• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,281 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...

Going Batty

(OK, Xero Key and I do not own Power Rangers, MLP or any of the concepts in this except for the plot itself and the OC monsters we made.)

Going Batty by Shadow-DJ

At Sweet Apple Acres, AJ was helping move a crate full of cider to a table with her big brother, Big Macintosh, a tall, light pink skinned young man with shaggy blonde hair, a red jacket with a dark brown collar and a pair of jeans.

“Thanks for the help, bro.” AJ said as Big Mac just gave a smile in return.

“Eyep, it’s no problem at all.” Big Mac said in return as he saw a makeshift stage being set up. “Though I’m surprised da girls wanted to perform for our annual Family Reunion tomorrow.”

“The girls wanted to have some fun, so I decided to invite them. Might as well give our kin a show, right?” AJ said with a grin. “‘Sides, Braeburn is comin’ from Appaloosa and Sunflower is sendin’ her sister over. I’m sure they’ll love da show.”

“I thought they moved ta Jersey after ya’ll became sophomores? Ain’t Babs a senior now as well?” Big Mac asked as AJ nods.

“Junior, actually. She’s only a couple years older than Apple Bloom.” Applejack explained. Mac nods at this. “’sides, what’s da worse that could happen?”

And as if fate was particularly cruel, Fluttershy was humming faintly as she wrote down a new song, shaking her head as she erased one of the things she didn’t like. Unknown to her, a dark figure was creeping on her and she turned and gave a faint scream as the shadow came over.

Power Rangers

The next day at Sweet Apples Acres, several trucks or cars or cabs were coming in as AJ, Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith waited as they saw several people come out of the car.

“Hey kids, come give your aunt a hug.” Said a pale orange skinned woman as she came over and hugged them, wearing a posh-looking dress, her hair done up and wearing a pearl necklace and a dark orange sundress, with a tall man wearing a similar suit with his green hair put in a nice mold as the woman hugged AJ.

“Hey Auntie and Uncle Orange.” AJ said, returning the hug as AB hugged her uncle, who chuckled at this.

“Now you have grown up, Apple Bloom.” Uncle Orange said with a chuckle as a teen leaned against the car they arrived in, blowing a bang out of her face.

“Hey cous, what’s up?” A dark tanned young woman said, blowing a long bang out of her face as she gave a smirk. “Ah, Hey Babs.” AJ said nervously as she came over…as Babs just gave a surprisingly friendly smile and hugged her.

“Oh don’t be like that, Applejack. Look, I know we didn’t exactly have the best…relationship a few years ago…” Babs began as AJ gave her a flat stare. “…OK, yeah, I was mean, I will fully admit. But since staying with Aunt and Uncle Orange, my sis and I changed.

“She has gotten better.” Uncle Orange said with a nod. “Sunflower wanted to come, but she has her own activities she wanted to do.” AJ just nods as she looks at Babs, who gave a sheepish look.

“A’right, but ya’ll better be on your best behavior.” AJ warned as the teen gave a nod in understanding. A honk is heard as the group turned to see the Jeep arrive with Vinyl and Sunset inside.

“Hey AJ, Sunny and I got the Equipment.” Vinyl said as Sunset came out, opening up the side.

“Hey, y’all need a hand?” a voice said as Sunset turned to see a good-looking young man with neck-length orange and yellow hair, faintly tanned yellow skin, dark blue eyes and a friendly smile, wearing a brown stitched vest with an Braeburn Apple on the right side over a dark orange button up long-sleeved shirt, a pair of blue jeans, brown cowboy boots with spurs, and a brown cowboy hat on his head.

“Uh…sure, yeah, that’s nice of you.” Sunset nervously said, as he just gave a charming smile and lifted up one of the parts of the drum, as AJ giggled at this sight as she walked over to help.

“Don’t go fallin’ in love too fast now, Sunny. It ain’t Valentines yet.” AJ teased, making Sunset jump a bit as the farmer just laughed at her reaction.

“Oh ha-ha, real funny AJ.” Sunset said, giving her a faint scowl as AJ just kept chuckling.

“Don’t you worry none, sugarcube. I’ve seen girls go ga-ga over either Big Mac or Braeburn, so it ain’t nothin’ new to me.” Applejack said as she saw Applebloom and Babs by an apple tree, both shaking it a bit to get some apples for later.

“This batch should be good, cous.” AB said as Babs looked up and made sure not to be under it as the apples fell…though the two looked grossed out.

