room.

Not only were the walls dotted with glowing dots but a whole plethora of color stood out among them, like oil in water yet more awe inspiring than that. And they were everywhere too not just in one place but in many, more prominent in some areas, but there all the same. Then one by one AJ began to recognize some of the patterns, more and more popped out at her until she finally realized what this room was. Its...its every star ah've ever seen! she thought to herself. an observatory that shows every star surrounding Equestria! Sweet Celestia! If Twilight knew about this she would have a field day, just sit here and write down the location of every star. Applejack relished the normality that surrounded that thought.

AJ looked around and saw one constellation that stuck out to her. She looked closer at it, it was just a regular looking pony. She reached out and touched her hoof to what she thought was a spot on it's forehead. Suddenly lines burst from the spot she had touched. connecting with the others to bring the pony to an even greater form. Then it's eyes burst with white light. The figure before her grew wings and a horn. The wings stretched and propelled the alicorn around the wall, all the time it's hooves reached out and touched various other dots on the wall, eliciting another burst of lines and a new shape or form making various movements. Then when it was done the figure flew back along the wall into its original position. It then turned its head towards her and saluted, took it's old pose and stopped moving.

Now the wall was filled with animals, plants, and other constellations from the sky. Applejack continued to stare at the alicorn who was now ever present on the wall. It almost seemed to smile at her, not in an evil way but in a friendly way. Applejack found a little too much familiarity behind it so she turned and looked at the room. She was wondering why it was here in the first place. For what was supposed to be a regal palace, this room felt pretty small. Like a room for only one person.

"Aw hay bales" AJ said aloud as she remembered the symbols on the door. "Ah must be in Princess Luna's old room. Ah'd better get outta here". AJ turned and walked hurriedly to the door. Before shutting it she looked back at the alicorn. It seemed to have followed her with it's eyes. Unpleasant memories refilled Applejack. She sighed and shut the door. Sometimes you just can't escape the past.