• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 1,917 Views, 99 Comments

All I Really Want For Hearths Warming... - Ugly-Duckling123

We get a little look at what a certain orange filly wants for Hearths Warming

  • ...

Chap 10

Author's Note:

Ok first...
I am so absolutely-positively-completely sorry for doing this... I just thought it felt right and go with the story.

Second... If you have things to say about it, be nice please.

Rainbow Dash was looking all over for Scootaloo wondering where she was, and what could of possibly of gotten her so upset.

She decided to fly lower to the ground when she hit the outer trees of the Forest looking for likely 'Upset Scootaloo' hiding spots.

"Scootaloo?" Rainbow called when the trail she had been following was un-followable any more, picking up her ears to listen for anything shivering a bit rubbing her arms a bit.

"Scootaloo... Where are you?" she tried again.

Landing Rainbow looked all around now thinking she was hearing things.

'This way Rainbow, come on don't be weak...' it said 'Come this way, and you will find what you seek'

"Ze... Zecora?" Rainbow asked spinning around looking for their Zebra friend who lived in here who always speaks in rhymes.

'If you want her back, you must act fast,' a second voice said 'For a pony in her condition on Hearths Warming, long she will not last.'

"Who are you?" Rainbow called trying to show she wasn't afraid. "What do you mean 'She wont last'?"

'Remember the play... Miss Dashery' yet a third voice said this one getting her wings to flutter a bit as and eyes to widen slightly, as if the owner of this voice was important to her in some way. 'Remember what happens and why we have Hearths Warming. Remember your history.'

"Err... History wasn't the best lesson for me at school," Rainbow said blushing. "But by what else you said I guess you mean the Hearths Warming Panto right?" she asked silence reaching her ears. Take that as a yes. she thought.

"Ok so three tribes," Rainbow began thinking "Fighting, blizzard, new land, cave, heart of friendship lit to destroy Windigos... Wait that's it isn't it?" she asked lifting her head and looking around. "Where is she please. I need to get to her before they do."

'Follow the trail we will create' the first voice said 'And we all wish you well, that you wont be late...'

Just then out of no where, a line of pinky purple blobs of fire appeared in front of Rainbow Dash.

"Thank you," she said smiling a little, before she started to rush off after the fire balls heading deeper into the Forest. The further she got the colder it became.

Back in the park the girls and Rainbow's parents finally came out from behind the stage.

"Huh, wonder where Rainbow is?" Applejack said not seeing their attention seeking friend anywhere.

"Oh she's probably just off with Scootaloo," Rarity said wrapping her scarf around her a bit tighter "Brrr... Is it just me or did it just suddenly get colder out here?" she asked not needing an answer to be given as everyone had their arms around themselves to try and keep them warm.

Suddenly a howl echoed from the Everfree Forest scaring almost everypony, and making most children run to their parents or the closest adult asking for protection.

"What the hay was that Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked holding tight to her big sisters leg.

"I don't know Bloom," Applejack said "Any thoughts Fluttershy?" they all turned to their creature expert.

"N... No," Fluttershy said on getting up "It wasn't a Timberwolf, Ursas are hibernating this time of year, Manticores roar not howl, a Cockatrice won't be loud enough," she started going through all the creatures she knew lived in there. "That Hyda we crossed paths with lives a Foggy Bottom Bog..."

"You mean you don't have any idea what that awful thing might be?" Rarity asked surprised.

"Well... There is one left," Fluttershy said not looking into anyone's eyes "But... But they're meant to extinct or... or leave us be when they come because of what we do this time of year..."

Just then another howl sounded followed by another blast of cold and some could see ice starting to creep it's way towards Ponyville.

"But I can't think on what else it might be..." Fluttershy said scared "Or what could of brought them to us and made them this strong."

'Your ideas are correct my dear, don't think they're silly,' a voice echoed around the park getting everyone to turn their heads and all the Unicorns there to spark their horns.'And they have come because of that little filly.'

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked thinking that who or whatever this was was speaking to her.

'That little filly called Scootaloo, we are afraid to say,' a second voice spoke up this time getting the Pegasi to shift their wings 'Heard all of what you were saying today.'

'After hearing what she always thought of as truth as was a lie,' a third voice said getting the Earth Pony's to feel their hooves warming up 'She went into the dark forest to go and cry.'

"Who are you?" Spectrum Dash asked loudly looking all around asking the question on everypony's minds.

'We are spirits, so us you can hear but not see,' the second voice said 'We are the spirits of Clover the Clever, Smart Cookie and Private Pansy.'

"What are you doing here?" Firefly asked a group of the orphans huddled around her.

'Every year we come, for one eve and a day,' Clover's voice replied 'We come with our leaders to help keep the Windigos at bay.'

"So why isn't it working?" Natty asked over by the stage still looking even though they said it wont work.

'For that, we do not know. But there's nothing to fear. Smart Cookie's voice replied 'Rainbow Dash is in there seeking out and comforting the poor dear.'

"WHAT?!" Spectrum and Firefly cried looking to the forest and both started to rush to it.

"Spectrum, Firefly wait," Frostbite said coming over "We knew Rainbow was in there," he said to them pointing to himself and Nat. "She saw Scoots run out from behind the stage and went out to see what was wrong."

"So why didn't you go with her?" Spectrum asked loudly for the protection of his daughter.

"Um... Spectrum," Fluttershy said quietly "I... I don't think now's the time to fight, or... or use hurtful words."