“Yuck…” Babs said as she picked one up and saw how gushy it looked. “I think this tree is sick or something…that or something got to your apples.”

“What de hay?” AJ said as she came over with Sunset as they looked over the fruit…which all looked rotted and juiced from the inside out, making the insides gushy and nasty.

“Gross…” Sunset said as she noticed something peculiar about some of them…they appeared to have teeth marks, akin to a large fangs.

“Better call an exterminator.” Big Mac said, coming over to see this as Sunset looked it over.

“Or call the other Rangers.” Sunset said with a frown. “This looks like the work of some sort of Vampire Fruit Bat infestation. Likely brought in by the Dazzlings.”

“Vampire what?” AJ asked as Sunset shrugs.

“Nasty flying rodents who are sort of this world’s fruit bats, only they suck out the juice out of fruit and leave them rotted. Basically meant to be a natural fertilizer and they spit out seeds that have some sort of natural growth aid. But they can be dangerous if not put into captivity.” Sunset explained as she looks at the tree.

“Sunset, not everyting is a Ranger issue.” Applejack said. “We’ve had these issues before, we’ll just call the usual guy and everything will be fine.”

“OK…” Sunset said with concern as Vinyl just chuckled, patting her back.

“You gotta relax, Sunny. Look, I know you’re getting hung up with Nightmare Moon being around, but let’s just get set up for the concert later tonight, OK? I’m sure the others will be glad to be here by then.” Vinyl said as Sunset sighs.

“I guess you’re right.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “How about we make the concert for tomorrow instead? They are here for a couple days, I think I’d feel better if we don’t have to worry about some creature messing with our equipment.”

“Good call. I’ll go call the exterminator.” AJ said as the group headed back inside, unaware of a pair of red eyes watching from a tree top before vanishing.

Later that day, the others arrive by Rarity’s own car, which was a silver car as the other three came out. “Hey guys, Fluttershy’s mom hasn’t seen her. Is she here?”Rarity asked.

“Yeah, I forgot to call earlier. She came by last night after something came into her house. She didn’t want to get her parents into any danger, so she ran here to get me. But when she came here, the monster wasn’t there, so I think she could have been seeing things. But I think she should still be asleep, she was rather roughed up. It was kind of late.” AJ said sheepishly, as Sunset gave a sigh of relief.

“That’s good to hear.” Sunset said as they saw Fluttershy walking out, giving a faint yawn.

“Hey guys. Sorry if I worried anyone.” Fluttershy said, giving a sheepish smile as Dash just laughed.

“Heh, it’s OK Fluttershy. Just glad you’re OK.” Dash said as she asks, “SO...how’s the new song coming?”

Fluttershy was about to say something, but gasped. “Oh no, I forgot my writing pad in the orchard. I’ll be right back.” She then ran towards the orchard.

“We can help if you-” Before Pinkie could finish, there was a sharp ‘No’ from Fluttershy, surprising them.

“I-I mean, I can manage. I don’t want to distract anyone from the other guests.” Fluttershy said sheepishly as she continued to go into the orchard, while Babs saw this and raised an eyebrow.

“WOW she’s even weirder than the last time I saw her…” Babs said as Braeburn gave her a faint nudge.

“Easy cous, remembah, you’re in hot water as is from what I heard.” Braeburn said as Babs just rolled her eyes.

“Ah keep out of it, Brae. I can handle myself.” Babs said with a smirk. “‘heck, I’m gonna help find whatever the heck is in that orchard.”

“Oh no ya don’t, missy.” Granny Smith said, hearing that as the younger teen yelped in surprise at the sudden appearance of the elderly woman. “No one is goin’ out in that orchard ‘till we know what’s in dere, got it?”

“Yes ma’am.” Babs said begrudgingly, though she gave the orchard a small frown, suspicious.

As the witching hour came, Sunset and Applejack were sharing a room. Applejack soundly asleep while Sunset had her pen hovering over an empty page in her journal. A glance out the window showed the trees of the orchard practically dead from the recent cold weather, the moon hanging low and yellow in color. “Halloween in February, yikes.” She said with a shiver.

“AAAAaaaaagh!!!!” A scream came from outside, waking Applejack. She and Sunset went out into the shadowed orchard as fast as they could. When they got outside they found Dash, Pinkie and Rarity by a tree comforting a crying Babs in a fetal position.

