• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,280 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...

Discord part 2

(Neither myself or ShadowDJ own any part of this story. Power Rangers is property of Toei/Saban. Equestria Girls is property of Hasbro ltd. Please support the official release.)

Discord part 2: By ShadowDJ and Xero Key

Power Rangers

Standing before Sunset was the Rangers, the uniforms turned black and gray. “Oh Horseapples…” Sunset said, not liking this at all as she looked at the now powered up rangers who were glaring at her under their visors. Sunset grasped at her chest, in a vain attempt to bring her Good side out, but there wasn’t a single hint of golden light.

“Eheheh...it seems that even when you say you are a good girl, this sort of thing still happens.” Jack said with a chuckle, appearing with a puff of smoke. “Of course, it’s to be expected from you.” He then whispers. “Oh poor Sunset Shimmer, can’t even keep her friends when she has them.” The serpent slithered across the sandy sky. “First her teacher, then her school, everyone close to you.” The not-thing giggled. “Have fun on your playdate girls!” And Jack was gone, leaving Sunset alone with the Rangers.

“Oh yeah, time for some pay back!” said Rainbow as she got her axe out as she swung it, making Sunset roll to the side.

“OK, have you officially lost your minds!?” asked Sunset, annoyed.

“Stop talking!” said Fluttershy as she sent out a burst of black moth-like energy blasts at her, making her go back a bit.

“Sheesh…” said the darker side of Sunset in clear annoyance. “You are officially getting on my nerves. Aren’t you supposed to be friends or whatever?”

“Sorry to do dis, hon.” said AJ as she swung her hammer as Sunset yelped as she ducked around them.

“OK, that was a bold faced lie...I am kinda impressed in an odd way, but that’s not important.” Sunset said as she looked around for something to defend herself with as Rarity fired her keytar, making Sunset run for it.

“You can’t hide from us!” said Pinkie Pie in anger as Sunset kept running anyway.

“Well I can sure as Tartarus try!” Sunset said as she kept running. ‘OK...Karma biting my flank aside, I need a plan...OK, they are now turned evil by some weird trickster god that this world somehow has-I’ll have to look into that once this insanity is over-and he turned the Rangers into the Psycho Rangers...I gotta find a way around this, but how?’

Sunset snuck into a room as the other rangers ran past. “Lets split up.” Twilight said to the others as Rainbow just scoffed.

“First good idea I heard all day, doc.” Rainbow said with an eyeroll under her helmet as they went off, FLuttershy shoving Rarity out of her way as Sunset watched.

“...OK, I know I wasn’t exactly the nicest person in the world back in the day, but even I had standards...this is crazy.” Sunset said, studying the situation. “...OK, they split up for now, so that gives me some time to think of how to reactivate the morpher...and at least FIND it…” she rubbed her temples in thought.

‘What’s the point?’ Dark Sunset heard as she saw the depressed version of her good counterpart, as the darker counterpart just rolled her eyes.

“OK, can you stop with being a negative nancy?” Asked Dark Sunset flatly as she got up, her reflection followed her example but kept her head down. “I’ll try to see if I can at least fight one of them off.” Her eyes gained a green outline as she concentrated.

Suddenly a mystical aura went over her as she growled out “Let’s do this.” Suddenly she roared out as a fiery explosion went over her, returning to her demonic form but at a much smaller scale, about the size of her real anthro form. She then flapped her wings slightly as she nods. She then took off after the Rangers.

AJ looked around, patting her hammer a bit. “Come out, Sunny. Look, I am really sorry. how ‘bout we have a nice talk o’er some nice, cool cider?”

“Is that before or after you decide to bash me with the glass bottle?” a dark voice said as Demon Sunset came in, fire at the ready.

“Ah, so you suited up. It suits ya.” said AJ, tapping her hammer more as Demon Sunset growled.

“OK, I can tell in your reverse talk that was an insult.” Sunset growled as she flew forward, smashing AJ against a wall. “Look, the lying thing doesn’t work for you, cowgirl. So how about you just snap out of it?”

“Snap out of what?” asked AJ with a false sense of hurt. “I am perfectly fine!” She then kicked Sunset in the chest, making her let go.

“...At least you still got that kick thing going on.” said Sunset flatly, rubbing her stomach at that. She growled as she says, “Come on! Where’s the old ‘Yeehaw, lets be best buds’ thing that you usually go on about?”

“Ya’ll are right...let's talk this out.” said AJ...before tossing the hammer right at her, making Demon Sunset hit a wall with a groan, shoving it off.

“Well, that failed spectacularly.” Good Sunset said with a sigh as Demon Sunset only gave a flat look.

“Oh shut up. You’re not exactly being much help yourself.” Demon Sunset said in response, getting up from the blow. AJ walked over, cracking her knuckles before Sunset slammed her hands down, creating a wall of fire to separate the two of them before flying off. “OK...the southern belle, a no-go. Lets see if Miss Sunshine and Lollipops is more in the mood to talk.”

Pinkie Pie stomped around, looking annoyed more so than usual as she mutters something about ‘I hate this place! I hate these people! I wish they would go into a ditch’ or something along those lines as Sunset landed.

“Oh, do you really feel that way? I’m hurt, really.” said Demon Sunset as the Good Sunset just sighed. Pinkie saw her and growled as she rushed at her, going for kicks as Sunset dodged. “Oh come on! Where’s that endearingly annoying ball of energy that usually tries to make people smile?”

“Oh, so I’m annoying, am I!?” Pinkie asked in rage as the demon got worried at her tone.

“...OK, that came out ALL wrong…” said Demon Sunset nervously as she saw Pinkie Pie make some clouds...that were dark gray instead of the usual pink and had barbs coming out. “Well, that doesn’t look comfortable. Wait, how do clouds...ah right, I’m against Pinkie Pie.”

“It’s Pinkamena.” said Pinkie with a growl, her nunchucks at the ready as Good Sunset gave a nervous yelp.

“She HATES being called by her full name.” Good Sunset groaned as Demon Sunset didn’t like the sound of this.

“Wow...you have gone off the deep end. Look...uh...how about we have a party, huh?” She asked, as she had a hand behind her back as she concentrated on the clouds, trying to get them to ignite. “You know...with balloons, cake, party games...all that fun stuff?” She said as she waved her hands as the clouds gained a blue hue that caused the clouds themselves to give off a faintly orange light and some smoke to form.

“I Hate parties!” said Pinkie in rage before she noticed her clouds were on fire. “What the?! how did you do that?”

“They may be gray and barbed, but they’re still the same chemical makeup of your usual clouds...and since that’s not water vapor, it’s easily ignitable with the right amount of heat.” Sunset explained as she says, “Look. Everyone is acting weird, including you. Do you really want to see your friends going through this stuff?”

“Who cares?” asked Pinkie with a growl, her eyes narrowing as she got her nunchucks ready. “Because when I’m done, I’m gonna make sure you’re not gonna have much left about you!” She then ran at her, but Sunset flew out of her way, causing her to hit a wall as Sunset retreated quickly.

“O-KAY! That was a really bad idea!” said the demonic girl with a shudder. “Seriously, who knew that girl could be TERRIFYING...and this is coming from me!”

“Break a Pinkie Pie promise and you’ll know scary.” Good Sunset said with a sigh as the demonic Sunset looked around, but then nearly got hit by a burst of moths.

“Found you!” Yelled Fluttershy as she was right behind her with her tambourine as she jumped at her, kicking her down, making Sunset yell out as she hit the ground. “Payback time!”

“For wha-ooh…” Sunset then groaned, realizing something. ‘I forgot...before my good half came back, I bullied this girl a lot...and now that she’s all about rage, she’s got a LOT of pent up anger…’

“Back off, Flower girl! She’s mine!” said a voice as she turned to see Rainbow Dash coming in with a glare, holding her axe on her shoulder. “Time to show her how a REAL leader does things.”

“Oh yeah, since you clearly took charge when Twilight told you to split up…” Sunset said flatly as Rainbow glared.

“Can you ever say the right thing?” Good Sunset asked with a sigh as Demon Sunset just gave a scowl.

“Bite me.” Demon Sunset whispered to herself as FLuttershy glared.

“Rainbow, I got this!” Fluttershy said with a growl as Rainbow just laughed.

“Yeah right! You’re the wimpiest of all of us!” said Rainbow as Fluttershy growled and grabbed her by her collar.

“You want to say that to my face, you wanna be?” Fluttershy asked with a sneer under her helmet as Rainbow glared.

“Who are you calling a wanna-be, hippie!?” asked Rainbow in anger as Sunset watched the two argue, making her raise an fiery eyebrow.

‘What am I doing? I was Celestia’s prized student, I shouldn’t be….’ Demon Sunset smiled cruelly as she dug a single talon into the ground, carving a shape. “Oh girls~” She sing songed. “You want me? Come get me!”

“OUT OF THE WAY!” said Rainbow, shoving her Fluttershy aside as she ran forward, as Fluttershy grabbed her by the back of her shirt.

“I saw her first!” said Fluttershy as the two tussled a bit as they tried to get to her first as Demon Sunset backed up a bit, just waiting for it as the two kept fighting.

‘Hmm...I wonder which of them would win in a fight...ah well. That’s not important’ Demon Sunset thought as the two glared at her and ran for her, trying to push the other away before a glow engulfed them when they both hit the floor.

“What the hay?” asked Rainbow in confusion as the two tried to get up. “What the heck did you do to us?!”

“Oh, just a slight demobilization spell. You girls play nice now~.” Demon Sunset said as she walked away slowly, giving a teasing wave, staying long enough to hear the resulting argument.


“This is your fault!” said Fluttershy with a glare.

“How is my fault!?” Rainbow demanded with a glare back, but Fluttershy just rolled her eyes.

“If you didn’t show up, I could have finished her!” Fluttershy said as Rainbow Dash just laughed.

“Yeah right! You couldn’t beat a cold!” Rainbow said as Sunset walked off, rolling her eyes.

“Man, as their negative selves, they argue like an old married couple...weird.” said Sunset with a shrug. “Ah well, finally got those two...Just need to disable the other four and find a way out of this mess so they can get back to their normal selves.”

“Why bother? Didn’t you hear them?” Good Sunset sighed as the demonic one rolled her eyes.

“It’s a SPELL. Can’t you tell!? This weird trickster is using the opposite form of the Elements to make your friends turn into negative versions! All we need to do now is to get the others…” said Demon Sunset as the arguing earlier gave her an idea, smirking a bit.

Rarity walked around, her keytar in hand as she looked around. “Oh darling, where are you?” Rarity asked, looking around before bumping into Applejack. “Oh, Applejack. Have you seen Sunset?”

“Enope, haven’t seen her.” AJ said, shaking her head and feigning innocence as Rarity gave a glare.

“Well, I am going to be the one who gets her. After all, I am sure there is gonna be quite the reward for capture.” Rarity said with a faint chuckle as AJ just rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, I bet it’d be mighty fancy.” said AJ with a chuckle as Rarity just gave her a flat look.

“At least have some merit, my dear.” Rarity said with a harrumph as clapping is heard as Sunset wa near by, giving a faint wave.

“Howdy.” said Sunset with a smirk as the two aimed their weapons at her. “Hey, I’m not here to fight.” She said, secretly drawing a similar ruin into wall as Rarity gave her a skeptical eye.

“You’re not?” asked Rarity as Sunset gave a head shake.

“Nope. I’m just here to give an offer.” said Sunset, smirking internally since she knew Rarity’s new greedy persona would be easier to trick as Rarity’s eyes widen as AJ just kept an eye on the two. “I can help give you ALL the morphers if you help me out. Would that sound OK with you, Rarity?”

“All the Morphers, hmm…?” Rarity said, thinking this over as AJ looked at them with concern. “Hmm...sounds quite enticing.”

“I just need to know where mine is and I can get them all together for you.” Sunset said with a smirk as AJ looked kinda worried now.

“OK, dis sounds like a real good idea and all, but what about me?” asked AJ as Sunset just smirked.

“Well, the offer is open to you too. I already got the offer to Rainbow and Fluttershy, and they’re all in on it.” said Sunset said as the greedy girl smirked as she walked over.

“Your offer sounds good to me...I think I’ve got one in mind right now. “Rarity said aiming her gun at AJ as she powered it up as Sunset mouthed an incantation as AJ glared.

“Oh yeah, I’ll just HAND it over, ain’t it?” asked AJ with a glare as she stomped over. “Here, how about I also give you my hammer!” The two ran at each other as Sunset finished the spell as a ring of fire got in between them and cloaked them, making them stop in their tracks.

“What in the world!?” asked Rarity in shock as AJ glared through.

“Oh yeah, thanks! This is real appreciated.” AJ said with a growl as Sunset snickered a bit.

“Sarcasm is not lying Cowgirl.” Sunset quipped, floating above the two. “And also...about the morpher thing...I lied. Ironic, ain’t it?” She said to AJ with a smirk as AJ growled in annoyance.

“OK, that was quite underhanded.” Rarity said with a glare as Sunset scowled.

“Said the girl who pointed the gun to your own comrade? And I thought Rainbow got disloyalty.” Sunset cracked as she landed. “Also, don’t worry. The fire won’t hurt you...well, if you don’t try to move through it. The fire isn’t gonna go out with either smothering or water. Dark magic by nature.” She walked off at this as the two glared.

“You had a GREAT idea in this, girly.” AJ said as Rarity just gave a glare.

“Oh shush.” Rarity said flatly as Sunset snuck around as she looked around.

“Oh Pinkie~ Come out and play~” said Sunset in a sing-song tone as she looked around. She then heard footsteps as she moved to the side as Pinkie yelled out as she came to run at her as Sunset counted down. “Three...two…”

“GOTCHA!” said Pinkie as Sunset hand glowed as the door in front of her suddenly slammed shut, making Pinkie hit it and fall back with a groan as Sunset opened it with with a smirk.

“I am honestly impressed that work.” said Sunset with a chuckle as she whipped some magical energy to go around her as she snapped her fingers as the other four arrived with the same aura around them. “OK...five down, one to go. Then I can find a way to reverse this spell.”

“Oh right, like you can do that.” Rainbow with an eye roll. “Look, how about you just let me go and I’ll just clear out, OK?”

“And where exactly does that leave US?” asked Pinkie as she and Fluttershy glared at her at that.

“Duh, with the crazy fire lady. Who cares what happens to you, I’m the important one.” said Rainbow as the five began to argue while Sunset started to growl as she floated them behind her.

“Urge to maim...rising steadily…” Demon Sunset said, her eye twitching faintly. The arguing continued before she growled as she says, “The five of you… WOULD YOU KINDLY SHUT UP ALREADY?!” She yelled in annoyance, her eyes shining with flames as the five became silent, wide eyed as Sunset just growled as she continued on.

She then heard quiet crying, making her pause a bit as she raised an eyebrow. She placed the five on a wall, making them unable to move. The demonic being moved through, seeing Twilight against a wall, her head on her knees and her helmet next to her. ‘OK...this is new...’ Sunset thought, seeing this.

“Ooh, it’s you...come to kidnap me as well? Why not just forget about me.” said Twilight with a sigh. “Not like anyone would miss me...I mean, I had to do a lot of things on my own anyway and I can do that from her on too.”

“Yeah, sounds like you are having a heck of a time here.” said Sunset, leaning against a wall as the Good Sunset gave her a flat look from a near by mirror, as she did a hand motion. ‘Seriously? NOW of all times?!’ she mouthed as the Good Sunset just crossed her arms.

“What do you want?” Twilight asked with a groan while Sunset just gave an eye roll.

“It’s like I told the other Sunset: this is all just a spell. I need you to help me fix this mess. We’re the only two with the access to the kind of magic needed to fix this.” said Sunset as Twilight just rolled her eyes.

“Like we have a chance if you fix this.” said Twilight with a sigh as a sinister chuckle carried over as she saw the other five rangers were out, glaring at her.

“Ah crud…” Said Sunset, not liking this. The Five glared before they headed out as Sunset says, “Hey, hold on a second!” they ignored her as they went off as Twilight sighed, taking her helmet.

“I’m out of here...forget this whole Ranger nonsense.” said Twilight with a sigh as Sunset looked shocked, as it cause her demon form to give out.

‘OK...this is bad...’thought DArk Sunset, not liking this. ‘ALL the Rangers are out and I’m at half strength since my good half isn’t listening...’ she then began to pace, trying to think of a solution...but couldn’t.

A train of thought was caught and bought with the fish of wish in the dish at bish. Wobbery Jack stood right side left as Sunset realized she had failed. “Oh pish posh, what’s the matter? Wash wish, give me something to work with.” A nest landed on it’s crow as it quacked and clucked for it’s legs to flap, swimming off into the ground.

“Just go away…” Sunset said.

“Aww, you aren’t the one fun one. You’re so mopey and dopey and altogether lopey.” Jack said with a mile like a smile, frowning a while in the denial of the Nile.

“I swear I will burn you!”

Jack chuckled and heckled, but would not leave the sea. “You see? I see. You won’t burn any-bee.” He buzzed.

“Rhyming? Really?” Sunset asked.

Jack shrugged, the world becoming right. “It’s a gimmick, the readers don’t seem to care.” Sunset raised an eyebrow at that comment but Jack just waved a hand at this. “Ehh, don’t mind me, since all you can do is stare.” Jack looked up. “Okay, I don’t like rhyming that much. Give me that!” Jack said reaching out of the screen and pulling Xero’s laptop inside itself.

“...What is he going on about?” asked Sunset in confusion. Jack then sighs as he looks at her.

“You annoy me. While I am workin, you take a nap.” said Jack as a hammer appeared over her head.

“Like I’d let you do any-” before she could finish, the hammer hit her on the head, making her groan a bit as she fell to the side, now having a throbbing headache.

Sunset was in a dark void, Dark taking the form of a bat winged alicorn, while Good was human. “It’s hopeless…” Good Sunset said, her image floating in mid air, knees tucked to her chin.

“That is it!” Dark said, her hair temporarily bursting into flame. “What is your deal!?” Good Sunset looked down from where she hung, tears wallowing in her eyes, but didn’t say anything. “Ugh! You are so frustrating! Wake up and smell the manure filly! We aren’t done yet, but I can’t fix this alone!”

“Why? I don’t deserve to do anything.” Good said.

Dark just gawked. “Deserve? That’s what this is about?”

“I’ve done so many horrible things…”

“No I did!” Sunset said pointing her hoof back to herself. “You have done everything you can to repent for me!”

Good Sunset floated down and landed on the roof of the high school, watching the sun set beyond the horizon.
Was all I desired. (I desired, I desired)
But all that grew inside me
Was the darkness I acquired.

Looking at her reflection in the window, Sunset’s face seemed to split and flash between her Ranger helmet and Nightmare Moon. She began to remember the Fall Formal, when she took the Element of Magic for herself. And Princess Twilight Sparkle offering a hand of friendship.

When I began to fall
And I lost the path ahead
That’s when your friendship found me
And it lifted me instead.

Sunset began to run around the center spire of the school. Waving her hand at a streak of gold soared through the sky, her eyes briefly changing to black as Dark Sunset vanished.

Like a Phoenix burning bright
In the sky
I’ll show there’s another side to me
You can’t deny.

She looked up at the school clock, becoming more bold as she sang. An image of Nightmare Moon appeared in place of her reflection, which she wiped away, and she looked at her new reflection of the Gold Ranger happily.

I may not know what the future holds
But hear me when I say
That my past does not define me
Cause my past is not today.

Sunset found herself in Canterlot High’s hallway, facing photos of her from winning the school’s competition and being crowned princess. She looked at the first one of her being happy and not crazy, before taking them all down and throwing them away. She closed her eyes, a brief image of her pony self looking in a mirror with an alicorn for a reflection filling her mind.

Is what I believed
Would be the only way
To set me free.

She flashed back to before the Battle of the Bands, when she was still hated, and watched all the students disappear. Then Princess Twilight put her hand on her shoulder, joined by her teammates including Ranger Twilight.

But when it disappeared
And I found myself alone
That’s when you came and got me
And it felt like I was home.

Sunset ran to the edge of the roof, throwing off her jacket as she did so, the sun beginning the rise. Her body started to spark with golden light like wisps of flame. As she sang, Dark Sunset’s voice began to harmonize with her own, forming a perfect shadow over Good Sunset.

Like a Phoenix burning bright
In the sky
I’ll show there’s another side to me
You can’t deny.

She smiled sadly as the energy began to build around her, before opening her arms and beginning to float upwards. She held her arms close before energy exploded outwards from her, forming golden phoenix wings, her flowing in an ethereal wind.

I may not know what the future holds
But hear me when I say
That my past does not define me
Cause my past is not today!

Sunset landed, her wings faded. “Don’t worry guys… I’m coming.” On her left wrist, her morpher reappeared. “Power Rangers, Harmonize!” She activated her morpher as her body glowed.

The orange-gold streaks on Sunset’s Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in fiery light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wrist bands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset’s head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above an ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

Jack paused his typing when he noticed the energy coming from Sunset’s body as he asks, “What the devil?” he asked as he saw her vanish from sight with a brilliant flash of orange. “...Oh dear.”

Sunset reappeared as she panted a bit. “Ok...teleporting that long of a distance...DRAINING…” She then activated her comlink. “Vinyl, you there?”

“Here. What’s up?” asked Vinyl in confusion. “The Tree is going nutty here.”

“I know. We met up with a more malicious version of the chaos spirit from Equestria. I need you to track the other Rangers. They got affected by him.”

“Gotcha.” Said Vinyl as she was looking around. “Ok...they’re at six different locations: Twi is at the School Library, AJ is at her barn, Pinkie is at the cafe, Fluttershy is at her house, Rainbow is at the gym and Rarity is at the Boutique.” Vinyl said as Sunset nods.

“OK, get the new zord ready. We’re gonna need it soon.” Sunset said as she pressed a button on her morpher, which summoned her Rainboom cycle as she got on it and rode off.

At the library, Colgate and Moon Dancer moving away from a seat where a VERY large stack of books was standing. “...Where did she get all those books?” Colgate whispered as the other just shrugged as they heard a knock as Sunset came in full ranger gear.

“I’d step back.” Sunset said as she looked around and saw Twilight in the middle of the books, likely trying to find solace in her many books. “Hey Twi, you OK?” Sunset asked, taking the seat across from her and taking the helmet off.

“What do you want?” asked Twilight, her hair back up in a bun and wearing a gray-scale version of her usual attire.

“What? A friend can’t sit by another friend?” Sunset asked as Twilight looked at her oddly, but noticed the eyes were a bit different; it was the Good sunset AND the Dark Sunset, both sharing control at the moment as one eye looked normal and the other had black corneas.

“Look, I know you had a rough day so far, but we’ve been through a lot worse.” SUnset said with a sigh. “I mean, come on, you’re the Element of Magic. That’s the signature of Friendship, remember? Wouldn’t you rather be having fun with the others instead of being alone?”

Twilight looked down and says, “But...I’ve been able to do a lot alone anyway…”

“And have you ever felt happy with your success? Being alone is never rewarding. Trust me, I know how it feels; I let my ambitions blind me for a long time, but I found out something; ambition is only so good...but I would rather have you girls than be like that.” Sunset said, putting a hand on her arm as a light orange magic began to mix with violet as Twilight closed her eyes in thought.

Her clothing began to regain color as she thought over what Sunset had said, as her morpher shined..as she nods, removing her glasses calmly as she got her morpher out. “Lets go save our friends.”

Sunset smirked as she put her helmet back on, as Twilight activated her Morpher. “Power Rangers, Harmonize!”

The tip of the phone-wand sparked with a purple light and shot into the sky, as Twilight was dragged into a spin upwards. She balanced on top of a spiraling galaxy in a purple body suit-and-skirt and snapped out her hands to form gloves. Slight kicks to the side formed her boots, and a snap of her fingers near her neck formed a silver cape and collar. The purple light from her morpher fell into her outstretched hand and became a staff. A shooting star crashed into her head with a neigh echoing to form her helmet.

The two then went off to the farm, where the area looked kind of worn out as AJ was resting, wearing grayscale clothing of her usual style. “Where is everyone getting the black and white clothes from?” Sunset asked in confusion as Twilight shrugged.

“Huh? Ya mind, I got some important work to do.” said AJ as the two just gave each other a look under their masks.

“I’ll hold her still, you apply the spell. She’s a lot stronger than you are physically.” Sunset instructed as Twilight nods, her wand glowing a bit as Sunset snuck over and grabbed AJ, hoisting her up.

“Hey! Get your paws off of ah me!” said AJ in annoyance as Twilight tapped her head with her wand, causing AJ’s eyes to shrink as she groaned, her clothing turning back to normal as she rubbed her head.

“You OK?” Twilight asked in concern as Applejack looked confused.

“Twilight? Sunset? What the hay is going on here?” asked AJ in confusion. “Weren’t we in some maze or some-ooh...sorry girls.” She said, as the realization hit home.

“It’s alright. It was only a spell that Jack used to mess with our heads. It was a form of mind control after using self doubts to mess with how we perceived and acted.” Sunset explained, as AJ raised an eyebrow. “...he brainwashed you.” Sunset said flatly.

“Better get to the others.” AJ said as she got her morpher out. “Power Rangars, Harmonize!”

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

The three then arrived at Fluttershy’s house as a green girl with a peace sign tie-dyed T-shirt and a plaid skirt looked concern. “Whoa, hey girls. Somethin’ is making Fluttershy all weird, like something is messing with her vibes.”

“One sec, Tree Hugger. We got this.” Sunset said as they entered the house and went up stairs.

“What are you doing here? GET OUT!” Fluttershy yelled as Tree Hugger looked up and heard the sound of a scuffle from the room as the crashing, things being thrown and the sound of resistance before a bright flash of light went through the window.

“...Whoa…” said Tree in awe. “That was wicked…” she said with a faint chuckle as she then saw Fluttershy come out, looking embarrassed. “And so it’s known, girl, it’s all good.”

“Thanks...and sorry for yelling at you when you came to visit.” Fluttershy said with embarrassment as the ranges gave nods. “But for now...Power Rangers Harmonize.” She said, activating her morpher.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

The four then arrived at the cafe, where they see...Pinkie Pie wearing a more gothic version of her usual attire in grayscale and reading dark poetry?

“...OK, dis is getting weird.” AJ said as the others nod in agreement. Pinkie then saw them and raised an eyebrow.

“What do you want?” asked Pinkie flatly as Twilight looked at the others as she shrugs and walks over.

“We want to try something out. Don’t worry, it won’t be fun. Just close your eyes.” said Twilight .”It’s a surprise.”

“Ugh, I hate surprises...fine. If you’ll leave me alone.” Pinkie said, closing her eyes...only to get touched by the wand and went wide eyed as her clothing regained color, making her shake her head in confusion. “Who-wha-where-huh?” She looked around and says, “Oh, hi guys! We having a Ranger party?”

“NOT exactly...but we do need ya to suit up. We need ta help de others.” AJ said as Pinkie nods as she got her Morpher out.

“Time to hero up! Power Rangers, Harmonize!” said Pinkie as she shined brightly.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

The Five were now at the Boutique as they saw the mannequins were gone as Sweetie walekd out, confused. “Uh…” Sweetie began as Sunset just gave a nod as she pats her head.

“We know. one second.” said Sunset as she and Twilight went upstairs as Pinkie hummed a bit, bouncing up and giggling.

“We had a weird day! I mean, I was GRAY! GRAY!” Pinkie giggled as Fluttershy was whimpering.

“Oh, I said such mean things to Rainbow...think she’ll be upset?” Fluttershy asked in concern.

“I’m just hopin’ for an apology to be given between me and Rare. We were mighty mean to each other…” AJ said sheepishly as the sound of a yell as a bright flash came down as Rarity came out of her office as Sunset and Twilight put everything back.

“...I apologize for any misgivings I have given, but let us all agree; NEVER speak of this again.” Rarity said as AJ nods in agreement, as did the others. “But as now we must find Rainbow Dash before things go from bad to worse.” Rarity then got her morpher out. “Powe Rangers, Harmonize!”

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

The six rangers arrived at the gym, as they heard yelling as they saw Rainbow was practicing some hand to hand combat on the karate team, making several groan out. “Come on, no pain no gain!”

“Rainbow! That’s enough.” said Sunset as she got onto the podium.

“Ah great, it’s the so-called ‘leader’.” said Rainbow with an eyeroll as Sunset sighed.

“Rainbow, we have seen ALL the Ranger shows...OK, Pinkie’s seen them all, I’ve only seen about half, but still; the dynamic between us is that I’m the mentor for the team and you’re the leader. While people come to us to guidance, you are still an important member of the team. Look...I didn’t think I was worthy of being a ranger. Heck, I’m still having some doubts.”

“Then why give me the red color if you were gonna be in charge anyway?” Rainbow asked as Sunset just sighed.

“I never planned on being a Ranger Rainbow.”Sunset said as Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “yes, I had this set up, but I never expected it to be ME who wore it.”

“Now come on...let's fix you up.” said Twilight said as Rainbow glared as she was about to move, but the others got her to hold still as Twilight pressed the wand on her head, making her groan a bit as her clothing went back to normal.

“Ugh...wha? Ah man...sorry guys.” said Rainbow sheepishly as Sunset just pats her shoulder.

“Don’t worry. Jack just went for a weakness of our’s. Come on, lets take him out.” said Pinkie as Rainbow nods as she got her morpher out.

“Power Rangers, Harmonize!” She said as she glowed.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

The Seven stood together as they nod as they headed out, their blasters ready as they looked for the most chaotic part of the city to find Jack. “Vinyl, you got an energy signature for Jack?”

“Uh yeah...about that...he’s KINDA trying to GET INTO THE BASE!” said Vinyl in a faintly panicked tone. “I think he is going to get rid of the tree.”

“We’ll be right there.” said Sunset as they nod as they ran ahead, going at their top speeds thanks to the Ranger suits.

Crystal Cave park was... non-existent. What was where the park should have been was insanity inca--- Hello, Jack here. How are you? I’m fine, just dealing with some annoying little girls colored like the rainbow. Red just tried a flying leap and Pink is sending cotton candy straight into my mouth. MMMmmmm, Delicious. Aww, look how cute Yellow is being spinning around. Oh, OW! Blue’s actually shooting me. Well that’s no fun. Green just made a mountain out of a literal mole hill.. Ha ha ha ha. Hey, I can’t move my arms… Purple just wrapped chains around me! What’s Gold doing? Is that fire? Are those wings!? She can fly!!??

Wobbery Jack was cut down by Sunset’s burning sword. Exploding sanity back into the world. From the remnants of the not-thing reformed as an indescribable entity. “Vinyl, send the package!” Rainbow ordered. From beneath the park every zord was released, and with them was a flying platform with seven stands. The Rangers leapt onto the platform as all of the zords collided together around them, forming a sphere of light. From the sphere two wings spread out and the sphere shifted to form a giant ethereal alicorn with a rainbow mane. The Incarnation of Harmony pointed it’s horn at the Disembodiment of Chaos and fired pure light into the void. The nothingness dissipated and the Incarnation of Harmony stood tall and proud, shining like a sun.

As Nightmare Moon watched all that had transpired, she grew angry and with a yell she threw her sword into scrying pool, splitting it. “EVERY TIME SHE WINS!!!!! I WANT HER DESTROYED!!!!” The Sirens huddled together in fear behind Unikahn, who was slightly shuddering. The forces of evil were not having a good day.

Back at the Juice Bar, the Rangers were now sitting a table and relaxin, as Rainbow noticed Sunset’s eyes were the darker color. “Wait...so...how are we gonna tell you two apart? The eyes?”

“Basically..yeah.” said Dark Sunset with a shrug. “The good me wants to make sure I behave, so I have to do this every once and awhile. Plus...she said I ‘owe you guys’ or something like that.” The six heard this and gained smirks as an idea formed.

“Well then, I’m sure Sunset wouldn’t mind us playing a game then.” said Twilight as the Good Sunset chuckled a bit, having no problem with the game in question as the Dark looked confused.

Her pupils then shrank as they saw them getting objects; Rarity got out a dress, Pinkie got some seltzer water, and Rainbow got her guitar. “The initiation...starts now.” Dark Sunset just gulped a bit.

“Don’t worry, it’s not TOO bad.” said Good Sunset with a shrug. “BUT for you...it may be since I know you don’t like fun all that much.” She said the last part in a faintly teasing tone to her dark counterpart.

“I hate you all so much…” And with that, Sunset’s body started running while under the control of her dark half, while her good half laughed in the back of their shared mind, the other Rangers chasing after her.

Author's Note:

DJ: Sorry for not being on here as often as before. I have been going through a lot. But glad I was able to help on this chapter.

XK: No prob my friend, we’re just all glad your back. See ya later everybody!