• Published 23rd Dec 2014
  • 555 Views, 5 Comments

Regents - Admiral Q Ponyform

Twilight Cloud and Moonbeam Sparkle were a rare twin unicorn Pegasus pair living the average life in Ponyville. But Destiny will show otherwise

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An Average Day

Twilight Cloud was woken abruptly, as the rays of sun slammed into her face. She groaned, rolled over, and buried herself beneath her pillow. To say that she was not a morning pony would be the understatement of the decade. On the brink of sleep once again, she was disturbed by a light blue devil in disguise.

“TWI!, It's time to get up dearest sister. It’s a bright new day.”

Receiving naught but a muffled groan in reply, Moonbeam Sparkle tried a new strategy. Grabbing both the pillow on Twi’s face, and the one beneath her head, in her magic, she yanked them free. Twilight’s head fell back against the mattress with a dull thump.


“Wakey wakey sister, breakfast awaits”, Moonbeam sing songed.

“Please let me sleep in, Moonie.” Twilight pleaded. Moonbeam let out a gasp of shock.

“And deny myself time with my favorite sister?”

Twilight gave her sister a deadpan expression; “Last I checked, I'm your only sister.”

Unphased by the sudden use of logic, Moonbeam continued the morning ritual; “Thus, my favorite, now come on. I even cooked you breakfast.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, and grunted one more time, before extricating herself from the covers. Smiling in victory, Moonbeam bounced out of the room, while Twilight limped to the bathroom. Splashing water on herself, she immediately felt more awake, and consulted the mirror on her appearance. Her pink mane was a mess, and her white coat was clearly in need of a good brushing.

She looked at her wings. The chaos she saw left her daunted by the prospect of preening them. While not much to look at in the current state, she would admit to being attractive, not at all bad looking for a pegasus in her early twenties. Deciding she’d groom later, she headed to the kitchen, where breakfast and her sister awaited.

Moonbeam was already situated at the table, a spoon in one hoof and a paper floating in front of her. Moonbeam was as much alike her twin sister, as she was not. Like her sister, she was a good looking mare, who carried herself with grace. That’s where the similarities ended.

Her coat was light blue, with an even lighter blue mane. Her parents had given her the name Moonbeam, as she appeared the same shade as darkness pierced by moonlight. Twilight, on the otherhoof, had a mane the same pink as the setting sun. Being Twilight Sparkles descendants, their parents had a fondness for the night and its themes. But that was not the thing that made the sisters so close.

As much as they get on each others nerves, Moonbeam more often than not grating on Twilight, they had one thing that grew them close; they were in their early twenties, but neither had gotten their cutie mark. It was the strangest thing anypony ever saw; adult ponies without a cutie mark. The sisters tried everything, and even the international Cutie Mark Crusaders couldn't help them. Doctors, Zebrican medicine mares and voodoo witches, none held any answers. Thus despite their beauty, they had no suitors. They weren't depressed about it though, they had each other. Twilight took a seat, and looked over at her sister, asking a question before chowing down.

“So, what does the paper talk about today, Moonie?”

“Well, there’s still rising tension between the tribes, fueled by that tribalist United Unicorn Front group, who are unfortunately gaining more power.” Moonbeam sighed before continuing. “It's times like these I wish the Princesses were still around.” Twilight nodded silently.

It was almost a thousand years ago, that a great evil came upon Equestria. The Royal Guard, the Wonderbolts, even Discord fell before its might. Cities burned for days, as the unknown evil spread like wild fire. Soon, the only thing left standing between Equestria, and Annihilation, the the four Alicorn Princesses.

The evil struck out against them, and the ensuing battle above Canterlot could be seen as far as the Griffon kingdom. The fight lasted a full day, but when the lights faded, and the dust settled, no one could’ve predicted the outcome.

The city of Canterlot itself lay ruined, at the base of Mt Canterhorn. The city’s foundations, and a small chunk of the mountain, had come loose during the fight, leaving a jumble of towers, buildings and rocks in the lowlands below - a mass grave for those unlucky enough not to be able to flee in time.

But the harshest reality of all, was the lose of the Diarchs, and the Princess of Friendship. While the evil was defeated that day, only Princess Cadance survived. With the ruling ponies now either dead or scattered, it fell to Prince Dusk Sentry, 1st Child of Princess Twilight, to take the reigns of Equestria.

Ponyville, home to Prince Dusk Sentry, soon became the political capital of Equestria, the Harmony Castle now housing the government bodies. With the help of Princess Cadance, Equestria pulled itself out of the ashes, to rise again.

Now, Princess Cadance has long since withdrawn herself to the Crystal Empire, and over 800 years has past. Dusk Sentry, like all of Princess Sparkles children, was not an Alicorn, but he managed to lead a full life up to the age of 91. Now, it is the latest in his royal bloodline, Velvet Sparkle, who holds the seat of power in Equestria.