“What happened?!” asked AJ as Granny Smith, Aunt and Uncle Orange and Big Mac also came out.

“A-a Ba-bat...bi-big bat...almost go-got me!” Babs sobbed, terrified as Granny Smith put a comforting hug around the girl, patting her shoulder.

“There, there, Babs. It ain’t gonna hurt ya’ll.” Granny Smith said as BIg Mac frowned, Braeburn heading out as he got a bat.

“Come on, lets go varment huntin’. Whatever this thing is, it’s dangerous if it attacked her, right?” Brae said as Sunset nods.

“Good idea.” Big Mac said with a nod, as he looks at Granny Smith. “Auntie, Uncle Orange, you guys stay with Granny and Babs. Make sure Apple Bloom doesn’t get out side. I’ll go get some flashlights and some nets from the shed.” he then went off to just that as the two upper class relatives lead Granny Smith and the scared Babs back inside.

“OK guys, remember; it’s just a big bat. We just need to catch it...and hope that Fluttershy didn’t end up getting lost in there.” Sunset said, looking inside, flashlight held under one of the Ranger’s spare blasters.

“Whatever it is, it’s gotta be rabid.” AJ said as Braeburn nods, bat in hand as Big Mac came back with more flashlights and a few nets, which the Bat hunters went towards the orchard, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activities.

Pinkie Pie hummed a tune akin to ‘Vampire Roundup’ from their album, making a nervous Rarity get a little agitated. “Pinkie, please be a dear and stop. I don’t want whatever is out here to tackle us next.”

“Oopsie, sorry.” Pinkie said sheepishly as she says, “Though you gotta admit, we DID have a great Halloween when we played that tune.” Rarity just gave a small eye roll at that as the sound of rustling leaves got their attention.

AJ quickly looked to that tree, net in hand as Braeburn looked up. “A’right, steady now, guys. Lets not get it excited.” The light reflected off of Red irises, as a hiss is heard before something flew out of the trees and into another.

“GAH! It’s coming to eat us!” Pinkie screamed in panic as Rainbow Dash covered her mouth.

“Pinkie, calm down. Look, I know you got an issue with bats, but calm down.” Dash said as Pinkie gave a faint squeak as she gave a sheepish smile as Braeburn looked at AJ.

“Ya got some interestin’ compadres, cous.” Braeburn said as AJ just gave a sheepish smile as Rarity had Pinkie take some breaths.

‘She giggles through most of her other battles and yet it’s a big bat that makes her freak out...ok, she freaked out over zombies, but that’s logical...I guess.’ Sunset thought, shrugging as she kept her blaster in hand.

Another hiss drew the groups attention upwards, Sunset’s blaster staying trained on the light from her flashlight. A human like figure with large wings was hanging by a tail. As the light covered the figure it began to show…

“Fluttershy!” The girl opened her wings fully to reveal her body. The tail they believed they saw was an extension of her hair, now matted and unruly. Her eyes now slitted and red and her ears had been replaced by long animalistic ears. Her fingernails were extended and jagged, like a monsters. Her teeth extended over lips in points. She glared down, growling a bit at them as some sort of liquid came down her lips.

“Is she...drooling? Eewww…” Rarity said with disgust as Braeburn noticed a pile of apples and noticeable disturbed branches.

“Found our culprit. Your friend sucked your apples...but why da heck would she do dat?” Braeburn asked as he also noticed her attire. “And what da heck is with the bat get up? It’s da later part of winter, not Halloween.”

“Whatever happened corrupted her Anthro-form. Likely her Equestrian magic is being used to control her somehow.” Sunset said as Fluttershy glared down, an animal-like stare down at her friends.

“Fluttershy, you OK?” AJ asked, stepping forward as she hissed. “...kay, you ain’t alright.”

“Fluttershy, sweetheart, come down from there.” Rarity said in a chiding tone, as if reprimanding a child as the others just gave her a flat stare as an apple was tossed at her from the tree, making it squish against her head. “EEW! that was just rude.”

“OK, whatever is going on, she’s clearly not in control of her actions. Lets catch her before she thinks about getting us.” Sunset said as Rainbow looks at her Morpher.

“Hmm...maybe you can use that mobilization-do dad on the morpher like you did before? I mean, you had to think about putting that on the remote, right?” Rainbow asked, as Sunset’s pupils shrank.

“Uh...I think I forgot it back at the cave.” Sunset said sheepishly as AJ gave her a flat glare.

