• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,281 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...

For the Dogs

(ShadowDJ and Xero Key do not own any of the characters except for a few OCs, the plot and what not. The characters belong to Hasbro and the Power Rangers concept belong to Toei and Saban)

For the Dogs: by ShadowDJ

At a junkyard, late at night, a trio of teens were looking around, as a very short one asks, “Why are we here, Rov?” The boy in question had a small build with faintly muscular arms, curly black hair and squinted eyes, adjusting a necklace the three shared.

“Cause Spot, we’re here to find something valuable. You know how people are; they usually throw away things carelessly these days.” Said a lanky, gray skinned boy with spiky blue hair and wearing a red jacket over a white shirt and a pair of jeans, his squinted eyes looking around.

“Well, I don’t see anything valuable.” said a giant of a teen with shaggy red hair, a green shirt under a gray vest and a pair of jeans, giving a faint growl in annoyance. He punched a nearby crate, causing an old chest to fall from a nearby pile and land on the ground near them, making the three jump back.

“So...you want something valuable, hmm?” asked a seductive voice in the shadows, making the three look confused.

“...You guys hear that?” Rover asked, a little nervous as the three stood back to back.

“It’s such a shame three handsome men like you have to hang out in a refuse collection for baubles...when you can just take them.” said the voice again as the three saw three familiar shadows arrive, as they saw the Dazzilngs coming out of the shadows, wearing their new armor.

“Yeah...especially since someone else already used you in the past. Well, besides us, but that’s besides the point.” Sonata said with a giggle.

“A certain...’generous’ spirit…Rarity.” Aria pointed out, the three looking at each other at this. “Yeah, we heard about how she used you to haul a grand piano across the school by using her feminine wiles on you.”

“And from what I saw at the school, most of the other students saw you as inferior to them.” Adagio said, their voices laced with magic as the three’s eyes narrowed with anger.

“So how about you pay them back for their misdeeds...starting with Rarity.” Aria said as the three looked at each other.

“What did you have in mind?” Rover asked as the three smirked as they got out orange crystals and used some magic to make them, vocalizing an eerie song as orange energy went around them, making them cry out.

“Wha-what’s going on?!” Fido screamed out as the three began to change in shape before the sound of howling mixed with the sound of the vocalization.

Power Rangers

At Canterlot high, the Rangers were heading to the school with Twilight in tow, all 8 of the teens wearing clothing more good for colder weather of mid-February. “So let me get this straight...that whole viral video thing with my doppelganger was for a magic crown that happens to be what caused this entire thing to happen in the first place? And you put it on, Sunset?”

“Eyeah...I was kind of...bratty is the best word for it.” Sunset said sheepishly. “The Element of Magic knew I wasn’t worthy of that power and, well...guess it decided to punish me by showing what that road can lead. There was...a lot of darkness in me...and to be honest, that scares me.”

“Don’t worry, dear. We’re here for you.” Rarity reassured her, as the others all nod in agreement. Twilight saw them comfort her and gave a soft smile as a faint growl is heard as her over-arm bag shook a bit.

“Hmm?” Fluttershy asked as she saw a head pop out, revealing a purple-furred pug with green tipped ears and green eyes, panting a bit. “Aww, you brought Spike?”

“I asked Principal Celestia of it was OK. Spike here can be a great help to the Rangers, especially with tracking stuff. Plus he needs the exercise anyway, and he gets lonely at home alone.” Twilight said, scratching her dog behind his ear.

“Man, it’s weird seeing Spike as a normal dog.” Rainbow said as she noticed Bright Idea walking by, shuddering. Rarity saw this as well, a small smile forming as she took off her scarf and handing it to the teen.

“Here, you need this more than me.” Rarity said as the teen looked surprised before nodding, smiling as he put it on.

“Thanks.” Bright said as he went off, Twilight smiling a bit at seeing Rarity’s generous spirit at work as they went towards the school.

As they entered, a scream is heard as the group turned to see several lockers were ransacked, showing that something attacked the school.

“Someone stole my locker decorations!” Violet Blurr said, looking over her wrecked up locker.