The last century had seen a marked rise is civil unrest, sparked mainly by the royal lineage. For the last 800 years, Equestria has been ruled over by Unicorns of the Sparkle bloodline. Many Unicorns see this as a legitimate proof that they are the dominant tribe, and that the other are subservient to them. Many Earth pony sects believe that they are poorly represented, if not outright ignored, and are pushing for a shift away from a monarchy. Many Pegasi believe that they would be better off without the other two, and have threatened to secede from Equestria proper.

But before her withdrawal, Princess Cadance had been conducting a nationwide tour, rallying the citizens, and reminding them what true Harmony was. However, during a leg of her journey, the train she was riding on suffered from a bombing. No group claimed responsibility, but the official report states that Cadance was injured, and withdrew to the Empire for security reasons. Theorists claim, that because no one has seen her since, and that she actually died that day. Since then, the tribes have been growing ever more distant, with relations growing more strained by the day.

“The latest idea they had was to rebuild old Canterlot.” Moonbeam continued. “As if that was a great idea. Canterlot lost it's importance with the fall of the Diarchs. Rebuilding it isn’t going to grant anyone power. Ponyville is the capital, end of story.”

“The problem for the tribalists though, is that Ponyville is a town embraced by all of tribes, especially after the place became home to the Element Bearers. Old Canterlot was dominated by unicorns, so it’s no wonder that the UUF want that old glory back. But it is far to early for politics, sister; how was your night?”

“It was nothing special Twi. I started out down at the Luna Memorial Observatory, and helped raise the moon as normal. After that, I hit the nightclubs downtown, and chilled of with some painting in the early hours. Oh, and of course, ended it by helping to lower the moon again.”

Twilight Sparkle's Memorial Library held many great tomes. Amongst its collection is a book detailing how unicorns can join together to raise and lower the sun and moon. In the aftermath of the conflict that killed the Diarchs, Princess Cadance had taken over the movement of the celestial bodies. However, it soon proved too taxing, and with the aid of the top unicorns of that era, rediscovered the talent for unicorns to do it themselves .

“Oh, and they discovered another changeling in town. Peach Tree, I believe. Honestly, I know the expression is a bit cliche, but it really is the people you least expect.”

“Well I hope she's was just another rogue. The last thing we need right now is the fear of another changeling invasion.”

Moonbeam nodded her agreement, before bidding her sister farewell, and heading to bed. Twilight briefly envied her sister, being able to go to bed. That was, until she remembered Moonie had the ‘nightshift’. Yeah, she could keep that. But it was time for Twilight to begin her day in earnest.

Whilst neither sister had there cutie mark, or knew their ‘special talent’, it didn’t mean they had no talent whatsoever. Twilight was actually rather good with all things weather, and held a position on the local weather team. After finishing up her breakfast, she returned to her bathroom, and got ready for the day.

The weather around Ponyville was run from its offices in the Dash Weather Station, which was once the home to it’s namesake. While it had been expanded in the last millennium, it still retained its outright shape, and gaudy exterior. Flying there from her bedroom balcony, Twilight was afforded an almost panoramic view of Ponyville.

It was still called Ponyville, But if Twilight Sparkle and her friends were still alive they would not recognize the town. The thatch homes have been replaced by those seen in Manehatten though not yet as tall. The main street had two clusters of statues, one of the Element Bearers, the other the Royal Sisters to celebrate their successes and how they served Equestria. The difference here was that most buildings around the original town centre were forbidden to be above 2 stories tall, but still had the box, uniform look large cities tended to acquire. But standing out against the dull grey, were some of the most iconic landmarks Ponyville had to offer.

Carousel Boutique; the building was the same shape as before, but almost three times larger. Rather than just a simple fashion shop, it has become a small fashion mall, with three levels of shopping inside, and it even included a small spa.

Sugarcube corner still had the same store front, but extending from the back was a well concealed factory. The front served the locals as it always had, but the factory distributed their wares all across Equestria.

Fluttershy’s Everfree Forest Veterinary and Health Research Centre was still on the outskirts of the town, on the site of the once quiet cottage. The forest prevented expansion in that direction, but it provided ample areas for research into animals, fauna and flora.

Sweet Apple Acres was now Sweet Apple Estates. Ponyville has an impressive size when just looking at the City borders, but SAE’s was almost twice that size, and employed almost a third of the townsfolk in either it’s fields, kitchens or distilleries. The operation is so large, if you were to buy an apple anywhere on Equus (including Griffonia, Minotauria and out in the Badlands), then you had a 50/50 chance it was from SAE.

