• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 1,920 Views, 99 Comments

All I Really Want For Hearths Warming... - Ugly-Duckling123

We get a little look at what a certain orange filly wants for Hearths Warming

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Chap 5

The next day, Scootaloo went to the park again, not expecting anypony to show up for another round of the snowball fight but thinking she just needs to have some time to think things out.

While she was out, Rainbow Dash and her parents visited the orphanage and were sat down with Mr. Crinkle in his office discussing Rainbow's idea to him.

"That will make everypony here happy this Hearths Warming then Miss Dash," he said chuckling a bit. "You see," he said pulling out the wishlists made last night, when they didn't understand. "Everypony's seen how upset Scootaloo is, so they all wished that her wish can come true, in hopes that that will cheer her up."

"What? They all wished that?" Rainbow asked receiving the letters to check herself not believing it

Dear Santa Hooves,
For Hearths Warming this year, I was going to ask for a diary with a lock and key, so the others would stop reading my entries.
But instead I'm writing to ask that you make my friend Scootaloo's wish come true.
(Whatever it might be)
Little Lucy

Dear Santa Hooves,
I want to say Happy Hearths Warming first so Happy Hearths Warming...
And to say my wish this year is that you make Scootaloo's one come true.

Dear Santa Hooves,
Even though I am just about finished with the Daring Do book you gave me last year, my wish I'm asking for this year is that you make Scoots' come true please.

Dear Santa Hooves,
Instead of that new dot-to-dot book I said to Natty that I wanted, I would like to change it.
So now I'm wishing that Scootaloo gets what she wants for Hearths Warming instead.

Dear Santa,
I know I don't normally write to you because you know I find it hard, but I'm writing to you this year for my bestest best friend Scootaloo.
You see... Even though I haven't been here as long as everyone else, seeing I only came here last year, I don't know why she's so upset around Hearths Warming.
And when she took me to see you last week she actually stepped out of the line to see you right when we were about to see you, and said that what she wanted couldn't be placed in a sack and then under a tree.
So please please please Santa, whatever her wish is, can you make sure it comes true
Love from Holly Leaf

And they went on like that, each slightly different, but each asking the same thing, to make Scoots' Hearths Warming wish come true.

"Wow..." Rainbow said when she had gone though all twelve and handed them back. "They all seem to like her a bit don't they?" she asked.

"Well I think it's sweet," Firefly said small tears coming from her eyes "And I'm proud of all of them for all asking this. Giving up their wish so that her's could come true. It shows that not all hope is lost in this world yet, if there are colts and fillies that will do things like this is there?"

"No. You are quite right Firefly," Mr. Crinkle said smiling as he bought out the adoption papers that they would need to fill out and sign. "So when this is dealt with, would you like to have you new daughter join you as soon as she comes back from her day out, or wait for Hearths Warming to her pick up?" he asked while Spectrum Dash was filling in his half of the papers.

"I think it would be best to surprise her and wait," Rainbow said smiling "Make it seem like a Hearths Warming miracle and all that."

"There's still the question, who she's going to live with, and how would she get up to the clouds if she can't fly yet Rainbow Dash," Spectrum said signing his name and handing the papers over to Firefly.

"I said yesterday that if you don't want her she can stay with me, dad," Rainbow said reminding him. "And either I can teach her how to fly, carry her to and from my house and the ground until she gets it, or move to the ground or closer to it until she can do it on her own." Rainbow listed "She seems to be getting there anyway, she can hover when she's excited or mad, she knows about wind directions and how to use it to help her fly... She just needs to practice and a good teacher to teach her."

"Says the filly how was expelled from Cloudsdale Flying Academy..." Firefly pointed out after just signing her name too and handing it back to Mr. Crinkle.

"So hows that toy drive going Mr. Crinkle?" Rainbow asked ignoring her mother's comment.

"Quite well Miss Dash," Mr. Crinkle replied placing the papers in a file then that file in a safe place so he'd remember it come Wednesday. "Say you wouldn't like to be part of it would you Miss Dash? Well that is if you're alright with it."

"You mean the setting up and organizing or the singing?" Rainbow asked slightly confused "Because I do not sing in public," she said crossing her arms.

"Oh don't be a grump Rainbow," Firefly said hugging her daughter's shoulders "You have a lovely voice. I'm not sure why you don't like sharing it."

"Yeah, it's not like you get stage-fright is it dear," Spectrum asked "What with you and all those flying competitions and everything."

"I just don't like singing solo in front of other ponies." Rainbow explained slouching down a bit to get out of her mothers arms.

"You can help with the setting up and organizing instead then, Rainbow," Mr. Crinkle said smiling "Now we'll need you to write out and copy at least two-hundred copies of the event's sheets to tell everypony who will be on next. We also need somepony to be there an hour before sunrise on the day to sign for the stage and help set it up, and take it down at the end of the day. Another thing we need is a crate or something for pony's to place the toys into that we're collecting. Oh and then there's the Wonderbolts," he said just remembering "We set it so they will do an aerial show for us to open the event."

"So I get to meet the Wonderbolts if I help out with this, if I'm setting up and organizing?" Rainbow asked getting excited again.

"Oh no," Mr. Crinkle said not looking up from the list of 'Need to do' stuff but wearing a smile none the less "If you're setting up and organizing you'll be way too busy doing other things and making sure things run smoothly to meet anypony from their group. However..." he said smirking a little as he looked up to a down put Rainbow Dash. "If you take a slot in the singing part of the whole thing, you only need to be there and come when we call you. The rest of the time is yours to do what you wish with it... As long as it doesn't ruin the event or anything like that."

"Fine I'll sing," Rainbow said after a few minutes "But it's only to meet the Wonderbolts. And I'm flying off when the first 'Boo' or first snowball is thrown at me."

"I understand Miss Dash," Mr. Crinkle said nodding his head smiling. "I look forward to seeing you on Hearths Warming Eve for the drive then."

Getting nods and 'thank you's' from the Dashery family as they left Christian came in looking confused.

"I thought we already got all that sorted out dad," he said saying he was at the door and heard everything that had just been said.

"We have Chris," Mr. Crinkle said still smirking "But how else was I going to get her to go to the singing option?"

Author's Note:

Has anypony other than me ever noticed thar Rainbow Dash has no solo songs in MLP?

I mean yeah she sing a few lines in a few songs: Winter Wrap Up, Find A Pet, What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me, A True True Friend, Bats
I'm sure there are some more, but she's always singing with other ponies
She doesn't have a lone solo song in any MLP episode I can think of

Which is why I am going to try and get this going with her at the toy drive.

Hope you're all still liking it
U-D123 :heart::yay: