• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,280 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...

Discord part 1

(I do not own anything but the plot. Power Rangers/Super Sentai are property of Saban/Toei respectively. Equestria Girls is property of Hasbro ltd. Please support the official release. Alert: There are no errors in this chapter.)

Discord: by Xero Key

Nightmare Moon sat upon her throne, rolling the multi-veined stone in her hand. Unikahn was brooding out the window as usual, and the Sirens were squabbling over a petty disagreement. ‘Heh. Ironic that is what I need, but not from them.’The Queen of Darkness thought to herself. She waved her hand over the shattered remains of her scythe, destroyed by the Power Rangers, reforming it into a silver double-edged blade. Hefting the weapon in her hand, Nightmare frowned. ‘A sword… even now we are too similar.’ She raised the hand with the stone, palm facing up, and used her magic to levitate the stone over the scrying pool.

“Your Majesty? Is something wrong?” Sonata asked.

“I’m trying to bring out an old friend.” Nightmare said as she summoned a bolt of black lightning. It struck the stone with the ring of a gong, and the stone began to twist and shake. The scrying pool bubbled and boiled. Within the foam and lights, screaming faces of silent agony echoed into the void. With a burst of energy the throne room filled with smoke. The Sirens coughed as they cleared away the smoke. There, standing in the ruins of the pool was a man-not-man. He appeared in mismatched clothes, one leg bare and one leg fair and two hands open to the air, facing in to the trees. A clock of twenty faces and four hands went on his head, while a hat of one eye stared down from below.

"Tockety-tick, Tickety-tock. So good to notbe a boring old rock. No callumphing or jumping or zbbayetibumphing." The thing of not-thing smiled in his frown. "Now who wants to turn town thE
dOwn1 upZides/" He asked shyly with a booming voice.

Power Rangers

The Rangers were hanging out at a cafe, well hanging out is inaccurate. They were in the same general area… but they were not enjoying the company. Each girl was doing something to ignore the others, Sunset had changed into a light-blue outfit with orange stripes on her black jacket. The only thing that showed she was upset was the fact that Gold Ranger wasn’t in control, but her Dark side, evidenced by her black sclera.

“Ugh, nothing on my phone.” Sunset said practically throwing the device back on to the table.

‘Could you please not break my stuff?’ Ranger Sunset asked from within their mind.

‘One of the few times I’m nothing more than emotion...and your chastising me?’

‘Not to brag, but I kinda hold the team together.’ Gold said appearing to Dark as a spirit. ‘I mean look at them.’ She gestured to the other Rangers. Pinkie was playing a loud game, Rarity looked as though she was working finances, Twilight was reading a book with an angered expression because of Pinkie’s game, Applejack and Rainbow were competing about something unimportant, and Fluttershy was asleep with earmuffs on.

‘Well besides Pinkie it’s exactly what I like, quiet.’ Dark said leaning back in her chair, before getting a psychic slap to the backside of the head from Gold.

‘Talk to them, they're our friends.’

‘Your friends, I broke them up to be Queen Bee remember?’

At that moment the street exploded in fire, knocking the Rangers out of their seats. “Oh boy, joy-o! What a happy surprise! I go looking for a rainbow and find the treasure inside!” The Rangers turned to see...the strangest wrongness they’d ever heard. A large man-woman of infinite smallness stood atop the bottom of the deepest crater.

“Who the hay are you?” Fluttershy yelled in her cocky pointing her hoof, her usual Stetson balanced to the side of her head.

“Why Wobbery Jack I was to be, I have to thank you for setting me free.” The nothing said laying on the air below them. “Now I know you and true to sew, To game i say, and a game we shall go!” With a snap of it’s toes the world became right...a red sky of night and purple grass flows. “The world we wander about in twists and turns and gallops about. Find me if you can through this maze of your hearts...and come out the same as when you did start.” It chuckled in a dark sinister voice. “Now no re-arranging, the board has been set.” The girl’s morphers vanished. “To the game I say, go on get!”

The Rangers stood at the entrance of a stone maze, separated from each other by walls reaching beyond the sky. “Girls, meet up in the center.” Twilight called from the right/left? Sound made no difference here. The first to step forward was the still Dark Sunset.

“Okay, got any advice me?” Sunset recieved no answer. “On my own, great…”

As Twilight walked farther into the maze, she attempted to use her magic. “Nothing… not even a spark.” She came to an opening decorated like a science lab.

“Doctor there you are! You’re needed in the lecture hall immediately!” Twilight put her notes back onto her desk and adjusted her glasses, confused.


“Yes, you are the most successful doctor in the world, with awards in every field!”

“Wow! really?” She asked, eyes turning to the diplomas decorating her office… only diplomas. “Where are the pictures of my friends and family?”

“What are you talking about Doctor?” The not-thing asked. It turned her head so she could see her reflection in her infinite awards.

“They didn’t do this, only you.”

“Yes… only me…” In a flash of grey, Twilight’s morpher returned to her coat pocket. The lab fell away to become a maze once more and Twilight walked on, an empty feeling sinking in her heart.