And the last of the icons would be that of Even Golden Oaks was regrown but due to Ponyville's size it was no longer suitable to act as a library but it was used as a museum dedicated to the exploits of the Elements Bearers and the late Diarchs with an actor posing as the pre alicorn Twilight Sparkle.

Whilst all of this was impressive to newcomers, this was just ‘the view from my window’, according to Twilight, and she had more pressing matters at hoof; like not being late for work.

Reaching her destination, Twilight landed on the main balcony of the Dash Weather Station, and greeted her fellow weather ponies.

Weather teams, as the Wonderbolts before them, were now an extension of the Equestrian Military. While the Wonderbolts were more actual soldiers, the weather teams acted akin to a territorial, or reserve army. They were given basic combat training, and low ranks, only to be called up in the event of an emergency.

After visiting the barracks, and depositing her belongs, Twilight proceeded to the briefing room. Ever punctual, Twilight arrived a few minutes before she needed to, and was greeted by the only other pony in the room, her current CO, Group Captain Dash. Standing at attention, she threw a salute. Her boss, Captain Spectrum Dash, swiftly returned it.

“Morning Captain Dash, Sir.”

“At Ease, Miss Cloud.”

While protocol is often followed, the weather teams remain built up from the local ponies, who know each other outside of work. Due to this, they only stand on ceremony at the start or end of the day, and quickly devolve back into a good neighborly atmosphere.

“So, Spec, how's the family?”

“They're good, thank you. Little Rainbow had her first flight late last night. She just got up from the dinner table, and zipped out of the room.”

“Congrats, but what caused her to bolt like that?”

“Apparently, she really really really needed to use the little fillies’ room.” They both shared a laugh at Rainbows expense. “But if her speed last night is anything to go by, she is shaping up to be be as good as her legendary namesake.” You could almost see the pride behind her eyes when she said that.

The conversation died off as the rest of the team began to filter into the room. Once everyone was settled, Captain Spectrum began handing out the day's’ assignments. The schedule called from a clear sunny day throughout, and Twilight herself was assigned to sector 47, near the Everfree. With all the pegasi assigned, everypony started moving towards the exit.

Clearing her throat, the captain addressed the group; “Now that that is over with, I need to ask a favour. Myself and Firefly (her 2nd, and right hoof mare, Wing Commander Firefly) are being forced to attend an impromptu meeting with Her Highness Princess Velvet later today. As such, neither of us will be able to run the Flying Foals club tonight, and I would really appreciate it if one of you could volunteer for today?”

Twilight mentally went through her schedule, checking her plans for the evening. While Moonbeam was by far better around foals than she was, she knew that the education for proper flying was really important early on in a pegasus’ life. Or, to put it bluntly, she liked teaching others. With no objections in her day plan, and no other ponies seeming interested, Twilight raised her hoof.

“Thank you Twilight. It starts at 4:30, at the CMC center.”

“No problem Cap. Just try and enjoy your meeting.” Spectrum gave her a deadpan glare, to which Twilight laughed, and headed out.

* * * * * *

Twilight loved working the sections near the Everfree. While most ponies got a scary vibe from the place, she only had one of deep belonging. She couldn’t explain it, but it felt right to be near it. The unpredictable weather it could throw off at random, helped to keep her mind from wandering, and made her work shifts less boring.

But of late, there had begun to be a new feeling, like somepony had tried a string to her, and was giving it the faintest of pulls. She noticed more than once, that her gaze was being drawn towards the center of the forest, to the ruins of the Castle of the Twin Sisters. She never acted on the feeling though, going into the Everfree unescorted was just silly, even if it hadn’t been made illegal to go with 5 miles of the ruins.

The place had been sanctioned as ‘Hallowed Ground’, and nopony is allowed to venture to it. It even has scary stories, some going as far as saying that the spirits of the sisters themselves haunt the castle, one during the day, and one at night. Foalish tales to scare the young for sure.

Getting her mind back to her job, the day passed fairly quickly. After clocking out from work, Twilight killed a few hours with some light reading (which by Twi’s standard is 2-3 books, cover to cover), before it was almost 4:30. Finding her way to the CMC center, she was greeted by 20 something foals, and the other 2 adult supervisors.

“HEY MISS CLOUD!” shouted the foals, bring a smile to her face.

“Hey little ones, it’s lovely to see you all again.”

After quickly talking to the other 2 adults, they split up into three groups, based on flight capability. Twilight got the middle group, foals that could fly for a few minutes at a time, but had no finesse or technique. She recognised one of the fillies as Evening Shy, a member of Fluttershys’ lineage, who she had foal-sat a few times. Today, she ran them through landing techniques, and with the help of a cloud cushion, had them practice emergency landings. Watching the foal with a smile, she was glad to see that all of them were able to make a quick, safe landing, and they had got steadily better throughout the session.