“They took my studded glasses case my mom got me for my birthday!” Silver Spoon screamed in sadness as Diamond Tiara patted her shoulder at this.

“Zhose thevez ztole my camera!” Photo Finish said in anger. “I left it here for safe keeping, and it gets stolen!”

Rarity noticed something and screamed as she saw her own locker was ripped open, her books scattered on the floor. “My locker! Someone stole from my locker as well.” She then noticed her books were also damaged by looked like claw marks. “Ooh...and they ruined my books too.” She groaned.

“Hmm…” AJ rubbed her chin as she looked around. “Anyone else notice it’s the more...fashion-savvy of the students who got robbed?”

“And it’s only things that would catch the eye about something...or something that’s at least valuable enough to be taken.” Sunset said with a scowl. “...We better go investigate this, now.”

“Oh, I will full-heartedly agree to that. NO ONE steals from the good people of Canterlot, especially when we are around.” said Rarity, as the others nod. “...Plus they need to pay for the damages done to my and the other’s lockers.” The others just groaned at that.

Twilight looked over one of Rarity’s wrecked books and looked at the book and showed it to spike. “Think you can pick up a scent, boy?” Spike sniffed at it...and began to growl, not liking the smell at all as he hopped out of her bag and followed after it.

“Come on.” said Rainbow as they followed after him, Spike sniffing around the school, following the scent to a locker room, growling at it as Sunset opened it, revealing a very large hole coming out of the ground and given the dirt around it, the intruders dug out of the school, not into. “Red pill or blue pill?” The others looked at Rainbow confused. “Come on. Matrix, pills, rabbit Hole? That is funny!” She sighed.

“Ugh…” sighed AJ as the group looked down the hole, curious.

“I’ll go to the principal and get the police here.” Twilight said as she headed out, the others nodding. Rarity looked down, as Spike growled more down into the whole, though the sound of faint growling echoed down below.

“It sounds like someone is down there...or something.” said Rarity with concern.

“Awoooooooo!” A howl came from inside the hole.

“That does not sound human.” Rarity said. “Hope you haven’t forgotten your morphers ladies.” The Girls smirked as they went down the hole, all yelling out, “It’s Morphin’ time! Power Rangers Harmonize!”

As they fell down the hole, all five were engulfed in bright lights and landed fully morphed at the bottom of the hole.

A trio of growls are heard as three set of yellow eyes moved in the shadows. “OK, who goes there?” asked Dash with a glare under her visor, as the trio of eyes glared darkly at them, sniffing the air.

“Blue Ranger...the user…” one of the voices growled horsley.

“Do we doos it?” Another asked.

“Not yet...She still must suffers!” the third exclaimed. The three howled, the area shaking as the Rangers saw Terrorvons starting to appear from the shadows, glaring at them.

“Terrorvons.” Said Rainbow said as she kicked one away, the others grunting as they tried to fight them off, but the softer ground and the more enclosed area was making it difficult.

Rarity cried out as some dirt got onto her outfit, which gave some Terrorvons time to crowd her, with her trying to fight them off as the other Rangers went to help, but a crowd of Terrorvons blocked them off, making it harder for them to get to Rarity as she was dragged away. “Girls, help!”

“Rarity!” the others cried out as they tried to fight them off, but the numbers kept increasing as they kept trying to fight them off.

“There’s too many of them!” Fluttershy screamed out as AJ growled in annoyance, seeing Rarity being taken away.

“Ugh...we gotta retreat. We need to find out where these freaks’ hide out is.” AJ said, annoyed as the Rangers went back, the Terrorvons retreating after them,

“We’ll find ya Rarity, we promise!” Pinkie yelled out as they went back up. They climbed out of the hole, Spike barking as Sunset and Vinyl looked surprised.

“What happened?” Sunset asked, as she saw the Terrorvons starting to climb out. The Four Rangers were quick to blast the hole, causing it to go right down towards them, making them slip and fall as the dirt gave way from the blasts.

“Where’s Rarity?” Vinyl asked as Twilight, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna came into the scene.

