• Published 14th Dec 2014
  • 2,810 Views, 73 Comments

Wanted - Fohawk Fury

I don't know how I got here, I don't know why I am here, but I, no, WE will find out.

  • ...

Chapter Two: Meetings and Scouting

Kyle's PoV
New Jamestown

The door to the town hall opened, and I saw all of the people of New Jamestown. They all looked at me, and I looked at them. It was all silent until....

"We got another!" Before I could see who said that, people surrounded me. Left and right, I was given high fives, hand shakes, hugs, and fist bumps. I felt as if this was my family. The celebration went on for about five minutes before things started to settle down.

"Alright," announced Ben, "Lets get this meeting started!" Ben went on about welcoming me, had me introduce myself, and a bunch of other welcoming crap. Then, when everyone (including me) was about to fall asleep, he announced something that I don't know why everyone got excited about. "Also on the rescue mission, along with Kyle, we found a map."

"A map?"

"How come we haven't found one before?!"

"This is great!"

"Alright! Settle down!" The people became quiet again. Ben rolled out the map and it showed the landscape. Another scout that came with us handed Ben a laser pointer that also must have gotten dragged into this world. He pointed it at a patch of green called the Everfree Forest. "I assume we are here, in the Everfree. Due to the fact that the Griffon Kingdom is north, and Appaloosa and the Land of the Buffalo is west, Equestria, which is south, must be bringing us here." People started to get excited, and I smiled. This must be the first time they had a real clue. Ben moved the pointer to Ponyville. "Due to how close the town of Ponyville is, I guess we were brought in there, but the town was to small in order to hold an entire capital. Anyone got any ideas?" A black person across the room raised his hand.

"Yes Bill?"

"Maybe if you tell us the rest of the town names, we could see which sounds like the capital."

"Good idea, lets see.... What..."

"What is it?"

"These cities...."

"Just tell us them!"

"OK... They are.... Ponyville, Manehatten, Stalliongrad, Coltumbus, Neighton, Indianeighpolis, Applewood, Fillydelphia, Cloudsdale, Baltimare, Vanhoover, Canterlot... They are ripping off all the city names!"

"Well," said some girl on the other side, "Which is the capital?" I decided to speak up.

"If the city names are ripped off from Earth, maybe so are the Capitals, so our options would be limited to Indianeighpolis, Coltumbus, and maybe Canterlot...." Bill spoke up again.

"Well, they ripped off Ohio and Indiana's capital, and that's two capitals from the same country, so maybe Canterlot is the capital."

"Not only that," said Ben, "It seems that most of the railroad systems run right through Ponyville and to Canterlot, and there is no capital building or castle in Ponyville, so I guess Canterlot is the capital of Equestria!" A loud cheer emerged. I nudged Ben.

"Why are they all excited?" I asked.

"Because," started Ben, "We have never had a clue on why we are here, but this map and knowing the capital gives us hope. Hope that there is an answer and hope that we all will go home." Soon, the cheering ended. "Alright, lets continue. Lucy," Ben pointed to a blond haired girl that looked like my age, wait, everyone here is my age, never mind, "How is the vegetable food supply?"

"It's going alright... But we need more supplies soon..."

"Alright, Chuck," Ben pointed to a taller, long haired, black guy, "How is our meat supply and the equipment in the slaughter house?"

"Meat supply low, need sharper tools soon."

"Well," I spoke up, "Lets just go to the armory, get some weapons, and take Ponyville and set up a new settlement there. Easy as that." The townspeople looked at me like I was stupid.

"Ummm, Kyle..." Ben muttered to me, "The only thing in the armory is wooden shields..."

"What?! Why do we have an armory then?!"

"Because.... Well... We had extra logs left over and we thought it would come in handy...."

"When you had no weapons?"

"Look, we were on a roll with building, meeting dismissed, lets all get back to work!" The town nodded and walked out. "Kyle," Ben said to me, "Go look around and decided what you want to do."

"What are my choices?"

"Farmer, meat house slaughter, supply gather, or builder."


"Don't worry, um, did you do any sports back on Earth?"

"Yeah... Cross Country..."

"Great, your a supply gather with me, now go explore the town." I nodded. I just wondered who were the soldiers and guards of the town....


Twilight looked down at Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash... Please... Wake up soon...." Rainbow was still alive, but she had be knocked out for quite some time now. Fluttershy walked up to Twilight.

"Umm... Twilight.... Some guards are here... You should go talk to them, I will stay and look after Rainbow Dash..."

"Okay... Thanks Fluttershy." Twilight trotted downstairs and out the door as Fluttershy rubbed Rainbow Dash's mane. A royal guard came up her.

"Twilight, is everyone OK?"