“You had da time to grab a gun, but not enough time in case somethin’ like DIS could happen?” AJ asked, motioning to their friend, who was just biding her time, as if waiting for the right moment, which was making Pinkie nervous.

“How was I supposed to know one of you was gonna get brain washed! We already avoided that with the Dazzilings when they lost their powers.” said Sunset, annoyed as well.

“Hello, you’ve seen the show! This sort of thing happens all the time with the other shows! I think the Dazzilings or Nightmare Moon would use THAT old cliche.” Rainbow pointed out with annoyance.

“Ok, from now on, I’ll make a spare and give it to Vinyl after we get Fluttershy back to normal, alright?” Sunset said as they turned and then saw...she was gone.

“I thought she turned into a vampire, not The Shadow.” said Dash with a groan. Suddenly a large gust of wind came down as the group got sent back from the force of the winds as they looked up to see Flutterbat glaring down, flapping her wings to create a gust.

“Whoa! OK, I didn’t know she can use elemental magic!” Said Rarity with a small scream, trying to keep her skirt down.

“It’s likely whatever is controlling her doing this! Fluttershy, it’s us! Your friends! Snap out of it!” Said Sunset.

“Come on, Shy, you know who we are. Stop with the bat act and get down here!” Said Rainbow Dash as Flutterbat gave her a glare and hissed loudly, dive bombing right at them.

The group screamed as Rainbow Dash got ready for the attack when...nothing? Rainbow Dash cracked an eye open as she saw Flutterbat looming over her like she was about to attack, but seemed...reluctant, still growling but looked more confused than angry.

“Shy...it’s OK. We’re here.” AJ said softly as Braeburn quickly tossed the baseball bat aside, to show they meant peace.

Fluttershy looked at them nervously as she squeaked a bit, as she suddenly screeched out in pain as she gripped her head, her morpher glowing a bit. The other morphers glowed as well, surprising everyone.

“GAH!!!” Flutterbat screamed out as her tone became more human-like as a pink energy bat flowed out of her, the morpher finally able to expel whatever force was inside of her as it took roost on one of the branches.

“Ugh...too much good emotions.” said the creature with clear disgust as he patted himself off, the others staring at his...very garish look. he appeared to be a humanoid bat of some kind with shaggy white hair on his head, very large animal-like ears and wearing a bright red, orange, green and yellow suit, which were the usual colors of an apple. His dark red eyes beady and his blue-tinted tounge licking his lips a bit as his fangs sunk down on a still fresh apple. “Aah, that’s better.” He then tossed it down.

“hey, get outta my family’s orchard!” AJ said in annoyance as the bat creature just rolled his eyes.

“Oh please...hmm?” He looked confused as he saw Fluttershy wake up, though she didn’t look at ALL happy...in fact, her eyes were narrowed and gave a VERY piercing glare, which made the monster look very nervous and made the others back up a bit.

“You...made me attack my friends…” Fluttershy’s usually quiet tone was gone, showing she was FAR beyond angry as the creature backed, flapping his wings a bit.

“Now-now my dear, nothing THAT bad happened…” He said nervously as Fluttershy had a hand on her shoulder, making her turn to AJ, who just gave her a small nod.

“Girls, how about we show this varment some southern hospitality.” AJ said as they nod. “Fluttershy, lead on.” AJ said as Fluttershy nods.

“It’s Morphin’ Time!” Fluttershy said as they activated their morphers. “Power Rangers! Harmonize!” They activate the morphers at once.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

The Rangers yelled out at once as they got into stances, as Braeburn whistled. “Whoo-wee, where do I get one of dem fancy wrist watches?”

“They’re not watches.” Sunset corrected, rubbing her head at this. “They’re morphers of my own design, Vinyl helped with them though.”

“Man, ya’ll must be pretty smart ta make something like that.” Braeburn said as Sunset gave a nervous chuckle.

“Rock and Load!” The rangers yelled out at once as they summoned their weapons. The Vampire Beast roared out as he flew down, sending down a gust right at them as the rangers were pushed back.

Rainbow jumped up, using the trees as leverage as she slashed through it with her axe, sending some sparks through it as she energized it. Pinkie followed suit, smacking it in the face with a few hits of her nunchucks.

He roars out as he slashes at them, making the two rangers yell out as they got hit with the claws, but the monster yells out as he gets hit by some Keytar blasts from Rarity, who gave a smirk at this sight. Vampire Beast snarled as he was about to fly at her, and was stopped by a slam in the face by AJ’s sledgehammer, making it screech out in pain.