“What happened?” Celestia asked, gasping at the sight of the hole.

“Rarity’s been captured...we were overrun…” Rainbow said, her head downcast. The others looked equally concerned, as Celestia frowned.

Back in the pit, Rarity struggled against the hold of the Terrovons as she says, “Let me go, you ruffians!”

“Who you call ‘Ruffian’?” asked a gruff voice as three large canine-like creatures came out, snarling at her as they came into the light. One appeared to be a medium-sized gray-furred dog wearing ripped up clothing similar to Rover’s, the second was a giant of a dog with Fido’s and the final one looked like a bulldog with Spot’s. All three had Gorilla-like proportions and a spiked tail.

“Rarity...long time…” The giant one grunted, as Rarity got a good look at them as her visor went up, squinting.

“Wait...do I know you?” She asked, now confused. “The lighting is terrible in here.” The tallest one pulled a switch, revealing many light bulbs hung up on the ceiling, revealing them. “Wait...you’re the Diamond Dog Boys. You were a band during the Showcase.” Rarity said, recognizing their outfits. “...are you...werewolves?”

“Not Werewolves, we are now true Diamond Dogs.” Rover growled, the three glaring darkly at her. “And we no longer work for snobbish prima donnas like you.”

“Work for...what are you talking abou-” Before Rarity could finish, a realization hit her. “Oh, the Piano...yes, I am quite sorry about that. But I thought you liked those necklaces I gave you for helping me out.”

“We did, honestly. But we do not like being grunts for you or other fancy-pants kids.” Fido growled, glaring darkly at her.

“So now you be grunt for us.” Fido snarled as Rarity looked surprised.

“Excuse me?” she asked as she was lead ahead and saw a shocking sight: Many people were being forced into labor, digging into the earth under Canterlot. “What is this?”

“They dig for us.” Rover said with a growl. “Canterlot is over a large collection of precious gems and metals. But mines shut down after Gold Rush. But still treasure here, so you dig with them!” He said as he threw her into a wall, causing her to yell out as she demorphed, groaning a bit as Spot took the morpher from her wrist. “No need this.” He chuckled as Rarity blew some stray hair from her face, looking at the dogs with a small frown.

Back at the caves, Vinyl was quick to get the computers on as they went to look for signals. “Let’s see...I need to pinpoint Rarity’s morpher, that way we get her some back up.”

“I thought Rarity was a Power Ranger, can’t she handle herself?” Twilight asked as the others looked to the side.

“Rarity is a good shot and a great strategist, but she’s still learnin’ how to fight hand to hand.” Applejack explained. “Out of the active rangers, Dash and I are the most skilled in combat. Pinkie, Shy and Rare don’t have any real formal training.”

Twilight gave a flat look at this and facepalms. “...Note to self...let my brother teach those three how to defend themselves formally.” She noticed odd looks as she says, “He’s a cop. You’ve met him. Detective Shining Armor?” That got an ‘Ooh’ reaction.

“OK...ah great...she’s underground. It’s gonna make this a lot harder.” Vinyl grumbled in annoyance.

“Wait...underground…” Pinkie tapped her chin and gasped as she says, “The Pie Family Mines!”

“Huh?” asked the others in confusion as Pinkie grinned.

“My dad’s family’s farm started out as an area during the Gold Rush! They dug in the rocks to look for gold before my great-great grandpa decided to look for gemstones instead.” Pinkie said, hopping. “But the old mines are closed down since they went out of business, so maybe they’re there!”

“Wow, that’s...a sure amount of luck.” Rainbow muttered, noticing how lucky that was.

“I know.” Pinkie shrugs but adds, “But it would make sense why someone would be underground, right?”

“OK, you lead the way Pinkie.” Sunset said...as she looked surprised. “Did I really just say that?”

“Yep-a-roonie.” Pinkie giggled. The Rangers nod as they went to their bikes and drove out, the other three watching them go out.