Calming down a bit Spectrum looked to her and everyone else.

"You're right Fluttershy," he said "Sorry. And sorry to you Frostbite. Now's not the time to act like that. But it's also not a time to just stand around and do nothing." he said going up to the stage then used his loud voice to speak to everyone there.

"Mares and Gentlecolts," he began "Please, if you can carefully make your way home and stay warm. For those who can't get home please make your way to the Orphanage. Keep the Hearths Warming fire alive as much as you can to keep the Windigos at bay and away from Ponyville." As he got down as everyone started to disburse he spoke to Firefly "'Fly go to the Orphanage and wait for us to come back there."

"Wait... Come back?" Firefly asked confused "Where would you be going so that you're not coming with us?"

"I'm going to find our daughters," he said giving her a kiss on the cheek and before she could do anything opened his wings and flew straight to the Everfree Forest.

"You better come back alive or else I'll kill ya!" Firefly called out to him as he left, before turning and helping to collect the foals and take them back to the Orphanage.

In the cave she found in the Forest, Scootaloo had just started to ease up on the crying, and with her head down decided to head back, not noticing how cold it was until...


"Huh?" she asked looking up rubbing her head seeing the entrance of the cave covered in ice.

Scared and confused, Scootaloo started banging against it.

"Hello? Anyone out there? Please! Help!"

But no matter what she cried or how many times or hard she hit the ice, nothing happened.

Trying to stay calm, Scootaloo looked around the cave to see if there was a different way out nearly jumping out of her skin when she looked up to see three creatures circling around the roof of the cave.

Just then a sound of someone tapping on the ice reached her.

"Scoots?" Rainbow's voice cried "Scoots? You in there?"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo called back after taking her eyes off the creatures going to the iced over entance shifting some of the frost.

"It'll be alright Scoots," Rainbow said holding her hoof up trying to stay calm "Everything will be fine."

"I'm scared Rainbow," Scootaloo said shivering a bit now tears in her eyes.

"Scoots can you do something for me?" Rainbow asked right back looking her unknowing sister in the eye getting a nod. "I want you to be as brave as you can be in an event like this. Don't show those things your afraid, don't be sad, because I'm here now, think happy things. Help me light the Hearth Warming heart with all that love I know you have inside you. 'Love will thaw' remember."

Standing tall Scootaloo nodded and closed her eyes to think, while Rainbow was on the other side of the ice looking around for something to break it if this didn't work.

Scootaloo began to think about those lost memories of her parents.

How, when it got dark, and everyone else was asleep, she would hear noises and imagine things around her creeping, her mother would wrap her tail around her and told her 'Don't be scared.' From that she knew she would be safe because her mother was right there beside her, and she could go back to sleep.

How when the storms would come, and life would seem so bad, and she wanted to cry (almost) she would listen to her dad. That he promised that the storm will pass and the day will soon be fair. And she know not to be afraid because, he was always there.

Then her thoughts turned to her new friends and Rainbow Dash and how they always helped cheer her up when she was upset.

She thought of when she met Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell officially at Diamond Tiara's Cute-Sinara and formed the CMC. To all the adventures they had from that day in a quest to find their Cutie-Marks. To that snowball fight they had with all the other foal around town, bringing a smile on her lips.

Her thought now turning to Rainbow Dash and how she has been teaching her how to fly. How she stayed with her that night she ran away from the Orphanage for that night to make sure she was alright. How her singing reminded her of her mother...

"Rainbow?" Scootaloo asked opening her eyes seeing Rainbow at the top of the entrance trying to break the ice.

"Yeah?" she asked coming down to see if everything was alright.

"Can... Can you sing something to help me be a bit braver please..." she said eyes wide still shivering.

Rainbow was just about to start when a noise behind her made her spin around and take up her fighting stance prepared to fight what ever it was.

"Dad?" she asked running up to him when he came into the light only to be hit around the head with his hoof. "OW... What was that for?"

"For running off with out telling either me or your mother." Spectrum said walking up to the iced over entrance putting his hoof to it feeling how thick it was "Do you have any idea how worried we were then we heard you came in here?"

"I'm guessing pretty worried seeing as you don't do that to me unless you're mad at me about something," Rainbow said still rubbing her head checking for blood.

"Oh stop being a drama queen Rainbow, and help me try and break down the ice," the he turned to Scootaloo "Scootaloo we need you to try and get as far away from the ice as you can. Don't be afraid, we're here to help remember."

Nodding Scootaloo got up and rushed to the back of the cave keeping her eyes down so she couldn't see the Windigos making sure not to step on the ice they were making.

On the other side of the entrance Spectrum and Rainbow turned and started bucking at the ice to get it to break.
After their third try, a crack started to form.

Alternately the two rainbow maned pony's took turns attacking that crack making it bigger, going up and all over the ice.

With one last hard buck together, the ice broke and they turned to welcome a scared cold and crying Scootaloo into their arms.

"There, there Scoots," Rainbow whispered quietly rubbing the filly's back "We got you. Your safe now right? Everything's fine."

"Don't be so sure of that Rainbow," Spectrum said as they started heading back "We might be safe but Ponyville... Well lets say if we don't stop this some how, it will be a very cold Hearths Warming."

Giving confused looks, Rainbow placed Scootaloo on her back, and covered her with her wings to try and help keep her warm and she and her dad began to follow the fire balls again to get back out of the forest safely.