"Yes, everyone is."

"Where did you see the beasts run off to?"

"They ran off to the...."


"The Everfree Forest!" The guards eyes shot open.

"Are they really dumb enough to do that?"

"By the way the science center was guarded, they had to be pretty smart in order to get them out."

"You got a point. Alright, thanks for the info." The guard trotted back to the other guards. Every guard was carrying a sword, spear, or a long, brown pole from what Twilight could see. She saw one lying against a wall with a guard beside it.

'These must be the new experimental weapons for the guard I heard about the last time I was in Canterlot...' thought Twilight. 'I better go see if Rainbow Dash woke up...' Twilight proceeded to trot back to her library.

Kyle's PoV
New Jamestown

I only walked around for about five minutes or so. I already knew Ben, of course, I stopped and talked to the meat butchers, Chuck, Tyrone, and Steve. Tyrone was a tall, thin-built person, while Steve was a little on the larger side. Before I could walk to anywhere else, Ben came up to me.

"Kyle, you need to get some rest."

"Why? What for?"

"Scouting, tonight, you will be out for most of the night. You will need energy." Ben then proceeded to a wooden house where he opened the door and revealed homemade hammocks. "This is your new bed, have a nice nap." Ben then walked out and closed the door as I began to doze off.

Ben's PoV
New Jamestown
2 Hours Before Scouting Trip

I walked out and closed the door to the small wooden house. I looked around, and everyone was still hard at work. I decided to go to the craftsmen shop, where Lee, an 18 year old Asian boy, was working on trying to make weapons for us. I knocked and walked in.

"Afternoon Lee!"

"Ahh, Ben, yes, nice to see you!"

"Nice to see you too! Now what do you have for me?"

"Well, as you know, the resources here are limited, but I was able to make this!" Lee pulled out a perfectly made bow. I admit, it was impressive.

"Wow! This is great! So where are the arrows?" Lee lost his smile.


'Yes, arrows, the things you shoot from bows."

"Ah, well, you see.... Damn it..." I smirked.

"Alright, well, thanks for letting me see the bow. Have a nice day Lee!"

"...." I closed the door to the craftsmen shop.

"Alright... Might as well get some rest." I headed over to my cabin, crawled into my hammock, and fell asleep.

Time: 9:30 P.M.
Kyle's PoV





"Good, your awake."

"Ugggg.... What time is it?"

"Dark, which means time to make a scout and slash or supply run." Ben helped me out of the hammock and handed me a knife and club. "Use the knife only when you have to, but use the club if you can, we want to knock the guards out, not kill them." I nodded. "Alright, lets go." Ben opened the door, and there stood two other guys. One I knew, it was Chuck, but I did not know the other. "I believe you already know Chuck, he told me you stopped by the butcher area." The other one was Hispanic. "This other guy is Juan, he was new to the States when he got here. Also, put this on." Ben handed me a bandanna. "Don't take it off unless I tell you to, if we get caught, say we need to have it to survive." I nodded as I put it on. "Alright, lets go." Two girls stood as the gates when we arrived to the front gates. "Sabrina, Victoria, open the gates." They nodded and proceeded to open them.

"So what are we looking for agian?"

"Any more humans."

"Do we do this every night?"

"Yup, until we get caught or killed."

"Wait, wha-" I had no time to finish, the others were already running off into the woods. 'I'm going to regret taking this job...' I thought as I ran off after them.

Kyle's PoV

We crouched behind some rocks.

"So," I whispered, "what are we here for?"

"Don't know, but by the looks of things, they shut down the science center." Ben pointed to the Science building. The windows were boarded up, and guards surrounded it. "Even if there were another one of us in there, there would be no way we could get in without anyone seeing us."

"Well, good for them, bad for us, now answer my question!"

"Well, retrieving another human is off the list, so I guess we should split up. Juan, go to that barn, get some rope and see if there are any tools we could use."


"Chuck, go with Juan."

"You got it."

"Kyle, come with me, we are going to see if we can find some arrows and any weapons I guess."


"Well, everyone, take a rock." I looked confused. "Take one, if a guard is coming your way, throw it in a different direction. They might move towards the sound of the rock." It sounded like something from Far Cry 3 to me. "Alright, lets go!"


"Alright, lets go!" With that, Juan and I took off running towards a nearby barn. When we got close to it, we hid behind some trees.

"Alright," started Juan, "You go inside the barn, I will keep watch."

"Got it." We moved closer to the edge of the trees, and stopped. "Clear, lets go." Both of us took off sprinting towards the barn.

"The door is cracked, peek inside." Juan looked around while I took a peak.

"Crap." I said.

"What is it?"

"There is a big stallion in there, and it seems bigger than the guards. Give me your rock." Juan handed me his rock and I tossed it just inside the barn. The stallion looked around confused. I took my rock, and threw it at some buckets in the barn. It was a direct hit as the buckets went down with a-


"What the hay was that?!" said the red stallion. He went towards the buckets.

"All or nothing...." I muttered. I took a deep breath and burst the door open and ran towards the stallion.

"Who the hay are y-" Before he was able to finish, I hit him in the head with my club.

"Alright, all clear, come in Juan." Juan came inside.

"Nice, just want we need." We found axes, hoes, and some apple cider for some reason.

"Alright, take the hoes and axes, and I will take as much cider as I can carry." I grabbed the hoes and axes while Juan picked up two jugs of cider. "We deserve this."

"Amen to that."

"Now lets go ba-"

At the sound of the musket shot, we only had one choice.

"RUN!" We took off out of the barn and towards the forest.

5 Minutes Ago

"Alright, lets go!" Chuck and Juan ran off towards the barn, while Ben and I stayed where we are.

"So, where are we going?" Ben looked around.

"Over there," he pointed to some tents, "guards may be sleeping in there, we can go in, take some of their weapons."

"Sounds like a plan."

"But there are two ponies with ranged weapons on the roofs I think. I can't tell, but if they are standing on the roofs, then I guess they have ranged weapons. We have to take them out, there are two on two houses on opposite sides of the town, you go left, I go right." I nodded, and we went our ways. I ran to a house that had a low roof and climbed on top of it. I think jumped to increasingly bigger houses until I was on the roof behind the guard. I quietly climbed onto it. Looking across, I saw Ben knock out his guard. Just before the guard in front of me could shout anything, I knocked it out with my club.

'What's this?' I thought as I bent down. 'Holly crap, it's a musket!' I looked at the guard. It was a unicorn. 'Maybe this unicorns arm themselves with muskets....' I dropped my club and picked up the musket. I waved to Ben, who also held a musket. We jumped down and walked to a nearby building. We then heard a musket fire, and we looked around the corner. Some unicorns were practicing with them. We looked back towards the Everfree ad saw Juan and Chuck run back. I turned back to Ben.

"How the hell are these things using muskets?! They don't have fingers!" I whispered loudly.

"Unicorns have something that could lift and fire them, maybe their horns can carry them with some energy." Before we could move on, we heard a small creek, and we looked over to a window beside us. A white mare with a purple mane was opening a window to her house. She looked at us and before she could scream, Ben grabbed her by the mane, hit her head against a wall, and knocked her out cold. Then he turned to me.

"Kyle, grab those arrows and those two swords." He picked up the pony by the horn, and we headed off towards the Everfree Forest.

Location: ??????
Time: ??????????

I woke up, I don't know what happened. 'Wait, where am I?' I looked around. It seemed to be a log cabin. But I didn't no, I was just facing a wall. Whoever kept this place though, really needed to add some color, and clean it up! The dirt! The horror! I looked down at myself, and I was sitting how Lyra usually sits. My hoofs were tied to a chair, and I could not move. I could only do one thing....

"SOMEPONY HELP ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard a door creak open. 'Finally, some help!' However, I felt my chair spin, and there stood 6 creatures. Wait, could it be th-, no, it couldn't! They just looked at me, and they all clutched swords and knives. One of them walked up.

"Your awake, and alive. Good, now answer these questions, and it may stay that way....


Name: Kyle
Age: 16
Job: Scout

Name: Ben
Age: 18
Job: Scout

Name: Victoria
Age: 15
Job: Farm

Name: Sabrina
Age: 16
Job: Farm

Name: Chuck
Age: 19
Job: Meat Butcher/Scout

Name: Juan
Age: 17
Job: Scout

Name: Bill
Age: 18
Job: Meat Butcher

Name: Lucy
Age: 19
Job: Farm

Name: Lee
Age: 18
Job: Craftsmanship/Designer

Author's Note:

Alright, as it stands, 15 likes, 5 dislikes, lets see that likes bar go up! If you happen to favorite this story, do me a favor and hit that like button! Anyway, sorry if this chapter seems rushed. Next chapter won't have as much action, but the first main battle for freedom will take place the chapter after! I hope this story will be 8-12 chapters long, maybe 15. Also, I am looking for an editor as I need some help with the grammar. If you are my editor, I will give you credit and a shout-out with every new chapter! Other than that.....

Yup, no pay, no new cars, just a shout-out and credit with every chapter and I will add your name to the description.

Once again, sorry if this chapter seemed rushed, but expect more as I am on Christmas Break! Also, for those of you who don't know, Neighton is a ripoff of Dayton, as Dayton, Ohio.