Back at the mines, a man coughed a bit as a Terrorvon sprayed some water into his mouth, making him cough as he swallowed some of the water though coughed a bit. Rarity groaned a bit as she dug, looking over the area as she saw the Terrorvons also digging as Rover, Fido and Spot growled down at the people to keep digging, all three giving evil glares. Rarity scowled as she looked around the mine, keeping close attention to the details of the mine as she used a pick axe, as she groaned a bit.

“What are yo doing?” Spot growled, coming down as Rarity turned to him.

“I apologize, but you did just get me after a grueling battle, and I am low on energy.” Rarity said, not telling a complete lie but a good enough one that made Spot raise an eyebrow.

Spot growled as he says, “Fine, you want water or something?”

“Oh yes, that would be quite nice, thank you.” Rarity said as Spot moved away, Rarity looking down at her chain and got an idea, getting a hair pin out of her hair as the other guards were distracted and hid it under her sleeve.

After being given her water, the Diamond Dogs played less attention to her specifically and focused more on the diggers as a whole. Rarity stealthily inched over to the nearest person digging. “Don’t look at me.” The girl she was talking to jumped but obeyed. “Turn your head towards the guards, slowly and wipe sweat from your brow. Then look for a wrist device, it will have a blue gem.” The girl followed the instructions, eyes raking over the Terrorvons overseeing them and slightly widening when she saw the device in question. “Did you see it?” Rarity asked as the girl turned back. She nodded. “Good. That’s my morpher. I’m the Blue Ranger and I need that to get us out of here.”

“What do you want me to do?” the girl asked, looking nervously at her. Rarity her the bobby pin as the girl looked at her oddly. “...is that even gonna work? This isn’t a movie.”

“Trust me, I’ve got a plan.” Rarity said, as the girl just shrugs. Rarity then snuck over to a tall column wide enough to hide her from view, breaking her hair pin in the process of hiding out, making constant hits with her pick axe so that the lack of noise would not be noticed. Once behind the pillar, she calculated thirty seconds to undo the lock before she was noticed missing, and another ten before the Terrorvons noticed her trail. She unlocked herself in twelve, but kept the clasp on long enough to move back towards the other diggers.

“Ok, I’m going to need you to punch me.” Rarity said. She was then hit hard enough to crack a tooth and she fell to the floor hard, her manacle nearly falling off. “You took that with far too much enthusiasm.” Rarity said as one of the Diamond Dogs came over.

“What are you doing?” Rover asked with a growl, coming over and glaring at the two girls in annoyance. “Workers don’t fight, they work.” he snarled, annoyed.

“Sorry.” the girl said fearfully to the giant dog, who growled in annoyance as he looks down at Rarity, snarling a bit.

“It is alright, sweetie. We were just having a small spat, nothing too bad.” Rarity said reassuringly, the thinner dog giving a flat look as he watched walked over, Rarity keeping an eye on this as she got prepared.

“No fighting! Yous come with me!” the beast said as he dragged her towards the other Diamond Dogs...who were playing poker with some Terrorvons.

“Dogs playing poker, right. This joke has gone on long enough!” Rarity said as they got up to the table. She took off her manacle and used its chain as a garoute around her captors’ neck. “Don’t worry, I only need you unconscious.” She said as she dragged the monster closer to her morpher, keeping him in front of her like a shield.

Rover gave some gasps, gripping the chain as the others looked surprised, Rarity taking the morpher and kicking the dog away, her chains coming off with them, revealing they were now lose as she put the morpher on.

“What the?!” asked the other dogs with shock as Rarity gave them a frown.

“I do apologize for how I treated you before...but this isn’t the right way to deal with a problem. So I guess I have to give you boys some...obedience training.” Rarity said as she put her morpher into a stance. “Power Rangers, Harmonize!” And in a flash Rarity was in her uniform.

The three dogs snarled at this as Rarity did a few flips as she says, “Rock and Load!” As she gained her Keytar. She then smirked as she aimed it at them, making them yelp in shock...as she quickly did rapid fire blasts around the area, hitting the chains of the other prisoners, making them yell out in shock as they saw the chains break.