Fluttershy was in a veterinarian's clinic, changing out of her scrubs from another successful surgery. “My poopsy is ruined!” A woman said, holding up her perfectly normal corgi.

“What do you mean ma’am?”

“Look at this scar you left on her head!” Indeed the corgi had a scar, a very minor one. “We’ll see you in court!” The woman said as she left, leaving Fluttershy stunned.

“It’s always like this newbie.” A fellow doctor said. “Don’t do this out of the goodness of your heart, nobody else has it. It’s a job nothing more...being kind never gets you anything.”

Fluttershy briefly looked like she wanted to debate, but her memories of always being ignored whenever she did something nice came to her mind. “No, duh. Not even worth my time.” Fluttershy’s morpher returned to her wrist in a burst of grey.

Pinkie Pie wiped the tomatoes from her face as she was booed of stage.” Wh-Why aren’t they laughing?”

“They are honey.” The stage manager said. “Laughing at you.”

“But that’s not funny.” Pinkie said getting angry

“Is to them, and that’s all that matters.”

“Then they don’t get to laugh.” Pinkie said as she picked up a prop cleaver. “No one does.” Using the dull blade she cut a frown into
the face of clown on a poster. Not even noticing her morpher fading back onto her arm.

Applejack carried her gun through the decimated city. “The last remnants of the Ranger Civil War. Hard to believe it came to this.” She spoke to herself.

“We might have a way to change this.” Her companion said taking of their pack. Inside was a wristwatch with an indecipherable language. “If the doc who made this was right, one of us can go back and stop the war from happening.”

“The only way to do that would be… to never let them go out that day.” Applejack said putting the device on her wrist. “But how could I convince ‘em?”

“I don’t know… Lie? Anything to keep that from happening right?” Her companion suggested.

“Yeah, a lie would work. Just one little lie, just for one day.” The walls of the maze returned and the watch became her morpher.

Rarity slowly repelled down the side of the cavern wall. “I think I see them! If we’re right, these crystals could probably solve the energy crisis!”

“That’s great Rarity!” Her partner said as Rarity finally reached the bottom. All around her were glorious crystals of power beyond her wildest dreams. Her partner landed beside her. “With all of these, no one on Earth could go hungry.” Her partner smiled. “They’d probably fetch a pretty penny.”

Rarity perked up from her sketchings of the cave. “How pretty?”

“Enough to set us for life.”

Rarity looked back down to her sketch, then to a rock on the floor, her morpher glowing grey. “Set each of us for life...or one of us for two.” Rarity picked up the rock and threw it, hitting the opposite wall of the maze. She stood up and sauntered away, numbers and figures and gold dancing in her head.

Rainbow Dash came across Nightmare Moon lunging on a chaise. “I figured you were behind this!”

Nightmare sat up, chains connecting her to the chaise clinking, her crown falling off to reveal Sunset’s face. “Please Rainbow Dash, I need your help. Creating Wobbery Jack drained the nightmare forces! Release me and I can lead you to him!”

“Yeah right.” Dash said. “Why should I help you?”

“Because I’m your friend…”

“My Sunset ain’t evil.”

Sunset’s face grew cold. “Is that what you really think? You’ve never doubted her or questioned why she made the Rangers in the first place?”

“Duh, to save the world?”

“Then why didn’t she become the Red Ranger herself? She definitely has the skills.” Nightmare asked, circling Rainbow Dash.

“She uh… didn’t think she was worthy.”

“And now she’s in charge.”

“What, no way. I am!”

“When was the last time the Rangers looked to you for guidance?” Rainbow Dash pondered this, and couldn’t answer. “It was always her, becoming Gold was just taking the throne from her pretender.”

“No Way is she getting away with that!” Dash yelled , readying her gray morpher. “Red’s in charge, no one else. I can handle this jerk on my own! Then they’ll see.” Dash ran off farther into the maze, Nightmare squelching to once more become Wobbery Jack.

“Six down, one to go…”

Sunset sat facing her reflection in a pool. Where she had her hands clenched, her reflection hid her face, weeping. “Get up already…” Sunset ordered weakly, her black eyes barely staying awake. “Even if I get the morpher back, I can’t use it.”

“Why bother?” Her reflection asked. “I’m not worthy of it anyway.”

“Bull.” Her reflection looked up as Sunset pulled her out of the water. “You let me back in and made great friends.”

“But they’ll never trust me.”
“You’ll get it.”

The ground began to shake as the walls of the maze fell. Wobbery Jack stood next to the other six Rangers, who were bickering and fighting each other. Sunset’s reflection vanished, but her eyes remained black.

“Tricking you won’t work, so I’ll hit you where you hurt!” Wobbery Jack said as he vanished.

With his exit, the other six stopped fighting and readied their morphers. “Disharmonize!” They shouted, and in a burst of black smoke they transformed. Their colors were replaced with black, and the white now grey. The rainbows on their chest were grey-scale.

“Oh no.” Sunset said as her black eyes widened.