The lesson only lasted an hour, and soon she was waiving goodbye to the group. As she was about to go, the stallion who had been teaching the advanced group caught up with her, and passed her a note;

---‘Thanks for standing in for me today Twi. No good deed should go unrewarded. Head over to Sugar Cube Corner, and hand them the attached coupon - it should be good for one whole cake. Thanks again - Spec’---

Salivating merely at the prospect of cake, she soon found herself at her guilty pleasure - Sugar Cube Corner. Walking in, she was greeted by Cherry Pie in the foyer, and Chocolate Cake behind the counter; Cream Pie was likely in the back. She used the coupon for her favorite item, and Banana & Chocolate Cake. Seating herself in a booth, she waited for her order. Eyes wandering, she saw old photos on the wall, some of celebrities who had come by, some political figures. But the most prominent photo was that of 3 ponies; Mr & Mrs Cake, the original founders, being hugged by THE PINK MENCE herself, Pinkie Pie. The photos surround it were all family related too, and it clearly showed how the following generations finally merged the two families by blood, rather than just by spirit.

She was broken from her musing by the arrival of the yellow and black killer of waistlines, her delicious Banana & Chocolate Cake. “My Precious…” Twilight drooled. Needless to say, it did not last long.

* * * * * *

The sun was soon to set by the time she got home. For herself, she made some hayburgers and fries with some apple cider. For her sister, she made the same, but with an energy drink, this was her breakfast after all. No sooner had the oven timer sounded, the doors to the kitchen burst open;

“FOOD!, I DEMAND FOOD!” Moonbeam bellowed into the small room. Taking a few moments to recover her senses from the auditory sucker punch, Twilight gave her twin sister a mischievous look.

“What do you say first?”

“I'll send you to the moon if you don't HAVE IT!” Moonbeams turquoise eyes blazed with fury. Twilight just laughed.

“I suppose that works. Take a seat dear sister, they are about done.” Moonbeam calmed down, and took a seat across the table. As soon as the food was on the plate, she snatched it in her magic, and brought it across the room to her snout. The way she chowed down would put a starving stallion to shame, much to the amusement of her sister. “Well if you can hear me over your mass fries genocide..” Twilight ducks her head sideways, as a bundle of fries flies through the the space it can just occupied. “My day was good, I got Everfree duty again, and then filled in for Spectrum at the Flying Foals club. I even got a cake out of it, from Sugar Cube Corner no less.”

“You and your cakes, I'm surprised that your flank isn't larger than it is.” Twilight pouted at the remark.

“Hey I work hard, my job takes actual labor.” Moonbeam just snorted in reply, both falling into relative silence while dinner was eaten / inhaled.

Not long after, Moonbeam went to work. Meeting up with the rest of the Moon Movers (the name they had taken to calling themselves) at the Luna Observatory, they set about their task of moving the moon to replace the sun in the sky. The Solar Sect (Seriously, while the jobs they do are important, the ponies involved are so pretentious) lowered the Sun on time, as always, so the Moon was free to rise. The whole process took less than ten minutes, but is left those involved feeling like they had run a marathon. With her first task done, Moonbeam was free to go home until being needed again at 5:55am.

Once home, she found Twilight in the small art studio Moonbeam used for her art. Twilight loved observing her sister paint. It was the usual motif for her, the grandness of the night sky, something she had seen painted many times before, but she loved watching her sister work on it, the way she made the moon appear luminescent, yet not overshadow the stars. Tonight, though, Twilight noticed the moon was different. There was a dark patch on her painting. On closer inspection, it was clearly the form of a mare in black.

“Mare in the Moon, that's interesting choice sister.” Twilight commented.

“It just called to me. You have to admit the story of Nightmare Moon has a certain tragic romance to it. Two sisters that once loved each other, yet driven apart by jealousy, and culminating in a fight that sees one banished to the moon. For a thousand years they were separated, and yet a desperate gamble by a loving sister, and the forces of Harmony incarnate saw them reunited.” Moonbeam looks back at Twilight with a smile.

“Don’t get any funny ideas, If I wake up on the moon no force of harmony is going to save your sorry hide. Just be glad we don’t fight like that.”

“Couldn't agree with you more sister. I couldn't imagine life without you around. Even if you drive me crazy at times.”

“It's only fair I return the favor, sister.” Laughing it off, and with a quick but firm hug, Moonbeam resumes her painting. Twilight continued to watch her, before a spot of ‘light’ reading, and heading to bed around 11.

Thus drawing a closer to another average day.

Author's Note:

It seems a broke a rule when i wanted a rewrite have a fresh start so I'm force to use the vote count for the old version on the new.