“Uh-oh…” The three dogs said nervously, realizing that she just made them vastly outnumbered

“Alright, everyone. Time to show these brutes what we are made of.” Rarity said as the others gave nods, clenching their digging equipment as weapons, making the Terrorvons growl in anger as the other three dogs just grew more nervous...as the sound of engines roared, getting the others attention as the four rangers arrived.

“Rarity, you alright?” Rainbow asked as Rarity nods, glaring at the dogs as she looks up.

“Alright everyone, let’s do this!” Rarity said as the others gave out yells, taking on the Terrorvons with their new weapons, taking on the grunts with ease due to their more massive numbers, Rainbow whistling.

“Heh, guess the town’s gotten a LOT tougher since these guys showed up.” Rainbow said, sounding surprised.

“It’s like the end of In Space when you think about it...only it’s not a massive invasion, it’s a prison break.” Pinkie said, noticing this..

“And now...we run.” Rover said scurrying out of the caves towards the surface.

“Oh no you don’t.” AJ said as they saw Rarity chasing after them, the five jumping down to her floor and running after them in the tunnel they ran through.

The Five continued to run towards the three dogs as Rarity says, “Applejack, think you can use some terrakinesis to give us some more speed WITHOUT knocking down the halls?”

“No prob, Rare.” AJ said with a smirk as she says, “Rock and Load!” She then summoned her sledgehammer and kicked up some dirt behind them, causing the ground behind them to push them ahead, making the five yell out from the sudden force as the three dogs noticed and gave yelps as they were suddenly pushed, causing all eight to suddenly be flung out of the tunnels, all of them yelling out as they went back to one of the entrances.

“...OK, you need to find out how to control that.” Rainbow said flatly as they all got up, the five rangers quickly getting into a pose and glaring at them.

“Rainbow, AJ, take on the big one. You two have the most physical strength of the five of us. Pinkie, Fluttershy, the smaller one. You two are the lightest on your feet. I got the medium sized one.” Rarity said as the other four nod.

“I thought it was the RED Ranger who gave the commands, but given what you went through, I'll let it slide...for now.” Rainbow shrugs as the five ran forward.

Fido growled as he slams down onto the ground, giving a rough barking noise as Rainbow gave a kick to his head, making him yelp out in annoyance as he growls, an angry whine.

Pinkie hopped over to Spot, petting his head before punting him away, making him yelp as Fluttershy got her tambourine out as she moved him away, not really wanting to hurt the large dog as Rarity gave a few good kicks towards Rover, making him yell out as he was sent back.

The team forced the Diamond Dogs into a circle, trapped by the Rangers. “Up to you now Rarity!” AJ said, miming tipping her hat.

Rarity played notes on her Keytaur causing the area to flood, trapping the three dogs below their waists. Rarity spun her weapon to open up rifle components and knelt down on top of the water causing ripples. She leveled her weapon at the three and pulled the trigger, a bright blue beam lanced out and stirred up the water into a spiral. When the energy hit the monsters, it caused a massive explosion.

The monsters weren’t fully destroyed however, the three were just now on the ground, groaning as they shrank back down, and turning back into their human forms, their necklaces the Dazzilings gave them shattered from the explosion.

“Are they alright?” Fluttershy asked, as the group went over to check on them, unaware of three figures watching.

“Well, that was a bust. I thought those mutts could have at least gotten rid of little miss Fashionista...I guess someone has to have brains in that team, especially with that princess gone.” Aria said, sounding annoyed. “I guess we better get...creative.” Adagio and Sonata nod as they gave some vocalization, making the Rangers yell out as their morphers acted up again.

The stones that were on the dogs glowed a bit, dark energy forming out of them and grew to the giant size, turning into a large, Cerberus-esque humanoid that had a large bulky body, small legs, a mace-like tail and three heads that looked like Rover, Spot and Fido’s dog form heads, all three howling as they glared down, their eyes pitch yellow.

“OK, that explains the dog look…” Rainbow said with a groan as the Sirens vanished, likely to let the large dog to take care of them while they went to get something. “We better get the zords here, fast. Before this freaky mutt makes a chew toy out of Canterlot.”