He groaned a bit as he shook it off, but saw a not so happy Fluttershy, who’s tamborine was at the ready. “I usually like animals, even bats. But you have crossed a line that makes it easier for me to do this.” She then sent a kick his way before jumping, and began to use it like a hula hoop. The flowers of the field swirled around her in a tornado. Vampire Beast was tossed into the air and cut by thousands of tiny blades, making it screech out as it sparked up, Fluttershy landing as the creature blew up in the air.

“Guess he had a lot of bad karma, huh?” Dash said in a somewhat joking tone as Fluttershy gave a nervous giggle as a blast of lightning came out as the Vampire Beast appeared in the sky, roaring out. “...OK, that is ONE big bat…”

“We better get the zords here now.” AJ said as they ran out of the orchard, calling the zords via their morphers as the vehicles came onto the property as quick as they could and they jumped in.

The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted “Harmony Megazord!”

The Bat screeched as it fired bursts of wind at it, making the Zord back up a bit, lucky that it formed outside of the field parts of the farm. “Ok, we better end this fast.” AJ said as they pressed a few buttons.

“Let’s fire a blast of sound at it. Get the Wub Cannon here now!” Rarity said as the rangers nod.

“You’re using the Wub Cannon with the zord’s, it’s never grown to that size before!” Vinyl’s voice came over the radio.

“First time for everything!” Fluttershy said as the Ranger’s belt buckles began to glow. The rangers all nod as they activated it at once, the Wub Cannon flying in as the bat nearly got hit by it on the way down. The Five got their buckles off as they put them in, activated a glow from the Megazord as it’s cannons came out of the back, the flying device taking shape as a cannon in front of it.

Harmony Wub Cannon! Fire!” The rangers said at once as the fired the large tuning fork-like shaped cannon fired out a burst of stabilized sound and rainbow energy from the Megazord right at the large bat, making it screech out from the pain of the sound coming into it’s ears before it blows up from the sound and energy combined.

“Man, that was AWESOME! why don’t we use that more often?” Dash grinned as the others noticed that the zord’s windows had cracks, same with their helmets. The Zord then looked down and saw the others down below were rubbing their ears in pain. “...Oh right.” Dash said sheepishly. “I guess it gets REALLY loud…”

“Note to self...Danger proof the zord’s glass and the helmet’s visors...and my shades.” Vinyl said with a groan from inside the house as she adjusted the now partially broken sunglasses.

After the commotion ended, Fluttershy was in front of Babs, looking tear stricken. “Babs Seed, I am SO, SO sorry for what happened. I didn’t mean it, I swear.”

“...Well, it wasn’t really you, so I guess I can’t blame ya…” Babs said, rubbing her arm nervously. Fluttershy looked downcast at this, as Babs just gave a sigh. “Though given the stuff I put ya through when you were just starting out at Canterlot high, I guess I deserved it a bit, huh?” Babs looked down a bit as she asks. “Think we can...I don’t know...start over?”

Fluttershy looked up at that and gave a small smile as she says, “I would like that very much.” She then gave Babs a hug, making the other girl give a look of shock.

“...OK, I put limits on the whole ‘hugging’ thing.” Babs quickly said, embarrassed as the others chuckled.

“Hmm...you know, how about we do the concert first thing in the morning. It’s been a REALLY rough night.” Dash said, as the others nod in agreement as Sunset was near by, writing in her journal.

‘Dear Princess Twilight,

We just got done with a very interesting adventure. Though I’m not sure if this happened to you guys, but somehow Nightmare Moon was able to infect FLuttershy with some sort of curse with a monster bat. If you can give some form of advice for any future instances, please let me know. And also, gotta say, we had a rough time out there trying to help her. But as any good friend can tell you, showing some kindness can go a long way.

Your friend,

Sunset Shimmer.’

Sunset put her pen away as she looked at Fluttershy and Babs with a small smile, hoping for the best for the former bully...while a small part of her was reminded of her own past mistakes. But shook that off as she gave a small yawn, heading for bed with the others in tow.

Author's Note:

DJ: And done. Man, how’s that to start February, huh? Welp, I hoped you guys enjoyed it. Another fun episode coming soon

XK: And soon we will see what the Military thinks about Power Rangers. Mwahaha!

DJ: Wait, what?!