‘Good idea.” Said AJ as she got her communicator on. “Vinyl, we need da zords here, now!” The zords then arrived as quick as they could as the giant dog made its way to the city, the five rangers jumping up and activated the Megazord sequence.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack’s. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted “Harmony Megazord!”

The large dog snarled at this, all three heads sending out sonic howls as the zord was pushed back, making it stagger a bit before it charged forward, sending a punch into the middle head, before sending a kick it’s way. The Diamond Cerberus snarled before swinging it’s mace-like tail at them, making the zord get sent back.

\Rarity growled as she says, “Time to put this dog down.” She then got her crystal out and put it in, summoning the Diamond Sword and got ready. The Megazord lashed out multiple times, leaving after images and blue streaks in the sword’s wake. Then it pulled back the sword and thrust it forward, before jolting it upwards sharply. The Megazord spun on its heel till its back was facing the sparking monster, sword raised in front of its face, before making a salute like motion with the sword pointed towards the ground as the giant dog blew up behind them.

The Rangers later got out of the zords, heading back to the three boys, as Rarity shook Rover. “You three alright?” Rarity asked, showing some concern.

“Ugh...wha-what happened?” Rover asked, his voice back to normal and not as feral as before.

“Well...you were kind of...how should I put this?” Rarity tried to explain, but Pinkie was faster.

“You three turned into big furry doggies and attacked the Fashionistas at the school. Well, more their lockers and stole their stuff out of them and then you kidnapped Rarity and some other people who are likely really, really mad and might be coming up any minute now.” Pinkie explained, making the three blink in shock.

“...OK, can we just say we’re sorry and that those Dazziling girls put those weird collars on us?” Rover asked, sounding nervous.

“I believe most would believe that. After all, they are known to be manipulative...though I guess I am no better for treating you three like that. Tell you what; I think I can make it up to you three somehow?” Rarity said, as she adds, “Nothing too big that is. You three are quite nice, but I am looking for another boy.”

The three nod as they began to think. “...can we give back the other stuff we took? We want to look for treasure that’s not owned by anyone, not steal from others.” Rover suggested as the others nod.

“We’ll help with that...AND you also gotta help fix up the mess yo made at the school.” AJ pointed out as they nod, looking nervous.

Back inside the mines, the Terrorvons were out cold from the beating the former slaves gave them as Adagio looked over the collection of jewels.

“Hmm, impressive...looks like turning those three numbskulls into Diamond Dogs made it QUITE easy to find this many jewels.” Adagio grinned as Aria nods, while Sonata picked one up.

“Ooh, this one looks pretty!” She said as she put it near her neck. “Think it’d make a good necklace? Or a better hair pin?” she then put the gem in her hair, imitating a hair pin as the other two looked at her...and were gob smacked.

“Wait...something is familiar about that stone…” Adagio said as she came over and looked it over. “...There is a lot of magic here...not sure if it’s Equestrian or not, but it’s a lot.”

“We better show this to Nightmare Moon and fast.” Aria said, as Adagio nods, the three looking at the stone curiously. Unknown to them, a shadowy force came behind them, as Sonata gave a closer look to the stone.

“Show me what, my dears?” Nightmares voice came from behind them, causing the Sirens to jump. Sonata merely held the stone out to Nightmare, whose eyes widened at the grey stone with six colored lines crossing it. “It cannot be…” she said dropping her scythe and taking the stone into her hands. “So, you are here as well.” Nightmare smiled. “Hehehehe Hahehahahaha HaHaHaHaHaHa HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!”

“...I swear that laugh gets cheesier…” Aria mutters to herself, Adagio just smacking her mouth shut with her hand.

“Quiet, you idiot.” Adagio hissed in annoyance. The three began to shudder as the laughter continued, echoing through the abandoned mine.

Author's Note:

(DJ: AND done...man, Diamond Dogs, eh? You knew we had to put them somewhere in a Rarity-focused episode. Hope you all enjoyed it. Next time we take a trip to a strange, new world!)

(XK: Or just take a trip. Honestly I think it was a Grand Delusion. See you next time!)